What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

CONFERENCE in Kristiansand, NOR, "The Lying Pen of Scribes"


"The Lying Pen of Scribes" (Jer. 8.8)
13 april - 15 april
kl 12:00 - 13:00
Room A7-001 (Wednesday) / Room E2-009 (Thursday & Friday), Campus Kristiansand
Manuscript Forgeries and Counterfeiting Scripture in the Twenty-First Century
 Wednesday (Room A7-001)
12.00–12.15 Coffee and tea
12.15–12.30 Årstein Justnes (University of Agder), Introduction and Welcome
Session I
Chair: Torleif Elgvin, NLA University College
12.30–13.30 Malcolm Choat (Macquarie University), "Forging Antiquity: An overview of the Project"
13.30–14.30 Lunch
14.30–15.30 Alison Schofield (University of Denver), “The Shapira Affair: Were Lost Dead Sea Scrolls Discovered in 1883?”
15.30–16.30 Liv Ingeborg Lied (MF Norwegian School of Theology), “Studying Fakes Without Faking It: Some Fresh Theoretical Perspectives”
16.30– Coffee and tea
19.00– Dinner
Thursday (Room E2-009)
Session II
Chair: Liv Ingeborg Lied, MF Norwegian School of Theology
09.15–9.45 Kipp Davis (Trinity Western University), “The Lying Pen of Scribes: A New Research Project”
9.45–10.30 Torleif Elgvin (NLA University College), “‘Nobody Knows the Troubles I’ve Seen’: About Access to Dead Sea Scroll Fragments in Private and Public Collections”
10.30–11.00 Coffee break
11.00–11.45 Årstein Justnes and Line Reichelt Føreland (University of Agder), “How to Construct Provenance: Three Example”
Session III
Chair: Kipp Davis, Trinity Western University
12.00–13.00 Malcolm Choat (Macquarie University), “From Constantine Simonides to the Gospel of Jesus' Wife: the Authentication of Papyri and Development of Palaeography”
13.00–14.00 Lunch
14.00–14.45 Tommy Wasserman (Örebro School of Theology and Ansgar School of Theology), “Simonides Forgeries of New Testament Manuscripts in the Mayer Collection”
14.45–15.30 Tor Vegge (University of Agder), ”Fictional Author and Authenticity in New Testament Letters”
15.30–16.15 Beat Art on Campus, a Tour (Frida Forsgren, University of Agder)
16.15– Coffee and tea
19.00– Dinner
Friday (Room E2-009)
Session IV
Chair: Morten Klepp Beckmann, University of Agder
9.15–10.00 Amanda Davis Bledsoe (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München), “The Gabriel Vision: ‘A Dead Sea Scroll on Stone’ or a Modern Forgery?”
10.00–11.00 Kipp Davis (Trinity Western University), “Working with Judaean Desert Manuscript Fragments on a Digital Platform”
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
11.30–12.00 Kipp Davis and Årstein Justnes, Summary
12.15– Lunch
Other participants:
·       Sony George, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology
·       Hugo Lundhaug, University of Oslo
·       Hallvard Hagelia, ansgar School of Theology

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

K.A. WORP, The Bankes Ostraca from a Box at Kingston Lacy eGreekText

Nova Papyrologia, academia.edu

Tyche Band 30 (2015)

TYCHE BAND 30 (2015)
TYCHE. Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte, Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 
Eine vom Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik der Universität Wien seit 1986 herausgegebene, jährlich erscheinende Fachzeitschrift, die hohe wissenschaftliche Reputation genießt. Die nach einem peer review-Verfahren ausgewählten Artikel in deutscher, englischer, französischer und italienischer Sprache decken thematisch den gesamten Bereich der Antike von den Anfängen der griechischen Geschichte bis zur Spätantike ab. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Edition und Interpretation epigraphischer und papyrologischer Quellen.

