What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Gr. Emmenegger, Der Text des koptischen Psalters aus al-Mudil :

Der Text des koptischen Psalters aus al-Mudil

Ein Beitrag zur Textgeschichte der Septuaginta und zur Textkritik koptischer Bibelhandschriften, mit der kritischen Neuausgabe des Papyrus 37 der British Library London (U) und des Papyrus 39 der Leipziger Universitätsbibliothek (2013)

Januar 2007. 24 x 17 cm. XXVIII, 391 Seiten. 26 Abb. Leinen. Euro [D] 118.00 / sFr 189.00 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 159.30. *
ISBN 978-3-11-019948-2

Emmenegger, Gregor

Der Text des koptischen Psalters aus al-Mudil

Ein Beitrag zur Textgeschichte der Septuaginta und zur Textkritik koptischer Bibelhandschriften, mit der kritischen Neuausgabe des Papyrus 37 der British Library London (U) und des Papyrus 39 der Leipziger Universitätsbibliothek (2013)

Januar 2007. 24 x 17 cm. XXVIII, 391 Seiten. 26 Abb. Leinen. Euro [D] 118.00 / sFr 189.00 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 159.30. *
ISBN 978-3-11-019948-2

Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 159

Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / Patristics
Theology, Judaism, Religion / Old Testament and Ancient Near East
Theology, Judaism, Religion / Patristics / Editions / Acts of Synods, Catenae, and other Sources
Language: German

The Mudil Codex from the late 4th century contains the Biblical Psalms in Coptic. However, the text differs significantly from familiar versions of the Psalms, giving rise to the question of whether we are dealing with an original form of the text. The comprehensive analysis presented here demonstrates the tradition in which this fascinating text is located, how it arose, and what significance it has for research into the Psalms generally and the Coptic Bible manuscripts in particular.

Source: World Cat


Friday, February 09, 2007

News report of digitizing Mss. at St Catherine's monastery

Saving a treasured trove, ever so slowly
Ancient manuscripts from Mt. Sinai move into the digital age with the help of a Bedouin camel driver's son.
By Suzanne Muchnic, Times Staff Writer
February 5, 2007

SINAI, EGYPT — On a refreshingly cool morning, before the sun drenches every exposed grain of sand in this vast desert, Hemeid Sobhy sets out on foot from the Bedouin village where he lives with his parents and sisters. Neatly dressed in jeans, sport shirt and sturdy sandals, he walks 40 minutes to the Holy Monastery of St. Catherine.

Source: blogsearch sv "papyri" Egyptology News,

P. SIJPESTEIJN, L. SUNDLIN, S. TORALLAS, From al-Andalus to Khurasan

From al-Andalus to Khurasan
Documents from the Medieval Muslim World
Edited by Petra M. Sijpesteijn, Lennart Sundelin, Sofía Torallas Tovar and Amalia Zomeño

Publication year: 2006

Series: Islamic History and Civilization, 66
ISBN-13 (i)The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) has been changed from 10 to 13 digits on 1 January 2007: 978 9004155 67 1
ISBN-10: 90 04 15567 8

Cover: Hardback
Number of pages: xxviii, 252 pp.

List price: € 95.00 / US$ 128.00

All those interested in Egypt, al-Andalus, Mediterranean medieval history, papyrology, epigraphy, archaeology, Late Antiquity, Byzantine history, early Islamic history, Islamic law, Greek, Coptic, the early development of Arabic language and literature and contact linguistics.
About the author(s)
Petra M. Sijpesteijn, who holds a Ph.D. in Near Eastern studies from Princeton University (2004), is currently a Junior Research Fellow in Oriental Studies at Christ Church, Oxford. Her forthcoming book is entitled The Formation of a Muslim State: The World of an Early Muslim Egyptian Administrator.
Lennart Sundelin is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University. He is currently teaching in the Department of History at Miami University.
Sofía Torallas Tovar gained her Ph.D. in classical philology from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She is currently a permanent research fellow at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) in Madrid and is also the curator of the papyrus collection of the Abbey of Montserrat.
Amalia Zomeño is a research fellow at the Escuela de Estudios Árabes in Granada. She holds a Ph.D. in Arabic philology from Barcelona University and was a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University (1998-2000). The main topic of her research is Islamic law.

As in many areas of pre-modern history, the study of medieval Islamic history has been critically hindered by the lack of available evidence. Unlike many parallel fields, however, the shortage of contemporary documentary evidence for medieval Islam has less to do with the survival of documents and archives as with their accessibility.
A rich documentary legacy survives, but because of its inaccessibility and unfamiliarity to all but the most specialised scholars in the field, it has remained sadly underutilised. This volume contributes to the redressing of that problem. It collects papers given at the conference "Documents and the History of the Early Islamic Mediterranean World," including editions of unpublished documents and historical studies, which make use of documentary evidence from al-Andalus, Sicily, Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Khurasan.

