What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Monday, April 18, 2011

REVIEW of N. Pellé & L. Prandi, Corpus dei papiri storici greci e latini. Parte A. Storici greci. 1 & 2

Natascia Pellé (ed.), Corpus dei papiri storici greci e latini. Parte A. Storici greci. 1. Autori noti. Vol. 8: I frammenti delle opere di Senofonte.   Pisa/Roma:  Fabrizio Serra editore, 2010.  Pp. 221.  ISBN 9788862272766.  €80.00 (pb).   

Luisa Prandi (ed.), Corpus dei papiri storici greci e latini. Parte A. Storici greci. 2. Testi storici anepigrafi. Vol. 9: I papiri e le storie di Alessandro Magno.   Pisa/Roma:  Fabrizio Serra editore, 2010.  Pp. 95.  ISBN 9788862272377.  €95.00 (pb).   

Reviewed by Jean A. Straus, Université de Liège (jean.straus@ulg.ac.be)
Nos collègues italiens ont lancé trois projets ambitieux: le Corpus dei Papiri filosofici greci e latini (Florence, Olschki), le Corpus dei Papiri Greci di Medicina(Florence, Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli") et le Corpus dei Papiri storici greci e latini (Pise - Rome, F. Serra). Les deux volumes recensés font partie de ce dernier corpus.

Etc. at BMCR

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

B. Legras, Les reclus grecs du Sarapieion de Memphis

Les reclus grecs du Sarapieion de Memphis
Une enquête sur l'hellénisme égyptien

Studia Hellenistica, 49

Authors: Legras B.

Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-90-429-2361-4
Pages: XIV-320 p.
Price: 72 EURO

Les archives bilingues des reclus grecs (katokhoi) du Sarapieion de Memphis constituent un corpus exceptionnel pour étudier les relations entre Hellènes et Égyptiens dans le cadre d’un temple égyptien au deuxième siècle avant notre ère. L’enquête replace la réclusion en Égypte dans le cadre plus large du monde hellénistique et romain. Elle propose une solution au débat sur la nature de cette réclusion (katokhê) en montrant que ces hommes, qui bénéficient de la protection des dieux dans l’espace sacré, ont été séduits par la religion égyptienne. Les deux fils du clérouque Macédonien Glaukias, Ptolémaios et Apollonios, sont le cœur de la recherche, qui dégage leurs moyens économiques de vie, leurs amitiés et les tensions avec le milieu égyptien, et leur niveau de culture orale et écrite. La question de leur éventuel bilinguisme et l’étude des lectures que révèle leur bibliothèque posent la question du niveau de leur éducation grecque et de leur degré d’ouverture au monde égyptien.

P. Sorb. III, n°70-144

Papyrus de la Sorbonne
P. Sorb. III, n°70-144

Hélène Cadell, Willy Clarysse et Kennokka Robic

216 p.
11 pl. dépliantes en couleur
ISBN : 978-2-84050-726-0


: 100 Euro(s)

Ce volume III des Papyrus de la Sorbonne fait suite au P. Sorbonne I (nos 1 à 68) publiés par Hélène Cadell aux Presses universitaires de France en 1966 et au P. Sorbonne II 69 publié par Jean Gascou aux Scholars Press en 1994. Il présente l’édition de trois dossiers ou lots d’archives, tous du IIIe siècle av. J.-C., les deux premiers issus des cartonnages de momie trouvés jadis à Ghôran par Pierre Jouguet, le troisième provenant d’un achat mais issu également de cartonnages de momie trouvés dans le Fayoum, au total soixante quinze documents, en grande partie inédits. Ces trois ensembles sont présentés dans l’ordre chronologique.

Le dossier du lochage Zènodôros (nos 70‑74), édité par Hélène Cadell, directeur de recherche au CNRS, est le plus ancien de ceux qui sont conservés à l’institut de papyrologie de la Sorbonne. Datant des années 270, il est important en particulier pour les problèmes de chronologie qu’il soulève.

Le deuxième dossier, celui des archives du nomarque Aristarchos (nos 75-102), édité par Willy Clarysse, professeur à la Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, est bilingue, grec et démotique, et il reste central pour notre connaissance de l’administration du Fayoum au milieu du iiie siècle (petites nomarchies).

