Die älteste Weltchronik. Europa, die Sintflut und das Lamm
Daniela Colomo, Lutz Popko, Michaela Rücker, Reinhold Scholl
These five fragments from the Papyrus Collection of the University Library of Leipzig are part of a papyrus roll that contains the oldest world chronicle, written by an unknown author. The roll dates from the first quarter of the second century AD. It includes a new list of Pharaohs independent of Manetho, new Babylonian kings and events of Greek history and mythology (e.g the foundation of Thebes).
Der Archilochos-Kommentar P.Oxy. LXXIII 4952
Wolfgang Luppe
Considerations and proposals for supplements to the last five lines to the commentary on Archilochus' trimeters.
Aufführungsdatum und Plazierung von Sophokles' Tηρεύς
Wolfgang Luppe
A critical commentary on an unpublished Oxyrhynchus papyrus, in which an unknown author speaks about Sophocles' success with his tragedy Tereus at the date of Euripides' Medea. This gives the date of the Sophoclean Drama.
Rätselhaftes μονστυλος
Wolfgang Luppe
In the small fr. 2 of P.Oxy. LXXIII 4944 the reading μονόστυλος is required, and this fragment does not belong to the Dictys Cretensis papyrus.
Minima Marcianea
Filippomaria Pontani
The evident analogy between P.Artemid col. IV, 18–24 and Marcian. Per. mar. ext. 2, 6 (p. 544, 2–4 Müller) is best explained by assuming that Marcianus had Artemidorus' text in front of him while writing the entire section 2, 2 – 2, 7 of his Periplus, and especially in parr. 2, 6–7, dealing with the general shape of Iberia.
Quittung für Grapheiongebühren (γραμματικά)
Sandra Scheuble
Presented here is a papyrus of the Trier collection that contains a receipt for γραμματικά (scribal fees) and is dated probably to 27 November 96 BC. Zoilos, the πρὸς τῷ γραφεíῳ of Oxyrhyncha, issues a receipt to the two scribes, Hermias, son of Maron, and his son Maron, for the payment of γραμματικ, which means we are dealing with a grapheion (record-office) charge or processing fee.
Ein neuer Papyrus aus dem Dossier des comes Johannes
Bärbel Kramer, Dieter Hagedorn
Edition of a new papyrus from the dossier of the comes Johannes, containing the order of the comes to Philoxenos, manager of a hamlet or estate called Peribleptou, to supply 12 nomismatia for the purchase of reed for the vineyard and 4 nomismatia for bulls.
Une attaque de Damas par les Qarmates au Xe siècle d'après la lettre d'un marchand
Dominique Sourdel, Janine Sourdel-Thomine, Jean-Michel Mouton
Publication of an unedited text written at the beginning of the 10th century in Damascus. It concerns a merchant's letter describing an attack on the town by the Shi'ite sect of the Qarmates. The writer of the letter paints a broad picture of the Syrian capital and its oasis, the Ghouta, at a decisive moment in its history. The city, under the direction of a regime with limited military capacity, finds safety behind its ancient city walls thanks to the vigour of the merchants and urban militias
P.Berlin 13593: Nouvelle interprétation
Gilles Gorre
The form of the detailed prenuptial agreement P.Berlin 13593, dated 12 October 198 BC, contains additions of deben of silver and deben of bronze. Such an accounting practice cannot be understood if we accept the hypothesis that after 210 BC a bronze drachma was established as a unit of account independent of the silver drachma. This document requires us to identify the nature of deben (= 5 staters = 20 drachmas), and to explain the rise in prices of some of the possessions otherwise than by a metallic change of monetary standard.
ὑπομνήματα ἐπιγεννήσεως: the Greco-Egyptian Birth Returns in Roman Egypt and the case of P. Petaus 1–2
Carlos Sánchez-Moreno Ellart
This paper tackles the question of whether the nature of the birth returns filed by Greco-Egyptian people could be interpreted as such or rather as applications to register a child in privileged status. Some related questions such as the relationship between the birth returns and the 14 year cycle and their use after 257/8 AD, their connection with the epicrisis procedure or the use of evidence by the Roman authorities are also commented upon.
Tra Ecdotica e Performance: Per un Corpus Papyrorum Vergilianarum
Maria Chiara Scappaticcio
All the thirty-seven documents – school or scribes' exercises, bilingual texts, quotations in grammatical texts – forming a new Corpus Papyrorum Vergilianarum are here briefly presented and discussed with regard both to their papyrological and their more strictly philological aspects that are linked to the tradition of the Vergilian manuscripts. What needs emphasis here is the performance dimension of most of these texts, as their ‘signs’ and ‘accents’ show (i.e. in PSI I 21)
Urkundenreferat 2008 (1. Teil)
Thomas Kruse
Mitteilung der Redaktion — Editors's note —Avis de la rédaction — Annuncio della redazione