What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Friday, March 28, 2008

W.V. HARRIS, The Monetary Systems of the Greeks and Romans

Publisher's blurb:

The only up-to-date account of the problems concerning both Greek and Roman money. Links the disciplines of economics and history. Offers contrasting and challenging points of view, representing the various current approaches to the subject. Most people have some idea what Greeks and Romans coins looked like, but few know how complex Greek and Roman monetary systems eventually became. The contributors to this volume are numismatists, ancient historians, and economists intent on investigating how these systems worked and how they both did and did not resemble a modern monetary system. Why did people first start using coins? How did Greeks and Romans make payments, large or small? What does money mean in Greek tragedy? Was the Roman Empire an integrated economic system? This volume can serve as an introduction to such questions, but it also offers the specialist the results of original research.

List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Introduction by W. V. Harris 1
1 The Monetary Use of Weighed Bullion in Archaic Greece by John H. Kroll ...12
2 What Was Money in Ancient Greece? by David M. Schaps...38
3 Money and Tragedy by Richard Seaford...49
4 The Elasticity of the Money-Supply at Athens by Edward E. Cohen...66
5 Coinage as 'Code' in Ptolemaic Egypt by J. G. Manning...84
6 The Demand for Money in the Late Roman Republic by David B. Hollander...112
7 Money and Prices in the Early Roman Empire by David Kessler and Peter Temin...137
8 The Function of Gold Coinage in the Monetary Economy of the Roman Empire by Elio Lo Cascio...160
9 The Nature of Roman Money by W. V. Harris...174
10 The Use and Survival of Coins and of Gold and Silver in the Vesuvian Cities by Jean Andreau...208
11 Money and Credit in Roman Egypt by Peter van Minnen...226
12 The Monetization of the Roman Frontier Provinces by Constantina Katsari...242
13 The Divergent Evolution of Coinage in Eastern and Western Eurasia by Walter Scheidel...267
References 287
Index 323

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fourth International Society for Arabic Papyrology Conference, Vienna, March 26-29, 2009

Fourth International Society for Arabic Papyrology Conference, Vienna, March 26-29, 2009

The fourth ISAP conference will be hosted by the Papyrussammlung of the National Austrian Library in Vienna.

The conference will start on the evening of Thursday, March 26, and continue through Sunday, March 29. The programme will include 20-minute lectures presenting text editions or studies based on documentary material from the Islamic medieval world, workshops in which unedited Arabic documents will be presented, and evening lectures. There will also be the opportunity to visit the Papyrussammlung and the Papyrusmuseum in the National Library.

We invite the submission of abstracts of 150 words in electronic format by July 1, 2008, to cornelia.roemer{at}onb.ac.at or petra.sijpesteijn{at}irht.cnrs.fr.

The final programme should be known by September 2008.

Source: Papy-L

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Namen in koptischen dokumentarischen Texten 2007

Monika Hasitzka, Namen in koptischen dokumentarischen Texten (Stand 22. 1. 2007).

The links to the older version (2004) no longer seem to work.

The referring page is here .

Monday, March 24, 2008

Archimedes Student Project at the College of the Holy Cross

A team of Holy Cross students, together with students from Furman University, will be helping to create an electronic edition of a tenth century manuscript of the great mathematician Archimedes.

The manuscript was recycled when the original text (the palimpsest) was scraped off, and overwritten to create a prayer book in the 13th century. The discovery of the palimpsest in 1906 created a sensation in the scholarly world because it includes works of Archimedes that are nowhere else preserved. The manuscript disappeared during the First World War, and only resurfaced in the 1990s. For the past decade, the Archimedes Project, made up of an international team of scholars, has worked on the conservation of the badly damaged text. With the aid of digital imaging processing, the project has been able to bring out parts of the palimpsest not previously legible.

