What's New in Papyrology
Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Uni-Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie New Homepage

Liebe Papyrologen,
Seit Freitag letzter Woche hat das Institut für Papyrologie Heidelberg eine neue Version der arabischen, demotischen, griechischen und koptischen Kataloge seiner Papyrussammlung online gestellt. Die Kataloge sind am leichtesten über das Homepage des Instituts zu erreichen:
wo auf der rechten Seite die Projekte des Instituts anklickbar sind.
Dear papyrologists,
As of Friday last week the Institute of Papyrology, Heidelberg has put a new version of its Arabic, Demotic, Greek and Coptic catalogues online. The easiest way of locating them is by using the homepage of the institute:
where the Institutes projects are listed on the right of the screen
and now clickable.
with best wishes in the name of the Institute
James M.S. Cowey
Friday, May 21, 2010
ZPE 173 (2010)
Angiò, F., L’epigramma di Gaudenzio (SGO 22/33/02 = GVI 1974)
Aybek, S. – Dreyer, B., Neues vom proconsul Asiae Sempronius Senecio aus Apollonia am Rhyndakos
Aybek, S. – Dreyer, B., Neues vom proconsul Asiae Sempronius Senecio aus Apollonia am Rhyndakos
Bay, S. – Bearman, G. – Macfarlane, R. – Wayment, T., Multi-Spectral Imaging vs. Monospectral Infrared Imaging
Benaissa, A., A Syrian Slave Girl Twice Sold in Egypt
Benaissa, A., Corrigendum
Cioffi, R. – Trnka-Amrhein, Y., What’s in a Name? Further Similarities between Lollianos’ Phoinikika and Apuleius’ Metamorphoses
Criscuolo, L., Un cartoccio d’incenso: lettera tra militari in un ostracon torinese
Daris, S., Bozza di Comunicazione
Derks, T., Vier neue Bronzeinschriften aus Naaldwijk (Niederlande)
Di Stefano Manzella, I., A proposito di signacula: la tarda et neglegens subscriptio libellorum. Una forma (ex aere) di Commodus
Durbec, Y., Callimaque, Iambe I 3–4 et Ovide, Ibis 1–6
Eck, W., Eine Rasur auf einer Statuenbasis aus Jerusalem. Nachtrag zu CIL III 6641 = 12080a und ZPE 169, 2009, 215 f.
Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., Eine neue Bürgerrechtskonstitution für die Truppen von Pannonia inferior aus dem Jahr 162 mit einem neuen Konsulnpaar
Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., Ein weiteres Diplom der Konstitution Vespasians für die Truppen Mösiens vom 7. Februar 78 n. Chr.
Evans, T. V., Counting Chickens in PSI VI 569
Feissel, D., Un fragment palestinien de la constitution d’Anastase sur l’administration militaire du diocèse d’Orient
Felle, Antonio E., Una novità epigrafica beneventana
Gonis, N., P. Paramone 18: Emperors, Conquerors and Vassals
Greco, E., Un ostrakon da Thurii
Hagedorn, D., Ein Kyrill-Zitat in P.Naqlun II 19
Hessinger, M., Datus – ein Ituräer in Mainz
Kruschwitz, P., Writing On Trees: Restoring a Lost Facet of the Graeco-Roman Epigraphic Habit
Lenfant, D., Ambassadeurs d’Athènes ou ambassadeurs du Roi? Note sur le décret honorant Héracleidès de Clazomènes (IG I3 227)
Luppe, W., Ein weiteres Zeugnis für zwei Μήδεια-Dramen des Euripides
Luppe, W., Dictys Cretensis. P.Oxy. LXXIII 4944
Manoledakis, M., A Proposal Relating to a Votive Inscription to Zeus Helios from Pontus
Marchesini, S., La tegola iscritta da Monte San Martino
Maurizi, L., Autorappresentazione senatoria nell’Agora di Atene e un nuovo proconsul Achaiae
Morelli, F., ‘Amr e Martina: la reggenza di un’imperatrice o l’amministrazione araba d’Egitto
Morelli, F., Consiglieri e comandanti: i titoli del governatore arabo d’Egitto symboulos e amîr
Morelli, F., Philo Vindobonensis restitutus. Non c’è due senza tre: P. Vindob. G 30531 + 60584 + 21649
Pałuchowski, A., La dédicace érigée à Ephèse par Antonius Vareius en l’honneur de C. Claudius Titianus Demostratus, ancien gouverneur de la province de Crète-Cyrénaïque
Parker, R., The Convention of the Basaidai and the Four Families
Rigsby, K., Merops the Founder: I.Olympia 53 Ryan, F. X., Whether Livius or Others Wrote princeps in senatu with lectus
Sänger, P., Σιρωτής: ein papyrologisches „ghost-word“
Schuler, Ch., Priester πρὸ πόλεως in Lykien: Eine neue Inschrift aus dem Territorium von Patara
