What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

DM Wolfgang Müller

Dr. Müler in 2008, photo by M. Krutzsch
Wolfgang Müller (* 10. Juli 1922 in Altenburg; † 24. Oktober 2012)

and D. Lotze, "Die Alte Geschichte in Jena von 1945 bis 1989" in Isolde Stark, Hg., Elisabeth Charlotte Welskopf und die Alte Geschichte in der DDR (F Streiner Verlag, 2005), 108 ff.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Greek, Greek / Demotic and Demotic Mummy Labels: A Survey

Greek, Greek / Demotic and Demotic Mummy Labels: A Survey
Version 1.0 (March 2013) Madrid, 90 pp
K.A. Worp 

The only aim of this survey is to provide a collection of editions of mummy labels from Graeco-Roman Egypt inscribed with texts in Greek and / or Demotic (including a few texts in late- Hieratic). These short texts (almost 3000 items, mostly written on wood) are dispersed now all over the world and incorporated into a great many collections; in course of time many (but not yet all) of them have been published in a wide variety of editions. The survey1 consists of two main sections, viz.: ─ (I.a) A list of Greek and bilingual texts published in various major special editions of a collection (in particular T.BM Arlt and T.Mom.Louvre), in other special corpora of such mummy labels (S.P. Vleeming’s Short Texts, vol. 2, and B. Boyaval’s Corpus des Étiquettes de Momie Grecques [below: C.E.M.G.) or in various other text editions of papyri (in particular the Greek Sammelbuch) and in various journals. The list was compiled from data collected in Trismegistos (see ) and the HGV (see ) while searching in these data bases for ‘material = wood’.
─ (I.b) A list of mummy label texts in Demotic and late Hieratic compiled from
─ (I.b) A list of mummy label texts in Demotic and late Hieratic compiled from Trismegistos / DAHT (see ).
─ (II) A list of locations of collections of various mummy labels listed in the first section. The list is arranged alphabetically according to modern toponym. 
─ (II) A list of locations of collections of various mummy labels listed in the first section. The list is arranged alphabetically according to modern toponym. 


Instituto Papirologico “G. Vitelli” (Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia)
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
Accademia Fiorentina di Papirologia e di Studi sul Mondo Antico
Papiri inediti delle collezioni fiorentine
Il seminario si terrà a Firenze dal 16 al 24 settembre 2013, presso l’Istituto Papirologico “G. Vitelli” (Borgo degli Albizi 12) e sarà coordinato dai proff. Guido Bastianini, Gabriella Messeri e Rosario Pintaudi, con la collaborazione del dr. Antonio López García.
Il lavoro dei partecipanti si svolgerà su testi inediti delle collezioni fiorentine.
I partecipanti saranno impegnati nel restauro dei papiri e saranno loro fornite le necessarie istruzioni tecniche per operare sul materiale. Inoltre, i partecipanti affronteranno lo studio diretto degli originali: saranno fornite le nozioni fondamentali sulla metodologia della trascrizione e sulle varie tipologie dei testi che si recuperano dai papiri, nonché nozioni di inquadramento storico generale.
Il seminario è riservato a giovani in possesso di Laurea (triennale o magistrale) in ambito letterario o storico, con percorsi di studio di indirizzo classico, filologico o storico-antico. Sono ammessi anche studenti stranieri, con analoghi requisiti. Costituirà titolo preferenziale per l’ammissione al seminario l’avere svolto una tesi in Papirologia; non verranno prese in considerazione le domande di coloro che abbiano precedentemente partecipato a più di un’altra iniziativa analoga.
Al termine del seminario, sarà rilasciato un attestato di frequenza a coloro che abbiano seguito tutte le fasi dei lavori.
Il numero dei partecipanti è limitato a 12.
La quota di iscrizione è fissata in 250 euro.
Le domande di iscrizione devono pervenire entro il 21 giugno 2013 e devono essere indirizzate al prof. Guido Bastianini presso l’Istituto Papirologico “G. Vitelli”, Borgo degli Albizi 12, I-50122 Firenze. Si prega di indicare sulla busta: “Undicesimo Seminario Papirologico Fiorentino”. Alla domanda, in carta semplice, devono essere acclusi il curriculum vitae e una lettera di presentazione rilasciata da un docente universitario.
La quota di iscrizione dovrà essere versata secondo le modalità che saranno indicate nella lettera con cui sarà comunicato che la domanda di iscrizione è stata accettata.
I richiedenti saranno informati sull’esito della loro domanda entro il 13 luglio 2013.
I coordinatori del Seminario
Guido Bastianini, Gabriella Messeri, Rosario Pintaudi

