What's New in Papyrology
Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS
Friday, September 23, 2011
Papyrus Conservation Seminar
Papyrus Collection, University of Michigan Library
Ann Arbor, Michigan
18-29 June 2012
The Papyrus Collection of the University of Michigan Library will host a two-week seminar in papyrus conservation, from Monday, June 18 to Friday, June 29, 2012, directed by Ms. Leyla Lau-Lamb. Participants will receive a hands-on introduction to papyrus conservation. They will learn about equipment and materials used in papyrus conservation and the theory and methodology behind current conservation techniques. They will then utilize these techniques to perform a range of treatment on actual papyri from the University of Michigan’s Papyrus Collection, including written documentation, digital photo-documentation, mechanical cleaning, damp treatments, reduction of folds, alignment of fibers, alignment of fragments, and methods of housing and storage.
The number of participants is limited to eight. Preference will be given to scholars and students who are directly involved with papyrus conservation, whether in the setting of a papyrus collection or archaeological excavations.
There is no course fee for the seminar, which is supported by the University of Michigan Papyrus Collection. Participants are responsible for their own travel, lodging and meals. Participants will have the option of purchasing the conservation tools they will use during the seminar. A certificate of participation will be provided at the end of the seminar.
Ms. Leyla Lau-Lamb is a senior conservator in the University of Michigan Library and has been conservator for the Michigan Papyrus Collection since 1990. Author of the Advanced Papyrological System (APIS) Guidelines for Conservation of Papyrus, she has been invited by various collections worldwide, including the Hermitage in St. Petersburg and the Carlsberg Papyrus Collection of the University of Copenhagen, to assist in the conservation of papyrus.
To apply please send contact information, a statement summarizing relevant conservation or papyrology experience and responsibilities (maximum 600 words), and one letter of recommendation to:
Prof. Arthur Verhoogt
Acting Archivist, University of Michigan Papyrus Collection,
807 Hatcher Graduate Library South,
913 S. University Avenue
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1190
or email the application as a pdf-file to verhoogtATumichDOTedu.
Deadline for applications is 1 December 2011.
Trismegistos People
Trismegistos People is a tool dealing with personal names of non-royal individuals attested as living in Egypt in documentary texts between BC 800 and AD 800, including all languages and scripts written on any surface. Not included are pharaohs, emperors, and saints; people attested in texts outside Egypt (with the exception of some Prosopographia Ptolemaica entries) or people living outside Egypt (no consuls!); and names from non-documentary texts (e.g. narratives).
Trismegistos People consists of a complex set of prosopographical and onomastic databases. At the heart of the structure is the REF database, which lists attestations of people identified by personal names. It is linked to PER, a database of individuals, and to NAMVAR, a database of personal name variants which is in turn linked to NAM, a database of names. The current figures for each of these databases are as follows:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Desktop Multispectral imaging?
13 September 2011
A scanner which combines the convenience of a desktop scanner with the functionality of a powerful laboratory imaging device has been developed at the University of Oxford’s Classics Department, and is now being commercialised by a new company Oxford Multi Spectral Limited which was today spun out by the University’s technology transfer company Isis Innovation.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Papyri Graecae Wessely Pragenses : (PPrag. III)
Titolo: | Papyrologica Florentina, 41 : Papyri Graecae Wessely Pragenses (PPrag.III). |
Autore: | Pintaudi, Rosario |
Pubblicazione: | Firenze : Edizioni Gonnelli, 2011 |
ISBN/ISSN: | 9788874680344 |
Stato: | Disponibile |
Prezzo: | € 180.00 |
Codice identificativo: | D1107067 |
Descrizione fisica: | x,231 p.,47 p. of plates : ill. ; 31 cm. |
REVIEW of Hannah M. Cotton (ed.), Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. Volume 1
Hannah M. Cotton (ed.), Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palaestinae. Volume 1: Jerusalem, Part 1: 1 - 704. Corpus inscriptionum Iudaeae/Palestinae. A multi-lingual corpus of the inscriptions from Alexander to Muhammad. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2010. Pp. xxiv, 694. ISBN 9783110222197. $182.00.