Hrsg. Thomas Corsten | Fritz Mitthof | Bernhard Palme | Hans Taeuber

Tyche Band 30 (2015)

300 Seiten mit 30 Tafeln | 17 x 24 cm | Softcover | EUR 95,00 | ISBN: 978-3-902976-58-1 | ISSN: 1010-9161 | Erscheinungsdatum: März 2016
  1. Rodney AST, Roger S. BAGNALL, New Evidence for the Roman Garrison of Trimithis
  2. Martin BAUER, Die Statuengruppen von Kaiser Marcus Aurelius und seiner Familie in Ephesus
  3. Graham CLAYTOR, A Decian Libellus at Luther College (Iowa)
  4. Dan DANA, Dávid PETRUŢ, A military graffito on a pottery plate from the auxiliary fort at Buciumi (Roman Dacia)
  5. Hans FÖRSTER, Eine Nachtragsforderung bezüglich Datteln. Ein Text aus dem Wiener Schenutearchiv (P.Vindob. K. 4712)
  6. Jana GRUSKOVÁ, Gunther MARTIN, Zum Angriff der Goten unter Kniva auf eine thrakische Stadt (Scythica Vindobonensia, f. 195v)
  7. Nikoletta KANAVOU, Notes on Blemyomachia (P. Berol. 5003 Ar. + P. Gen. inv. 140 frr. 11a+b + P. Phoib. fr. 11c)
  8. Nikos KARKAVELIAS, Di(e)itrephes
  9. Claudia KREUZSALER, Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS, SB XXIV 16148: Ein spätantiker Frachtbrief
  10. Csaba A. LÁDA, Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS, Enteuxis concerning Illegal Sale of Cedric
  11. Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS, Ezechiel 12, 16–19 und 23–25 in einem griechischen Pergament aus Ägypten
  12. Victor PARKER, Zu durch Herodot überlieferten Schriften griechischer Geographen
  13. Matthias STERN, Der Pagarch und die Organisation des öffentlichen Sicherheitswesens im byzantinischen Ägypten
  14. Karl STROBEL, Die Aufwertung des Jahres 301 n. Chr. und ihre epigraphische Dokumentation in Aphrodisias (Karien), ein Beitrag zur tetrarchischen Währungspolitik
  15. Christian WALLNER, Die Inschriften des Museums in Yozgat - Addenda
  16. Bernhard WOYTEK, „Hominem te memento!“ Der mahnende Sklave im römischen Triumph und seine Ikonographie

Scholars, Scribes, and Readers: An Advanced Course in Arabic Manuscript Studies

Dear Colleagues,

The Islamic Manuscript Association, in cooperation with Cambridge University Library and the Thesaurus Islamicus Foundation, is pleased to announce an advanced short course in manuscript studies, entitled Scholars, Scribes, and Readers: An Advanced Course in Arabic Manuscript Studies, which will be held at Cambridge University Library from 6 to 10 June 2016.

This intensive five-day course is intended for researchers, librarians, curators, and anyone else working with Islamic manuscripts. As an advanced course, it is particularly aimed at those who already have some experience in Islamic codicology and palaeography and all participants must have a good reading knowledge of Arabic. The course will focus on Arabic-language manuscripts from various regions, including historical Turkey, Iran, and India. It is hoped that this advanced course will allow participants to gain greater exposure to and familiarity with the vast array of practices encountered in Arabic manuscripts.

The workshop will consist of three days of illustrated, interactive lectures on selected manuscripts and two days of hands-on sessions focusing on a selection of manuscripts from the Cambridge University Library collection. The manuscripts selected for presentation by the instructor cover the whole range of scribal practices encountered in a variety of subjects/genres, geographical regions, and historical periods (see the programme for details).

The course will be led by Adam Gacek, a retired faculty lecturer and former head of the Islamic Studies Library, McGill University, who is the author of a sizeable corpus of publications on Islamic manuscripts, including The Arabic Manuscript Tradition: a Glossary of Technical Terms and Bibliography (2001, 2008 - Supplement), and Arabic Manuscripts: a Vademecum for Readers (2009).

For further details, to view the programme, or to register, please visit our website at www.islamicmanuscript.org

Best wishes,


Armin Yavari
Assistant Director
The Islamic Manuscript Association
℅ 33 Trumpington Street
Cambridge CB2 1QY
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0)1223 303 177
F: +44 (0)1223 302 218
E: armin@islamicmanuscript.org
W: www.islamicmanuscript.org

New papers at Academia.edu

T. Christiansen / K. Ryholt, Catalogue of Egyptian Funerary Papyri in Danish Collections. The Carlsberg Papyri 13/CNI Publications 41. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. viii + 40 pages, 106 plates