Now, 10 Holy Cross classics majors (and a group of undergraduate Greek students at Furman University) will work with digital photography and initial transcriptions of the palimpsest by classicists at Oxford and Stanford universities. After adding accents and punctuation to the bare letters recorded in the manuscript, the students will create documents structured in XML following the guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative. The resulting electronic texts can be used to generate print editions and web pages, or can be queried and manipulated interactively. etc. at Holy Cross Publical Affairs website

source: Ioannis Kokkinidis (per email) from Google News.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Convegno internazionale sull'antica famiglia degli Apioni

Click to enlarge the program.

Papirologi europei e statunitensi di fama internazionale si incontreranno all’Università di Udine venerdì 28 e sabato 29, con inizio alle 9, nella sala Atti di palazzo Antonini, in via Petracco 8 a Udine, in occasione del convegno “Potere e ricchezza nell’Egitto bizantino: la famiglia degli Apioni. Sviluppi e prospettive della ricerca papirologica”, organizzato dai dipartimenti di Glottologia e Filologia classica e di Storia e Tutela dei Beni Culturali dell’Ateneo. Nel corso del convegno saranno discussi i vari aspetti ancora misteriosi del tema e «l’auspicio – annuncia Giuseppina Azzarello, docente di papirologia all’università udinese e coordinatrice dell’iniziativa – è che l’incontro sfoci in un progetto di collaborazione internazionale coordinato dall’università di Udine».

Il tema del convegno, aperto a studenti, studiosi e interessati, «riguarda – spiega Azzarello – uno dei più discussi e significativi ambiti di ricerca della giovane e promettente scienza della papirologia: i numerosi documenti di un’antichissima famiglia vissuta tra il V e VII secolo d.C. in Egitto e a Costantinopoli». I suoi membri, che portavano a generazioni alternate i nomi di Apione e Strategio, possedevano immense proprietà nella città di Ossirinco e raggiunsero le cariche più alte alla corte degli imperatori bizantini.

Gli studiosi (Amin Benaissa, Nikolaos Gonis, Brendan Haug, Todd M. Hickey, Roberta Mazza, Bernhard Palme, Fabian Reiter) che si riuniranno a Udine sono tra i più esperti del settore e provengono da ben cinque nazioni (Austria, California, Germania, Inghilterra, Italia). L’Università di Udine sarà presente con quattro docenti (Giseppina Azzarello, Paolo Coppola, Franco Maltomini, Arnaldo Marcone) e una studentessa (Valentina Covre). Inoltre, nel corso dell’incontro, Manuela Croatto, capo Ripartizione ricerca dell’Ateneo di Udine, illustrerà le possibilità di finanziamento previste dalla Commissione Europea per i progetti culturali.


Source: Papy-L
About the Dossier of the Apion family, see Trismegistos Archives

Friday, March 21, 2008

L.W. HURTADO, The Earliest Christian Artifacts: Manuscripts and Christian Origins

Larry W. Hurtado, The Earliest Christian Artifacts: Manuscripts and Christian Origins. The Earliest Christian Artifacts: Manuscripts and Christian Origins. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2006. Pp. xiv, 248. ISBN 978-0-8028-2895-8. $20.00.">Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2006. Pp. xiv, 248. ISBN 978-0-8028-2895-8. $20.00.

The author makes extensive use of LDAB.

1. The texts
2. The Early Christian Preference for the Codex
3. The Nomina Sacra
4. The Staurogram
5. Other Scribal Features
Appendix 1: Christian Literay Mss. of the Second and Third Centuries
Appendix 2: Plates

Publisher's blurb:
Much attention has been paid to the words of the earliest Christian canonical and extracanonical texts, yet Larry Hurtado points out that an even more telling story is being overlooked — the story of the physical texts themselves.

Widely recognized for his outstanding scholarship, Hurtado combines his comprehensive knowledge of Christian origins with an archivist’s eye to make sense of these earliest objects of the faith. He introduces readers to the staurogram, possibly the first representation of the cross, the nomina sacra, a textual abbreviation system, and the puzzling Christian preference for book-like texts over scrolls.