Contributors: Additional editors: Leah Di Segni, Werner Eck, Benjamin Isaac, Alla Kushnir-Stein, Haggai Misgav, Jonathan Price, Israel Roll and Ada Yardeni.Reviewed by Hagith Sivan (dinah01@ku.edu)
This is the first volume in a projected series of nine volumes dedicated to the classical epigraphy of Israel, a modern state with somewhat fluctuating borders that do not, however, correspond to either ancient Judaea or to Roman Palestine. The corpus's uniqueness, according to the brief introduction, resides in its multi-lingual aspect. Its chronological spectrum embraces nearly a millennium (c. 300 BCE to c. 640 CE), and the editors ought to be commended for attempting to break away from the traditional chronologies that have dominated the field of Jewish studies. Thus, instead of "Second Temple" and the "Mishnah" and "Talmud" eras (c. 450 BCE to 70 CE; c. 70 to c. 200 CE; and c. 200 to 400/600 CE, respectively), the editors have adopted the conventional classical boundaries of the "Hellenistic" period (which they do, however, terminate with the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE); the "Roman Period" (from 70 to Constantine), and "Late Antiquity" (from Constantine to the Arab Conquest). The inscriptions themselves do not appear to lend support to these temporal divisions, at least not in part 1 of volume 1 which, according to page 39, solely covers "inscriptions from the Hellenistic period up to the destruction of the Second Temple." Perhaps, for the sake of clarification, this important piece of information should have been placed on the title page.
Etc. at BMCR
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
The 9th Arabic Papyrology Webclass (Winter Term 2011/12): Documents from al-Andalus
The 9th Arabic Papyrology Webclass (Winter Term 2011/12): Documents from
Arabic papyrology mostly deals with documents from Egypt and the East.
However, documents from Muslim Spain have their regional peculiarities
in paleography, terminology, diplomatics, etc. In this webclass, we will
focus on offical letters and agreements kept in the Barcelona "Archivo
General de la Corona de Aragón".
This is an on-line webclass. We will mostly read unpublished documents.
A scan of the document to be discussed will be sent to you in advance.
Estimated time for preparation: 1-2 hours/week. Communication will be in
Arabic papyrology mostly deals with documents from Egypt and the East.
However, documents from Muslim Spain have their regional peculiarities
in paleography, terminology, diplomatics, etc. In this webclass, we will
focus on offical letters and agreements kept in the Barcelona "Archivo
General de la Corona de Aragón".
This is an on-line webclass. We will mostly read unpublished documents.
A scan of the document to be discussed will be sent to you in advance.
Estimated time for preparation: 1-2 hours/week. Communication will be in
S. BUCKING, Practice Makes Perfect P. Cotsen-Princeton 1 and the Training of Scribes in Byzantine Egypt
This book by papyrologist Scott Bucking is about a 7th century Sahidic Coptic manuscript including a syllabary and simple text indicating its use for elementary instruction in a monastery. The text provides a papyrological description of the manuscript, with a text describing its historical and social context and discusses current issues in papyrology relating to papyri as archaeological objects.
ISBN: 9780974516844
Year: 2011
Size: 23 x 18 cm
Binding: Hardcover. In slipcase.
Illustration: With a 61-page colour facsimile of the manuscript and additional illustrations in the text.
Pages: 266 p
Monday, September 05, 2011
Indice delle COMUNICAZIONI dell'Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" 9,
COMUNICAZIONI dell'Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" 9,
Firenze, Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" 2011,
pp. 134 + XVI tavv.