Sier, K., Zum Text der Martyrien von Petrus und Paulus
Tsantsanoglou, K., Two Obscene Vase-Inscriptions
Uljas, S., A Hitherto Unattested Section of Sahidic Old Testament
West, M. L., Rhapsodes at Festivals
Worp, K. A., Οὐλαί on Women’s Knees
Zoumbaki, S., Der Name Seileas in Eleia
Thursday, May 20, 2010
TYCHE 24 (2009)
Rainer B e r n h a r d t (Norderstedt): Sardanapal — Urbild des lasterhaften orientalischen Despoten: Entstehung, Bedeutung für die griechisch- römische Welt und Nachwirkung (Tafel 1–3) ...1
Yanne Broux — Willy Clarysse (Leuven): Two Greek Funerary Stelae from Lydia and the Antonine Plague (Tafel 4–5) ...27
Hans F ö r s t e r (Wien): Philotheos, der Verwalter Schenute und die Schiffe. Ein Wiener Text aus dem Schenute-Archiv: Edition von P.Vindob. K 4718 (Tafel 6) ...35
Matthias H a a k e (Münster): Der Philosoph Satyros, Sohn des Philinos, aus Athen: Zu zwei neuen hellenistischen Ehrendekreten aus Larisa für einen bislang unbekannten Philosophen ...49
Pierre J u h e l (Corté): {ὁ ἐπί + substantif au génitif}, titre des fonction- naires de l’administration hellénistique en général et des hauts fonction- naires royaux de la Macédoine antigonide en particulier ...59
Holger M ü l l e r (Stuttgart): Reparationszahlungen an Rom zur Zeit der römischen Republik ...77
Johannes P l a t s c h e k (Göttingen): Procurare aliquem in CIL X 2872 ...97
Andrea P r i m o (Pisa): La battaglia di Ipso e la storiografia sui Seleucidi... 99
Kerstin S ä n g e r - B ö h m (Wien): Überlegungen zum Steuertitel χαρτηρά ...103
Nils S t e f f e n s e n (Tübingen): Land — Geld — Ämter: Versuch über die politische Anthropologie des T. Livius ...115
Ekkehard W e b e r (Wien): Eine Reminiszenz an die lex Plautia Papiria im P.Giss. I 40? ...153
Marita H o l z n e r (Wien): Annona epigraphica Austriaca 2008 ...163
Bemerkungen zu Papyri XXII ( 611–632) ...215
Buchbesprechungen ...225
Vittorio B a r t o l e t t i, Guido B a s t i a n i n i, Gabriella
M e s s e r i, Franco M o n t a n a r i, Rosario P i n t a u d i, Papiri greci e latini. Volume quindicesimo, N.i 1453–1574, Firenze 2008 (A. Benaissa: 225)
M e s s e r i, Franco M o n t a n a r i, Rosario P i n t a u d i, Papiri greci e latini. Volume quindicesimo, N.i 1453–1574, Firenze 2008 (A. Benaissa: 225)
— Axel F i l g e s (Hrsg.), Blaundos. Berichte zur Erforschung einer Kleinstadt im lydisch-phrygischen Grenzgebiet, Tübingen 2006 (M. Holzner: 229)
— Hans F ö r s t e r, Die Anfänge von Weihnachten und Epiphanias. Eine Anfrage an die Entstehungshypothesen, Tübingen 2007 (H. Buchinger: 231)
— Jean G a s c o u, Fiscalité et société en Égypte byzantine, Paris 2008 (J. G. Keenan: 233)
— Edward H a r r i s, Gerhard T h ü r (Hrsg.), Symposion 2007. Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Durham, 2.–6. September 2007), Wien 2008 (L. Migeotte: 236)
— Heinz H e i n e n (Hrsg.), Handwörterbuch der antiken Sklaverei, CD-ROM-Lieferung I–II, Mainz 2008 (A. Juraske: 238)
— Andrea J ö r d e n s (Hrsg.), unter Mitarbeit von Walter S p e r l i n g, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im spätantiken Ägypten. Kleine Schriften Itzhak F. Fikhman, Stuttgart 2006 (S. Tost: 241)
— Anne K o l b, Joachim F u g m a n n, Tod in Rom. Grabinschriften als Spiegel römischen Lebens, Mainz 2008 (E. Weber: 243)
— Yann L e B o h e c, L’armée romaine en Afrique et en Gaule (Mavors 14), Stuttgart 2007 (A. Hirt: 245)
— Valerie A. M a x f i e l d, David P. S. P e a c o c k (Hrsg.), Mons Claudianus 1987–1993. Survey and Excavation III. Ceramic Vessels and Related Objects, Kairo 2006 (D. Maschek: 249)
— Thomas Heine N i e l s e n (Hrsg.), Once Again: Studies in the Ancient Greek Polis, Wiesbaden, Stuttgart 2004 (P. Siewert: 251)
— S t r a b o n, Geographika, Bd. 6: Buch V–VIII: Kommentar, hrsg. von Stefan R a d t, Göttingen 2007 (M. Rathmann: 252)
— Sencer Ş a h i n, Mustafa A d a k, Stadiasmus Patarensis. Itinera Romana Provinciae Lyciae, Istanbul 2007 (F. Hild: 253)
— A. J. Boudewijn S i r k s, Klaas A. W o r p (Hrsg.), Papyri in Memory of P. J. Sijpesteijn (P.Sijp.), Oakville 2007 (K. Sänger-Böhm: 256)
Indices ...259