Drawing on studies by papyrologists and palaeographers as well as New Testament scholars — and including photographic plates of selected manuscripts— The Earliest Christian Artifacts astutely introduces the distinctive physical features of early Christian manuscripts, illustrating their relevance for wider inquiry into the complex origins of Christianity.

Review in BMCR

Thursday, March 20, 2008


fondee en 1932 par Marcel HOMBERT
redigee par Georges NACHTERGAEL et Alain MARTIN
editee par l'Association Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Le CD-ROM "Subsidia Papyrologica 3.0", utilisable sur Macintosh et sur PC, est a present
disponible. Il contient:

- l'etat au 29 février 2008 du fichier cumulatif "BP 32-07", realise par Georges NACHTERGAEL et Alain MARTIN (avec le concours de Roger S. BAGNALL, Alexandre BUCHET, Annie DEKNUDT, Alain DELATTRE et Paul HEILPORN), qui reunit plus de 41.000 enregistrements. Le fichier couvre les publications des annees 1932 et ulterieures (jusqu'a et y compris les titres signales dans le 4e envoi de la BP courante pour 2007); il est livre en trois versions: FileMaker Pro 2.1, FileMaker Pro 5 et FileMaker Pro 7;
- l'etat au 29 fevrier 2008 du fichier "Concordances" qui etablit la liste des cotes utilisees dans l'indexation des fiches, ainsi que des sigles designant soit des recueils papyrologiques ou epigraphiques, soit des periodiques; il est egalement livre en trois versions: FileMaker Pro 2.1, FileMaker Pro 5 et FileMaker Pro 7;
- un texte qui dresse l'historique du projet d'informatisation et precise le contenu des differents champs que comportent les fiches; il est livre en deux versions: Word98 (doc) et pdf.

Le prix du CD-ROM s'eleve à EUR 60 (EUR 50 pour les membres de l'Association Internationale de Papyrologues) - frais de port en sus. Nous vous prions d'envoyer les commandes a l'adresse suivante:

Association Egyptologique Reine Elisabeth
Parc du Cinquantenaire 10
B-1000 Bruxelles (BELGIQUE)

DM: Ross Scaife (1960-2008) ἄωρος

Better known for electronic mediation of the ancient world (stoa.org), once also a student of papyri:

SCAIFE, A. R., Accounts for Taxes on Beer and Natron. P.Austin inv. 34. ZPE 71 (1988) 105.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Petra Sijpesteijn onderzoekt het ontstaan van de islamitische wereld

Petra Sijpesteijn, sinds 1 februari hoogleraar Arabisch in Leiden, brengt een prestigieuze ERC-grant mee voor haar onderzoek naar de eerste 150 jaar van de islamitische geschiedenis op basis van de onaangeboorde bron van de papyri. 26 maart wordt ze, met de andere Nederlandse ERC-winnaars, gehuldigd door minister Plasterk.
etc. at Leiden Univ.

Source: Peter van Minnen (who speaks Dutch better than I). His summary:
Petra Sijpesteijn is the new professor of Arabic at Leiden, that she got 1 mio euro from the European Research Council for a project on the early Islamic state, and that the evidence for it is plentiful (papyri) but by and large unused. And that she is going to do something about it.

Trismegistos Online Publications

– 1 –

A Chronological Survey
of Precisely Dated
Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic Sources

Version 1.0
February 2007

edited by

with the collaboration of

and the assistance of

The aim of this Chronological Survey of Precisely Dated Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic Sources, inspired by Thissen's Chronologie der frühdemotischen Papyri (1980) and Pestman's Chronologie égyptienne d'après les textes démotiques (1967),1 is to provide a chronological survey of all Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic texts dated to a precise year or even month or day. It is to a very large extent based on the Database of Demotic and Abnormal Hieratic Texts (DAHT), consultable here , which has been and still is being compiled as part of the project Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt, sponsored by a Sofja Kovalevskaja Preis of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. As such it is a collaborative effort, with the following task division:

Carolin Arlt mummy labels and ostraca
Mark Depauw early Demotic and Ptolemaic documentary papyri (and ostraca)
Marlies Elebaut graffiti
Aikaterini Georgila Roman period documentary papyri
Svenja Gülden funerary papyri
Hermann Knuf literary papyri
Jan Moje inscriptions
Franziska Naether paraliterary texts

Monday, March 17, 2008

Artemidorus Payrus exhibition opens in Berlin


Ein einzigartiges Zeugnis für Wissenschaft und Kunst der Antike wird ab 13. März 2008 in einer Sonderausstellung im Ägyptischen Museum Berlin zu sehen sein. Zum ersten Mal wird der Öffentlichkeit in Deutschland der Artemidor-Papyrus präsentiert, welcher in mehrfacher Hinsicht von singulärer Bedeutung ist: Er enthält einen literarischen Text, der bisher nicht bekannt war, eine Landkarte sowie Zeichnungen von menschlichen Köpfen, Händen und Füßen sowie von exotischen Tieren. Der Schrift nach zu urteilen stammt der Papyrus wahrscheinlich aus dem 1. Jh. v.Chr. Erhalten sind mehrere Fragmente, die zu einer ursprünglich mehr als 2,50 m breiten und 32,5 cm hohen Papyrusrolle gehörten. Gefunden wurden diese zusammen mit mehreren dokumentarischen Papyri aus dem 1. Jh. n.Chr. im oberägyptischen Dorf Antaiupolis. Ob die Rolle auch dort beschrieben war, ist jedoch unsicher. Angesichts der kalligraphischen Schrift und der hohen Qualität der Zeichnungen könnte man auch an Alexandria denken.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bulletin Epigraphique

Un instrument de travail irremplaçable pour la critique des éditions d’inscriptions grecques et leur interprétation. Publié dans la Revue des études grecques depuis sa fondation en 1888, le Bulletin épigraphique présente et recense de façon critique les parutions relatives aux inscriptions de langue grecque depuis l’époque archaïque jusqu’à Byzance. Le Bulletin épigraphique fut rédigé de 1938 à 1984 par Jeanne Robert et Louis Robert qui, en enrichissant leurs analyses approfondies par des avertissements méthodologiques, firent du Bulletin un instrument de travail irremplaçable pour la critique des éditions d’inscriptions grecques et leur interprétation. Ce fut un « extraordinaire trésor » (J. Pouilloux) mis à la disposition des historiens, philologues et archéologues antiquisants.

Depuis 1987, le Bulletin épigraphique est continué sous la direction de Ph. Gauthier par une dizaine de collaborateurs principaux. Il demeure un instrument de référence, dont la parution est attendue chaque année par tous les épigraphistes et les antiquisants classiques. La présente réimpression des quinze livraisons du Bulletin pour les années 1987-2001 est destinée à former un ensemble maniable et commode à la disposition des lecteurs, qui pourront également s’aider des trois volumes
d’ Index du Bulletin épigraphique (1987-2001), parus en 2005 sous la direction de M. B. Hatzopoulos.

Collection : Epigraphica•
Format : 16 x 24 •
600 p. par volumes (4 volumes)•
Bulletin épigraphique / 3. Tome XI (1987-1989). Isbn : 978-2-251-44333-1•
Bulletin épigraphique / 4. Tome XII (1990-1993). Isbn : 978-2-251-44334-8•
Bulletin épigraphique / 5. Tome XIII (1994-1997). Isbn : 978-2-251-44335-5•
Bulletin épigraphique / 6. Tome XIV (1998-2001). Isbn : 978-2-251-44336-2 •
Prix : 75 euros le volume•


Monday, March 10, 2008

WörterListen updated

WÖRTERLISTEN aus den Registern von Publikationen griechischer und lateinischer dokumentarischer Papyri und Ostraka von Dieter Hagedorn

unter Mithilfe von Pia Breit, Wolfgang Habermann, Ursula Hagedorn, Bärbel Kramer,
Gertrud Marohn, Jörn Salewski

Updates from the following volumes:
P.Brux. Bawit
P.Iand. Zen.
P.Köln XI
P.Petra III

Friday, March 07, 2008

Epigraphic Interoperability presentation

This is an online version of the slides used in a Powerpoint lecture given by G Bodard and C. Tupman at the "Inscriptions of Roman Cyrenaica . First International Workshop. British School at Rome, 28-29 February 2008."