SOURCE: Papy-L, Publisher, search sv Sijpesteijn

Thursday, February 08, 2007

B. PALME (Hg.), Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologen-Kongresses

Bernhard PALME (Hg.)

Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologen-Kongresses

Wien, 22.–28. Juli 2001
Inhaltsverzeichnis .................................................................. V
Vorwort .......................................................................... IX
Organisation des Kongresses ......................................................... XI
Verzeichnis der Teilnehmer .......................................................... XIII
Vortragsprogramm ................................................................. XXIII
Ekkehard WEBER: Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen .... 3
Ludwig KOENEN: Papyrology, Ptolemaic Egypt and Byzantine Palestine .................... 5
Carla BALCONI: Papiri della collezione dell’Università Cattolica di Milano (P.Med.) provenienti
da cartonnage................................................................... 15
Silvia BARBANTANI: Supplementum Hellenisticum 969 (PSI inv. 436): in Praise of a Ptolemaic
General?....................................................................... 19
Heike BEHLMER: Recent Work on Coptic Literary (and Semi-literary) Texts (1997–2000) ...... 25
José Antonio BERENGUER SÁNCHEZ & Juan RODRÍGUEZ SOMOLINOS: Sur la flexion nominale
en -iw, -in....................................................................... 39
Monica BERTI: Papiri tolemaici da cartonnages dell’Università di Genova.................... 49
Franziska BEUTLER-KRÄNZL: Procurator ad Mercurium.................................. 53
David BLANK & Francesca LONGO AURICCHIO: Some Early Inventories of the Herculaneum Papyri......................................................................... 57
Harald BUCHINGER: Zur Textkritik der Schrift des Origenes „Über das Pascha“............... 61
Mario CAPASSO: I rotoli ercolanesi: da libri a carboni e da carboni a libri .................... 73
Mario CAPASSO: La collezione dei papiri dell’Università di Lecce: i materiali da cartonnages.... 79
Mario CAPASSO: I templi di Bakchias nei papiri ......................................... 81
Giacomo CAVILLIER: Alcune osservazioni sull’ala I Thracum Mauretana attraverso la rilettura di
alcuni elementi del P.Coll. Youtie I 53.............................................. 87
Malcolm CHOAT: Fourth-Century Monasticism in the Papyri .............................. 95
Sarah J. CLACKSON †: Archimandrites and Andrismos: a Preliminary Survey of Taxation at
Bawit ........................................................................ 103
Nahum COHEN: Replacement for a Lost Syntaximon Receipt .............................. 109
Daniela COLOMO: Ecate, Anubi e i cani negli incantesimi erotici su papiro ................... 117
Daniela COLOMO: Rhetoric on Papyrus ................................................ 125
Raffaella CRIBIORE: The Coptic School Exercises in the Collection of Columbia University .... 127
Edoardo CRISCI: CD-ROM dei papiri letterari della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze.. 131
Paolo CUGUSI: Osservazioni sulle valenze storico-linguistica e letteraria dei papiri epistolari..... 141
Federico M. D’IPPOLITO & Fara NASTI: Diritto e papiri: nuovi pareri giurisprudenziali da P.Haun. III 45 .................................................................. 153
Sergio DARIS: Le omonimie toponomastiche............................................ 155
Cosimo Damiano DE LUCA: Il libro greco e latino del Fayyum: aspetti paleografici e biblio-
logici ......................................................................... 159
Lucio DEL CORSO: Morfologia dei primi libri greci alla luce delle testimonianze indirette ...... 161
Gianluca DEL MASTRO: Una nota bibliologica nella subscriptio del P.Herc. 1005 ............. 169
Alain DELATTRE: Les «lettres de protection» coptes ..................................... 173
Daniel DELATTRE: Une révolution dans la papyrologie d’Herculanum: l’apport de l’imagerie
multispectrale à l’édition des Commentaires sur la musique (livre IV) de Philodème ........ 179