Archiv für Papyrusforschung (APF) 58.2 (2013)

Ed. by Fournet, Jean-Luc / Kramer, Bärbel / Luppe, Wolfgang / Maehler, Herwig / McGing, Brian / Poethke, Günter / Reiter, Fabian / Richter, Tonio Sebastian

Nathan Carlig,  
Homère, Iliade, XVI, 45–56 Un nouveau papyrus homérique conservé à la Bibliothèque nationale de France: P.ParisBnF inv. Suppl. gr. 1385.1 (4) Pages 193–200, 

This article presents an edition of an unpublished Homeric fragment in Paris containing Homer, Iliad, XVI, 45-56. Observations on its content, form and layout, and an investigation of the other papyri of Iliad XVI show that the Paris fragment belonged to the same family as P.Harr. I 122.

José-Antonio Fernández Delgado,
A very peculiar Homeric paraphrase (P.Erl. 5, inv. 3, recto), Pages 201–208 

P.Erl. 5 (inv. 3), recto (LDAB 1567 = MP3 1169) contains a paraphrase of part of the argument between Zeus and Hera at the end of Book I of the Iliad (v. 528-48). It is characterized by its similarity to the ‘grammatical’ rather than ‘rhetorical’ type of paraphrase, although it cannot be classified as purely grammatical either.

Fausto Montana,
 Ettore, Cebrione e il tethrippon P.Oxy. 76.5095, fr. 1 →, rr. 10–11, commento a Il. 12.91, 209–215

The word τέθριππον in l. 11 of this commentary on part of Book 12 of the Iliad (MP3 1194.01; 5th/6th century AD) allows a reconstruction of the meaning of the annotation, and of the related text, that fits well with the corresponding scholium exegeticum 12.91-92, and provides further confirmation of the strong affinity between the commentary and this class of medieval scholia.

Wolfgang Luppe
Zur Datierung von Euripides’ Μήδεια-Dramen


Aristophanes of Byzantium’s hypothesis of the preserved Mήδεια of Euripides awards Sophocles second place in 431 BC, but in the new report of P.Oxy. 5093 Sophocles was the winner with Τηρεύς. This difference is explicable if the known hypothesis belongs to the first Μήδεια. If that is the case, the preserved Μήδεια must have been performed later than 431.

Marco Perale
P.Oxy. LXIV 4410. A Comic Adespoton Re-examined

New readings in P.Oxy. LXIV 4410 fr. 2.1 and 2.5 suggest a possible reference to a class of intellectuals and a messenger involved in the action of the play.

Ioannis Polemis / Grace Ioannidou
῾Αϰλοῦται γὰρ ὁ ἄνθρωπος τῶι κόσμωι: A Note on the Proemium to the Second Book of Artemidorus’ Geographoumena


This article discusses apparent resonances of a stoic ‘topos’ in the text of the Artemidorus papyrus. Regardless of the question of the authenticity of the text, an examination of the ideas expressed in it remains a challenging philological task.
Ann-Katrin Gill
Ein ptolemäisches Gesetz zum Handel mit importiertem Wein (P.UB Trier S 188-61)


Editio princeps of a Ptolemaic papyrus containing a hitherto unknown customs law about imported wine, targetting the trade and transportation of undeclared wine. The fragment possibly belongs to the so called „Revenue Laws“.
Sandra Scheuble-Reiter
Drei Trierer Papyri zum ptolemäischen Militär

This text contains a record of the livestock of several persons, probably all soldiers. The document can be dated to the second half of the third century BC and was presumably drawn up in a local government office for the collection of taxes like the salt tax.

Brice C. Jones
What Is a τρυϲινον? A Fresh Look at P.Oxy. XIV 1674


This article presents a new transcription of the word τρυϲινον in P.Oxy. XIV 1674.5 based on a recent autopsy, a word which Grenfell and Hunt left untranslated in their edition due to its being unattested in the Greek language. The word is most likely a misspelling of a common Greek word meaning “fire drill”, and would thus fit well within the agricultural context of the letter. An image of P.Oxy. XIV 1674 is published here for the first time.

Richard W. Burgess / Jitse H.F. Dijkstra
The Berlin ‘Chronicle’ (P.Berol. inv. 13296): A New Edition of the Earliest Extant Late Antique Consularia

P.Berol. inv. 13296, a fragmentary leaf of an illustrated parchment codex, contains an early Greek translation of consularia composed from two independent Latin texts: a consular list that is related to the fasti that underlie the chronicle of Prosper and the Consularia Italica; and historical entries from an early recension of the Descriptio consulum. This article studies the place of the parchment in these traditions and presents a new edition of and full commentary on the text.