Le troisième ensemble, qui est aussi le plus gros (nos 102-144), les archives de l’épistate Dèmètrios (dites aussi papyrus de Mouchis), édité par Kennokka Robic, jeune docteur de l’université Paris-Sorbonne, et constitué, pour la moitié la plus importante, par des enteuxeis, est un complément utile à celles que rassembla Octave Guéraud en 1931 ; ces documents sont par ailleurs d’un grand intérêt dans le domaine du calendrier et de l’administration dans le dernier quart du IIIe siècle.

REVIEW of H. Cotton et al., From Hellenism to Islam: Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East.

Hannah M. Cotton, Robert G. Hoyland, Jonathan J. Price, David J. Wasserstein (ed.), From Hellenism to Islam: Cultural and Linguistic Change in the Roman Near East.   Cambridge/New York:  Cambridge University Press, 2009.  Pp. xxx, 481.  ISBN 9780521875813.  $125.00.   

Table of Contents:

Fergus Millar: “Introduction: documentary evidence, social realities and the history of language,” 

1 Werner Eck: The presence, role and significance of Latin in the epigraphy and culture of the Roman Near East,
2 Benjamin Isaac: Latin in cities of the Roman Near East, 

3 Seth Schwartz: Euergetism in Josephus and the epigraphic culture of first-century Jerusalem,
4 Marijana Ricl: Legal and social status of threptoi and related categories in narrative and documentary sources,
5 Angelos Chaniotis: Ritual performances of divine justice: the epigraphy of confession, atonement, and exaltation in Roman Asia Minor,
6 Hannah M. Cotton: Continuity of Nabataean law in the Petra papyri: a methodological exercise, 

7 Nicole Belayche: ‘Languages’ and religion in second- to fourth-century Palestine: in search of the impact of Rome,
8 Walter Ameling: The epigraphic habit and the Jewish diasporas of Asia Minor and Syria,
9 Ted Kaizer: Religion and language in Dura-Europos, 

10 Jonathan J. Price and Shlomo Naeh: On the margins of culture: the practice of transcription in the ancient world,
11 Sebastian Brock: Edessene Syriac inscriptions in late antique Syria,
12 Dan Barag: Samaritan writing and writings,
13 Gideon Bohak: The Jewish magical tradition from late antique Palestine to the Cairo Genizah, 

14 Ernst Axel Knauf: The Nabataean connection of the Benei Hezir,
15 Leah Di Segni: Greek inscriptions in transition from the Byzantine to the early Islamic period,
16 Robert G. Hoyland: Arab kings, Arab tribes and the beginnings of Arab historical memory in late Roman epigraphy,
17 Tonio Sebastian Richter: Greek, Coptic and the ‘language of the Hijra’: the rise and decline of the Coptic language in late antique and medieval Egypt,
18 Arietta Papaconstantinou: ‘What remains behind’: Hellenism and Romanitas in Christian Egypt after the Arab conquest,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Biblical Archaeology: The Oxyrhynchus Papyri (overview of the excavation)

IX Seminario Papirologico Fiorentino

Guido Bastianini reports:

Istituto Papirologico “G. Vitelli” 
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
Accademia Fiorentina di Papirologia e di Studi sul Mondo Antico

