What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Saturday, June 30, 2007

BASP 43 (2006)


Naphtali Lewis (1911-2005)
R.S. Bagnall 5-8

Ostraca and Mummy Labels in Los Angeles
B.P. Muhs, K.A. Worp and J. van der Vliet 9-58

Un extrait du Psaume 90 en copte. Édition de P.Duk. inv. 448
A. Delattre 59-61

O.Col. inv. 1366: A Coptic Prayer from Deir el-Bahri with a Quotation from Tobit 12:10
R. Mairs 63-70

Genealogy and the Gymnasium
G. Ruffini 71-99

The Modius as a Grain Measure in Papyri from Egypt
P. Mayerson 101-106

Mega Kankellon and Metron in Late Receipt and Expenditure Accounts
P. Mayerson 107-111

Ostraca from Western Thebes: Provenance and History of the Collections at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and at Columbia University
E.R. O'Connell 113-137

What's in a Name? Greek, Egyptian and Biblical Traditions in the Cambyses Romance
P.F. Venticinque 139-158

M. Gronewald et al., Kölner Papyri (P.Köln), Band 10
(A. Papathomas) 159-164

K.A. Worp, Greek Ostraka from Kellis: O.Kellis, Nos. 1-293
(T.J. Kraus) 165-168

W.A. Johnson, Bookrolls and Scribes in Oxyrhynchus
(T.J. Kraus) 169-173

T.J. Kraus and T. Nicklas (eds.), New Testament Manuscripts: Their Texts and Their Worlds
(D.C. Parker) 175-177

C. Gallazzi and L. Lehnus (eds.), Achille Vogliano cinquant'anni dopo, Vol. 1
(P. van Minnen) 179-180

W. Zanetti and E. Lucchesi (eds.), Aegyptus Christiana. Mélanges d'hagiographie égyptienne et orientale dédiés à la mémoire du P. Paul Devos, Bollandiste
(P. van Minnen) 181-182

H.J. Wolff, Das Recht der griechischen Papyri Ägyptens in der Zeit der Ptolemaeer und des Prinzipats, Band 1
(P. van Minnen) 183-188

R. Katzoff and D. Schaps (eds.), Law in the Documents of the Judaean Desert
(A. Verhoogt) 189-191

J.G. Manning, Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure
(A. Verhoogt) 193-194

A. Verhoogt, Regaling Officials in Ptolemaic Egypt: A Dramatic Reading of Official Accounts from the Menches Papers
(J. Whitehorne) 195-197

J. Matthews, The Journey of Theophanes: Travel, Business, and Daily Life in the Roman East
(J.G. Keenan) 199-203

M. Choat, Belief and Cult in Fourth Century Papyri
(R.S. Bagnall) 205-209

Books Received 211-213

Papyrological Summer Institutes: Reports, 2003-2006 215-218



Saturday, June 23, 2007

Cornelia Roemer on BBC Discovery

Latest Edition: 20th June

Erika Wright’s Indispensable invention this week is Toothpaste

Early Toothpastes
The earliest existing recipe for toothpaste is over 1600 years old and was recently recovered from the vaults of the Austrian National Library. It had been lying there untouched since it was retrieved from an Egyptian Rubbish dump over 100 years ago. The recipe includes honey, mint, crushed iris flower and salt. For centuries people used chalk, soaps, and even pepper to clean their teeth. Erika talks to Cornelia Roemer, director of the papyrus collection in Vienna.

Source: my wife just happened to be listening to it on the internet.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Philip SCHMITZ, Die Giessener Zenonpapyri (P. Iand. Zen.)

