What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS, Juristische Begriffe im ersten Korintherbrief des Paulus

Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS, Juristische Begriffe im ersten Korintherbrief des Paulus. Eine semantisch-lexikalische Untersuchung auf der Basis der zeitgenössischen griechischen Papyri,

TYCHE Supplementband 7, Wien 2009
ISBN 978-3-85493-165-2
Ladenpreis: 42,- Euro
Holzhausen Verlag
Holzhausenplatz 1
A-1140 Wien

Juristische Begriffe im ersten Korintherbrief des Paulus. Eine semantisch-lexikalische Untersuchung auf der Basis
der zeitgenössischen griechischen Papyri, TYCHE Supplementband 7, Wien 2009
Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS

Die Monographie untersucht die zahlreichen Termini juristischen Charakters, die im ersten Brief des Apostels Paulus an die korinthische Christengemeinde vorkommen. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Anzahl dieser Begriffe wesentlich größer ist, als man bis jetzt geglaubt hat. Ihr Vorkommen beschränkt sich nicht nur auf Passagen, in denen das Verhalten der korinthischen Christen bezüglich Rechtsstreitigkeiten und anderer juristischer Vorgänge diskutiert wird, sondern auf den gesamten Brief. Die juristischen Termini werden auf dem Hintergrund der griechischen dokumentarischen Papyri und Ostraka systematisch analysiert. Damit wird die rechtliche Dimension des Wortschatzes des Briefes, die dem antiken Christen sofort erkennbar gewesen sein muss, dem heutigen Leser aber über weite Strecken verborgen bleibt, deutlich gemacht. Ferner wird untersucht, wie genau Paulus die rechtliche Fachterminologie seiner Zeit kennt und in welchem Maß er aus dem juristischen Standardwortschatz schöpft oder davon abweicht: indem er bekannten Wörtern neue Bedeutungsnuancen beilegt, neue Kombinationen von Begriffen einführt und nicht-technisches Sprach- und Gedankengut der heidnischen bzw. jüdischen Literatur verwendet. So wird gezeigt, inwiefern seine Phraseologie und Ideen die reale juristische Praxis seiner Zeit reflektieren und wie viele von den juristischen Termini des 1Kor wörtlich aus dem Gerichtsjargon entlehnt sind und reale juristische Vorgänge oder Institutionen bezeichnen. Parallel dazu wird untersucht, welche und wie viele Rechtsbegriffe metaphorisch gebraucht werden und dazu dienen, den Mitgliedern der korinthischen Gemeinde und den Christen im allgemeinen durch das vertraute Bild der juristischen Praxis wesentliche Inhalte des neuen Glaubens und wichtige Normen für den Alltag der frühchristlichen Gemeinden zu vermitteln. Schließlich werden die aus der Studie gewonnenen Erkenntnisse über den paulinischen Gebrauch der juristischen Begriffe für ein besseres Verständnis der Rhetorik des Apostels ausgewertet.

Das Buch ist für folgende Fächer interessant: Theologie und Neutestamentliche Bibelwissenschaft, Klassische Philologie, Alte Geschichte, Papyrologie, Rechtsgeschichte, Sprachwissenschaft, Lexikographie.

Legal terms in the first letter of Paul to the Corinthians. A semantic-lexical study based on contemporary Greek
papyri, TYCHE Supplementary Volume 7, Vienna 2009
Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS

The monograph examines the numerous terms of legal nature which occur in the apostle Paul‘s first letter written to the Corinthian religious community. It will be demonstrated that the number of these terms is substantially higher than what has until now been generally believed. Their incidence is not only limited to passages in which the conduct of Corinthian Christians relative to legal disputes and other judicial procedures is discussed, but rather throughout the entire letter. The legal terms are systematically analyzed in consideration of the background created by the Greek documentary papyri and ostraca. In this way the lawful dimension of the letter‘s vocabulary is made plain. This vocabulary must have been immediately recognizable for the ancient Christian, but is today in many passages not readily identifiable for the modern reader. Moreover, this inquiry
will evaluate how accurately Paul knew the legal terminology of his time and to what extent he drew on the standard legal jargon or digressed from it. This becomes clear through; examination of his use of familiar words in such an arrangement as afforded nuances in the meaning, his introduction of novel combinations of concepts as well as his use of nontechnical language and ideas from pagan and Jewish literature. In this way the degree in which his phraseology and ideas reflected the actual legal practice of his time will be evidenced. How many of the legal terms of the first letter to the Corinthians are borrowed from court language and characterized real judicial procedures or institutions will also be shown. Examined parallel to this is which, and how many, legal terms were used metaphorically and served to communicate to the members of the Corinthian religious community, and Christians in general, the essential subject matter of the new faith and important standards for the early Christian everyday life by way of the familiar illustration of legal practice. In conclusion, the findings of the study on the Pauline use of legal terms will be evaluated for better understanding of the apostle‘s rhetoric.