ISBN 978 88 87829 46 4
prezzo 40 euro
Dai Papiri della Società Italiana, pp. 1- 55:
1. Preghiera dalla liturgia bizantina di S. Basilio (M. Stroppa)
2. Ricevuta dei sitologi (S. Russo)
3. Ricevuta di dazio (S. Russo)
4. Ricevuta d’imposta su un vigneto (S. Russo)
5. Frammento di restituzione di un mutuo (S. Russo)
6. Contratto di affitto di terreno (S. Russo)
7. Intestazione di documento (S. Russo)
8. Intestazione di documento (S. Russo)
9. Frammento di documento (S. Russo)
10. Intestazione di lettera (S. Russo)
11-12. Two astronomical tables from the Tebtunis Temple Library (A. Jones – M. Perale)
T.M. Hickey, A private extract from a weaver’s census return, pp. 57-60
M. Stroppa, Testi cristiani scritti transversa charta nei PSI: alcuni esempi, pp. 61-72
G. Rosati, Schiaparelli, Giglioli e la Nuova Zelanda, pp. 73-77
A. Lopez Garcia, I PSI inv. già editi non ricompresi nella serie dei PSI, pp. 79-130
Thanks again to Prof. Bastianini for providing me the TOC.
Firenze, Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" 2011,
pp. 134 + XVI tavv.
ISBN 978 88 87829 46 4
prezzo 40 euro
Dai Papiri della Società Italiana, pp. 1- 55:
1. Preghiera dalla liturgia bizantina di S. Basilio (M. Stroppa)
2. Ricevuta dei sitologi (S. Russo)
3. Ricevuta di dazio (S. Russo)
4. Ricevuta d’imposta su un vigneto (S. Russo)
5. Frammento di restituzione di un mutuo (S. Russo)
6. Contratto di affitto di terreno (S. Russo)
7. Intestazione di documento (S. Russo)
8. Intestazione di documento (S. Russo)
9. Frammento di documento (S. Russo)
10. Intestazione di lettera (S. Russo)
11-12. Two astronomical tables from the Tebtunis Temple Library (A. Jones – M. Perale)
T.M. Hickey, A private extract from a weaver’s census return, pp. 57-60
M. Stroppa, Testi cristiani scritti transversa charta nei PSI: alcuni esempi, pp. 61-72
G. Rosati, Schiaparelli, Giglioli e la Nuova Zelanda, pp. 73-77
A. Lopez Garcia, I PSI inv. già editi non ricompresi nella serie dei PSI, pp. 79-130
Thanks again to Prof. Bastianini for providing me the TOC.
F.Krüpe, Die Damnatio Memoriae
Die Damnatio Memoriae
Über die Vernichtung von Erinnerung –
Eine Fallstudie zu Publius Septimius Geta
(189–211 n. Chr.)
(189–211 n. Chr.)
von Florian Krüpe
Erscheinungsdatum: 06. Juli 201
Gebunden, Fadenheftung
Maße: 17 cm x 24 cm
336 S. mit 33 Abbildungen
Preis: 78,00 Euro (portofrei in D; in die EU, nach Europa oder in die Welt zzgl. Porto)
ISBN: 978-3-940598-01-1
Publisher's blurb:Erscheinungsdatum: 06. Juli 201
Gebunden, Fadenheftung
Maße: 17 cm x 24 cm
336 S. mit 33 Abbildungen
Preis: 78,00 Euro (portofrei in D; in die EU, nach Europa oder in die Welt zzgl. Porto)
ISBN: 978-3-940598-01-1
»Er grollte auch den Steinen, weil sie einstmals seine Statuen getragen hatten, und ließ die Münzen mit seinem Bilde einschmelzen…« (Cassius Dio)
Die Bedeutung des Publius Septimius Geta liegt nicht in seiner Biographie, seiner »Karriere« zum Princeps oder einer mehr oder minder erfolgreichen Regentschaft begründet, sondern in den Folgen eines jahrelangen Bruderzwistes und eines etwa neunmonatigen, chaotischen Interregnums, an dessen Ende ihn sein Bruder Caracalla unter brutalen Umständen ermorden ließ. Denn daraufhin verhängte dieser jene Memoriastrafe über ihn, die gemäß der opinio communis als damnatio memoriaebezeichnet wird.
