S. Torallas Tovar - K.A. Worp, To the Origins of Greek Stenography
To the Origins of Greek Stenography
Sofía Torallas. Klaas A. Worp
Orientalia Montserratensia
Isbn: 84-8415-847-0
2006 - 287 pàg.
Preu: 24 €
Història Antiga
Table of Contents
Prefaci 7
Introduction 11
I. The Montserrat Codex Miscellaneus 15
(Inv. nos. 126-178, 292, 338)
1. Codicological description 16
2. Palaeographical aspects of the codex 22
3. The owner of the codex 23
II. General remarks on the Montserrat word list. 25
1. Description 25
2. Word arrangement within the Montserrat list 26
3. Types of Greek words represented 27
4. Background of the Montserrat list 29
5. The sources of the Montserrat list and the Commentary 33
6. Phonological phenomena 35
7. Hesychiana 45
III. The text of the Montserrat word list 47
IV. Concordance of the Commentary papyri 75
V. Greek Shorthand manual Reconstruction 123
VI. Annotations to the Montserrat word list 165
VII. Index to the Montserrat word list 213
Bibliography 267
Plates 273
Conference at the Universidad de Barcelona
Els camins de la paraula ahir i avui
Els “Papyri Montserratenses-Roca”
Jornades en memòria del Dr. Ramon Roca-Puig Algerri 1906 - Montserrat 2001
Homenatge en el centenari del seu naixement
Source: Papy-L Nov. 3
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