This book is especially interesting for the following fields: Theology and New Testament Exegetics, Classical Philology, Ancient History, Papyrology, History of Law, Linguistics and Lexicography.

Source: Bernhard Palme per PAPY-L

Friday, May 29, 2009

Tyche Supplementband 6: Nikos Litinas, Greek Ostraca from Chersonesos, Crete. Ostraca Cretica Chersonesi (O.Cret.Chers.)

Tyche Supplementband 6: Nikos Litinas, Greek Ostraca from Chersonesos, Crete. Ostraca Cretica Chersonesi (O.Cret.Chers.), Wien 2009
Holzhausen Verlag


The Greek ostraca from Chersonesos in Crete are the first example of an archive written with ink that comes from today’s Greek territory. During a rescue excavation in 1995 in the modern village of Chersonesos in a test trench in the ancient theater area 92 written and 38 non-written pieces of Roman time were found. The function of this archive is not totally clear. In an agricultural environment the ostraca could be the draft notes of a phrontistes of an estate, and in a commercial (and urban) environment the notes of a wholesale merchant. This unique collection contributes to the broader issues of the minuscule writing style outside Egypt, onomastics, the management of private, informal archives, Roman currency in Crete, the monetization of the Cretan economy, and to the specific agricultural and commercial contexts of the archive and the personnel involved.

Die griechischen Ostraka von Chersonesos in Kreta sind das erste Beispiel eines in Tinte geschrieben Archives, das auf dem Territorium des modernen griechischen Staates gefunden worden ist. 1995 wurden während einer Notgrabung in Chersonesos in einem Suchschnitt im antiken Theater 92 beschriftete und 38 unbeschriebene Scherben aus römischer Zeit gefunden. Die Funktion dieses Archives ist nicht ganz klar. Vor einem landwirtschaftlichen Hintergrund könnten die Ostraka Entwürfe von Notizen eines Verwalters eines Landgutes sein, vor einem gewerblichen (und städtischen) Hintergrund die Vermerke eines Großhändlers. Diese einzigartige Sammlung trägt zur Erweiterung unseres Wissens nicht nur über die Minuskelschrift außerhalb Ägyptens bei sondern auch über die Onomastik, die Verwaltung von privaten Archiven, die Monetarisierung der kretischen Wirtschaft sowie den gewerblichen als auch landwirtschaftlichen Kontext des Archives und des damit beschäftigte Personals.

TYCHE 22 (2007)


Maurizio Colombo (Rom): Le tribù dei Pannoni in Strabone . . . 1

Charilaos Fragiadaki s (Athen): Die böotischen Sklavennamen. Zusammenstellung und Auswertung. . . 9

Dieter Hagedorn (Köln): Noch einmal zu den Unterteilungen des thebanischen Quartiers Agorai . . .35

Kirsten Harshman Lengyel (Wien): Athenaeus on Spartan Diaita . . . 47

Nina Johannsen (Berlin): Der Barbarenbegriff in den politischen Reden des Demosthenes . . . 69

Péter Kovács (Piliscsaba): A Pisidian Veteran and the First Mention of Pannonia (Tafel 1). . . 99

Sophie Kovarik (Wien): Ein siligniarius als Verpächter von Weinland. Neuedition des Teilpachtvertrages SB VI 9294 (Tafel 2) . . . 109

Fritz Mitthof (Wien): Das Recto der koptischen Mieturkunde CPR IV 114: Reste eines griechischen Kaufvertrages (Tafel 3). . . 119

András Patay-Horváth (Budapest): Eine beschriftete Bronzescheibe aus Olympia (Tafeln 4–10) . . .123

Kent J. Rigsby (Chicago): A Greek Dedication at Sidon . . . 143

Konrad Stauner (München): Wandel und Kontinuität römischer Administrationspraxis im Spiegel des Ordo Salutationis Commodorumque des Statthalters von Numidien. . .151

Ekkehard Weber — Ingrid Weber-Hiden (Wien): Annona epigraphica Austriaca 2006 . . .. 189

Bemerkungen zu Papyri XX ( 544–587). . . 207

Buchbesprechungen .. . . 227

(A cura di) Guido Bastiani ni e Angelo Casanova, Callimaco: cent’anni di papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 9–10 giugno 2005, Firenze 2006 (D. Colomo: 227)

— Andrea Biernath, Mißverstandene Gleichheit. Die Frau in der frühen Kirche zwischen Charisma und Amt, Stuttgart 2005 (H. Förster: 230)

— Pernille Flensted - Jensen, Thomas Heine Nielsen, Lene Rubinstein (Hrsg.), Polis & Politics. Studies in Ancient Greek History, Presented to Mogens Herman Hansen, Copenhagen 1999 (P. Siewert: 233)

