What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Thursday, July 18, 2013

One Day Conference (London, Aug 5.) Otium et Negotium in Vesuvius’ Shadow: a colloquium on 
 latest research trends on economy and culture of Roman villas

Otium et Negotium in Vesuvius’ Shadow: a colloquium on 
 latest research trends on economy and culture of Roman villas

Monday 5 August 2013 — 9:30 until noon  and  2:00 until 4:30  ——    The British Academy, 10-11 Carlton House Terrace.

Purposefully coinciding with the British Museum’s current exhibition Life and Death: Pompeii and Herculaneum, this one-day colloquium will offer a series of lectures, updates on hows and whys pertaining to the study of life in classical Pompeii, Herculaneum, and other sites in the bay of Naples.  
Brigham Young University's London Centre hosts a colloquium of scholars from institutions in Italy, the UK, and the US. It is structured in three parts — intellectual life as shown in the Herculaneum papyri and other written sources, new scholarly insights into the economy of Roman villas (especially their exploitation and management of land and marine resources), and how understanding Roman villa culture has mattered and matters now.
Admission is free. Generous funding from Brigham Young University (Provo, Utah, USA), its College of Humanities and the London Centre, and from the Neal A. Maxwell Institute of Religious Scholarship provides for this opportunity.


 Presentations proceed from 9:00 until noon and then from 2:00 until 4:30.

Roger T. Macfarlane, Brigham Young University
  Introduction and Overview: If Horace had heard a lecture at the Villa of the Papyri, should we care?
Gianluca Del Mastro, Università degli Studi Federico II di Napoli
  Herculaneum Papyri now: updates and perspectives
Richard Janko, University of Michigan
  Deciphering the indecipherable: the fascination of Herculanean papyrology
Robyn J. Veal, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge
  Provisioning the Roman villa: management of land resources to support urban and country villas
Annalisa Marzano, University of Reading
  The maritime villas of Campania: conspicuous consumption and beyond
Girolamo F. DeSimone, St Johns College, Oxford / The Apolline Project
  Beyond Pompeii and Herculaneum: life on the "dark side" of Vesuvius
Shelley Hales, University of Bristol
  From Vesuvius to the Crystal Palace: Why did our forebears care at all about Herculaneum, and how did they manifest it?
Robert Fowler, University of Bristol / Friends of Herculaneum Society
  Why does an audience of the 21st century need to know anything about Herculaneum?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A. Suciu, Apocryphon Berolinense/Argentoratense (Diss. Laval, QC)

Apocryphon Berolinense/Argentoratense
(Previously Known as the Gospel of the Savior).

Reedition of P. Berol. 22220,
Strasbourg Copte 5-7 and
Qasr el-Wizz Codex ff. 12v-17r
with Introduction and Commentary.

My thesis is about a Coptic text which is largely known as the “Gospel” of the Savior. Although this title suggests that the text is an uncanonical apocryphal gospel, literary evidences which I document in my thesis firmly indicate that the text does not belong to this genre, but it is rather one of the numerous “memoirs” of the apostles and disciples, which were composed in Coptic, most likely after the Council of Chalcedon (451 CE). Sometimes, the pseudo-apostolic memoirs were incorporated into sermons attributed to the Fathers of the Coptic Church. The fact that the text belongs to a well-defined genre, formed mostly of homilies with apocryphal insertions, has caused me to eschew the label “gospel,” which I find unsatisfactory and misleading. Instead, I have chosen to call the text the Apocryphon Berolinense/Argentoratense (ApoBA), after the location of the two main manuscripts. In fact, the label “apocryphon” is larger and more generous than “apocryphal gospel.”

Saturday, July 13, 2013

New (Temporary) link papyrological editor

Papyrological Editor

Friday, July 12, 2013

Abstracts for the Warsaw Congress

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

New Additions to PapPal: Greek and Latin ostraka and Latin documentary papyri

The Paleography of the Papyri (PapPal)

L del Francia Borcas, M Cappozzo edd, Egitto e Mondo antico. Studi per Claudio Barocas

 Egitto e Mondo antico. Studi per Claudio Barocas, a cura di Loretta Del Francia Barocas e Mario Cappozzo (Rivista degli Studi Orientali, NS LXXXV, Pisa-Roma 2013). Ne allego il Sommario.