Eingelangte Bücher... 261
Tafeln 1–6
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
REVIEW of N Litinas, O.Cret.Chers.
Nikos Litinas, Greek Ostraca from Chersonesos, Crete: Ostraca Cretica Chersonesi (O.Cret.Chers.). Tyche. Supplementband; 6. Wien: Holzhausen, 2008. Pp. 81, [3]; 45 p. of plates. ISBN 9783854931645. €39.00 (pb).
Reviewed by Patrick James, The Greek Lexicon Project, University of Cambridge (pj221@cam.ac.uk)
Table of Contents
Litinas presents an admirable edition of ninety Greek ostraca from Chersonesos on Crete and dated to the second or third century AD. Photographs for every ostracon are included. These texts are of interest not least because they represent the first archive of documents written in ink to be found within "today's Hellenic territory" (p. 5). The comprehensive introduction is particularly valuable for its thorough examination of the context of these ostraca, the questions that they raise, and the data that they contribute for the study of numismatics, palaeography and scribal practices, onomastics (and linguistics generally), and the economy of Roman Crete. Litinas' treatment of all of these subjects will be discussed in turn.
The texts themselves represent records, in two formats (Text-types A and B), of quantities of an unspecified commodity associated with nine individuals. As such, the texts are short to the point of obscurity and might seem of very little use. Type A contains only a Roman date (usually without a month), personal names in the nominative, a number of units of the commodity, an abbreviation for that quantity, the number repeated in alphanumeric form, and a total. The fifteen type B ostraca contain only a Roman date, the names of either or both of two persons in the nominative or (rarely) the dative (nos. 79-81), and then amounts of currency. Only no. 31 has a type A text on one side and a type B on the other. There is no clear socio-economic context and the internal evidence presents some puzzles, such as the abbreviations με() in type A and X (struck-through) and χ in type B, as well as the identity of the commodity itself. Also, short texts do not offer much evidence for the morphology or syntax of Koine Greek. Nevertheless, Litinas' examination of these ostraca is a thorough, cautious, and well-documented example of how such texts should be studied and the significant contributions they can offer. My few comments are intended to reinforce the value of this archive and the quality of Litinas' treatment.
Litinas plausibly dates the archive to the period from 150 to 250 AD (or to 300 or 350 AD, although he considers these later dates to be less likely) by drawing together the evidence of the archaeological context (inconclusive beyond 100-300 AD), the Roman dates and (imperial) names, numismatics (denominations and purchasing power), and palaeography. The discussion of letter forms makes up the bulk of this section and of the Introduction (five pages of a thirty-page introduction, with a further two on attributing the ostraca to different scribes).
Etc. at BMCR
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
G. BODARD, S. MAHONY, Digital Research in the Study of Classical Antiquity
Edited by Gabriel Bodard, King’s College, London, UK and Simon Mahony, University College London, UK
Series : Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities
This book explores the challenges and opportunities presented to Classical scholarship by digital practice and resources. Drawing on the expertise of a community of scholars who use innovative methods and technologies, it shows that traditionally rigorous scholarship is as central to digital research as it is to mainstream Classical Studies. The chapters in this edited collection cover many subjects, including text and data markup, data management, network analysis, pedagogical theory and the Social and Semantic Web, illustrating the range of methods that enrich the many facets of the study of the ancient world. This volume exemplifies the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature that is at the heart of Classical Studies.
