What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Thursday, February 08, 2007

B. PALME (Hg.), Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologen-Kongresses

Bernhard PALME (Hg.)

Akten des 23. Internationalen Papyrologen-Kongresses

Wien, 22.–28. Juli 2001
Inhaltsverzeichnis .................................................................. V
Vorwort .......................................................................... IX
Organisation des Kongresses ......................................................... XI
Verzeichnis der Teilnehmer .......................................................... XIII
Vortragsprogramm ................................................................. XXIII
Ekkehard WEBER: Meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen .... 3
Ludwig KOENEN: Papyrology, Ptolemaic Egypt and Byzantine Palestine .................... 5
Carla BALCONI: Papiri della collezione dell’Università Cattolica di Milano (P.Med.) provenienti
da cartonnage................................................................... 15
Silvia BARBANTANI: Supplementum Hellenisticum 969 (PSI inv. 436): in Praise of a Ptolemaic
General?....................................................................... 19
Heike BEHLMER: Recent Work on Coptic Literary (and Semi-literary) Texts (1997–2000) ...... 25
José Antonio BERENGUER SÁNCHEZ & Juan RODRÍGUEZ SOMOLINOS: Sur la flexion nominale
en -iw, -in....................................................................... 39
Monica BERTI: Papiri tolemaici da cartonnages dell’Università di Genova.................... 49
Franziska BEUTLER-KRÄNZL: Procurator ad Mercurium.................................. 53
David BLANK & Francesca LONGO AURICCHIO: Some Early Inventories of the Herculaneum Papyri......................................................................... 57
Harald BUCHINGER: Zur Textkritik der Schrift des Origenes „Über das Pascha“............... 61
Mario CAPASSO: I rotoli ercolanesi: da libri a carboni e da carboni a libri .................... 73
Mario CAPASSO: La collezione dei papiri dell’Università di Lecce: i materiali da cartonnages.... 79
Mario CAPASSO: I templi di Bakchias nei papiri ......................................... 81
Giacomo CAVILLIER: Alcune osservazioni sull’ala I Thracum Mauretana attraverso la rilettura di
alcuni elementi del P.Coll. Youtie I 53.............................................. 87
Malcolm CHOAT: Fourth-Century Monasticism in the Papyri .............................. 95
Sarah J. CLACKSON †: Archimandrites and Andrismos: a Preliminary Survey of Taxation at
Bawit ........................................................................ 103
Nahum COHEN: Replacement for a Lost Syntaximon Receipt .............................. 109
Daniela COLOMO: Ecate, Anubi e i cani negli incantesimi erotici su papiro ................... 117
Daniela COLOMO: Rhetoric on Papyrus ................................................ 125
Raffaella CRIBIORE: The Coptic School Exercises in the Collection of Columbia University .... 127
Edoardo CRISCI: CD-ROM dei papiri letterari della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana di Firenze.. 131
Paolo CUGUSI: Osservazioni sulle valenze storico-linguistica e letteraria dei papiri epistolari..... 141
Federico M. D’IPPOLITO & Fara NASTI: Diritto e papiri: nuovi pareri giurisprudenziali da P.Haun. III 45 .................................................................. 153
Sergio DARIS: Le omonimie toponomastiche............................................ 155
Cosimo Damiano DE LUCA: Il libro greco e latino del Fayyum: aspetti paleografici e biblio-
logici ......................................................................... 159
Lucio DEL CORSO: Morfologia dei primi libri greci alla luce delle testimonianze indirette ...... 161
Gianluca DEL MASTRO: Una nota bibliologica nella subscriptio del P.Herc. 1005 ............. 169
Alain DELATTRE: Les «lettres de protection» coptes ..................................... 173
Daniel DELATTRE: Une révolution dans la papyrologie d’Herculanum: l’apport de l’imagerie
multispectrale à l’édition des Commentaires sur la musique (livre IV) de Philodème ........ 179