Publisher's blurb

Die Giessener Zenonpapyri
(P. Iand. Zen.)
Herausgegeben von der Nordrhein-Westfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Bearbeitet von Philip Schmitz
2007, XVI + 277, engl. Broschur, EUR 53.90 / CHF 85.00
ISBN: 978-3-506-76431-7

erschienen in der Reihe:
Sonderreihe der Abhandlungen Papyrologica Coloniensia

Table of Contents (thanks to Dr. Schmitz)
as a pdf file here





1. Pachtvertrag Zenons mit vier Ägyptern über 100
Aruren δωρεά-Landes: Neuedition von
P.Cair.Zen. IV 59666 mit P.Iand.inv. 385 5
2. Gelddarlehensvertrag: Neuedition von
P.Cair.Zen. II 59173 mit P.Iand.inv. 404 12
3. Vertrag Zenons mit mehreren Personen 18


4. Quittung für ξυλοκοπία und ἐμπυριμός: Neu-
edition von P.Iand.inv. 424 mit P.Zen.Pestm. 9 20
5. Quittung für ξυλοκοπία und ἐμπυριμός 23
6. Quittung für ξυλοκοπία und ἐμπυριμός 25
7. Quittung für βοτανισμός 26
8. Quittung für κίκιος φυτεία 27


9-46: BRIEFE 31

9-16: Briefe in Kanzleischrift 31

9-11: Datierte Briefe in Kanzleischrift 31
9. Brief über Lieferung von Weizen 31
10. Brief 35
11. Brief über landwirtschaftliche Belange 37

12-16: Nicht datierbare Briefe in Kanzleischrift
oder ähnlicher Schrift 39
12. Brief 39
13. Brief 41
14. Brief 42
15. Brief, Weinbau (?) betreffend 43
16. Brief 45

17-46: Sonstige Briefe 46

17-27: Datierbare Briefe 46
17. Brief des Panakestor an Kleitarchos und Andron:
Anweisung, Getreide an mehrere Personen auszumessen 46
18. Ende eines Briefes 51
19. Brief über Hausbauarbeiten (Ausgabenliste) 52
20. Schluß eines Briefes und Zeichnung 56
21. Brief (?) 57
22. Brief des Glaukias 59
23. Fragment eines Schreibens 61
24. Brief des Korrhagos an Proxenos: Neuedition
von P.Cair.Zen. III 59332 mit P.Iand.inv. 384 63
25. Brief 66
26. Brief, ein Pferd betreffend 67
27. Brief über verschiedene Ausgaben 70

28-46: Nicht datierbare Briefe 74
28. Brief 74
29. Brief des Kraton an Zenon über Wergarbeiter:
Neuedition von P.Mich.Zen. 95 mit P.Iand.inv.439 76
30. Eingabe des Bauern Phamunis an Zenon
über Empfang von Grünfutter 81
31. Brief des [---]nos an Zenon 83
32. Brief an Zenon 85
33. Brief des [---]asis an Zenon 87
34. Brief, Schweinehirten betreffend 88
35. Brief des Dionysios über Kälber und Pferde (?) 91
36. Verzeichnis ein- und ausgehender Briefe 93
37. Fragment über Weinlese 101
38. Brief mit Erwähnung von Andron und Hermaphilos 103
39. Ende eines Schreibens 104
40. Brief 105
41. Brief 107
42. Brief 109
43. Brief 110
44. Brief 111
45. Brief 113
46. Brief 114


47. Hypomnema des Demetrios: Bitte um
Transportmittel zur Getreidebeförderung 115
48. Hypomnema des Epichares an Apollonios 117
49. Königseid, 100 Artaben Rizinussamen betreffend 119
50. Ende einer Enteuxis 128
Appendix zu 50: P.Cair.Zen. IV 59639 131


51-60: Datierbare Abrechnungen und Listen 134
51-52. Fragmente eines Papyrus aus Zenons Zeit in Palästina 134
51. Fragmente einer Getreideabrechnung aus Zenons
Zeit in Palästina (P.Iand.inv. 412-415 Recto) 137
52. Fragmente einer Liste aus Zenons Zeit in Palästina
(P.Iand.inv. 412-415 Verso) 141
53. Inventar einer Reise des Dioiketen Apollonios 145
54. Liste über Löhne und (gepflanzte?) Bäume 183
55. Abrechnung über Löhne für landwirtschaftliche Arbeiten 192
56. Abrechnung über Gerste 194
57. Abrechnung über Sesam, Mohn und Rizinus: Neuedition
von P.Cair.Zen. IV 59717 mit P.Iand.inv. 403 195
58. Abrechnung über Rizinus 201
59. Abrechnung über Wolle 202
60. Liste über Einnahmen und Ausgaben 206