Contents: Introduction, Simon Mahony and Gabriel Bodard;
Part I Archaeology and Geography:
Silchester Roman town: developing virtual research practice 1997–2008, Michael G. Fulford, Emma J. O'Riordan, Amanda Clarke and Michael Rains;
Diversity and reuse of digital resources for ancient Mediterranean material culture, Sebastian Heath;
Space as an artefact: a perspective on 'neogeography' from the digital humanities, Stuart Dunn.
Part II Text and Language:
Contextual epigraphy and XML: digital publication and its application to the study of inscribed funerary monuments, Charlotte Tupman;
A virtual research environment for the study of documents and manuscripts, Alan K. Bowman, Charles V. Crowther, Ruth Kirkham and John Pybus.
One era's nonsense, another's norm: diachronic study of Greek and the computer, Notis Toufexis.
Part III Infrastructure and Disciplinary Issues:
Digital infrastructure and the Homer multitext project, Neel Smith;
Ktêma es aiei: digital permanence from an ancient perspective, Hugh A. Cayless;
Creating a generative learning object (GLO): working in an 'ill-structured' environment and getting students to think, Eleanor O'Kell, Dejan Ljubojevic and Cary MacMahon;
The digital classicist: disciplinary focus and interdisciplinary vision, Melissa Terras;
Bibliography; Index.
About the Editor: Dr Gabriel Bodard is Research Associate at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, KCL and Simon Mahony is at the University College London, UK
Source: http://www.stoa.org/?p=1136
Series : Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities
This book explores the challenges and opportunities presented to Classical scholarship by digital practice and resources. Drawing on the expertise of a community of scholars who use innovative methods and technologies, it shows that traditionally rigorous scholarship is as central to digital research as it is to mainstream Classical Studies. The chapters in this edited collection cover many subjects, including text and data markup, data management, network analysis, pedagogical theory and the Social and Semantic Web, illustrating the range of methods that enrich the many facets of the study of the ancient world. This volume exemplifies the collaborative and interdisciplinary nature that is at the heart of Classical Studies.
Contents: Introduction, Simon Mahony and Gabriel Bodard;
Part I Archaeology and Geography:
Silchester Roman town: developing virtual research practice 1997–2008, Michael G. Fulford, Emma J. O'Riordan, Amanda Clarke and Michael Rains;
Diversity and reuse of digital resources for ancient Mediterranean material culture, Sebastian Heath;
Space as an artefact: a perspective on 'neogeography' from the digital humanities, Stuart Dunn.
Part II Text and Language:
Contextual epigraphy and XML: digital publication and its application to the study of inscribed funerary monuments, Charlotte Tupman;
A virtual research environment for the study of documents and manuscripts, Alan K. Bowman, Charles V. Crowther, Ruth Kirkham and John Pybus.
One era's nonsense, another's norm: diachronic study of Greek and the computer, Notis Toufexis.
Part III Infrastructure and Disciplinary Issues:
Digital infrastructure and the Homer multitext project, Neel Smith;
Ktêma es aiei: digital permanence from an ancient perspective, Hugh A. Cayless;
Creating a generative learning object (GLO): working in an 'ill-structured' environment and getting students to think, Eleanor O'Kell, Dejan Ljubojevic and Cary MacMahon;
The digital classicist: disciplinary focus and interdisciplinary vision, Melissa Terras;
Bibliography; Index.
About the Editor: Dr Gabriel Bodard is Research Associate at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities, KCL and Simon Mahony is at the University College London, UK
Source: http://www.stoa.org/?p=1136
Monday, May 17, 2010
Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine (Brown Unviersity)
The Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine project seeks to collect and make accessible over the Web all of the previously published inscriptions (and their English translations) of Israel/Palestine from the Persian period through the Islamic conquest (ca. 500 BCE - 640 CE). There are about 15,000 of these inscriptions, written primarily in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin, by Jews, Christians, Greeks, and Romans. They range from imperial declarations on monumental architecture to notices of donations in synagogues to humble names scratched on ossuaries, and include everything in between.
There are approximately 1,500 inscriptions currently in the database, with more added regularly. These inscriptions can be accessed via the "Search" Button on the left.
Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine is an ongoing project at Brown University. It has been generously supported by the Center of Digital Scholarship and the Office of the Vice President of Research at Brown University. We welcome your feedback

Announcement at Current Epigraphy
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Ain Shams Univ. Center for Papyrological Studies & Inscriptions
The ACPSI, established in 1980, is one of the research centers of The University of Ain-Shams of Cairo, Egypt. It is mainly concerned with Egyptian papyri, ostraca and inscriptions, of antiquity and the middle ages. So it also gives room to the languages and scripts that had been in use in writing throughout Egyptian history, namely Hieroglyphic, Hieratic, Demotic, Coptic, Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Arabic. The ACPSI is a member of The International Association of Papyrologists.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
DVCTVS, el portal papirológico
Bienvenido a DVCTVS, el portal papirológico en nuestro país. Aquí encontrarás información sobre las principales colecciones de papiros de los fondos nacionales, en la forma de un catálogo digital, para los textos aun no editados, y también de textos e imegenes digitales para aquellos que ya han sido publicados. DVCTVS es un proyecto en ejecución, por eso agradeceremos tus comentarios y aportaciones, tanto sobre el funcionamiento de nuestra base de datos como sobre nuevo material papiráceo que pueda incorporarse a nuestro portal.
Friday, May 07, 2010
. Convegno Internazionale "I papiri letterari cristiani" - Firenze, 10-11 giugno 201
Convegno Internazionale "I papiri letterari cristiani" - Firenze, 10-11 giugno 2010
10 giugno 2010 - 11 giugno 2010
"I papiri letterari cristiani" Convegno Internazionale di Studi in memoria di Mario Naldini a dieci anni dalla sua scomparsa.
Organizzato da:
Università degli Studi di Firenze - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità "G. Pasquali"
Dottorato di ricerca in Filologia greca e latina
Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" (Centro Studi sui Papiri e i Documenti Antichi)
Roger S. Bagnall - New York
Michele Bandini - Univ. Basilicata
Guido Bastianini - Firenze
Antonio Carlini - Pisa
Guglielmo Cavallo - Roma I
Juan Chapa - Pamplona
Jean Gascou - Paris IV
Elena Giannarelli - Firenze
Paolo Marrassini - Firenze
Carlo Nardi - Fac. Teol. Italia Centrale
Peter Parsons - Oxford
Rosario Pintaudi - Messina
Marco Stroppa - Firenze
Otto Zwierlein - Bonn
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità "G. Pasquali"
p.za Brunelleschi 3 - Firenze
Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli"
via Borgo degli Albizi 12 - Firenze
Organizzato da:
Università degli Studi di Firenze - Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità "G. Pasquali"
Dottorato di ricerca in Filologia greca e latina
Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" (Centro Studi sui Papiri e i Documenti Antichi)
Roger S. Bagnall - New York
Michele Bandini - Univ. Basilicata
Guido Bastianini - Firenze
Antonio Carlini - Pisa
Guglielmo Cavallo - Roma I
Juan Chapa - Pamplona
Jean Gascou - Paris IV
Elena Giannarelli - Firenze
Paolo Marrassini - Firenze
Carlo Nardi - Fac. Teol. Italia Centrale
Peter Parsons - Oxford
Rosario Pintaudi - Messina
Marco Stroppa - Firenze
Otto Zwierlein - Bonn
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità "G. Pasquali"
p.za Brunelleschi 3 - Firenze
Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli"
via Borgo degli Albizi 12 - Firenze
Località della manifestazione
Hotel Astoria, Salone delle Feste, via del Giglio 9 - Firenze
REVIEW of R.S. BAGNALL (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology
"Read the Rolls" Richard Janko, Times Literary Supplement, April 2 2010, p. 13.
Thursday, May 06, 2010
Nuova pubblicazione del Centro di Studi Papirologici dell'Università del Salento, Lecce
vol. 9: I papiri e le storie di Alessandro Magno
a cura di Luisa Prandi
Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa-Roma 2010
pp. 100 con 9 tavole bianco/nero n. t.