A gloss on the term "interoperability" by Dr Bodard (per e-mail):
"The idea is to use technologies such as EpiDoc XML to make the data and metadata in various schemas, databases, and other collections interchangeable and interoperable. This doesn't necessarily mean getting rid of the discrete databases, but encouraging the maximum collaboration and communication between them so that their data can additionally be accessed and aggregated independently of the original institution and software etc."

source: Current Epigraphy

REVIEW: Aniello Salzano, Agli inizi della poesia cristiana latina; autori anonimi dei secc. IV-V

Aniello Salzano, Agli inizi della poesia cristiana latina; autori anonimi dei secc. IV-V. Salerno: Edisud Salerno, 2007. Pp. 154. ISBN 978-88-95154-18-3. €20.00.

Reviewed by Vincent Hunink, Radboud University Nijmegen (v.hunink@let.ru.nl)
Word count: 2585 words

The early fourth century A.D. gave rise to a new phenomenon in Latin literature: Christian poetry. Although Christian Latin prose had already been flourishing for well over two centuries, the composition of literary poems had remained a cultural activity practiced only by non-Christians. However, this changed once Christianity had been officially allowed by the so called Edict of Milan issued by Constantine in 313. The new social and legal status of Christianity brought along many changes. Gradually, Christian authors felt free to write poems in Latin to celebrate their religion, to praise God, and even to expound Christian doctrine.


Turning to the poems themselves, the reader may find some pleasant surprises, starting with the first piece entitled Psalmus responsorius. This is a fragment of 102 lines of an anonymous poem from the first half of the fourth century, found on a papyrus (Pap.Barcononensis 149b-153) discovered in Egypt in 1965. It is an abecedarian poem, preceded by a refrain of four lines (pater qui omnia regis / peto Christi nos scias heredes. / Christus, verbo natus, per quem populus est liberatus). Only 12 strophes have been preserved, the text suddenly breaking off at the end of the 'M' strophe. The length of the strophes varies (seven to eleven lines) and there is no clearly metrical form; Salzano speaks of 'prosa ritmica sostenuta da accenti, assonanze e rimi' (p.33). The poem seems to have been used for liturgical purposes. It celebrates Mary as the Mother of Christ, telling about her birth, her marriage to Joseph, the Annunciation by Gabriel, the birth of Christ and the veneration of Christ by the Magi, and ending with the first miracle performed by Christ during the wedding at Canaa.

Etc. at BMCR


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Web Exhibition: Diversity in the Desert

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Transforming Classical Studies Through Cyberinfrastructure


Changing the Center of Gravity:
Transforming Classical Studies Through Cyberinfrastructure
University of Kentucky, 5 October 2007

Audio files of the following talks and responses are available at the above link. Papyrologists are notable by their absence, although some mention is made of the conversion of the DDbDP to Epidoc , used e.g. on the Vindolanda Project