Tiziana DI MATTEO: I segni nel P.Herc. 1669 (Filodemo, Retorica, libro incerto) ............. 187
Jitse H. F. DIJKSTRA: ‘Une foule immense de moines’. The Coptic Life of Aaron and the Early
Bishops of Philae ............................................................... 191
Marie DREW-BEAR: De la Porte du Soleil à la Porte de la Lune à Hermoupolis Magna ......... 199
Mohammed Salah EL-KHOLI: Ramessidische hieratische Dokumente im Wiener Kunsthisto-
rischen Museum ................................................................ 203
Maria Rosaria FALIVENE: Patterns of the Greek Settlement in Egypt during the Ptolemaic Period:
“Old Settlers” in the Herakleopolite Nome .......................................... 207
Matilde FERRARIO: Il confronto tra retorica e filosofia nel trattato Sulla Retorica di Filodemo... 215
Gladys FRANTZ-MURPHY: The Corpus and Context: Agrarian Fiscal Administration and State
Formation in Early Islamic Egypt 717–1035 A.D./99–427 A.H. ......................... 221
Rosa GIANNATTASIO ANDRIA: Il romanzo di Esopo nei papiri ............................ 233
Marcello GIGANTE †: Philodemus ridens .............................................. 239
Céline GRASSIEN-YANG: Le P.Vindob. G 40064 et les attestations papyrologiques du ton
musical dans les hymnes chrétiennes byzantines...................................... 249
Jürgen HAMMERSTAEDT & Reinhold SCHOLL: Gemeinsame Erschließung der Hallenser, Jenaer
und Leipziger Papyrussammlungen ................................................ 255
Alia HANAFI: Two Unpublished Arabic Documents...................................... 261
Ann Ellis HANSON: Sworn Declarations of Removal from Herakleides Division, Arsinoite
Nome ......................................................................... 267
Joachim HENGSTL: Das Archiv des Isidoros aus Psophthis aus rechtshistorischer Sicht ......... 273
Friedhelm HOFFMANN: Die ägyptischen literarischen Texte. Ein Forschungsüberblick ......... 279
Geneviève HUSSON: Les Archives d’Hèroninos dans la collection Théodore Reinach de la Sorbonne ......................................................................... 295
Marc HUYS & Thomas SCHMIDT: A Catalogue of Mythographic Papyri (CMP): Presentation of
the Electronic Database .......................................................... 299
Giovanni INDELLI: References to Pericles in Philodemus’ Papyri ........................... 307
Grace IOANNIDOU: P.Berol. 11520↓: Magical Text? ..................................... 313
Andrea JÖRDENS: P.Louvre: ein Vorbericht ............................................ 321
Ursula KAPLONY-HECKEL: Demotische „Aruren-Ostraka“ aus Theben ..................... 325
Knut KLEVE: Lucretius’ Book II in P.Herc. 395 ......................................... 347
Michael KOHLBACHER: Probleme bibliographischer Erfassung christlich literarischer Papyri.
Anmerkungen zu Maurits Geerards Clavis Patrum Graecorum (CPG) .................... 355
Thomas J. KRAUS in Zusammenarbeit mit Tobias NICKLAS: Entstehungsprozeß einer kritischen
Edition frühchristlicher Apokryphen: Das Beispiel „Petrusevangelium“ .................. 365
Csaba A. LA'DA: The Meaning of the Demotic Designations rmt Pr-iy-lq, rmt Yb and rmt Swn.... 369
Mariachiara LAMA: Aspetti di tecnica libraria: copie letterarie nel verso di rotoli documentari ... 381
Giuseppe LENTINI: P.Oxy. XV 1788: Alceo o Saffo? ..................................... 387
Giuliana LEONE: Nuove letture nel P.Herc. 1431: Epicuro, Della natura, libro XXXIV ......... 393
Nikos LITINAS: Habent sua fata fragmenta: “Donum Borgianum”........................... 399
John LUNDON: P.Vindob. G 26221: Scholia Minora or Paraphrase? ......................... 407
Leslie S. B. MACCOULL: Aspects of Church Finance in the Seventh-Century Hermopolite Ac-
cording to P.Lond. Copt. I 1077 ................................................... 415
Roger T. MACFARLANE & Steven W. BOORAS: Toward the Electronic Publication of the Hercu-
laneum Papyri .................................................................. 421
Marie-Hélène MARGANNE: Le fichier Mertens–Pack3 des papyrus littéraires grecs et latins ..... 427
Alain MARTIN: «Women, camels, donkeys, or other animals». Réédition de P.Lond. II 363 ...... 435
Roberta MAZZA: Gli affitti fondiari dell’Ossirinchite nell’età tardoantica .................... 439
Henri MELAERTS: Papyrus ptolémaïques provenant de cartonnages de la méris de Polémon.
Nouvel état de la question ........................................................ 447