ISBN: 978-88-6227-237-7
E-ISBN 978-88-6227-300-8
ISSN: 1970-142X
SKU: 2485
Formato cartaceo: Euro 95.00
E-Book: Euro 85.00
Fabrizio Serra Editore
via Santa Bibbiana, 28
I 56127 Pisa
Tel. +39 050 574888
Per cambi rivolgersi a
Centro di Studi Papirologici dell’Università del Salento
Via V.M. Stampacchia, 45
73100 Lecce
Publisher'a blurb:
9 - Corpus dei papiri storici greci e latini. Parte A. Storici greci. 2. Testi storici anepigrafi. I papiri e le storie di Alessandro Magno, a cura di Luisa Prandi, 2010, pp. 100 con figure in bianco/nero n.t. (brossura/paperback)
Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa · Roma
Il volume pubblica l’edizione critica (con descrizione, testo originale, traduzione e commento) di dieci frammenti papiracei, di carattere narrativo, per i quali gli Editori hanno ipotizzato la provenienza da opere storiche riguardanti la persona e le vicende di Alessandro Magno. Si tratta di papiri di carattere letterario, databili tutti, tranne uno, tra il II secolo a.C. e il II secolo d.C. (per il PLaur IV 138 la data proposta è il IV secolo d.C.). I papiri contengono riferimenti sicuri ad Alessandro e/o a personaggi a lui legati e sono suscettibili di considerazioni storiche, per quanto riguarda il contenuto, e storiografiche, per quanto riguarda il genere o l'impostazione.
La traduzione, condotta con prudenza, perché la necessità di rispettare un testo greco frammentario, senza farvi aderire indebitamente impressioni personali, limita la capacità di rendere concetti e descrizioni, non va mai considerata disgiunta dal commento, all'interno del quale l’autrice ha valorizzato con maggiore libertà tutti gli spunti del testo e proposto una comprensione globale del senso. L’opera è chiusa da un capitolo finale che contiene un tentativo di bilancio del materiale esaminato e anche un ulteriore sviluppo di alcune questioni e discussioni, di cui si offrono comunque gli estremi nelle singole schede, questioni complesse o ampie che meglio si prestano ad essere riconsiderate ed inserite in una prospettiva di carattere generale sull'Alessandrografia.
Sommario: Bibliografia. Introduzione. 1. F PBritLibr 3o85v; 2. F PHamb IV 130; 3. F POxy IV 679; 4. F POxy LVI 3823v; 5. F PCairo 49653; 6. F PLond v 1815 (PLitLond 115); 7. F POxy LVI 3824; 8. F PBerol 21258v; 9. F POxy XV 1798; 10. F Plaur IV 138. I papiri e le storie di Alessandro Magno: per un bilancio.
Composto in carattere Dante Monotype.
Formato 17,5 x 25. Legatura in brossura pesante con copertina in cartone in tondo Magnani blu con impressioni in oro. Sovraccoperta in cartoncino vergatone Magnani avorio con stampa a due colori.
Cartaceo / Print: Euro 95.00
E-Book: Euro 85.00
ISBN: 978-88-6227-237-7
E-ISBN 978-88-6227-300-8
ISSN: 1970-142X
SKU: 2485
Argomenti correlati
Filologia classica...
Letteratura e Linguistica...
vol. 9: I papiri e le storie di Alessandro Magno
a cura di Luisa Prandi
Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa-Roma 2010
pp. 100 con 9 tavole bianco/nero n. t.
ISBN: 978-88-6227-237-7
E-ISBN 978-88-6227-300-8
ISSN: 1970-142X
SKU: 2485
Formato cartaceo: Euro 95.00
E-Book: Euro 85.00
Fabrizio Serra Editore
via Santa Bibbiana, 28
I 56127 Pisa
Tel. +39 050 574888
Per cambi rivolgersi a
Centro di Studi Papirologici dell’Università del Salento
Via V.M. Stampacchia, 45
73100 Lecce
Publisher'a blurb:
9 - Corpus dei papiri storici greci e latini. Parte A. Storici greci. 2. Testi storici anepigrafi. I papiri e le storie di Alessandro Magno, a cura di Luisa Prandi, 2010, pp. 100 con figure in bianco/nero n.t. (brossura/paperback)
Fabrizio Serra editore, Pisa · Roma
Il volume pubblica l’edizione critica (con descrizione, testo originale, traduzione e commento) di dieci frammenti papiracei, di carattere narrativo, per i quali gli Editori hanno ipotizzato la provenienza da opere storiche riguardanti la persona e le vicende di Alessandro Magno. Si tratta di papiri di carattere letterario, databili tutti, tranne uno, tra il II secolo a.C. e il II secolo d.C. (per il PLaur IV 138 la data proposta è il IV secolo d.C.). I papiri contengono riferimenti sicuri ad Alessandro e/o a personaggi a lui legati e sono suscettibili di considerazioni storiche, per quanto riguarda il contenuto, e storiografiche, per quanto riguarda il genere o l'impostazione.