— Matthias Gelzer, Pompeius. Lebensbild eines Römers, Neudruck Stuttgart 2005 (H. Heftner: 236)

— Norbert Geske, Nikias und das Volk von Athen im Archidamischen Krieg, Stuttgart 2005 (H. Heftner: 237)

— Mogens H. Hansen, Thomas H. Nielsen, An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis. An Investigation conducted by The Copenhagen Polis Centre for the Danish National Research Foundation, Oxford 2004 (P. Siewert: 240)

— Mogens H. Hansen, The Imaginary Polis, Inhaltsverzeichnis IV Copenhagen 2005 (P. Siewert: 241)

— Christoph R. Hatscher, Alte Geschichte und Universalhistorie, Stuttgart 2003 (P. Sänger: 245)

— Edith Humer, Linkshändigkeit im Altertum. Zur Wertigkeit von links, der linken Hand und Linkshändern in der Antike, Brüssel 2005 (Ch. Michlits, Th. Pantzer: 249)

— Mischa Meier, Justinian. Herrschaft, Reich und Religion, München 2004 (K. B. Böhm: 250)

— Hans Petrovitsch, Legio II Italica, Linz 2006 (F. Beutler: 253)

— Ioan Piso, Ander Nordgrenze des Römischen Reiches. Ausgewählte Studien (1972–2003), Stuttgart 2005 (I. Weber-Hiden: 255)

— Jennifer A. Rea, Legendary Rome. Myth, Monuments, and Memory on the Palatine and Capitoline, London 2007 (R. E. Kritzer: 257)

— Fabian Reiter, Die Nomarchen des Arsinoites. Ein Beitrag zum Steuerwesen im römischen Ägypten, Paderborn 2004 (K. B. Böhm: 261)

— Eftychia Stavrianopoulou, „Gruppenbild mit Dame“. Untersuchungen zur rechtlichen und sozialen Stellung der Frau auf den Kykladen im Hellenismus und in der römischen Kaiserzeit, Stuttgart 2006 (K. Harter-Uibopuu: 262)

— Christian Traulsen, Das sakrale Asyl in der alten Welt. Zur Schutzfunktion des Heiligen von König Salomo bis zum Codex Theodosianus, Tübingen 2004 (H. Förster: 264)

Indices......................................................... 267
Eingelangte Bücher.............................................. 269
Tafeln 1–10

Holzhausen Verlag

Thanks to N. Gonis.

Digital Classicist/ICS Work in Progress Seminar

Onomastics and Name-extraction in Graeco-Egyptian Papyri

Bart Van Beek (Leuven)

Digital Classicist/ICS Work in Progress Seminar, Summer 2009

Friday 5th June at 16:30, in room STB3/6, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Several Leuven based research projects (see below) are currently studying the onomastics and prosopography of the ‘later’ periods of Egyptian history on the basis of the Greek, Latin, Egyptian and other texts collected in the interdisciplinary platform Trismegistos (www.trismegistos.org). All anthroponyms and toponyms mentioned in the texts are collected. Where no electronic full text corpus is available, data entry is manual, but for Greek papyrology the XML-encoded full-text corpus of the Duke Database of Documentary Papyri (DDBDP) has been put at our disposal. In a first stage, which has almost been completed, we have used the corpus to enlarge the list of personal names which we already had as part of the Prosopographia Ptolemaica. The fact that the DDBDP was in Unicode and had capitalized all proper names was of great help for the process of name extraction. We currently have a corpus of 25723 Greek nominative name variants, which are grouped into 16571 names. The link with Duke will be made on the basis of a database of 207070 declined forms of these name variants. The recognized forms will be stored in a relational database of name references, which will in its turn be the basis for a prosopography; the latter involves identifying different occurrences of a name when they relate to a single person. Information relevant for our research will be incorporated automatically through the link with the Trismegistos text database or added manually in the case of data about name typology and history or about the functions of people. A similar process is also underway for the placenames found in Trismegistos texts.

Our collaboration with the DDBDP has already been a great help to enlarge our database of names, and will be essential for the databases with references and prosopographically identified people. The Leuven project may in the future also be of use to the DDBDP corpus as well. Our added metadata could be re-entered in the full-text corpus as xml-tags, which will enhance the possibilities and efficiency of full-text searches. Names that may be either place names of personal names, e.g., can be distinguished easily; or one could do a search for all people with a certain name ‘x’ with a father named ‘y’ and profession ‘z’.

