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Friday, December 16, 2011

M.Herrero de Jáuregui (et al.), Tracing Orpheus: Studies of Orphic Fragments In Honour of Alberto Bernabé

Tracing Orpheus: Studies of Orphic Fragments In Honour of Alberto Bernabé, De Gruyter (col. Sozomena 10), Berlin New York, 2011 (Edited by M.Herrero de Jáuregui, A. I. Jiménez San Cristóbal, E.R. Luján, R. Martín Hernández, M.A. Santamaría,  S. Torallas Tovar).


Ad Orphicorum Fragmenta

Jan N. Bremmer 1. 
The Place of Performance of Orphic Poetry (OF 1) . 1

Claude Calame 2.
 L’écriture de la voix enchanteresse d’Orphée (OF 1) . 7

Fritz Graf 3. 
Exclusive Singing (OF 1a/b) . 11

Mª Dolores Lara 4. 
El buen médico y el médico ignorante (OF 1) . 15

Sara Macías Otero 5. 
Echoes of the Formula “Let the Profane Shut the Doors” (OF 1) in
two Passages by Euripides . 21

Julia Mendoza 6. 
Ζεὺς μοῦνος: Philosophical Monism and Mythological Monism (OF 12) 27

Pilar Boned 7. 
Orphic Theogonies and the Goddess Isis in Apuleius (OF 14, 31 and 243) 33

Tomás Calvo Martínez 8. 
Aristotle, Metaphysics 14.4: a Problematic Reference to Orphism
(OF 20 IV) 39

Gregory Nagy 9. 
Comments on OF 22 . 47

Manuel Sánchez Ortiz de Landaluce 10. 

Albert Henrichs 11. Dionysos Dismembered and Restored to Life: The Earliest Evidence (OF 59 I–II) . 59

Paola Corrente 12. 
The Gods who Die and Come Back to Life: the Orphic Dionysus and his Parallels in the Near-East (OF 59 I–III and 327 II) 67

Christoph Riedweg 13. 
Teilt Kaiser Julian die kritische Sicht auf monströse orphischeMythologeme mit den Christen? Beobachtungen zu Adversus Galilaeos fr. 4 Masaracchia (= OF 59 VII = Kyrill von Alexandrien Contra Iulianum 2.11) . 75

Eugenio R. Luján 14. 
The Cosmic Egg (OF 64, 79, 114) 83

Roxana Beatriz Martínez Nieto  15. 
OF 111: Χρόνος ἀγήραος . 91

Carolina López-Ruiz 16.
 A Hangover of Cosmic Proportions: OF 222 and its Mythical Context 97

Glenn W. Most 17. 
Heraclitus Fragment B 52 DK (on OF 242) 103

Rosa García-Gasco Villarrubia  18. 
Titans in Disguise: the Chalk in Myth and Ritual (OF 308) 109

Óscar Patón Cordero 19. 
The Role of Gypsum in Orphism (OF 308) . 117

Sarah Iles Johnston 20. 
Hecate, Leto’s Daughter, in OF 317 121

Silvia Porres Caballero 21. 
Dionysus’ Definitive Rebirth (OF 328 I) 125

Fátima Díez Platas 22. 
From the Heart and with a Serpent: on OF 329 . 131

Carlos Megino González 23. 
Presence in Stoicism of an Orphic Doctrine on the Soul quoted by Aristotle (De Anima 410b 27 = OF 421) . 137

Francisco Molina Moreno 24. 
Non-musical Notes on the Orphic Lyra (OF 417) 145

Madayo Kahle 25. 
OF 437 and the Transformation of the Soul . 151

Emilio Suárez de la Torre 26. 
OF 443.2: ἐνάτωι ἔτεϊ. The Delphic Key 157

Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal 27. 
Do not Drink the Water of Forgetfulness (OF 474–477) . 163

José Joaquín Caerols 28. 
Adnotatiunculae in lamellam Hipponensem (OF 474) . 169

Marisa Tortorelli Ghidini 29. 
La limne divina della lamina di Petelia (OF 476.8–10) 177

Radcliffe G. Edmonds III 30. 
Festivals in the Afterlife: A New Reading of the Petelia Tablet (OF 476.11) 183

Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui 31.
 OF 485–486: “On this Day” . 187

Paloma Cabrera 32. 
“Ram, You Fell into the Milk” (OF 485.5–486.4). Possible Orphic Echoes in an Apulian Image . 195