 Papiri dall’Arsinoite nelle collezioni fiorentine
Il seminario si terrà a Firenze dal 12 al 25 settembre 2011, presso l’Istituto Papirologico “G. Vitelli” (Borgo degli Albizi 12). Il lavoro dei partecipanti si svolgerà su testi inediti delle collezioni fiorentine.
I partecipanti saranno impegnati nel restauro dei papiri e saranno loro fornite le necessarie istruzioni tecniche per operare sul materiale. Inoltre, i partecipanti affronteranno lo studio di papiri sugli originali: saranno fornite le nozioni fondamentali sulla metodologia della trascrizione e sulle varie tipologie dei testi che si recuperano dai papiri stessi, nonché nozioni di inquadramento storico generale.
Il seminario è riservato a giovani in possesso di Laurea in Lettere o Storia, con percorsi di studio di indirizzo classico, filologico o storico-antico. Sono ammessi anche studenti stranieri, con analoghi requisiti. Costituirà titolo preferenziale per l’ammissione al seminario l’avere svolto una tesi in Papirologia; non verranno prese in considerazione le domande di coloro che abbiano precedentemente partecipato a più di un’altra iniziativa analoga.
Al termine del seminario, sarà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza a coloro che abbiano seguito tutte le fasi dei lavori.
 Il numero dei partecipanti è limitato a 12.
 La quota di iscrizione è fissata in 250 euro.
Le domande di iscrizione devono pervenire entro il 24 giugno 2011 e devono essere indirizzate al prof. Guido Bastianini presso l’Istituto Papirologico “G. Vitelli”, Borgo degli Albizi 12, I-50122 Firenze. Si prega di indicare sulla busta: “Nono Seminario Papirologico Fiorentino”. Alla domanda, in carta semplice, devono essere acclusi il curriculum vitae e una lettera di presentazione rilasciata da un docente universitario, che non sia uno dei coordinatori del seminario. La quota di iscrizione dovrà essere versata secondo le modalità che saranno indicate nella lettera con cui sarà comunicato che la domanda di iscrizione è stata accettata.
I richiedenti saranno informati sull’esito della loro domanda entro il 15 luglio 2011.
I coordinatori del Seminario:
Guido Bastianini, Gabriella Messeri, Rosario Pintaudi

Call for Papers: Ptolemy I Soter and the Transformation of Egypt 404-282 BC

Paul McKechnie reports:

From September 28 to 30 this year at Macquarie University, in Sydney, Australia, there will be a conference with title as in the subject line of this message.  The agenda will be to examine Egypt from the accession of Artaxerxes II to the death of Ptolemy I, i.e. to consider the 'long fourth century BC' in Egypt in a synthetic and interdisciplinary way. Keynote speakers will be Pierre Briant, Martina Minas and Dorothy Thompson.

The call for papers is now extended until 31 May.  Details are at this URL: http://www.acrc.mq.edu.au/




Université de Liège, bât. A1, 7, Place du 20-Août, B 4000 Liège
Salle Lumière (bât. A1, 2e étage)

Jeudi 12 mai 2011
9h30    Accueil des participants
10h      Bruno Rochette (Université de Liège), Papyrologie et bilinguisme: des perspectives nouvelles10h30  Marie-Hélène Marganne (Université de Liège), Le CEDOPAL et les papyrus latins: pour une mise à jour du Corpus Papyrorum Latinarum de Robert Cavenaile11h      Johannes Kramer (Université de Trèves), Les glossaires bilingues sur papyrus12h      Discussion
12h30  Repas
14h30  Marco Fressura (Université de Rome III), Tipologie del glossario virgiliano15h30  Paolo Radiciotti (Université de Rome III), Digraphisme dans les papyrus latins16h30  Discussion
Vendredi 13 mai 2011
9h       Maria-Chiara Scappaticcio (Ist. Ital. Sc. Umane - Naples), Lectio bilingue, bilinguismo della lectio. Sull'accentazione grafica nei papiri latini: sondaggi dai PNess. II 1 e 2
10 h   Gabriel Nocchi Macedo (Université de Liège), Bilinguisme et digraphisme dans le codex contenant l'Alceste de Barcelone11h     Pause
11h15  Hilla Halla-aho (Université de Helsinki), Greek Interference in the Latin Letters on Papyri12h30  Repas
14h30  Bruno Rochette et Nathan Carlig (Université de Liège), Présentation du projet de bibliographie critique relative au bilinguisme gréco-latin15h15  Discussion générale et conclusions par Alain Martin (Université libre de Bruxelles)

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Archiv für Papyrusforschung APF 56.2 (2010)

Der Schluß der Mήδεια-Hypothesis
Wolfgang Luppe (Halle/Saale)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 197–199, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.197,

The medieval hypothesis of Euripides' Medea is a revision of the original version recorded on a large papyrus. Some supplements to P.Oxy. 2455 fr. 1 are proposed.
Keywords: Euripides, hypothesis, Medea, Melanippe

Korrekturen und Ergänzungen zur Leipziger Weltchronik
Wolfgang Luppe (Halle/Saale)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 200–206, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.200, /