Die Bedeutung des Publius Septimius Geta liegt nicht in seiner Biographie, seiner »Karriere« zum Princeps oder einer mehr oder minder erfolgreichen Regentschaft begründet, sondern in den Folgen eines jahrelangen Bruderzwistes und eines etwa neunmonatigen, chaotischen Interregnums, an dessen Ende ihn sein Bruder Caracalla unter brutalen Umständen ermorden ließ. Denn daraufhin verhängte dieser jene Memoriastrafe über ihn, die gemäß der opinio communis als damnatio memoriaebezeichnet wird.
Die vorliegende Studie analysiert in eine ersten Abschnitt den Forschungsstand und die juristischen Grundlagen dieser typisch römischen Ausformung einer antiken Memoriastrafe und widmet sich dann in einem chronologischen Durchgang ausgewählten Einzelfällen, die eine Weiterentwicklung des Verfahrens erkennen lassen.
Getas damnatio memoriae, die in vielerlei Hinsicht exzeptionell für die römische Kaiserzeit und die Dynastie der Severer ist, steht im Mittelpunkt des systematischen zweiten Teils. Sie fußt auf einer intensiven Analyse des epigraphischen und papyrologischen Materials und wird exemplarisch zeigen, daß die »Vernichtung von Erinnerung« nicht unbedingt das Ziel der herrschenden Autoritäten war – sehr wohl aber der Eingriff in das kollektive Gedächtnis eines multiethnischen Vielvölkersstaates und die Befriedigung persönlicher Rachegelüste.
Der Autor
Florian Krüpe, Jahrgang 1973 studierte Alte Geschichte, Klassische Archäologie und Neuere Geschichte. Der Magisterarbeit über den römischen Kaiser als Leichenredner folgte als Promotion die vorliegende Studie. Die Römische Kaiserzeit mitsamt ihren zahlreichen Facetten gehört ebenso zu seinen Forschungsinteressen wie aktuelle EDV-Projekte in den Geschichtswissenschaften. Der Autor ist Akademischer Rat am Fachbereich Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaften der Philipps-Universität Marburg.
Aktueller Forschungsstand und weitere Perspektiven
Wien, 22.-24. September 2011
Veranstalter: Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein der Universität Wien | Institut für Byzanzforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Im Rahmen des FWF-Projekts P20049-G02 (Projektbeschreibung) und mit Unterstützung der Stadt Wien, MA 7 - Wissenschafts- und Forschungsförderung
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FULL SIZE poster click here |
Donnerstag 22. 9. (Herbert Hunger-Haus der ÖAW, Theatersaal)
17.00–17.15 Begrüßung:
Sigrid JALKOTZY-DEGER Präsidentin der phil.-hist. Klasse der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Otto KRESTEN Institut für Byzanzforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
17.15–18.30 Eröffnungsvortrag:
LucianoCANFORA (Bari)
Textgeschichte des Demosthenes im Wandel der Jahrhunderte
18.30–20.00 Empfang im Innenhof des Herbert Hunger-Hauses
Freitag 23. 9. (ÖAW, Wohllebengasse 12–14, Seminarraum) Moderation: Herbert BANNERT
9.15–9.25 Begrüßung:
Herbert BANNERT Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein der Universität Wien
9.25–10.10 (incl. Diskussion) HerwigMAEHLER (Wien)
Demosthenes-Kommentare auf Papyrus
10.10–10.40 Kaffeepause
10.40–11.10 (incl. Diskussion)
LászlóHORVÁTH (Budapest)
Ps.-Demosthenes XVII. Hypereides als Verfasser?