Aurelio Pérez Jiménez 33. 
En las redes de χρόνος. La peregrinación inicial de las almas contaminadas (Plu. De facie 943C): sobre OF 487.6 . 203

Marco Antonio Santamaría Álvarez 34. 
“I Have Reached the Desired Crown with Swift Feet” (OF 488.6) 211

Gábor Betegh 35.
 The “Great Tablet” from Thurii (OF 492) 217

Emilio Crespo 36. 
OF 496: Dialectal Diversity in Macedon at the End of the Fourth
Century BC 225

Yannis Z. Tzifopoulos 37. 
Ad OF 496 . 229

Rosa Ma Aguilar 38. 
Reflejos del orfismo en Plutarco (OF 524, 358 II, 31 V; Epimen. fr. 43) .     235

Elvira Gangutia 39. 
OF 531 I, Sapph. fr. 58 Voigt y la «nueva Safo» . 239

Gabriella Ricciardelli 40. 
Un dio dai molti nomi (OF 540) . 247

Giulia Sfameni Gasparro 41. 
OF 540 = Macrobio, Sat. 1.18.12 e Inno orfico 52: Dioniso tra teogonia e attualità religiosa . 253

Attilio Mastrocinque 42. 
Orfismo nel culto romano di Bona Dea (OF 584) 259

Juan Rodríguez Somolinos 43. 
Note to OF 586: κρανιάρχης 267

Alberto Nodar Dominguez 44. 
Theophrastus, Characters 16.12: Orphism or Rhetoric? (OF 654) . 273

María Paz López Martínez 45. 
Synesius, Dio 7 (OF 674) . 281

Felipe G. Hernández Muñoz 46. 
Critical Notes to OF 683 287

Juan Antonio Álvarez-Pedrosa Núñez 47. 
The Etymology of Gk. ῎Εμπουσα (OF 713–716) 291

Helena Rodríguez Somolinos 48. 
OF 750: Frost or Snow? 295

José Antonio Berenguer-Sánchez 49. 
Greek ἐπηετανός and Other Possible Compounds of ἔτος ‘year’ in Ancient Greek (OF 773) 301

Raquel Martín Hernández 50. 
Τύχα in Two Lead Tablets from Selinous (OF 830) 309

Marcos Martínez 51. 
Música y Palabra en Orfeo (sobre OF 960) 315

Ricardo Olmos 52. 
Heracles y Orfeo. Una relación de por vida (sobre OF 1018 I) . 323

Irene Pajón Leyra 53. 
Extraordinary Orpheus. The Image of Orpheus and Orphism in the Texts of the Paradoxographers (OF 1065, 787, 790, 793, and 794) 331

Fernando García Romero 54.
 ἀμουσότερος Λειβηθρίων (OF 1069) . 337

David Konstan and Pura Nieto 55. 
Orpheus Reunited with Eurydice (on OF 1076–1077) 343 ad Musaei Linique Fragmenta

Dirk Obbink 56. 
Orphism, Cosmogony, and Genealogy (Mus. fr. 14) 349

Mercedes Aguirre 57. 
Linus, fr. 2: Music and Death 353 ad Papyrum Derveni

Walter Burkert 58. 
The Derveni Papyrus on Heraclitus (col. IV) . 359

Franco Ferrari 59. 
Eraclito e i Persiani nel Papiro di Derveni (col. IV 10–14) . 363

José Luis Calvo Martínez 60. 
Col. VI of the Derveni Papyrus and the Ritual Presence of Poultry (OF 471)  369

Francesc Casadesús Bordoy 61.
 The Castration of Uranus and its Physical Consequences in the Derveni Papyrus (cols. XIII and XIV) and the First Stoic Philosophers 375

Luc Brisson 62. 
Okéanos dans la colonne XXIII du Papyrus de Derveni 383

Anton Bierl 63. 
Enigmatic Hints at the Hidden Meaning of Two Central Homeric Passages. The Derveni-Author as Homeric Philologist in PDerv. col. XXVI . 391 ad Hymnos Orphicos

Christopher A. Faraone 64. 
Orphic Hymn 37 397

Sofía Torallas Tovar 65. 
Orphic Hymn 86 “To Dream”: On Orphic Sleep and Philo 403 de Orpheo in Moderna Aetate

Carlos García Gual 
La decisión de Orfeo (según Cesare Pavese) . 411

Carmina Orphica Hispanica

Luis Alberto de Cuenca Himno órfico a Zeus . 417

Vicente Cristóbal El Orfeo de Ovidio en hexámetros castellanos 419