Research projects

Egyptian names from the late pharaonic until the Roman Period. The evolution of onomastic types in a multilingual and multicultural environment (FWO)
Creating Identies in Graeco-Roman Egypt (K.U.Leuven)
Names and identities in Christian Egypt (K.U.Leuven)
An interdisciplinary Database of Proper Names in late pharaonic, Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Egypt (ca. 800 BC – AD 640) (Hercules Foundation, Flemish Government)

The seminar will be followed by wine and refreshments.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

EpiDoc Training Sessions 2009

EpiDoc Training Sessions 2009
London 20-24 July
Rome 21-25 September

The EpiDoc community has been developing protocols for the publication
of papyri, inscriptions, and other documentary Classical texts in
TEI-compliant XML: for details see the community website at
http://epidoc.sf.net. (*Note:* the new Duke Databank of Documentary
Papyri is encoded in EpiDoc XML.)

Over the last few years there has been increasing demand for training by
scholars wishing to use EpiDoc. We are delighted to be able to announce
two training workshops, which will be offered in 2009. Both will be led
by Dr Gabriel Bodard. These sessions will benefit scholars working on
Greek or Latin documents with an interest in developing skills in the
markup, encoding, and exploitation of digital editions. Competence in
Greek and/or Latin, and knowledge of the Leiden Conventions will be
assumed; no particular computer skills are required.

*London session,* 20-24 July 2009. This will take place at the Centre
for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College London,
26-29 Drury
Lane. The cost of tuition will be £50 for students; £100 for employees
of universities or other non-profit institutions; £200 for employees of
commercial institutions. Those interested in enrolling should apply to
Dr Bodard, gabriel.bodard@kcl.ac.uk by 20 June 2009.

We hope to be able to offer some follow-up internships after the
session, to enable participants to consolidate their experience under
supervision; please let us know if that would be of interest to you.

*Rome session,* 21-25 September 2009. This will take place at the
British School at Rome. Thanks to the generous support of the
International Association of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, the British
School and Terra Italia Onlus, tuition will be free.

Those interested in enrolling should apply to Dr Silvia Orlandi,
silvia.orlandi@uniroma1.it by 30 June 2009.

*Practical matters*
Both courses will run from Monday to Friday starting at 10:00 am and
ending at 16:00 each day.

Participants should bring a wireless-enabled laptop. You should acquire
and install a copy of the Oxygen XML Editor
*and* either an educational licence ($48) or a 30-day trial licence (free). Don’t
worry if you don’t know how to use it!

Dr Gabriel BODARD
(Epigrapher & Digital Classicist)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

REVIEW: A. HARKER, Loyalty and Dissidence in Roman Egypt

Andrew Harker: Loyalty and Dissidence in Roman Egypt

by Livia Capponi

In 1954 the Church historian Herbert Musurillo re-edited a collection of all known Acta Alexandrinorum (or Acts of the Alexandrian Martyrs), and since then there has long been a need for a new study taking into consideration the newly published fragments of this fascinating literature. Andrew Harker's book must thus be welcomed as an entirely appropriate and timely work that fills a major gap in scholarship. The author must be congratulated on that.

Etc. at Sehepunkte

There is also a review in the Times Literary Supplement, May 15 (2009), p. 10, by Peter Parsons.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Convegno internazionale di studi: I PAPIRI DEL ROMANZO ANTICO

Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia

Istituto Papirologico“G. Vitelli”
(Centro Studi sui papiri e i documenti antichi)
Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità “G. Pasquali”

Dottorato di Ricerca in Filologia greca e latina
convegno internazionale di studi
Firenze, 11-12 giugno 2009

Giovedì 11 giugno 2009
Ore 9.15 Saluto del Prorettore dell’Università di Firenze
Prof. Sandro Rogari

Saluto della Preside della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Prof.ssa Franca Pecchioli Daddi

Presiede Guido Bastianini

Gabriella Messeri (Napoli):
Ipapiri di narrativa dal 1893 ad oggi

Peter Parsons (Oxford):
Panionis and the culture of Culture (P.Oxy. 4811)

Giuseppe Zanetto (Milano):
P.Oxy. 4762 e il Romanzo dell’asino

Albert Henrichs (Harvard):
Fractured Communications: Narrative and Discourse in the Greek Novels on Papyrus

Presiede Guglielmo Cavallo (Roma ‘La Sapienza’)

Luciano Canfora (Bari) - Rosario Pintaudi (Messina):
PSI Laur. inv. 22013: retorica o romanzo?