11.10–11.45 (incl. Diskussion) LucianoCANFORA (Bari)
Demosthenes’ und Hypereides’ Epitaphioi logoi
11.45–12.15 Kaffeepause
12.15–12.55 (incl. Diskussion) KonstantinosA.KAPPARIS (Gainesville,Florida)
The transmission of Apollodoros in the edition of M. Dilts
12.55–15.10 Mittagspause
Moderation: Otto KRESTEN
15.10–15.40 (incl. Diskussion)
LisaBENEDETTI (Mailand)
L’interpunzione di Philippica III, 28–40; 59–68, nei manoscritti Par. gr. 2934, Par. gr. 2935, Monac. gr. 485, Marc. gr. 416
15.40–16.20 (incl. Diskussion) BrigitteMONDRAIN (Paris)
Le rôle de quelques manuscrits dans l’histoire du texte de Démosthène
16.20–16.50 Kaffeepause
16.50–17.20 (incl. Diskussion) SofiaKOTZABASSI (Thessaloniki)
Demosthenes im 13. Jahrhundert
17.20–17.50 (incl. Diskussion)
Jana GRUSKOVÁ (Wien)
Paläographisch-kodikologische Betrachtungen zu den „vetustissimi“ des Demosthenes: Textkritische und textgeschichtliche Auswertung
17.50–19.00 BuffetSamstag 24. 9. (Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein der UW) Moderation: Herwig MAEHLER
9.10–9.50 (incl. Diskussion) FelipeG.HERNÁNDEZMUÑOZ (Madrid)
The transmission of the text of Demosthenes: some issues
9.50–10.20 (incl. Diskussion) DonalSpenceMCGAY (Radnor,Pennsylvania)
Reflections on the manuscript tradition of Demosthenes, Or. 54
10.20–10.50 Kaffeepause
10.50–11.20 (incl. Diskussion) LorenzoMariaCIOLFI (Rom)
Demostene nel X secolo. Il caso del Laur. 59.9
11.20–12.00 (incl. Diskussion)
Some remarks about the relationships between the primary witnesses of the Corpus Demosthenicum
12.00–14.00 Mittagspause
14.00–15.45 Round-table-Gespräch
Moderation: Herbert BANNERT, Ernst GAMILLSCHEG, Otto KRESTEN, Herwig MAEHLER
15.45–16.00 Schlussworte: Herbert BANNERT, Otto KRESTEN
Saturday, September 03, 2011
ZPE 178 (2011)
Alexandru, S., A Never Yet Deciphered Greek Palimpsest: Codex Athous Zographou Il’inskiy 40 159
Alföldy, G., Griechische Inschriften und griechische Kultur in Tarraco 87
Ameling, W., Epigraphische Kleinigkeiten (II) 185
Avram, A. – Jones, C. P., An Actor from Byzantium in a New Epigram from Tomis 126
Awianowicz, B., A New Hellenistic Ostracon from Nikonion 237
Bernsdorff, H., Notes on P.Oxy. 3722 (Commentary on Anacreon) 29
Brackmann, S., Ein Votivtäfelchen mit einer ungewöhnlichen Weihinschrift für Zeus 221
Brown, Ch. G., To the Ends of the Earth: Sappho on Tithonus 21
Caldelli, M. L., La titolatura di Plauziano – Una messa a punto 261
Christol, M., A propos d’inscriptions latines d’Uthina (Oudhna, Tunisie) 285
Dąbrowa, E., The Date of the Census of Quirinius and the Chronology of the Governors
of the Province of Syria 137
Descat, R., Autour de la tombe d’Hékatomnos. Nouvelle lecture d’une inscription de Mylasa 195
Eck, W., Zwei Diplome für Rätien und Thrakien 247
Facella, M., Twin Peaks: On a New Royal Hellenistic Coin from the Auction Marke 223
Fishwick, D., L. Cornelius L. f. Bocchus and the Office of [curator templi Divi] Augusti 252
Fortson, B. W. – Potter, D. S., A Fragmentary Early Republican Public Inscription from Gabi 255
Glock, A., Hermann Dessaus Grabinschrift 300
