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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Clarysse-Thompson, Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt

Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt
Volume 1: Population Registers (P. Count)
Willy Clarysse, Dorothy J. Thompson
Series: Cambridge Classical Studies
Hardback 9780521838382 (ISBN-10: 052183838X) Publication date: July 2006
GBP 120.00
Volume 2: Historical Studies
Counting the People in Hellenistic Egypt
Volume 2: Historical Studies
Willy Clarysse, Dorothy J. Thompson
Series: Cambridge Classical Studies
Hardback 9780521838399 (ISBN-10: 0521838398)
Publication date: July 2006
GBP 65.00
1. Ptolemies, taxes and papyri
2. The census
3. The salt-tax and other taxes
4. Settlement in the Fayum
5. The people counted
7. Familty matters
8. Naming people

Source: Papy-L July 2006

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