1) Introduction (05:13)
- Gregory Crane
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 4.78 MB)
2) Technology, Collaboration, & Undergraduate Research (26:23)
- Christopher Blackwell and Thomas Martin, respondent Kenny Morrell
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 24.1 MB)
3) Digital Criticism: Editorial Standards for the Homer Multitext (29:02)
- Casey Dué and Mary Ebbott, respondent Anne Mahoney
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 26.5 MB)
4) Digital Geography and Classics (20:23)
- Tom Elliot, respondent Bruce Robertson
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 18.6 MB)
5) Computational Linguistics and Classical Lexicography (39:16)
- David Bamman and Gregory Crane, respondent David Smith
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 35.9 MB)
6) Citation in Classical Studies (38:34)
- Neel Smith, respondent Hugh Cayless
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 35.3 MB)
7) Exploring Historical RDF with Heml (24:10)
- Bruce Robertson, respondent Tom Elliot
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 22.1 MB)
8) Approaches to Large Scale Digitization of Early Printed Books (24:38)
- Jeffrey Rydberg-Cox, respondent Gregory Crane
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 22.5 MB)
9) Tachypaedia Byzantina: The Suda On Line as Collaborative Encyclopedia (20:45)
- Anne Mahoney, respondent Christopher Blackwell
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 18.9 MB)
10) Epigraphy in 2017 (19:00)
- Hugh Cayless, Charlotte Roueché, Tom Elliot, and Gabriel Bodard, respondent Bruce Robertson
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 17.3 MB)
11) Directions for the Future (50:04)
- Ross Scaife et al.
(download this presentation as an mp3 file - 45.8 MB)
12) Summary (01:34)
- Gregory Crane

Source: ABZU

Monday, March 03, 2008

E Matthews ed.,Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics

Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 148

Old and New Worlds in Greek Onomastics

Edited by Elaine Matthews

Price: £35.00 (hardback)
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-726412-6
Publication date: 29 November 2007
170 pages, 2 figs., 234x156 mm
Series: Proceedings of the British Academy number Vol 148
Blurb from OUP

Sheds light on the identity politics of the ancient Greek world
This volume provides an interpretative guide to using a fundamental resource for the study of the ancient Greek world. Personal names are a statement of identity, a personal choice by parents for their child, reflecting their own ancestry and family traditions, and the religious and political values of the society to which they belong. The names of the ancient Greeks, surviving in their tens of thousands in manuscripts and documents, offer a valuable insight into ancient Greek society.

The essays collected here examine how the Greeks responded to new environments. It draws out issues of identity as expressed through the choice, formation and adaptation of personal names, not only by Greeks when they came into contact with non-Greeks, but of others in relation to Greeks, for example Egyptians, Persians, Thracians, and Semitic peoples, including the Jewish communities in the diaspora. Grounded in the 'old' world of Greece (in particular, Euboia and Thessaly), the volume also reaches out to the many parts of the ancient world where Greeks travelled, traded and settled, and where the dominant culture before the arrival of the Greeks was not Greek.

Reflecting upon the progress of the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names project, which has already published the names of over a quarter of a million ancient Greeks, this volume will be of interest to all scholars and students of the language, literature, history, religion, and archaeology of the ancient Greek world.

Readership: Scholars and students of the ancient Greek world, and onomastics.

Authors, editors, and contributors
NB a pdf file of the first page of each article, or the entire article, is available at British Academy site. Follow this link, and click in "Article."

Elaine Matthews Introduction 1-7

Jean-Claude Decourt & Athanasios Tziafalias Mythological and Heroic Names in the Onomastics of Atrax (Thessaly) 9-20

Laurence Darmezin & Athanasios Tziafalias The Twelve Tribes of Atrax: a Lexical Study 21-28

José-Luis García Ramón Thessalian Personal Names and the Greek Lexicon 29-67

Peter M Fraser The Ptolemaic Garrison of Hermoupolis Magna 69-85

Denis Knoepfler Was there an Anthroponymy of Euboian Origin in the Chalkido-Eretrian Colonies of the West and of Thrace? 87-119

Thomas Corsten Thracian Personal Names and Military Settlements in Hellenistic Bithynia 121-133

Rudiger Schmitt Greek Re-interpretation of Iranian Names by Folk Etymology 135-150

Stephen Mitchell Iranian Names and the Presence of Persians in the Religious Sanctuaries of Asia Minor 151-171

Margaret H Williams Semitic Name-Use by Jews in Roman Asia Minor and the Dating of the Aphrodisias Stele Inscriptions 173-197

Maurice Sartre The Ambiguous Name: The Limitations of Cultural Identity in Graeco-Roman Syrian Onomastics 199-232

Order through Oxford University Press

Source BMCR books received March 2008


REVIEW of A. Chaniotis, T. Corsten, R.S. Stroud, R.A. Tybout, Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum

A. Chaniotis, T. Corsten, R.S. Stroud, R.A. Tybout, Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum, Volume 52 (2002). Leiden: Brill, 2006. Pp. xxxvi, 905. ISBN 90-04-15508-2. €168.00 / $250.00.