González González, M., Un eco de Semónides Fr. 7 en CEG II 530 26
Gorostidi Pi, D. – Ruiz Valderas, E., Un nuevo aedilis lustralis procedentee Tusculum (Lacio, Italia) 273
Gronewald, M., Nachlese zu P.Macq. inv. 586 (1) (ZPE 177, 2011, 58) 84
Hagedorn, D. – Hagedorn, U., Monotheletisch interpretierte Väterzitate und eine Anleihe bei Johannes Chrysostomus in dem Kölner Osterfestbrief (P. Köln V 215) 143
Handley, E. W., The Date of Menander’s Epitrepontes 51
Hickey, T. M., A Penthēmeros Certificate from the Reign of Caracalla (P.Lund inv. 12) 240
Higginbotham, J. – Muccigrosso, J. D., A New Archaic Dipinto from Poseidonia 191
Huß, W., Zur Datierung von O. dem. Stras. 283 236
Iasiello, I. – Solin, H., Due iscrizioni dal territorio di Morcone 279
Jones, C. P., Julius Nicanor Again 79
Jones, C. P. – Avram, A., An Actor from Byzantium in a New Epigram from Tomis 126
Jordan, D. R. – Kotansky, R. D., Ritual Hexameters in the Getty Museum: Preliminary Edition 54
Karamanou, I., The Hektor–Deiphobos Agon in Euripides’ Alexandros (frr. 62a–b K.: P. Stras. 2342, 2 and 2343 35
Kirov, S., Gaius Iulius Rhascos 215
Kotansky, R. D. – Jordan, D. R., Ritual Hexameters in the Getty Museum: Preliminary Edition 54
Kounouclas, P. – Summa, D., A New Dedication from Eastern Lokris 203
Lundon, J., PSI XV 1464 e P.Oxy. LXXI 4821. Due frammenti di uno stessocommentario omerico da Ossirinco 1
Luppe, W., Nochmals zu Β̅ Μήδεια = Μήδεια δευτέρα 48 – Zum Grab-Epigramm GV 2093 135
MacCoull, L. S. B., Monastic and Church Landholding in the Aphrodito Cadaster 243
Marchand, F., A New Profession in a Funerary Inscription from Tanagra 207
Muccigrosso, J. D. – Higginbotham, J., A New Archaic Dipinto from Poseidonia 191
Pirovano, L., Un “nuovo” foglio manoscritto delle Interpretationes Vergilianae di Tiberio Claudio
Donato (Beinecke Library MS 1020) 85
Potter, D. S. – Fortson, B. W., A Fragmentary Early Republican Public Inscription from Gabii 255
Prignitz, S., Ein Augustuspriester des Jahres 27 v. Chr. 210 Ruiz Valderas, E. – Gorostidi Pi, D., Un nuevo aedilis lustralis procedente de Tusculum (Lacio, Italia) 273
Solin, H. – Iasiello, I., Due iscrizioni dal territorio di Morcone 279
Squire, M. J., Three New Tabulae Iliacae Reconstructions (Tablets 2NY, 9D, 20Par) 63
Summa, D. – Kounouclas, P., A New Dedication from Eastern Lokris 203
Uljas, S., A Leaf of the Coptic Martyrdom of Ptolemy in Cambridge 179
Alexandru, S., A Never Yet Deciphered Greek Palimpsest: Codex Athous Zographou Il’inskiy 40 159
Alföldy, G., Griechische Inschriften und griechische Kultur in Tarraco 87
Ameling, W., Epigraphische Kleinigkeiten (II) 185
Avram, A. – Jones, C. P., An Actor from Byzantium in a New Epigram from Tomis 126
Awianowicz, B., A New Hellenistic Ostracon from Nikonion 237
Bernsdorff, H., Notes on P.Oxy. 3722 (Commentary on Anacreon) 29
Brackmann, S., Ein Votivtäfelchen mit einer ungewöhnlichen Weihinschrift für Zeus 221
Brown, Ch. G., To the Ends of the Earth: Sappho on Tithonus 21
Caldelli, M. L., La titolatura di Plauziano – Una messa a punto 261
Christol, M., A propos d’inscriptions latines d’Uthina (Oudhna, Tunisie) 285