Todd M. Hickey
The workers and the vineyard (P.Lond. inv. 2238)

Publication of a Byzantine letter from the Oxyrhynchite nome that concerns work on an embankment for a new vineyard. The letter comes from a “large estate” milieu.

Alexander Jones / Marco Perale
Greek Astronomical Tables in the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection (with associated fragments from other collections)


The article includes A) an introduction on the Greek and Demotic astronomical papyri from the Papyrus Carlsberg Collection in Copenhagen, their provenance and relation to the Tebtunis Temple Library; B) a commented edition of five Greek astronomical tables from the Copenhagen Collection, with associated fragments from the Vitelli Institute in Florence and the Berlin Papyrussammlung.

Jean-Luc Fournet / Tonio Sebastian Richter
Une misthôsis copte d’Aphrodité (P.Lond. inv. 2849): le plus ancien acte notarié en copte?

Edition of a Coptic lease contract from the British Library (P.Lond. inv. 2849) which is likely to belong to the Dioscorus archive (6th century AD) and is probably the earliest known Coptic deed drawn up by a notary
Tonio Sebastian Richter
O.Louvre AF 12678: Ein koptischer Mietvertrag zwischen Muslimen?

Edition of an 8th century Coptic rental agreement from the Louvre collection, presumably originating from Elephantine. The lessee and perhaps the lessor too seem to be converts to Islam.

Addendum zu APF 58/1, 2012, S. 32

Wolfgang Müller †

REFERATE. Darstellungen und Hilfsmittel

Nachtrag zum Referat Drama, APF 58/1, 2012, S. 154 und 158

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Omran, R.S., The limes Numidiae et Tripolitanus: The Process of extension the Roman control into The African Desert in the time of Septimius Severus AD 193-211

The limes Numidiae et Tripolitanus: The Process of extension the Roman control into The African Desert in the time of Septimius Severus AD 193-211 [Paperback]

Ragab Salama Omran,

paperback: 392 pages

Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (1 Mar 2013)
Language: English

ISBN-10: 3659323640
ISBN-13: 978-3659323645

Zeitschrift für Papyrologie u. Epigraphik (ZPE) 185 (2013)


Arsetti, M., Cerc. fr. 5, 11 Livrea (= 5, 10 Lomiento) 100

Belousov, A. V. – Saprykin, S. Yu., A Letter of Kledikos from Hermonassa 153

Bubelis, W., The Agorastikon of Hellenistic Athens: Not a Market-Tax 122

Camodeca, G., Il senatore augusteo C. Paccius Balbus di Teanum Sidicinum: rilettura di Eph. Ep. VIII 883 267

Clauss, M., instinctu divinitatis – aber welche divinitas? 294

Coşkun, A., Romanisierung und keltisches Substrat im hadrianischen Ankyra im Spiegel der Gedenkinschrift für Lateinia Kleopatra (Bosch 117 = Mitchell/French, I.Ankara I 81) 171

Daris, S., Marginalia a SB X 10759 215

Eck, W., Konsuln des Jahres 117 in Militärdiplomen Traians mit tribunicia potestas XX 235

— Zur Datierung des spätesten Fragments der Fasti feriarum Latinarum 248 Eck, W.

— Pangerl, A., Ein consul suffectus Q. Aburnius in drei fragmentarischen Diplomen 239 Ehmig, U., Kein junges Gemüse für Petronius Severus 271

Fasolini, D. – Gómez-Pantoja, J. L. – Rodríguez Ceballos, M., Centuria Coverti cohortis VI Braecarorum 286

Ferjančić, S., Two Fragments of Military Diplomas from the Middle Danube Region 291

Finglass, P. J., How Stesichorus Began His Sack of Troy 1

Flament, Chr., Les carrières de pierre de l’Attique au IVe s. av. n. è. Régimes de propriété, modalités de cession et taxation 111

Fronda, M. P., Two Notes on the Sententia Minuciorum (CIL I2 584), Lines 44–45 262

Führer, R., Zur Archilochos-Epode BKT X 11 60

Furley, W., Pamphile Regains Her Voice: on the Newly Published Fragments
of Menander’s Epitrepontes 82

Gómez-Pantoja, J. L. – Fasolini, D. – Rodríguez Ceballos, M., Centuria Coverti
cohortis VI Braecarorum 286

González González, M., CEG 587, μήτηρ καταλείβεται: Eurípides en una inscripción funeraria
del s. IV a.C. 61