Anno n.s. LXXXV/1-4, 2012
Pp. 592

Loretta Del Francia Barocas, Mario Cappozzo, Ringraziamenti; 
Ricordo di Claudio Barocas; 

Alida Alabiso, Architettura e autorita nella Cina della dinastia Zhou (1122- 221 a.C.); 

Christophe Barbotin, Un fragment d'éventail (?) au nom d'Aménophis III; 

Marilina Betrò, Il maggiordomo e la principessa; 

Luisa Bongrani, La Bassa Nubia: storia delle ricerche e prospettive di studi; 

Irene Bragantini, Rosanna Pirelli, Il progetto italiano nel deserto orientale egiziano, tra Wadi Hamamah e Wadi Hammamat; 

Edda Bresciani, Un amuleto prezioso: una protome dell'ariete divino di Ammone con occhi intarsiati d'oro; 

Mario Cappozzo, Saints guérisseurs dans l'Égypte copte; 

Franco Crevatin, Briciole epigrafiche; 

Loretta Del Francia Barocas, L'immagine della croce nell'Egitto cristiano; 

Sergio Donadoni, Due corone tolemaiche; 

Eugenio Fantusati, Terza e quarta campagna di scavo ad Abu Erteila: risultati e prospettive; 

Rodolfo Fattovich, Remarks about the study of Predynastic Egypt; 

Maria Vittoria Fontana, Su una possibile raffigurazione della storia di Giona a Qusayr 'Amra; 

Maria Cristina Guidotti, I reperti da Antinoe nel Museo Egizio di Firenze; 

Vincent Pierre-Michel Laisney, Imago Dei. Les «idoles» égyptiennes comme «image du dieu».; 

Manfredo Manfredi, Il sito di Antinoe; 

Andrea Manzo, Skeuomorphism in Meroitic Pottery. A Tentative Interpretative Approach; 

Azelio Ortali, Uccelli nei tessuti copti; 

Nicola F. Parise, Monete di Argo nel tempio di Apollo a Delo; 

Silvia Pedone, The Jewels in the Mosaics of Antioch. Some visual examples of Late Antique and Byzantine Luxury; 

Rosario Pintaudi, Un'iscrizione tolemaica ad Antinoupolis; 

Giovanna Pisano, Iconografie da Oriente ad Occidente. L'atelier del Nero; 

Amarillis Pompei, Aspetti lunari della corona hprs; 

Federico Poole, La schiavitu nell'antico Egitto: alla ricerca di un paradigma per lo studio dei rapporti di dipendenza; 

Maria Spagnoli, Sull'aniconismo della piu antica arte buddhista dell'India; 

Alessandra Spanedda, Raffigurazioni di uccelli nei tessuti da Antinoe; 

Marcella Trapani, Statuette femminili al MAE di Torino; 

Alessandra Vinciguerra, I ritratti di mummia del periodo greco-romano da Antinoupolis.

G. Schenke, Das koptisch hagiographische Dossier des Heiligen Kolluthos

Das koptisch hagiographische Dossier des Heiligen KolluthosArzt, Märtyrer und Wunderheiler

Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, 650
Corpus Scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium, Subsidia, 132

Authors:  Schenke G.
ISBN: 978-90-429-2720-9
Price: Forthcoming

Wer war der Heilige Kolluthos, dieser berühmte Arzt des spätantiken Ägyptens, dem so zahlreich Orakelfragen gestellt wurden, dass sie bei Ausgrabungen in der Stadt Antinoe zuhauf zutage treten?

Der hier vorgelegte Band bietet eine Neuedition der für den Heiligen Kolluthos koptisch bekannten literarischen Texte, die bislang nur einzeln und weit verstreut publiziert worden sind. Auf der Grundlage dieses Textcorpus wird das Leben des ägyptischen Heiligen, seine ungewöhnliche Existenz und ärztliche Laufbahn, sein Martyrium und schließlich die als von seinen Gebeinen ausgehend wahrgenommene Wunderkraft näher beleuchtet.