Dąbrowa, E., The Date of the Census of Quirinius and the Chronology of the Governors
of the Province of Syria 137
Descat, R., Autour de la tombe d’Hékatomnos. Nouvelle lecture d’une inscription de Mylasa 195
Eck, W., Zwei Diplome für Rätien und Thrakien 247
Facella, M., Twin Peaks: On a New Royal Hellenistic Coin from the Auction Marke 223
Fishwick, D., L. Cornelius L. f. Bocchus and the Office of [curator templi Divi] Augusti 252
Fortson, B. W. – Potter, D. S., A Fragmentary Early Republican Public Inscription from Gabi 255
Glock, A., Hermann Dessaus Grabinschrift 300
González González, M., Un eco de Semónides Fr. 7 en CEG II 530 26
Gorostidi Pi, D. – Ruiz Valderas, E., Un nuevo aedilis lustralis procedentee Tusculum (Lacio, Italia) 273
Gronewald, M., Nachlese zu P.Macq. inv. 586 (1) (ZPE 177, 2011, 58) 84
Hagedorn, D. – Hagedorn, U., Monotheletisch interpretierte Väterzitate und eine Anleihe bei Johannes Chrysostomus in dem Kölner Osterfestbrief (P. Köln V 215) 143
Handley, E. W., The Date of Menander’s Epitrepontes 51
Hickey, T. M., A Penthēmeros Certificate from the Reign of Caracalla (P.Lund inv. 12) 240
Higginbotham, J. – Muccigrosso, J. D., A New Archaic Dipinto from Poseidonia 191
Huß, W., Zur Datierung von O. dem. Stras. 283 236
Iasiello, I. – Solin, H., Due iscrizioni dal territorio di Morcone 279
Jones, C. P., Julius Nicanor Again 79
Jones, C. P. – Avram, A., An Actor from Byzantium in a New Epigram from Tomis 126
Jordan, D. R. – Kotansky, R. D., Ritual Hexameters in the Getty Museum: Preliminary Edition 54
Karamanou, I., The Hektor–Deiphobos Agon in Euripides’ Alexandros (frr. 62a–b K.: P. Stras. 2342, 2 and 2343 35
Kirov, S., Gaius Iulius Rhascos 215
Kotansky, R. D. – Jordan, D. R., Ritual Hexameters in the Getty Museum: Preliminary Edition 54
Kounouclas, P. – Summa, D., A New Dedication from Eastern Lokris 203
Lundon, J., PSI XV 1464 e P.Oxy. LXXI 4821. Due frammenti di uno stessocommentario omerico da Ossirinco 1
Luppe, W., Nochmals zu Β̅ Μήδεια = Μήδεια δευτέρα 48 – Zum Grab-Epigramm GV 2093 135
MacCoull, L. S. B., Monastic and Church Landholding in the Aphrodito Cadaster 243
Marchand, F., A New Profession in a Funerary Inscription from Tanagra 207
Muccigrosso, J. D. – Higginbotham, J., A New Archaic Dipinto from Poseidonia 191
Pirovano, L., Un “nuovo” foglio manoscritto delle Interpretationes Vergilianae di Tiberio Claudio
Donato (Beinecke Library MS 1020) 85
Potter, D. S. – Fortson, B. W., A Fragmentary Early Republican Public Inscription from Gabii 255
Prignitz, S., Ein Augustuspriester des Jahres 27 v. Chr. 210 Ruiz Valderas, E. – Gorostidi Pi, D., Un nuevo aedilis lustralis procedente de Tusculum (Lacio, Italia) 273
Solin, H. – Iasiello, I., Due iscrizioni dal territorio di Morcone 279
Squire, M. J., Three New Tabulae Iliacae Reconstructions (Tablets 2NY, 9D, 20Par) 63
Summa, D. – Kounouclas, P., A New Dedication from Eastern Lokris 203
Uljas, S., A Leaf of the Coptic Martyrdom of Ptolemy in Cambridge 179
REVIEW: G. Weber (ed.), Alexandreia und das ptolemäische Ägypten: Kulturbegegnungen in hellenistischer Zeit.