61-82: Nicht datierbare Abrechnungen und Listen 212
61. Abrechnung mit Erwähnung von Ölpressen 212
62. Abrechnung über landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse 213
63. Abrechnung über landwirtschaftliche Erzeugnisse 214
64. Abrechnung über Geldbeträge und landwirt-
schaftliche Erzeugnisse 216
65. Abrechnung über Getreide 218
66. Abrechnung über Getreide 220
67. Abrechnung 221
68. Abrechnung über Arbeiten in einem Weingarten 231
69. Abrechnung über Lohn für Pflügen in einem Weingarten 235
70. Abrechnung über Wolle 238
71. Abrechnung mit Erwähnung von Textilien 240
72. Abrechnung über Geldbeträge 242
73. Abrechnung über Geldbeträge 244
74. Abrechnung über Geldbeträge 245
75. Abrechnung über Geldbeträge 247
76. Abrechnung 248
77. Abrechnung 251
78. Abrechnung über Geldbeträge 253
79. Abrechnung mit Erwähnung eines Esels 255
80. Abrechnung über Löhne 256
81. Liste griechischer Namen 257
82. Liste griechischer und ägyptischer Namen 259


I. Herrscher und Regierungsjahre 262
II. Monate 262
III. Personen 263
IV. Topographie, Ethnika 265
V. Religion 266
VI. Ämter, Beamte, Institutionen, Militär, Berufe 266
VII. Maße, Gewichte, Geld 266
VIII. Allgemeiner Wortindex 267
IX. Konkordanz der Inventar- und Editionsnummern
der Papyri Iandanae 274
X. Konkordanz früherer Editionen mit P.Iand.Zen. 277

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Monday, June 18, 2007

REVIEW of Christina Riggs, The Beautiful Burial in Roman Egypt:

OUP's page

Reviewed by David Frankfurter, University of New Hampshire (davidTf@unh.edu)
Word count: 1616 words

How Egyptian was Roman Egypt? The question has dominated quarters of Classics, Art History, and Ancient History for over a century. The perpetuation of classical Egyptian iconography on temples suggests a fundamental religious conservatism, while papyrological documentation reflects extensive Hellenism.

But for some decades -- since at least Glen Bowersock's Hellenism in Late Antiquity -- the most exciting work has sought to de-polarize Egyptianism and Hellenism as forces and instead to explain the ways that Egyptian traditions could be revitalized through Hellenism and Hellenism appropriated in Egyptian terms. Thus in recent years the scholar of Roman Egypt has had to reckon with such carefully nuanced studies as Fowden's Egyptian Hermes, Venit's Monumental Tombs of Ancient Alexandria, Dieleman's Priests, Tongues, and Rites, as well as the many essential essays of Jan Quaegebeur.1 Into this lively scholarship on the interplay of Egyptian and Hellenistic traditions in the Roman period comes this impressive and richly documented book by Christina Riggs, the new curator of Egyptology at the University of Manchester Museum. The book covers the varying uses of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman imagery in that most conservative of subcultures, mummification workshops.

more at BMCR

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

CONFERENCE: VILLA OF THE PAPYRI: archaeology, reception and digital reconstruction

archaeology, reception and digital reconstruction

Christ Church College, Oxford (September 22-23, 2007)


Archaeology: David Sider (NYU)
Harald Mielsch (Universität Bonn)
Carol Mattusch (George Mason University)
Antonio De Simone (Università Suor Orsola Benincasa Napoli)

Reception: Dana Arnold (University of Southampton)
Kenneth Lapatin (Getty Museum)

Digital reconstruction: Mantha Zarmakoupi (University of Oxford)
Diane Favro (UCLA)

