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Sunday, November 05, 2006

Papyri in Memory of P. J. Sijpesteijn, edited by A. J. B. Sirks and K. A. Worp

American Studies in Papyrology 40

Expected to be available in May 2007

Editions of some seventy-five previously unpublished papyri (mostly Greek), twenty-four ostraca, and two late-antique illustrations from textiles. Extensive commentary and photos for all texts, with the requisite indices. A complete bibliography of P.J. Sijpesteijn appears as part of the introductory material. 445p, 65 b/w pls. (American Society of Papyrologists 2006 [sic!])

The correct series title is:
American Studies in Papyrology no. 40

ISBN 0970059108. Hardback. Price US $110.00

TABLE OF PAPYRI As a pdf file here

1. Aristophanes, Acharner 618ff. (H. Harrauer)    1
2. Vocabulary to Homer, Iliad VI 383-519 (P.J. Parsons)    4
3. L’apport de la collection viennoise au chant III de l’Odyssée (P. Mertens)    10
4. Unidentified Christian Text (R.W. Daniel)     19
5. Frammento di commentario tachigrafico (G. Menci)    23
6. Medikament gegen Augenkrankheiten (A. Jördens)    28
7. Exercice d’écriture? (J. Lenaerts)    32
8. Zwei Pergamentfragmente mit Porträts (U. Horak †)    34
9. Per omnia saecula . . . (W. Clarysse)     41
10. Tre frammenti papiracei inediti della collezione dell’Università Cattolica di Milano
(G. Casanova - O. Montevecchi)     47
11. Three Duke University Papyri from Kellis (J.F. Oates † - P. van Minnen)    54
12. Fragments from the Michigan Papyrus Collection (I.J. Poll - E. van Eeten)    65
13. Fragments d’une requête et d’un journal de voyage (G. Nachtergael)    72
14. Petition to a Strategus Concerning Violence and Robbery (A. Bülow-Jacobsen) 77
15. Petition to a Centurion from the NYU Papyrus Collection (M. Peachin)    79
16. Petizione a un beneficiarius (C. Gallazzi)     98
17. Pétition concernant une procédure de recouvrement (H. Melaerts)    101
18. Relazione di un komogrammateus (S. Daris)     109
19. Ein Eid beim Kaiser Tiberius (B. Palme)    111
20. Amtliche Korrespondenz zwischen Dorfschreiber und Eklogistes (F.A.J. Hoogendijk)   128
21. Due documenti dal Cinopolite (G. Bastianini)    140
22. Nomination of ἀπαιτηταὶ ἀννώνης (R. Coles)    147
23. Mahnschreiben des Praeses Arcadiae an die Verwaltung des Neilopolites
(B. Kramer - J. Kramer)    149
24. Trois ordres de libération d’époque arabe (J. Gascou)    161
25. Flüchtlinge und Mönche (H. Maehler)     168
26. Estimate for Capitation Tax of Philadelphia (A.E. Hanson)    172
27. An Interesting Imperial Titulature in a List of Taxpayers (W. Liesker)    185
28. List of Money Payments (J. Whitehorne)    189
29. Compte de fourrage mentionnant des chevaux d’Asturie (H. Cuvigny)    193
30. Registre de pêche (J. Rudhardt † - P. Schubert)    200
31. Deux papyrus grecs de la nécropole de Douch (G. Wagner †) 211
32. Register of Sequestrated Property (B.C. McGing) 216
33. Registro censuario (M. Manfredi)     219
34. Un papyrus de Théodosioupolis en Thébaïde (M. Drew-Bear)    221
35. List of Vouchers from a Byzantine Provincial Office (T. Gagos - J.G. Keenan)    225
36. Griechische Zahlungsliste aus früharabischer Zeit (J. Diethart)    239
37. List of Workmen (J.D. Thomas)     248
38. Ostraka in the British Library (R.S. Bagnall - K.A. Worp)    253
39. Quittungen für Steuern auf Gartenland für die Jahre 182-216 (G. Poethke)    265
40. Steuerquittung aus Philadelphia (C. Römer)     274
41. A Penthemeros Certificate and a List of (Tax?) Payments (C.A. Nelson)    275
42. Neue Penthemeros-Quittungen aus der Beinecke Library (R. Duttenhöfer)    278
43. Testamento (C. Balconi)     287
44. Donatio mortis causa (R.P. Salomons)    293
45. Sale of an Egyptian Woman Enslaved in an Insurrection (L. Koenen)    302
46. Frammenti di un contratto di vendita di schiavi (G. Messeri Savorelli)    323
47. Private Documents (A Receipt and a Contract) (N. Kruit) 327
48. Bank Order (W.M. Brashear †)     331
49. Repayment of Money Loaned to a Son (T. Renner)    334
50. Payment of Salary (A.K. Bowman)     337
51. Ordre de paiement (P. Heilporn)    338
52. Préambule grec d’un document copte (A. Martin)    341
53. Conto (L. Casarico)    343
54. Elenco di utensili di un μάγειρος (S. Russo)    346
55. Elenco di vesti (R. Pintaudi)     353
56. Disposizioni agricole per Theon (I. Andorlini)     355
57. Una lettera privata tolemaica (L. Migliardi-Zingale)    363
58. Frammento di lettera greca (J. O’Callaghan †)    366
59. Due lettere dalla collezione dei Papiri Laurenziani (M. Serena Funghi)    367
60. Zwei Briefe an einen kirchlichen Würdenträger (U. Hagedorn - D. Hagedorn)    373
61. Byzantine Letter from Deir el-Naqlun (T. Derda)    381

Source: Oxbow Books website,
ASP website, WorldCat