María Paz López Martínez (Alicante):
New Contributions to Some ‘Incerta’in a Corpus of Novel Fragments

Angelo Casanova (Firenze):
Ambienti e luoghi nei frammenti di Lolliano

Dirk Obbink (Oxford):
Lollianos and the Desperados Ride Again: New Phoinikika from Oxyrhynchus


Venerdì 12 giugno 2009
Presiede Colin Austin (Cambridge)

Fabrizio Conca (Milano):
Il codex Thebanusei papiri: suggestioni sul testo di Caritone

Augusto Guida (Udine):
Caritone in Vaticana

Antonio Stramaglia (Cassino):
Le Metamorfosi di Apuleio tra iconografia e papiri

Alain Billault (Paris Sorbonne):
Le Roman de Sesonchosis: fragments, thèmes et fiction


Presiede Angelo Casanova

Laura Giuliano (Napoli):
Il PSI 1285 e le lettere del ciclo di Alessandro

Richard Hunter (Cambridge):
‘Verse or worse?’Citazioni poetiche nel romanzo greco

Lucio Del Corso (Cassino):
Il romanzo greco ad Ossirinco e i suoi lettori

Guido Bastianini (Firenze):
Come ci si salva da un naufragio: il Romanzo di

Nino in PSI 1305
Discussione e conclusione del Convegno


Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Now available


Monday, May 11, 2009

More about imaging in the press


Thursday, May 07, 2009

Jean IRIGOIN, Il libro greco dalle origini al Rinascimento

Jean IRIGOIN, Il libro greco dalle origini al Rinascimento,

traduzione a cura di Adriano Magnani

(Studi e Testi di Papirologia, N.S. 3),
Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli",
Firenze 2009,
pp. 92 (euro 18)

ISBN 978 88 87829 39 6


CASALINI LIBRI (not yet listed in the online catalogue)
via Benedetto da Maiano 3, I-50014 Fiesole (FI)

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Lectures: New Greek Texts from Oxyrhynchus

New Greek Texts from Oxyrhynchus

Wednesday 24 June 2009, 7.00 pm - 8.30 pm
The British Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH
Tickets: No tickets will be issued for this event - please see below*
Convenors: Professor Eric Handley, University of Cambridge, and Dr Dirk Obbink, University of Oxford
Speakers: Dr Dirk Obbink, Professor Peter Parsons, University of Oxford, and Dr Dorothy Thompson, University of
Just over a hundred years ago, on a site some 100 miles south of Cairo, two Oxford scholars, on behalf of the Egypt
Exploration Fund, excavated some 50,000 pieces of ancient books and documents that had been discarded in the city
dump, and had survived the centuries in the dry climate.
The excavators were Bernard Grenfell and Arthur Hunt. They devoted successive seasons to their task between 1897
and 1907, and gave more years still to publishing some of their significant discoveries. The site in question is modern
Bahnasa, ancient Oxyrhynchus or ’The City of the Sharp-nosed Fish’, as Peter Parsons calls it in the title of a much-
admired book that appeared in 2007. More than seventy volumes of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri have so far been published.
They include texts of Greek literature otherwise lost to the modern world, together with fragments of Christian gospels,
technical treatises, tax returns, petitions to the authorities, private letters, wills and a host of other documents that give
a unique insight into the life of the city and the Graeco-Roman civilization of which it was part.
The presentation evening offers an opportunity to consider such questions as did Euripides write two versions of his
play Medea? How do modern methods of image-making work to recover an unknown classical text? How much can a
personal letter reveal of the world about the writer? There will also be an opportunity to hear something of the present
state and future prospects of the Oxyrhynchus Project as a whole. A compact display of papyri, photographs, and other
relevant material will also be on view.
* Please note the registration and seating policy:
1. This event is organised by the British Academy but EES members are warmly invited to attend. The event is free of
charge, there is no advance registration for this event and no tickets will be issued.
2. The rooms for the event will be open from 6.30pm onwards - please do not arrive at the Academy before this time.
3. The first 100 audience members arriving at the Academy will be offered a seat in the Lecture Room where this event
will take place. The next 50 people to arrive will be offered a seat in the Overflow Room which has a video and audio
link to the Lecture Room.
For further information please contact the British Academy Events Office: 020 7969 5246, email: events@britac.ac.ukBRITISH ACADEMY PRESENTATION EVENING
New Greek Texts from Oxyrhynchus


Monday, May 04, 2009



O.I.D.O.O. Database
Comments and Suggestions


The Oriental Institute Museum houses a large collection of nearly 900 Demotic ostraca, pottery sherds upon which ancient scribes recorded a wide variety of text types. The vast majority of the corpus concerns economic matters and consists of receipts, contracts, memos, and lists, but there is a small selection of other genres such as votive and astrological texts. With few exceptions, the material derives from the environs of Thebes and over half of the collection derives from the Oriental Institute excavations at Medinet Habu. Attested dates in the documents range from the early Ptolemaic Period (circa 285 B.C.E.) to the early Roman Period (circa 80 C.E.). Less than one third of the corpus has been published:

160 ostraca in Miriam Lichtheim, Demotic Ostraca from Medinet Habu, Oriental Institute Publications 80 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957)
61 ostraca in Brian P. Muhs, Tax Receipts, Taxpayers, and Taxes in Early Ptolemaic Thebes, Oriental Institute Publications 126 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 2005), available online here
Several dozen ostraca have been published in the articles of Ursula Kaplony-Heckel and Otto Neugebauer.
The O.I.D.O.O database was developed as both a scholarly research tool and a means for the publication of the unpublished Oriental Institute Demotic ostraca. It is our aim to make available all of the Demotic ostraca in this collection, both published and unpublished, to scholars worldwide in a format that will allow for complex searching and sorting criteria as well as quick and easy updating. This will be accomplished through periodic updates as additional texts are edited and entered into the database.