In the editio princeps some readings must be corrected and some supplements are not acceptable. The sections always begin with μετ' λλα τη. The correct name of the Ionians is ωνε. The namse of both Ion's and Hesiod's father probably stood in the text. The author proposes some new supplements.
Keywords: world chronicle, Ionia, Kadmos, Greek history, Greek mythology

Il Papiro di Artemidoro: per un'interpretazione della sequenza testuale
Leone Porciani (Pavia)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 207–231, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.207,

The new sequence proposed for the sections of the Artemidorus papyrus (b-c-a-d) allows for a reassessment of the text and of the nature of the artifact. Columns I–III are best understood as an inner passage from book 2 of Artemidorus' Geographoumena; columns IV-V-I-II-III seem to comprise a continuous text whose parts are connected by thematic threads. Perhaps the papyrus was first conceived as a preparatory work for an edition of book 2 of Artemidorus' Geographoumena.
Keywords: ancient geography, Artemidorus' papyrus, anthologies, proems

Il P.Artemid. e i sacchi di papiro bianco di J. de M. Johnson
Claudio Gallazzi (Milano) e Bärbel Kramer  (Treviri)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 232–238, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.232,

Among the many reasons why the Artemidorus Papyrus cannot be a modern forgery, one of the most powerful is the problem of acquiring the right material. A forger would have to have found a blank papyrus roll of finest quality, about 300 × 32,5 cm, produced at the beginning of the first century AD, and he would have to have known the date of its production to be able to choose a handwriting matching the paleography of the time. There is no material which meets these requirements, not even the famous blanks of papyrus excavated in the late mounds of Antinoupolis with which «sacks might have been filled».
Keywords: P.Artemid., authenticity, blank papyrus, forgery

A List of Names from the Michigan Collection
Richard G. Warga Jr. (Baton Rouge)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 239–241, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.239, 1

Publication of a papyrus, of unknown provenance, from the Michigan collection containing a list of names, probably of lessors.
Keywords: editio princeps, documentary papyrus, Ptolemaic Egypt

Der eponyme Offizier Tubias: ein lokaler Vertreter der ptolemäischen Herrschaft in Transjordanien
Stefan Pfeiffer (Chemnitz)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 242–257, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.242,

In P.Cair. Zenon I 59003, which records the sale of a slave, the social status of the vendor and witnesses is described by their relation to Toubias, whose family administered the Transjordanian region from Persian times. Toubias is often thought to have been a commander in the Ptolemaic cavalry, but a new analysis of the papyrus shows that in fact he was a so-called eponymous officer, which was not a military rank. However, he had a very high status in the hierarchy of the Ptolemaic empire.
Keywords: Toubiads, Toubias, sale of slave, local elite in Palestine, Ptolemy II, Zenon archive

Ostraca Upsaliensia (Part I)
Todd Hickey (Berkeley/Washington, D.C.)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 258–273, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.258,

An edition of sixteen Greek ostraka from the collection of the Victoria Museum of Egyptian Antiquities at Uppsala University. All of the texts date to the Roman period, and most are of Theban provenance, with one each from Elephantine and Edfu.
Keywords: Greek ostraka, Roman taxation, Thebes, Elephantine, Edfu

Six Papyri of the Fifth Century from the Beinecke Library
Amin Benaissa (Oxford)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 274–285, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.274,

Publication of six documentary papyrus fragments of the fifth century AD from the Beinecke Library, Yale University. Four of them contain consular dates and include two contracts of uncertain content, a contract involving an agens in rebus who was landowner in Oxyrhynchus, and a bilingual report of proceedings. Another papyrus is an acknowledgment of debt for 80 jars by a group of potters to a notable figure. The last document is an account featuring a number of ‘Copticised’ names.
Keywords: papyri, Beinecke Library, consuls, bilingual report, Coptic names

A Note on Some Price Indications from Roman Egypt Featuring Peculiar Amounts of Drachmas
Robert P. Salomons (Nijmegen) Klaas A. Worp (Leiden)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 286–289, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.286,