Reviewed by Georges Rougemont, Maison de l'Orient Jean-Pouilloux, Université Lyon 2 (georges.rougemont@mom.fr)
Word count: 723 words

Depuis les années 1920, le SEG apporte, sous la forme de volumes périodiques, des additions, des corrections et des compléments aux volumes publies des Inscriptiones Graecae (le corpus des inscriptions grecques publié à Berlin depuis plus de cent ans). Vigoureusement relancé à la fin des années 1970, doté d'une périodicité régulière, enrichi de précieux index, le SEG est devenu, avec le Bulletin épigraphique de la Revue des Études Grecques, dont les principes sont différents, l'un des deux outils de base pour établir une bibliographie en épigraphie grecque.
Etc. at BMCR


Sunday, March 02, 2008

Brock, Sebastian. An Introduction to Syriac Studies (revised second edition)

Author: Sebastian Brock
Title: An Introduction to Syriac Studies
Series: Gorgias Handbooks 4
Publisher: Gorgias Press LLC
Publication Date: 12/20/2006 12:00:00 AM
Availability: In Print
ISBN: 1-59333-349-8
Format: Paperback 6 x 9, 1 volume(s), ix + 78 pages, illustrations

This introduction aims to provide basic guidance to important areas of Syriac studies. The relevance of Syriac studies to a variety of other fields is explored, notably Biblical studies, Patristics, and the general history of the Near East. A brief orientation to the history of Syriac literature is offered, and Syriac is set within the context of the other Aramaic dialects. A thorough discussion on important tools (Instrumenta Studiorum) is presented, which should prove invaluable both for the student commencing on study in the field and for scholars working in adjacent areas. Topics covered include grammars, dictionaries, the Bible in Syriac, histories of Syriac literature, bibliographical aids and relevant series, periodicals, and encyclopedias. An appendix explains how the different Churches of Syriac tradition are related to one another and how they fit into the Christian tradition as a whole. It also sorts out the confusing variety of terms by which they are known.

Sebastian Brock was born in 1938 and studied Classics (Greek and Latin) and Oriental Studies (Hebrew and Aramaic) at Cambridge University before doing a DPhil. at Oxford University on the text of the Septuagint. He has taught at the Universities of Birmingham, Cambridge, and (from 1974 until his retirement in 2003) Oxford, where he was Reader in Syriac Studies. He has published extensively in the field of Syriac and has edited a number of new texts.

preview at Google Book Search

Saturday, March 01, 2008

REVIEW of Monika R. M. Hasitzka, Koptisches Sammelbuch III.

Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.02.53
Monika R. M. Hasitzka, Koptisches Sammelbuch III. (KSB III). MPER XXIII, 3. Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer). Munich and Leipzig: K.G. Saur, 2006. Pp. viii, 276. ISBN 10: 3-598-78010-9. ISBN 13: 978-3-598-78010-3. €84.00.

Reviewed by Gesa Schenke, University of Cologne (gesa.schenke@uni-koeln.de)
Word count: 841 words

The third volume of the Koptisches Sammelbuch (hereafter KSB) appeared only two years after the second (2004), while the first volume was published in 1993. The accelerated pace of publication doubles the pleasure of receiving this indispensable tool for the study of Coptic documents. 1690 individual texts now appear on the pages of this series, a quasi-gold mine of every type of Coptic documentary text. As the editor mentions in the preface, there is already material selected for another volume, and to this we look forward.
Etc. at BMCR

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