Mohammed Saied MOGHAWERY: The Historical and Cultural Significance of the Arabic Papyri
Kept in the Egyptian National Library .............................................. 449
Annick MONET: La représentation du temps chez Epicure: lectures du P.Herc. 1413 ........... 455
Monica NEGRI: Nuovi contributi esegetici al P.Oxy. XXVI 2451 B fr. 14 col. I ............... 461
Alberto NODAR: Ancient Homeric Scholarship and the Medieval Tradition: Evidence from the
Diacritics in the Papyri .......................................................... 469
Wolf B. OERTER: Die koptischen Texte aus der Sammlung Papyri Wessely Pragenses. Stand Juli
2001 ......................................................................... 483
Pasquale ORSINI: Edizioni dell’Odissea di Omero su codice: il caso P.Ant. III 169............. 489
Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS: Höflichkeit und Servilität in den griechischen Papyrusbriefen der
ausgehenden Antike ............................................................. 497
Anna PASSONI DELL’ACQUA: P.Bon. ISA 3 R e V: conto di distribuzione di birra e altri beni con
onomastica ebraica .............................................................. 513
Natascia PELLÉ: Ricerche sui papiri di Senofonte ........................................ 525
Carlo PERNIGOTTI: Antologie gnomologiche su papiro: materiali per una nuova analisi del
problema ...................................................................... 535
Aglae M. V. PIZZONE: Elementi magico-rituali nel De providentia di Sinesio di Cirene. Dalla
liturgia di PGM IV 475–824 all’immagine di Helioros ................................. 541
Francisca PORDOMINGO: Vers une caractérisation des anthologies sur papyrus ............... 549
Stanley E. PORTER: New Testament Studies and Papyrology: What Can We Learn from Each Other? ........................................................................ 559
Stanley E. PORTER: The Use of Hermeneia and Johannine Papyrus Manuscripts .............. 573
Wendy J. PORTER: The Use of Ekphonetic Notation in Vienna New Testament Manuscripts .... 581
Dominic RATHBONE: Misthoprasia: the Lease-sale of Ships ............................... 587
Timothy RENNER: The Aesthetics of Hexameter Verses: A New Fragment on Metre in the
Michigan Collection ............................................................. 595
Gioia Maria RISPOLI: L’ethos della danza nel Per‹ mousik∞w di Filodemo di Gadara .......... 603
Hans-Albert RUPPRECHT: Zu Entwicklung, Stand und Aufgaben der juristischen Papyrologie... 623
Ian RUTHERFORD: Two Notes on Simonides’ Plataea-Poem............................... 633
Mariacarolina SANTORO: Nuove letture nelle ultime colonne del iii libro Sugli dèi di Filodemo
(P.Herc. 157/152) ............................................................... 637
Georg SCHMELZ: Ein Brief der Bischofskirche von Hermupolis Magna an die Dorfvorsteher von Alabastrine P.Heid. Inv. Kopt. 198................................................. 645
Paul SCHUBERT: A Wine Merchant and an Absentee Landlord in a Small Archive from the
Geneva Collection .............................................................. 657
Petra M. SIJPESTEIJN: Creating a Muslim State. The Collection and Meaning of 1adaqa......... 661
Timothy M. TEETER: Theos Hypsistos in the Papyri ...................................... 675
Adele TEPEDINO GUERRA: Filodemo, Economico (P.Herc. 1424), coll. XIV 24–46 – XV 1–14 . 679
Sofía TORALLAS TOVAR: Egyptian Loan Words in Septuaginta and the Papyri ............... 687
Giuseppe UCCIARDELLO: Riesame di P.Schubart 9 (= P.Berol. 11777 + 11801): alcune osserva-
zioni di lettura e proposte interpretative ............................................. 693
Peter VAN MINNEN: The Millennium of Papyrology (2001–)?.............................. 703
Anne-Emmanuelle VEÏSSE: Le vocabulaire de la révolte dans l’Egypte ptolémaïque: tarachè,
apostasis, amixia ............................................................... 715
Marja VIERROS: The Language of Hermias, an Egyptian Notary from Pathyris (c. 100 B.C.) .... 719
Dieter WEBER: The Vienna Collection of Pahlavi Papyri .................................. 725
John E. G. WHITEHORNE: Private Letter about Criminals in the Desert: P.Prag. Wessely Gr. inv.
II 294 verso.................................................................... 739
Roland WITTWER: Noch einmal zur subscriptio von Philodems sogenanntem De signis: P.Herc.
1065.......................................................................... 743

ISBN 978-3-7001-3478-7
Print Edition

Papyrologica Vindobonensia 1
GOid 0xc1aa500d 0x0013e49c
2007, 747 Seiten, 30x21cm, gebunden
€ 149,60

Bernhard Palme
ist Professor für Alte Geschichte und Papyrologie an der Universität Wien

Papy-L, Publisher