Vor dem Hintergrund der für die christliche Märtyrerliteratur typischen Textgattungen – Martyrium, Encomion und Miracula – wird das für den Heiligen Kolluthos kohärente sahidische Textcorpus nicht nur neu ediert und übersetzt, sondern auch im Einzelnen erklärt und kommentiert. Jedem Text ist eine Einführung in seine jeweilige Textgattung beigefügt, die ihre spezifischen Eigenheiten herausarbeitet, wodurch der Sinn und Zweck dieser Literaturform verdeutlicht wird.

Thanks to the author for supplying this table of contents.

Monday, July 08, 2013

K. Wilkinson, New Epigrams of Palladas: A Fragmentary Papyrus Codex

New Epigrams of Palladas: A Fragmentary Papyrus Codex (P.CtYBR inv. 4000)
Kevin Wilkinson (Author)


ISBN: 9780979975851 | 
Published by: American Society of Papyrologists | 
 Volume: 52 | 
Year of Publication: 2013 | 
Language: English 236p, 

P.CtYBR inv. 4000, owned by Yale University's Beinecke Library, is a fragmentary papyrus codex that comprises parts of six bifolia (24 pages) and contains Greek elegiac epigrams. Of the approximately 60 epigrams that are partially extant, two were previously known from the Greek Anthology, but the others survive nowhere else and appear here for the first time in a modern edition. In spite of the fact that there is no explicit declaration of authorship in the remaining portions of the codex, all signs point to a single author that can be identified with confidence as Palladas of Alexandria, who is known from approximately 150 epigrams preserved in the Greek Anthology. Because both the manuscript itself and the poetry that it contains are demonstrably from the early fourth century A.D., it is now virtually certain that this poet was active, not around the turn of the fifth century, as has often been assumed in modern scholarship, but almost a hundred years earlier. Palladas has a distinctive poetic voice - highly personal and topical, with a tendency towards bitterly pessimistic observation on the world around him. Despite the lacunose state of the codex, these traits are clearly on display in the new poems. Among other points of interest, there is a satire of the victory titles claimed by the emperors Diocletian and Galerius, a lament on the destruction of Alexandria, a curious mention of the sufferings of the Egyptian goddess Triphis, and lampoons of men from Hermopolis. This editio princeps contains a substantial introduction (codicological reconstruction, paleography, orthography, contents, metrics, authorship and date, and historical notes), diplomatic transcription and edited Greek text on facing pages, commentary, indexes, and photographic plates. It will be of particular interest to papyrologists, specialists in Greek epigram, and scholars of late antique history and literature.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

F. Pordomingo, Antologías de época helenística en papiro (Pap.Flor. xliii)

XLIII volume dei Papyrologica Florentina: 
Francisca Pordomingo, 
Antologías de época helenística.
pp. XVI, 329,
Firenze, Edizioni Gonnelli 2013,
euro 160,00; 
ISBN 978-88-7468-041-2.

Antologías griegas de época helenística en papiro. Papyrologica Florentina XLIII, brings together for the first time in one scholarly volume the non-epigrammatic Hellenistic Greek anthologies preserved on papyri. In this work, a corpus of anthologies has been constituted and classified, some of which have had to be identified. A broad introduction addresses the origin of the anthologies, their graphical-bibliological characteristics, their contents and the tradition of the texts comprising them, the significance for the history of Greek literature of the contribution of new texts that had not been preserved in the mediaeval tradition, and their possible use. The corpus has been classified into categories defined by the formal characteristics of these anthologies, by their content, and also by their function; partial introductions to each one of them deal with their specific characteristics. The difficulties entailed in the state of preservation of a good number of them advised a presentation of the texts that can be called “particularized”; the translation accompanying them is meant to facilitate reading. The commentary on each of the items in the corpus attends above all to graphical-bibliological aspects, but also to their contents and their possible context of reception. The monograph is of great significance for those interested in learning more about this kind of book format, disseminated in Antiquity as early as the beginning of the Hellenistic period. It is also important for learning more about and evaluating the socio-cultural context of Ptolemaic Egypt, where the anthologies were from.

Il volume è distribuito da Libreria già Nardecchia srl, Via Pasquale Revoltella 105/107, 00152 Roma, Italia; tel 0039065373901; fax 00390653733902; email