Haensch, R. – Weiß, P., Ein Bleisiegel mit den Namen von Petrus und Paulus 306

Hagedorn, D., Bemerkungen zu Urkunden 200

Kotyl, M., P.B.U.G. inv. 327: A Roman Tax-Receipt from the Gießen Papyrus Collections 229

Kritzinger, P., Das älteste Papstsiegel? Ursprung und Aussage eines Siegelmotivs 297

Kuhn, A. B., Some Observations on SEG 54.1198 and the Social Background of T. Flavius Athenagoras Cornelianus Furianus 185

Lundon, J., P.Köln XIII 499 and the (In)Completeness of Plutarch’s Caesar 107

Luppe, W., Ein neuer Textvorschlag für den Mythographie-Papyrus P.Oxy. LXXVI 5094 (fr. 1) 105

Mara, H. – Sänger, P., Präzise Bestimmung von Materialstrukturen bei Papyri mit 3D-Messtechnik 195

Mirończuk, A., Unpublished Papyri of the Iliad at Yale 18 – An Unpublished Papyrus of the Odyssey at Yale 21

Osborne, M. J., Aitesis, proxenia and politeia in Later Hellenistic Athens 127

Prignitz, S., Eine Signatur des Lysippschülers Euthykrates (SEG 11, 1271) 143

Prodi, E. E., P.Oxy. 2448 (Pi. fr. 215 Sn.–M.) and Pindar’s Prosodia 53

Proietti, G., The Marathon Epitaph from Eua-Loukou: Some Notes about Its Text
and Historical Context 24

Rigsby, K. J., Notes on Greek Inscriptions 137

Robinson, E. – Sironen, T., A New Inscription in Oscan from Larinum: Decisive Evidence 
in Favor of a Local Cult of Mars and Mater (Deum?) 251

Rosamilia, E., Artémis Chalakeitis et I. Délos 2381 147

Sarri, A., A Gymnasial Epicrisis Declaration from Oxyrhynchos 205

—Two Instances of an Oxyrhynchite Amphodon 212

Seiler, H., Eine erneute Revision des die Platon’sche Hochzeitszahl betreffenden
 Papyrus Oxyrhynchos 1808 63

 Solin, H., Nochmals ΛΑΚΙΝΕΙ 214

Sommerstein, A. H., Samian Questions 91

Staab, G., Noch einmal zur Ehrung Mithradates’ II. von Kommagene 146

Takahashi, R., Notes on SB XIV 11714 (P.Haun. inv. 24 verso): Its Date and Relationship
with the recto (SB XXIV 15987) 219

Tentori Montalto, M., Nuove considerazioni sulla stele della tribù Erechtheis dalla villa
di Erode Attico a Loukou-Eva Kynourias 31

Theocharis, Y., An Imperial protospatharios and strategos of Hellas in Athens 192

Traina, G., Beobachtungen zur Inschrift von Maris, Casiti filius 279

Tybout, R. A., Sale of an Orchard and Its Donation to the Priests of Zeus. A Deed of Sale
from Roman Pamphylia 161

Vicens, X. M., Un papyrus de Baouît conservé à l’Archive et Bibliothèque Épiscopale de Vic 232

Wypijewski, I., CIL 15.7585: A Mysterious Imperial Freedman 275

Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Brice Jones, Papyrological resources


Two new publicaitons by IFAO

 Les terres cuites gréco-romaines du musée égyptien de l'Agriculture
par Céline Boutantin

Références : IF 1081, ISBN 978-2-7247-0625-3, collection: BiGen 42,
2012, 1 vol., 224 pages
Prix: 25 euros

– Survivance des sites monastiques paléochrétiens dans le Proche-Orient
par Catherine Thirard

Références : IF 1038, ISBN 978-2-7247-0572-0, collection: BEC 20, 2012,
1 vol., 148 pages
Prix: 28 euros

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consulter les nouveautés ainsi que toutes nos références sur notre site,
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New article about the Artmidorus papyrus: Botte da orbi per un papiro

di Angiola Codacci Pisanelli
L'Espresso, 1 aprile, 2013

Un bellissimo documento geografico con scritte e disegni. Forse risalente all'antico Egitto, forse invece fatto da un falsario dell'800. Da sette anni gli studiosi litigano sulla sua autenticità. E lo spettacolo continua.