Thanks to Chuck Jones.

Oriental Insitute Online: M. LICHTHEIM, Demotic Ostraca from Medinet Habu


OIP 80.

Demotic Ostraca from Medinet Habu

By Miriam Lichtheim

The Demotic ostraca presented in this volume come from the Oriental Institute's 1929/30 season of excavation at Medinet Habu, the season that yielded the Coptic ostraca previously published in this series. As in the case of the Coptic ostraca, the present publication consists of a selection of the most significant pieces. Those excluded are for the most part broken or otherwise damaged, or they are virtual duplicates such as tax receipts of the most common kinds. This is not to say that study of the excluded pieces would not yield worthwhile results.

Oriental Institute Publications 80
Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1957
Pp. xiii + 85; 53 plates
Out of Print

Thanks to Chuck Jones.

Oriental Institute Online: N ABOTT, The Monasteries of the Fayyum

Out of Print but online:


SAOC 16.

The Monasteries of the Fayyum

Nabia Abbott

Download PDFTerms of Use
In the Moritz Collection, acquired in 1929 by the Oriental Institute, are three Arabic parchment documents of the fourth-century Hijrah (tenth century A.D.), two of which are contracts of sale of property, while the third deeds property as a charitable grant to what seems to be the earliest known and definitely named monastery of the Fayyum. This study gives an annotated translation of the three documents and a historical sketch of the monasteries of the Fayyum.

Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 16
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937
Pp. 66; 3 figures, 1 map

Thanks to Chuck Jones.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

ZPE 168 (2009)

INHALT ZPE 168 (2009)
Abascal, J. M. – Alföldy, G. – Cebrián, R., Lápida funeraria de M’. Valerius Spantamicus en Segobriga 279

Abascal, J. M. – Alföldy, G. – Millán, J. M., Otro testimonio meridional de las “organizaciones supramiliares” indígenas de la Hispania citerior 283

Alföldy, G. – Abascal, J. M. – Cebrián, R., Lápida funeraria de M’. Valerius Spantamicus en Segobriga 279

Alföldy, G. – Abascal, J. M. – Millán, J. M., Otro testimonio meridional de las “organizaciones supramiliares” indígenas de la Hispania citerior 283

Awianowicz, B., A Hellenistic Ostracon from Nikonion 196

Beer, B., Lukrez in Herkulaneum? – Beitrag zu einer Edition von PHerc. 395 71

Beltrán Ortega, A. – Sastre, I. – Sánchez-Palencia, F. J., Nuevo pacto de hospitalidad procedente de Pino del Oro (Zamora) 287

Bermejo Rubio, F., Further Remarks on the Manichaean Nature of εὐχὴ τῶν προβολῶν (P. Kell. Gr. 98) 221

Bernard, S. G., Alexandrian Tainiai and Land Traffi c Patterns: A Note on the Amnesty Decree (P.Teb. I 5) in Light of the Topography 265

Biella, C. M., Una nuova iscrizione falisca di VII sec. a.C.: un sostantivo con tema in -o e genitivo in -i 273

Brisson, L., Zeus did not Commit Incest with his Mother. An Interpretation of Column XXVI of the Derveni Papyrus 27

Carusi, C., Nota a P.Worp 57 219

Cebrián, R. – Abascal, J. M. – Alföldy, G., Lápida funeraria de M’. Valerius Spantamicus en Segobriga 279

Clarysse, W., Notes on Papyri 243

Cromwell, J., Djême Documents in the Bodleian Library, Oxford 286

Dana, D., Inscriptions inédites de Macédoine et de Thrace 187

Daris, S., Takona nell’ Ossirinchite 247

Daubner, F., Eine ἀποικία in einer hellenistischen Inschrift aus Tyros 177

Dreyer, B. – Engelmann, H., Neue Dokumente zum Kult des Ares in Metropolis 161

Engelmann, H. – Dreyer, B., Neue Dokumente zum Kult des Ares in Metropolis 161

Fressura, M., PVindob L 62 identifi cato (Verg. Aen. II 130–139, 142–150, 152–160, [160]–?, con traduzione greca) 83

Gnilka, Chr., Zur Frage der Verfasserschaft der ambrosianischen Tituli 123

Gronewald, M., Zu Poseidippos 91 A.–B. 54

Hagedorn, D., Bemerkungen zu Urkunden 239

Iñesta Mena, J. – Saquete Chamizo, J. C., Un fragmento de ley municipal hallado en la Baeturia Turdulorum (conventus Cordubensis, provincia Baetica) 293