La traduzione, condotta con prudenza, perché la necessità di rispettare un testo greco frammentario, senza farvi aderire indebitamente impressioni personali, limita la capacità di rendere concetti e descrizioni, non va mai considerata disgiunta dal commento, all'interno del quale l’autrice ha valorizzato con maggiore libertà tutti gli spunti del testo e proposto una comprensione globale del senso. L’opera è chiusa da un capitolo finale che contiene un tentativo di bilancio del materiale esaminato e anche un ulteriore sviluppo di alcune questioni e discussioni, di cui si offrono comunque gli estremi nelle singole schede, questioni complesse o ampie che meglio si prestano ad essere riconsiderate ed inserite in una prospettiva di carattere generale sull'Alessandrografia.
Sommario: Bibliografia. Introduzione. 1. F PBritLibr 3o85v; 2. F PHamb IV 130; 3. F POxy IV 679; 4. F POxy LVI 3823v; 5. F PCairo 49653; 6. F PLond v 1815 (PLitLond 115); 7. F POxy LVI 3824; 8. F PBerol 21258v; 9. F POxy XV 1798; 10. F Plaur IV 138. I papiri e le storie di Alessandro Magno: per un bilancio.
Composto in carattere Dante Monotype.
Formato 17,5 x 25. Legatura in brossura pesante con copertina in cartone in tondo Magnani blu con impressioni in oro. Sovraccoperta in cartoncino vergatone Magnani avorio con stampa a due colori.
Cartaceo / Print: Euro 95.00
E-Book: Euro 85.00
ISBN: 978-88-6227-237-7
E-ISBN 978-88-6227-300-8
ISSN: 1970-142X
SKU: 2485
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Tuesday, May 04, 2010
A. BOUD'HORS et al., edd. Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Ostraca, Papyri, and Studies in Honour of Sarah Clackson
Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Ostraca, Papyri, and Studies in Honour of Sarah Clacksonedited by Anne Boud'hors, James Clackson, Catherine Louis, and Petra SijpesteijnScholars and colleagues of Sarah Clackson honored her memory through a two-day symposium, "The Administration of Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt," held at Christ Church, Oxford, 25-26 September 2004. This rich and varied volume presents the papers given at that symposium, plus four additional ones. The foreword presents a complete bibliography for Sarah Clackson and an essay examining her formative role in Coptic Studies up to the time of her premature death. The contributions consist of editions of previously unpublished ostraca and papyri, or of revised and expanded editions of previously published items (O.Clackson 1-34 and P.Clackson 35-50), and nine essays addressing socio-economic and religious issues that impacted the monastic communities of Egypt during Late Antiquity and the Early Islamic period. The volume concludes with the requisite indices: for the ostraca and papyri, indices nominum, rerum, et verborum, and a general index of topics for the commentaries on documents and the essays. Black-and-white images are provided for the ostraca and papyri.297p, 25 b/w pls. (American Society Papyrologists 2008)A. Bo |
R. Phillips, In Pursuit of Invisibility: Ritual Texts from Late Roman Egypt
In Pursuit of Invisibility: Ritual Texts from Late Roman Egyptby Richard PhillipsA close examination of invisibility in the context of the Greco-Roman world, from the role invisibility enjoys as a literary motif to the ritual spells whose logos and praxis in magic papyri promise the individual that he will move about unseen by others. Capping the six chapters investigating invisibility in fiction and in handbooks of magic, Phillips examines the relevant papyri, evaluating the Greek texts and translating them into English, as well as offering thorough commentary for each text (e.g. P.Oxy. LVIII 3931, and six examples drawn from the Papyri Graecae Magicae). Includes bibliographical references and pertinent indices of the Greek. 215p, 8 pls with 10 b/w images (American Society of Papyrologists 2009) |
Review: Eberhard Raimar, Holger Kockelmann, Stefan Pfeiffer, Maren Schentuleit (ed.), "...vor dem Papyrus sind alle gleich!": papyrologische Beiträge zu Ehren von Bärbel Kramer (P. Kramer). Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete Beiheft 27.
Eberhard Raimar, Holger Kockelmann, Stefan Pfeiffer, Maren Schentuleit (ed.), "...vor dem Papyrus sind alle gleich!": papyrologische Beiträge zu Ehren von Bärbel Kramer (P. Kramer). Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete Beiheft 27. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. Pp. ix, 276; 14 p. of plates. ISBN 9783110206456. $137.00. |
Reviewed by Jean A. Straus, Université de Liège (jean.straus@ulg.ac.be)
A l'occasion du départ à la retraite de Bärbel Kramer, professeur de papyrologie à l'Université de Trèves, ses collègues, amis et disciples lui ont offert un beau volume de mélanges fait d'articles et d'éditions ou de rééditions de textes papyrologiques.