Gregor Weber (ed.), Alexandreia und das ptolemäische Ägypten: Kulturbegegnungen in hellenistischer Zeit. Berlin: Verlag Antike, 2010. Pp. 232. ISBN 9783938032374. € 49.90.
Reviewed by M. Weiskopf (mnweiskopf@aol.com)
Weber has edited an excellent, well-written collection of essays investigating the Ptolemaic era, a collection (whose origins lie in 2007/2008) indicative of the advances made in the field since the 1980s when the imprecise term "multicultural" was first used to placate the “politically correct.” Weber’s introduction (pp. 9-29) makes clear that one is investigating cultural interactions, Kulturbegegnungen: a plural. The cultures and interactions are never static, nor is there a single Leitkultur. Weber proposes the investigation of five Problembereiche that cut across disciplines: a. the concept of monarchy, in which the desire for dynastic unity led to the adaptation of the Egyptian concept of sibling marriage; b. the elite of the land, Egyptian and Greco-Macedonian maintaining their respective positions, but prosopographical details preclude assigning ethnics based on one’s name; c. religion, in which the Ptolemies were active patrons, but a clear division between divine worlds seems to have persisted; d. the situation in the chora, illuminated for the most part by papyrus-preserved “personal” histories; e. dislike of the Ptolemaic rule: the priesthood saw the Ptolemies as the bulwark against a Sintflutof chaos and anarchy; it remains difficult to assign specific reasons for others’ dissatisfaction. Weber ends with advice (p. 24): “Generalisierende Aussage in grosser Stil ueber die griechische Elite oder die Aegypter verbieten sich daher.”
etc at BMCR
Gregor Weber
Kulturbegegnungen in Alexandreia und im ptolemäischen Ägypten. Begriffe – Probleme – Perspektiven
Sitta von Reden
Kulturbegegnung und wirtschaftliche Transformation in den ersten Generationen ptolemäischer Herrschaft
Gregor Weber
Ungleicheiten, Integration oder Adaptation? Der ptolemäische Herrscher- und Dynastiekult in griechisch-makedonischer Perspektive
Stefan Pfeiffer
Das Dekret von Rosette. Die ägyptischen Priester und der Herrscherkult
Marianne Bergmann
Sarapis im 3. Jh. v.Chr.
Stefan Schmidt
Nekropolis – Grabarchitektur und Gesellschaft im hellenistischen Alexandreia
Irmgard Männlein-Robert
Zwischen Musen und Museion oder: Die poetische (Er-)Findung Griechenlands in den Aitien des Kallimachos
Karl-Heinz Stanzel
Neuer Wein in neuen Schläuchen? Kallimachos’ Iambik, die Mimepen Theokrits und die Mimiamben des Herodas
Sachen, Orte, Personen
Die Autorinnen und Autoren
Friday, September 02, 2011
REVIEW of Livia Capponi, Roman Egypt.
Livia Capponi, an enthusiastic and experienced papyrologist who is currently a lecturer in Ancient History at Newcastle University, has written a modest but well-documented introduction to Roman Egypt, a long historical period that begins with Augustus’ arrival at Alexandria on 1 October, 30 BC and ends with the Arab conquest of Egypt sealed by a treaty signed by the general ‘Amr ibn al-‘As and the patriarch Cyrus on 8 November 641. This introduction is intended for “students and teachers of Classical Civilization at late school and early university level”, according to the series’ mission statement on the back cover, even for “those with no previous knowledge of the classical languages and those who, before reading, did not even know what a papyrus was”, according to the author’s preface.
Etc. at BMCR