Jördens, A., Eine Notiz zu BGU I 159 257

Klotz, D., Λογεία-Receipts and the Construction of Deir Shelwit 252

Magnani, M., P. Oxy. LIX 3965 fr. 1 r. 6 + XXII 2327 fr. 6 r. 10 (Sim. fr. 11,14 W.2 [= 3b,10 G.-P.2]) 19

Millán, J. M. – Alföldy, G. – Abascal, J. M., Otro testimonio meridional de las “organizaciones supramiliares” indígenas de la Hispania citerior 283

Nauerth, C., Zu Wirkkartons in den Papyri 278

Orth, Chr., Zu PCG fr. adesp. 1105 (= CGFP 220 = P. Ox. 2743) 55

Papanikolaou, D., The Aretalogy of Isis from Maroneia and the Question of Hellenistic “Asianism” 59

Papathomas, A., Bemerkungen zum Geschäftsbrief P.Worp 24 259

Pinto, P. M., P. Kellis III Gr. 95 and Evagoras I 213

Rizzone, G. V., Iscrizioni giudaica e cristiane di Malta 202

Römer, C. E., Gebet und Bannzauber des Severus von Antiochia gegen den Biß giftiger Tiere, oder: Maltomini hatte recht 209

Rozokoki, A., Some New Thoughts on Stesichorus’ Geryoneis 3

Ruffini, G. R., Psalms 149–150: A Bilingual Greek and Old Nubian Version from Qasr Ibrim 112

Sánchez-Palencia, F. J. – Sastre, I. – Beltrán Ortega, A., Nuevo pacto de hospitalidad procedente de Pino del Oro (Zamora) 287

Saquete Chamizo, J. C. – Iñesta Mena, J., Un fragmento de ley municipal hallado en la Baeturia Turdulorum (conventus Cordubensis, provincia Baetica) 293

Sastre, I. – Beltrán Ortega, A. – Sánchez-Palencia, F. J., Nuevo pacto de hospitalidad procedente de Pino del Oro (Zamora) 287

Savino, Chr., Per una nuova lettura di verso col. I in P.Schubart 30 (P.Berol. inv. 16971) 107

Seelentag, G., Der Abschluß der Ephebie im archaischen Kreta. Bemerkungen zu einer Gesetzesinschrift aus Dreros 149

Tagliamonte, G., Un nuovo graffi to vascolare in lingua osco-sannita da Aquino 271

Thériault, G., Quelques remarques sur le culte d’un magistrat romain à Thespies 183

Thissen, H., Plutarch und die ägyptische Sprache 97

Tribulato, O., ῎Ανωρος (CEG 117, 171, 718, 734, et alia). Some Considerations on the Language of Archaic Stone Epigrams 41

Tsantsanoglu, K., Sappho, Tithonus Poem: Two Cruces (Lines 7 and 10) 1

Wickkiser, B., A Chariot for Asklepios: SEG 25.226

CSAD: Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum

P.Cairo 10759
Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents: Photographic Archive of Papyri in the Cairo Museum


In the 1970s and 1980s an International Photographic Mission initiated and sponsored by the Association Internationale de Papyrologues and UNESCO made slides and photographs of the several thousand published Greek papyri held in the Cairo Museum. The International Photographic Archive of Papyri (IPAP) consists of about 6000 slides and large format negatives, in equal proportions, held at Oxford, Brussels, Cologne, Heidelberg and Copenhagen.

As part of its Script, Image and the Culture of Writing in the Ancient World programme funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents has undertaken a programme of cataloguing and digitising the photographs in the Archive with a view to making them more readily available to the scholarly community.

Digitised images of the majority of the photographs in Archive are now available from this site, organised according to published collections. The digitised images are drawn partly from the 4x5 inch and 6x9 cm black and white negatives taken by Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, partly from the 35mm colour slides and black and white negatives held in the Papyrology Room in Oxford. We are particularly grateful to Dr. Bülow-Jacobsen for making available the beautiful large format photographs which he took for the IPAP mission."

Codex P.Cairo 10759, found at Akhmim (Panopolis) in Upper Egypt and dating from the 6th-9th. centuries, contains manuscript copies of both the Gospel of Peter and chapters 1-27 of 1 Enoch:
Gospel of Peter
Apocalypsis Enochi

Aegyptische Urkunden aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin, Griechische Urkunden (BGU IV)

The Archive of Aurelius Isidorus in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, and the University of Michigan (P.Cair.Isid.)

Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine, Catalogue général des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire (P.Cair.Masp. I 67001-67120)

Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine, Catalogue génral des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire (P.Cair.Masp. II 67125-67278)

Papyrus grecs d'époque byzantine, Catalogue génral des antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire (P.Cair.Masp. III 67279-67359)

Griechische Urkunden des Aegyptischen Museums zu Kairo, ed. F. Preisigke (P.Cair.Preis.)

Cairo Zenon Papyri (P.Cair.Zen. I [59001-59139])

Cairo Zenon Papyri (P.Cair.Zen. II [59140-59297])

Cairo Zenon Papyri (P.Cair.Zen. III [59298-59531])

Cairo Zenon Papyri (P.Cair.Zen. IV [59532-59800])

Cairo Zenon Papyri (P.Cair.Zen. V [59802-59851])

Elephantine-Papyri (P.Eleph.)

ΕΝΤΕΥΞΕΙΣ: Requêtes et plaintes adressées au Roi d'Égypte au IIIe siècle avant J.-C. (P.Enteux.)

Cairo Fayum Papyri (P.Fay. 006-346)

Les Papyrus Fouad I (P.Fouad)

The Hibeh Papyri (P.Hib. I-II)

Papyrus grecs (Institut Papyrologique de l'Université de Lille) (P.Lille) 4: 5 6 8 21 41

Michigan Papyri (P.Mich. I, VI, VII, VIII)

Papiri della R. Università di Milano (P.Mil.Vogl.)

Papyri Osloenses (P.Oslo)

Oxyrhynchus Papyri (P.Oxy. 1.38 - 9.1223)

Oxyrhynchus Papyri (P.Oxy. 10.1236 - 15.1820)

Oxyrhynchus Papyri (P.Oxy. 16.1837 - 2059)

Papyrus de Philadelphie (P.Phil.)

Papiri greci e latini (PSI)

The Archive of Aurelius Sakaon: Papers of an Egyptian Farmer in the last Century of Theadelphia (P.Sakaon)

Das Archiv des Soterichos (P.Soter.)

R.A. Pack, The Greek and Latin Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt (Pack2)
189 Callimachus, Hymnus iii. 46-54, 78-84, with scholia
219 Callimachus, Scholia on Iambus 1. PSI.9.1094
412 Euripides, Orestes 754-64. P.Cairo inv. 56224.
493 Hesiod, Theogonia 1-51. P.Cairo inv. 47269. On the verso of an account.
616 Homer P.Hawara 24-28 (Bodleian Libr., Gr. Class. A.1 (P)). Homer, Iliad I, 506-10, Iliad II, 1-877
733 Homer, Iliad v. 1-41, 43-56, 58-74, 76-278, 284-303, 329-51, 353-74, 397-406, 420-21, 425-42, 544-48, 701-5. P.Oxy.2.22
949 Homer, Iliad xvii. 649-71, 681-83. On the verso of accounts.
1003 Homer, Iliad xxiii. 135-91, 252, 345-70, 383-406, 648-49. P.Cairo inv. 47268.
1017 Homer, Iliad xxiv. 373-96. P.Cairo inv. 45617.
1110 Homer, Odyssey xiii. 341-61. P.Cairo inv. 49655. On the verso of a cursive text.
1218 Homer, glossary (words in en-). P.Cairo inv. 50208
1330 Oppian, Halieutica iv. 412-38. P.Cairo inv. 45623. On the verso of Pack 2910.
1505 Thucydides, Historia i. 3.3-4. (P.Cairo inv. 47993a)
1560 Xenophon, Memorabilia iii.1.4-7 (P.Cairo inv. 45612). Parchment. Part of a codex.
1842 Epic (Hesiod, Catalogus?). (P.Cairo inv. 47270).
2197 History. On Alexander's campaign in India. (P.Cairo inv. 49653).
2910 Prose (?). On recto of Pack 1330. (P.Cairo Inv. 45623).

Publications de la Sorbonne, Série "Papyrologie" (Publ.Sorb.Pap. 1: Catalogue des papyrus juifs et chrétiens)

Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten (SB)

APF 1, p. 61
APF 1, p. 62
APF 2, p. 80
APF 2, p. 82
P.Charite 18
P.Coll.Youtie 1.2
P.Grenf. 1.60
P.Grenf. 1.62
P.Grenf. 2.4
P.Petr. 1.27

P.Petr. 2.26
P.Petr. 3.36 recto
P.Petr. 3.36 verso
P.Petr. 3.117
P.Quseir 3
P.Ryl. 3.478
P.Sel.Warga 3
P.Tebt. 2.279
P.Turner 21

Pap.Flor. 4.10
Pap.Graec.Mag. 2.13
Pap.Graec.Mag. 2.66
Pap.Graec.Mag. 2.67
P.Cair.Goodsp. 12
P.Cair.Goodsp. 13
P.Cair.Goodsp. 14
P.Cair.Goodsp. 15
P.Col. 7.155