Tiziana DI MATTEO: I segni nel P.Herc. 1669 (Filodemo, Retorica, libro incerto) ............. 187
Jitse H. F. DIJKSTRA: ‘Une foule immense de moines’. The Coptic Life of Aaron and the Early
Bishops of Philae ............................................................... 191
Marie DREW-BEAR: De la Porte du Soleil à la Porte de la Lune à Hermoupolis Magna ......... 199
Mohammed Salah EL-KHOLI: Ramessidische hieratische Dokumente im Wiener Kunsthisto-
rischen Museum ................................................................ 203
Maria Rosaria FALIVENE: Patterns of the Greek Settlement in Egypt during the Ptolemaic Period:
“Old Settlers” in the Herakleopolite Nome .......................................... 207
Matilde FERRARIO: Il confronto tra retorica e filosofia nel trattato Sulla Retorica di Filodemo... 215
Gladys FRANTZ-MURPHY: The Corpus and Context: Agrarian Fiscal Administration and State
Formation in Early Islamic Egypt 717–1035 A.D./99–427 A.H. ......................... 221
Rosa GIANNATTASIO ANDRIA: Il romanzo di Esopo nei papiri ............................ 233
Marcello GIGANTE †: Philodemus ridens .............................................. 239
Céline GRASSIEN-YANG: Le P.Vindob. G 40064 et les attestations papyrologiques du ton
musical dans les hymnes chrétiennes byzantines...................................... 249
Jürgen HAMMERSTAEDT & Reinhold SCHOLL: Gemeinsame Erschließung der Hallenser, Jenaer
und Leipziger Papyrussammlungen ................................................ 255
Alia HANAFI: Two Unpublished Arabic Documents...................................... 261
Ann Ellis HANSON: Sworn Declarations of Removal from Herakleides Division, Arsinoite
Nome ......................................................................... 267
Joachim HENGSTL: Das Archiv des Isidoros aus Psophthis aus rechtshistorischer Sicht ......... 273
Friedhelm HOFFMANN: Die ägyptischen literarischen Texte. Ein Forschungsüberblick ......... 279
Geneviève HUSSON: Les Archives d’Hèroninos dans la collection Théodore Reinach de la Sorbonne ......................................................................... 295
Marc HUYS & Thomas SCHMIDT: A Catalogue of Mythographic Papyri (CMP): Presentation of
the Electronic Database .......................................................... 299
Giovanni INDELLI: References to Pericles in Philodemus’ Papyri ........................... 307
Grace IOANNIDOU: P.Berol. 11520↓: Magical Text? ..................................... 313
Andrea JÖRDENS: P.Louvre: ein Vorbericht ............................................ 321
Ursula KAPLONY-HECKEL: Demotische „Aruren-Ostraka“ aus Theben ..................... 325
Knut KLEVE: Lucretius’ Book II in P.Herc. 395 ......................................... 347
Michael KOHLBACHER: Probleme bibliographischer Erfassung christlich literarischer Papyri.
Anmerkungen zu Maurits Geerards Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG) .................... 355
Thomas J. KRAUS in Zusammenarbeit mit Tobias NICKLAS: Entstehungsprozeß einer kritischen
Edition frühchristlicher Apokryphen: Das Beispiel „Petrusevangelium“ .................. 365
Csaba A. LA'DA: The Meaning of the Demotic Designations rmt Pr-iy-lq, rmt Yb and rmt Swn.... 369
Mariachiara LAMA: Aspetti di tecnica libraria: copie letterarie nel verso di rotoli documentari ... 381
Giuseppe LENTINI: P.Oxy. XV 1788: Alceo o Saffo? ..................................... 387
Giuliana LEONE: Nuove letture nel P.Herc. 1431: Epicuro, Della natura, libro XXXIV ......... 393
Nikos LITINAS: Habent sua fata fragmenta: “Donum Borgianum”........................... 399
John LUNDON: P.Vindob. G 26221: Scholia Minora or Paraphrase? ......................... 407
Leslie S. B. MACCOULL: Aspects of Church Finance in the Seventh-Century Hermopolite Ac-
cording to P.Lond. Copt. I 1077 ................................................... 415
Roger T. MACFARLANE & Steven W. BOORAS: Toward the Electronic Publication of the Hercu-
laneum Papyri .................................................................. 421
Marie-Hélène MARGANNE: Le fichier Mertens–Pack3 des papyrus littéraires grecs et latins ..... 427
Alain MARTIN: «Women, camels, donkeys, or other animals». Réédition de P.Lond. II 363 ...... 435
Roberta MAZZA: Gli affitti fondiari dell’Ossirinchite nell’età tardoantica .................... 439
Henri MELAERTS: Papyrus ptolémaïques provenant de cartonnages de la méris de Polémon.
Nouvel état de la question ........................................................ 447