In Roman Egypt, prices of real estate and animals tend to have been settled in multiples of four drachmas so that payment could be in tetradrachma-coins. If such prices were not divisible by four, the readings of numerals or the conversion from bronze to silver drachmas would turn out to be wrong in many cases. Only a small number of amounts not divisible by four turn out to be inescapably correct.
Keywords: Roman Egypt, commodity prices, tetradrachmas

Zwei Schultexte der Bodleian Library in Oxford: Das Gebet eines frommen Sünders, ein Psalmenvers und Fragen zur Reihenfolge des koptischen Alphabets
Gesa Schenke (Leiden/Oxford)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 290–293, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.290,

Two new editions of school texts provide a further glimpse into teaching and learning in late antiquity. A prayer and a psalm verse are used as spelling and calligraphic excercises respectively. The manner in which the alphabet is practised reveals a particular order of the additonal Egyptian characters that define the Coptic alphabet.
Keywords: alphabet, education, prayer, psalm verse, school text

Eine frühe arabische Quittung aus Oberägypten
Boris Liebrenz (Leipzig)
Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 294–314, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.294,

Apart from military personnel, the presence of Arabs in post-conquest Upper Egypt is poorly documented both in the literary sources and the papyri. The present first edition of an Arabic document from the town of Djême may be evidence of very early contacts between conquerors and indigenous population on a civilian level even in such a remote provincial place. In the text, a Copt receives a receipt for the purchase of real estate from a recently deceased Arab woman.
Keywords: Djême, quittance, Arabic, women

Citation Information. Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete. Volume 56, Issue 2, Pages 315–317, ISSN (Online) 1867-1551, ISSN (Print) 0066-6459, DOI: 10.1515/APF.2010.315,

Urkundenreferat 2008 (2. Teil)
Thomas Kruse

Demotica Selecta 2008–2009
Maren Schentuleit

P. Prag III (Pap.Flor XLI)

Vol. XLI dei Papyrologica Florentina: 

Rosario Pintaudi-Dominic Rathbone, Papyri Graecae Wessely Pragenses (PPrag.III), 
con i contributi di L. Del Corso, V. Drbal, Th.J. Kraus, R. Luiselli, D. Minutoli, F. Mitthof, A. Papathomas, H. Sekavovà, J. Whitehorne, 

Firenze Edizioni Gonnelli 2011, 
ISBN 978-88-7468-034-4, pp. X, 234, tavv. I-XLVII, Euro 180,00.

J. Kramer, Von der Papyrologie zur Romanistik

Kramer, Johannes
Von der Papyrologie zur Romanistik
[From Papyrology to Romance Studies]
2010 | Hardcover | Euro [D] 109.95 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 154.00. *
ISBN 978-3-11-024702-2 
Series: Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete - Beihefte 30


Der Band enthält 30 Aufsätze, die papyrologische Gegebenheiten erörtern und so wichtige Beiträge zur historischen romanistischen Sprachwissenschaft liefern können. Behandelt werden u.a. die Bedeutung der Papyrologie für andere Wissenschaften (Romanistik, Germanistik), der antike griechisch-lateinische Sprachbund, die Wortgeschichte von ‚Papyrus‘ in den antiken und modernen Sprachen Europas, Papyrusbelege für die Aussprache des Lateinischen, die durch Papyri genauer zu belegende Geschichte von 20 griechischen und lateinischen Wörtern und die Editionsprinzipien in der Klassischen Philologie, der Papyrologie und der Romanistik. Die Aufsätze stellen eine aktualisierte Neubearbeitung früherer Einzelveröffentlichungen dar; mehrere Indizes ermöglichen jetzt den Zugang zu den verschiedenen Abhandlungen.

About this Title

This volume contains 30 articles covering papyrological topics that provide important contributions to the history of Romance language studies. Among the topics dealt with are the relevance of papyrology for other disciplines (Romance and German studies), the Greek and Latin ‘Sprachbund,’ the word history of ‘papyrus’ in ancient and modern European languages, evidence  from papyri for the pronunciation of Latin, the history of 20 Greek and Latin words as more precisely revealed in papyri, and the principles of editions in classical philology, papyrology and Romance studies. The contributions represent updated revisions of previous articles; access to the various works is now provided by several indices.

Friday, April 01, 2011

April Foolishness?