The Villa of the Papyri is a unique archaeological site and, although still largely underground, has been very influential in the field of classical studies and the modern imagination owing to its discovery and underground exploration in the 18th century. The papyri (the only intact library to survive from Greco-Roman antiquity) and bronze sculptures found in the villa have contributed to our knowledge and understanding of the ancient world and the architecture of the villa has inspired today’s architects and tycoons. This villa has become for us the “ideal model” of Roman luxury villa culture. It is also an object of much international attention in debates about excavation, restoration, and management of archaeological sites. The purpose of this conference is to address the cultural significance of this ancient site in its contemporary Roman context as well as its cultural reception since its discovery in the late 18th century, and address the ways in which digital archaeology may assist our efforts to understand and investigate such sites. Papers from leading experts will address the importance of the Villa’s architecture (Harald Miesch) and findings, especially papyri (David Sider) and sculptures (Carol Mattusch), tackle their reception since the Villa’s discovery in the late 18th century (Kenneth Lapatin, Dana Arnold), and present the current state of the excavations in the Villa (Antonio De Simone). Furthermore, a digital model of the Villa that incorporates the data from the new excavations will be presented (Mantha Zarmakoupi) and the conference will conclude with a discussion on the ways in which this digital model may be used for educational and research purposes (Diane Favro).

Supported by The Friends of Herculaneum Society
Contact and registration: Mantha Zarmakoupi, mzarmakoupi@post.harvard.edu

Source: Rogue Classicism; In general, see the Philodemus Project


Wednesday, June 06, 2007

REVIEW: Peter Sarris, Economy and Society in the Age of Justinian.

Peter Sarris, Economy and Society in the Age of Justinian. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Pp. viii, 258. ISBN 10: 0-521-86543-3. ISBN 13: 978-0-521-86543-2. $80.00.

Reviewed by M. Shane Bjornlie, Claremont McKenna College (sbjornlie@cmc.edu)
Word count: 2066 words

As the latest crest in an already formidable groundswell of scholarship devoted to the late-antique economy, Sarris' monograph contributes an impressive and crisply written reconstruction of the late-Roman local economy using the Oxyrhynchus papyri of Egypt. Sarris situates a very specific kind of economic regime, the elite estate, within the theater of eastern imperial politics, concentrating on Justinian's reign in the sixth-century, while also taking into account developments of the fourth through the seventh centuries. The book is of immediate interest to anyone concerned with eastern imperial politics and polemics, fiscal administration, agrarian history, and the formation of elite identity.

Sarris reads in the fragmentary Egyptian papyri evidence for a mode of elite agricultural exploitation that was rationalized and consistent, heavily monetized and commercialized, and the result of a relationship with the imperial court that was opportunistic on the part of local provincial families. The book forms an interesting, although not complacent, companion to work on elite economic regimes by Jairus Banaji and, to some degree, Sarris responds to the work of Banaji (vii).
Read More

Table of Contents

Source: BMCR, Cambridge Univ. Press

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I papiri di Saffo e di Alceo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi.

Title: I papiri di Saffo e di Alceo.
Place and publisher: Firenze : Istituto papirologico G. Vitelli
Year of publication: 2007
ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-87829-34-1
ISBN-13: 9788887829341
Price: 50,00 EUR

I papiri di Saffo e di Alceo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi. Firenze 8-9 giugno 2006. A cura di Guido BASTIANINI e Angelo CASANOVA (Studi e Testi di Papirologia, N.S. 9)

Casilini Libri requires registration

Source: Papy-L


The Homer Multitext Project

The Homer Multitext project is creating digital resources for studying
the Iliad as a textual tradition, including full TEI texts of six MSS,
texts of associated scholia, and new photography of some MSS. This talk
will survey the technological framework for the Multitext project, and
will especially emphasize a tiered design using stable reference schemes
(CTS URNs for text passages, and identifiers with data namespaces for
objects) in conjunction with defined service protocols (Canonical Text
Services, or CTS, for text retrieval, and Collection services for
structured information about objects such as manuscripts).

Digital Classicist/Institute of Classical Studies Work in Progress
Seminar, Summer 2007

Friday 8th June at 16:30, in room NG16, Senate House, Malet Street, London

Neel Smith (College of the Holy Cross, MA)
'Digital infrastructure and the Homer Multitext'

A press release about the Project from Holy Cross College

Source: Gabriel Boddard anouncement on Digital Classicist List