Mohammed Saied MOGHAWERY: The Historical and Cultural Significance of the Arabic Papyri
Kept in the Egyptian National Library .............................................. 449
Annick MONET: La représentation du temps chez Epicure: lectures du P.Herc. 1413 ........... 455
Monica NEGRI: Nuovi contributi esegetici al P.Oxy. XXVI 2451 B fr. 14 col. I ............... 461
Alberto NODAR: Ancient Homeric Scholarship and the Medieval Tradition: Evidence from the
Diacritics in the Papyri .......................................................... 469
Wolf B. OERTER: Die koptischen Texte aus der Sammlung Papyri Wessely Pragenses. Stand Juli
2001 ......................................................................... 483
Pasquale ORSINI: Edizioni dell’Odissea di Omero su codice: il caso P.Ant. III 169............. 489
Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS: Höflichkeit und Servilität in den griechischen Papyrusbriefen der
ausgehenden Antike ............................................................. 497
Anna PASSONI DELL’ACQUA: P.Bon. ISA 3 R e V: conto di distribuzione di birra e altri beni con
onomastica ebraica .............................................................. 513
Natascia PELLÉ: Ricerche sui papiri di Senofonte ........................................ 525
Carlo PERNIGOTTI: Antologie gnomologiche su papiro: materiali per una nuova analisi del
problema ...................................................................... 535
Aglae M. V. PIZZONE: Elementi magico-rituali nel De providentia di Sinesio di Cirene. Dalla
liturgia di PGM IV 475–824 all’immagine di Helioros ................................. 541
Francisca PORDOMINGO: Vers une caractérisation des anthologies sur papyrus ............... 549
Stanley E. PORTER: New Testament Studies and Papyrology: What Can We Learn from Each Other? ........................................................................ 559
Stanley E. PORTER: The Use of Hermeneia and Johannine Papyrus Manuscripts .............. 573
Wendy J. PORTER: The Use of Ekphonetic Notation in Vienna New Testament Manuscripts .... 581
Dominic RATHBONE: Misthoprasia: the Lease-sale of Ships ............................... 587
Timothy RENNER: The Aesthetics of Hexameter Verses: A New Fragment on Metre in the
Michigan Collection ............................................................. 595
Gioia Maria RISPOLI: L’ethos della danza nel Per‹ mousik∞w di Filodemo di Gadara .......... 603
Hans-Albert RUPPRECHT: Zu Entwicklung, Stand und Aufgaben der juristischen Papyrologie... 623
Ian RUTHERFORD: Two Notes on Simonides’ Plataea-Poem............................... 633
Mariacarolina SANTORO: Nuove letture nelle ultime colonne del iii libro Sugli dèi di Filodemo
(P.Herc. 157/152) ............................................................... 637
Georg SCHMELZ: Ein Brief der Bischofskirche von Hermupolis Magna an die Dorfvorsteher von Alabastrine P.Heid. Inv. Kopt. 198................................................. 645
Paul SCHUBERT: A Wine Merchant and an Absentee Landlord in a Small Archive from the
Geneva Collection .............................................................. 657
Petra M. SIJPESTEIJN: Creating a Muslim State. The Collection and Meaning of 1adaqa......... 661
Timothy M. TEETER: Theos Hypsistos in the Papyri ...................................... 675
Adele TEPEDINO GUERRA: Filodemo, Economico (P.Herc. 1424), coll. XIV 24–46 – XV 1–14 . 679
Sofía TORALLAS TOVAR: Egyptian Loan Words in Septuaginta and the Papyri ............... 687
Giuseppe UCCIARDELLO: Riesame di P.Schubart 9 (= P.Berol. 11777 + 11801): alcune osserva-
zioni di lettura e proposte interpretative ............................................. 693
Peter VAN MINNEN: The Millennium of Papyrology (2001–)?.............................. 703
Anne-Emmanuelle VEÏSSE: Le vocabulaire de la révolte dans l’Egypte ptolémaïque: tarachè,
apostasis, amixia ............................................................... 715
Marja VIERROS: The Language of Hermias, an Egyptian Notary from Pathyris (c. 100 B.C.) .... 719
Dieter WEBER: The Vienna Collection of Pahlavi Papyri .................................. 725
John E. G. WHITEHORNE: Private Letter about Criminals in the Desert: P.Prag. Wessely Gr. inv.
II 294 verso.................................................................... 739
Roland WITTWER: Noch einmal zur subscriptio von Philodems sogenanntem De signis: P.Herc.
1065.......................................................................... 743

ISBN 978-3-7001-3478-7
Print Edition

Papyrologica Vindobonensia 1
GOid 0xc1aa500d 0x0013e49c
2007, 747 Seiten, 30x21cm, gebunden
€ 149,60