Voyons d'abord les éditions et rééditions de textes. P. Kramer 2 = P. Köln inv. 1233. Provenance inconnue, 3e s. de notre ère, édité par Robert Daniel. Fragment de papyrus contenant la fin de 10 lignes d'un charme pour obtenir victoire, faveur, gloire, succès. - P. Kramer 4 = P. Cairo inv. SR 3049 (40). Feuille de parchemin provenant d'un codex, Arsinoïte, 5e ou 6e s., éd. par Ursula et Dieter Hagedorn. Texte biblique: Daniel 7, 11-18. - P. Kramer 7 = P. Hamb. inv. 483r. Tebtynis, 26 mai - 30 juin 223, éd. par Thomas Kruse. Pétition à Aurélios Hermaïskos alias Hermaion, secrétaire royal des mérides de Thémistos et Polémon dans l'Arsinoïte. Le titre d'Hermaïscos pose problème. En effet, la réunion des deux mérides sous la tutelle d'un seul stratège est attestée depuis 136/137. En revanche, on ignore quand un seul secrétaire royal a exercé ses fonctions sur les deux mérides réunies. L'éditeur propose le court laps de temps qui s'étend de 217/218 à 222/223. - P. Kramer 8 = P. Mich. inv. 1711. Provenance non signalée, 2e moitié du 2e s., éd. par Nikos Litinas. Registre d'arbres. - P. Kramer 11 et 12 = Stud. Pal. I, page 2, no. II et P. Harrauer 42. Antinooupolis ( ?) et Hermoupolis, 299 et 339, réédition par Fritz Mitthof. Le premier papyrus contient les restes du compte rendu d'un procès dans lequel Démétria, fille de Polydeukès, intervient comme demanderesse. Le second porte une plainte d'Aurélia Démétria alias Ammonia relative au testament de son fils. L'éditeur établit que les deux Démétria ne font qu'une seule et même personne et dresse une liste des papyrus la concernant - P. Kramer 13 = Stud. Pal. III2 145 + CPR XXIV 19. Arsinoïton Polis ( ?), c. 546, rééd. par Bernhard Palme. Reconnaissance de dette. L'auteur retrace la carrière militaire de Fl. Ménodoros, officier desLeontoclibanarii et évalue ses biens immobiliers à Arsinoïton Polis. - P. Kramer 14 = P. Vindob. G. 43067. Provenance non signalée, 2e s., mais les 1er et 3e s. ne sont pas à rejeter. Fragment de papyrus comprenant au moins trois maximes des Sept Sages. - P. Kramer 15 = P. Berol. 9512. Hermoupolis, vraisemblablement le 26 juin 629 ou 644,1 éd. par Günther Poethke. Contrat de location de la moitié d'une maison. - P. Kramer 17 = P. Berol. 13102. Fouilles d'Otto Rubensohn à Abousir-el-Melek, éd. par Fabian Reiter. Au recto, un zodiaque vraisemblablement destiné à l'élaboration d'un horoscope (Héracléopolite, fin de l'époque ptolémaïque - début du règne d'Auguste) et des traces d'un compte en artabes de blé (2e-1er s. av. n. è.). Au verso, des restes de deux comptes (fin de l'époque lagide - début de l'époque romaine). - P. Kramer 20 = P. Heid. inv. kopt. 137. Provenance inconnue, mais milieu monastique, 7e/8e s., éd. par Georg Schmelz. Lettre dont le contenu porte essentiellement sur l'envoi de divers biens. - P. Kramer 21 = P. Lips. inv. 1452 verso. Provenance non signalée, 3e s. av. n. è., éd. par Reinhold Scholl. Fragment d'un compte rendu concernant un contentieux juridique relatif au mauvais traitement d'une épouse ( ?) - P. Kramer 22 = P. dem. Bonn Inv.-Nr. BoS L 1646. Fayoum, Kerkéséphis, 173/172 av. n. è., éd. par Heinz-Josef Thissen. Contrat relatif à la fabrication de plâtre.
etc. at BMCR
Publisher's blurb:
About this Title
This festschrift contains some two dozen papers on variegated topics from the field of papyrology and epigraphy in Graeco-Roman Egypt. The studies deal with aspects of regional administration, the economy, contract law, antique literary works, temple consecration, the legal status of women, Greek vocabulary and Christian Egypt. The papers include both new publications of papyri and more in-depth studies of previously published texts. The book is of particular interest to papyrologists, epigraphers, ancient historians and Egyptologists.