Monday, April 08, 2013

M. Vierros, Greek Papyri as a Linguistic Resource

Visiting Research Scholar Lecture

09 April 2013, 06:00 PM
Lecture Event
Marja Vierros

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Lila Acheson Wallace Gift, 1989 (1989.137). Image Copyright The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Greek became the administrative language in Egypt in the third century BCE. It was also the native language of immigrants from the Greek world, a group numerically much smaller than the native Egyptians. A great number of Greek texts written on papyrus sheets and rolls, as well as potsherds, survive from Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. What does this direct evidence tell us about the development of the Greek language and its 'common form', koine? How can we use the written corpus to decipher who spoke Greek, how it was spoken, and who was literate? Many of the administrative documents were in fact written by bilingual, native Egyptian, officials. Some other texts, like private letters, were sometimes written by scribes. How do we tell apart the language of the scribe from the language of the original author of the text? Do they differ from one another, and if so, how?
The linguistic study of Greek papyri has been experiencing a recent revival. The material can provide answers to many questions concerning the development and the use of Greek in Egypt, especially if we also develop new digital research tools. I will present one such project in its infancy.

NOTICE: Admission to the ISAW Lecture Hall closes 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.

Reception to follow
Event is open to the public

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

C. Galazzi, B. Krämer, S. Settis, Intorno al Papiro di Artemidoro
II. Geografia e Cartografia

Intorno al Papiro di Artemidoro
II. Geografia e Cartografia 

Atti del Convegno internazionale del 27 novembre 2009 
presso la Società Geografica Italiana. 
Villa Celimontana, Roma 

Editi da Claudio Gallazzi - Bärbel Kramer - Salvatore Settis
Collana: «Colloquium»
14,5 × 21 cm - pagg. 302 - 2012 - € 38,00 

ISBN 978-88-7916-508-2

 Sample pages

Didier Marcotte, Dal testo alla mappa: che cosa leggiamo di Artemidoro nel papiro? - 

Pierre Moret, La figure de l’Ibérie d’après le papyrus d'Artémidore: entre tradition hellènistique et mise en place d’un schéma romain - 

Maria Paz García-Bellido, Presencias y ausencias en el Papiro de Artemidoro: un error de copista - 

Amílcar Guerra, La documentazione sull’antica geografia della costa lusitana e il Papiro di Artemidoro - 

Filippo Motta, Valutazione della toponomastica preromana nel Papiro di Artemidoro - 

Johannes Engels, Artemidoros of Ephesos and Strabo of Amasia: Common Traditions of Greek Cultural Geography and Strabo’s Decisive Importance in the History of Reception of Artemidoros’ Geographoumena - 

Florian Mittenhuber, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede in den geographischen Werken des Artemidor und des Klaudios Ptolemaios - 

Francesco Prontera, Carta e testo nel Papiro di Artemidoro - 

Richard Talbert, The Unfinished State of the Map: What is Missing, and Why? - 

Filippomaria Pontani, Esametri nonniani e mappae mundi: l'epigramma di Massimo Planude per la Geografia di Tolomeo - 

APPENDICE: Jürgen Hammerstaedt, The Relevance of the Dispute about the Photograph of the Konvolut for the Debate about the Artemidorus Papyrus - 

Hans D. Baumann, The Convolute Photo: a Digital Forgery? Arguments against a Montage - 
Claudio Gallazzi, Bärbel Kramer, Sui buchi del P.Artemid., ovvero, su alcune interpretazioni soggettive di dati oggettivi - INDICI.

Il volume riunisce gli atti del secondo dei tre convegni che gli editori del Papiro di Artemidoro hanno organizzato, a partire dal 2008, con l’intento di stimolare il dibattito scientifico su quel reperto straordinariamente complesso e di agevolare la soluzione dei tanti quesiti rimasti aperti anche dopo l’uscita dell’editio princeps del rotolo e dei successivi studi dedicati a questo o a quell’aspetto di esso. Il primo dei colloqui era stato dedicato al testo serbato dal papiro ed al contesto culturale in cui il manufatto fu prodotto. Il secondo, svoltosi a Roma il 27 novembre del 2009, ha invece trattato degli apporti che il papiro ha fornito alla conoscenza della geografia e della cartografia antica. Nel volume, quindi, abbiamo contributi che analizzano la descrizione della penisola iberica tracciata da Artemidoro e che studiano la toponomastica presente sul papiro, altri che indagano i rapporti intercorrenti fra Artemidoro e geografia lui successivi, come Strabone e Tolomeo, altri ancora che si soffermano sulla mappa da cui è occupato un ampio tratto del rotolo.
Ai testi delle relazioni presentate al convegno segue un’appendice con tre saggi, che discutono argomentazioni recentemente addotte per porre in dubbio l’autenticità del papiro e ne confutano la fondatezza.