Bernhard Palme
ist Professor für Alte Geschichte und Papyrologie an der Universität Wien

Papy-L, Publisher

Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats. Neuedition

Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats. Neuedition

Mit den drei vorliegenden Faszikeln startet die Kommission für Antike Rechtsgeschichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften die Neuausgabe des vom Wiener Papyrologen Karl Wessely in den Jahren 1904 und 1908 herausgegebenen zweiteiligen Editionscorpus „Griechische Urkunden kleineren Formats“ (Studien zur Paläographie und Papyruskunde III & VIII). Wesselys Doppelband enthält insgesamt 1350 antike Urkunden in griechischer Sprache, die für die Rechts-, Verwaltungs-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte Ägyptens im 5.–8. Jh. n. Chr. von herausragender Bedeutung sind und Rückschlüsse auf die gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Verhältnisse in anderen Teilen des Mittelmeerraumes in Spätantike und frühem Mittelalter bzw. früharabischer Zeit zulassen. Die Neuausgabe stellt einen erheblichen Fortschritt gegenüber der autographen Erstedition dar. Die Revision der Originale in den Sammlungen von Wien, Paris und Berlin hat zahlreiche substantielle Neulesungen erbracht und vielfach die Zusammenfügung von Fragmenten ermöglicht. Die Urkunden werden übersetzt und umfassend kommentiert. Jeder Faszikel ist mit einer umfangreichen Einleitung versehen, in welcher die vorgelegten Papyri im Hinblick auf verbindende formale und inhaltliche Merkmale ausgewertet werden, sowie mit Indizes und einem Tafelteil, der Abbildungen aller Urkunden enthält. Mit der Neuausgabe werden die Texte erstmals in ihrer ganzen Aussagekraft präsentiert und überdies auch dem nicht-papyrologischen Fachpublikum zugänglich gemacht. Das Gesamtwerk ist auf zehn Bände angelegt.

The publication of these three volumes marks the beginning of a project that has been launched by the Commission for Ancient Legal History of the Austrian Academy of Sciences aiming at a completely revised edition of approximately 1350 Greek papyri that were formerly published in 1904 and 1908 as "Griechische Urkunden kleineren Formats" (Studien zur Paläographie und Papyruskunde III & VIII) by the Viennese scholar Carl Wessely. The documents are not only central to our knowledge about the various aspects of law, administration, society and economy in ancient Egypt from the 5th to the 8th century AD, but they also provide essential insights into the social and economic conditions of the Mediterranean world during the ancient as well as the early medieval and Arabic period. The edition is a fundamental revision of all the material and includes numerous new readings and corrections based on the original documents and the piecing together of fragments whenever possible. Every text is presented with a full translation, extended annotations and editorial notes, indices and plates, and each volume contains a detailed introduction to the groups of documents, their contents and formal features. The complete edition is scheduled to comprise ten volumes.

Sven TOST (Hg.)

Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats. Neuedition

SPP III2 1–118: Quittungen, Lieferungskäufe und Darlehen

ISBN 978-3-7001-3542-5
Print Edition

Papyrologica Vindobonensia 2
GOid 0xc1aa500d 0x0009fb32
2007 (ISBN-10: 3-7001-3542-4), XCI+267 Seiten, 68 SW-Tafeln, 30x21cm, gebunden
€ 119,20

Sven Tost
ist Vertragsassistent am Institut für Alte Geschichte, Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik in Wien
SPP III2 119–238: Schuldscheine und Quittungen

Fritz MITTHOF (Hg.)

Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats. Neuedition

ISBN 978-3-7001-3535-7
Print Edition

Papyrologica Vindobonensia 3
GOid 0xc1aa500d 0x0008073a
2007 (ISBN-10: 3-7001-3535-1), XL+157 Seiten, 55 SW-Tafeln, 30x21cm, gebunden
€ 87,20

Fritz Mitthof
ist Mitarbeiter der Kommission für Antike Rechtsgeschichte der ÖAW

Claudia KREUZSALER (Hg.)

Griechische Papyrusurkunden kleineren Formats. Neuedition

SPP III2 449–582: Quittungen für die Getreidesteuer

ISBN 978-3-7001-3533-3
Print Edition

Papyrologica Vindobonensia 6
GOid 0xc1aa500d 0x00080739
2007 (ISBN-10: 3-7001-3533-5), LXXI+217 Seiten, 62 SW-Tafeln, 30x21cm, gebunden
€ 103,20

Claudia Kreuzsaler
ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Leopold-Wenger-Institut für Rechtsgeschichte, Antike Rechtsgeschichte und Papyrusforschung in München

Source: Papy-L, publisher