What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Friday, March 30, 2007

ZPE 159 (2007)

Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik
INHALTSVERZEICHNIS ZPE 159 (2007) (IN PRESS, not yet available)

Barker, D., A Christian Hymn? P. Macquarie inv. 346   281–282

Bettarini, L., Note esegetiche alla nuova Saffo: i versi di Titono (fr. 58,19–22 V.)   1–10

Bossi, F., Nota a Hippon. fr. 108 (POxy. 2175,5),10 Dg.   23–24

Bucking, S., On the Training of Documentary Scribes in Roman, Byzantine, and Early Islamic
Egypt: A Contextualized Assessment of the Greek Evidence    229–247

Clarysse, W. – Thompson, D. J., Two Greek Texts on Skin from Hellenistic Bactria    273–279

Cotton, H. M. – Wörrle, M., Seleukos IV to Heliodoros. A New Dossier of Royal Correspondence from Israel    191–205

Daniel, R., Οἰκόπεδα in Xenophon, Diodorus Siculus and Elsewhere    61–69

Daniel, R., P. Oxy. XLI 2951 and O. Edfou II    316 70

Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., Eine Konstitution für die Hilfstruppen von Syria Palaestina vom 6. Februar 158 n. Chr.    283–290

Fish, J., A Plus-verse from the Odyssey in PHerc. 1507, Philodemus’ On the Good King According to Homer    73–80

Fishwick, D., Numinibus Domus Divinae    293–296

Fishwick, D., Cn. Piso pater and the numen Divi Augusti    297–300

Führer, R., Zum neuen Sappho-Papyrus   11

Führer, R., Responsion in Simonidesfragmenten    12

García González, J. J., Dos inscripciones sepulcrales latinas de Villacarrillo (Jaén)    303–306

García-Ramón, J. L., Zwei neue Namen auf der Stele der Menandridai (Krannon): Χειραιτεος und ᾿Ερραίνας (= ᾿Ερι-αίνας) und die griechische dichterische Phraseologie    179–188

Gardner, I., P. Kellis I 67 Revisited    223–228

Gonis, N., Notes on Miscellaneous Documents III 267–272

Goren, Y., Scientific Examination of a Seleucid Limestone Stele 206–216

Gronewald, M., Zu P. Lit. Lond. 196    71–72

Hagedorn, D., Entsprach der Monat Domitianos in Ägypten dem Phaophi oder dem Hathyr?    261–266

Huß, W., Zu Finanzjahr-Daten des 39. Jahres Ptolemaios’ II.    280

Kayachev, B., Eine Bemerkung zu CEG 556    189–190

Kushnir-Stein, A., Palestinian Lead Weight Mentioning the Emperor Hadrian    291–292

Lambert, S. D., Athenian State Laws and Decrees, 352/1–322/1: III Decrees Honouring Foreigners. B. Other Awards    101–154

Lelli, I., Paroemiographicum Menandreum (Mis. 303)    28

Linderski, J., The Menander Inscription from Pompei and the Expression primus scripsit    45–55

Luisier, Ph., Les années de l’indiction dans les inscriptions des Kellia    217–222

Lundon, J., PSI inv. 320 verso: Fragment einer Rede?    56–60

Luppe, W., Nochmals zum Einführungstermin der Komödien-Agone an den Lenäen    25–27

Magnani, M., Callim. Aet. III fr. 64,9s. Pf. e la Sylloge Simonidea    13–22

Matijević, K., Ein Altar für Apollo und Aesculapius aus Dormagen/Durnomagus, Kreis Neuss. Zur Ergänzung von AE 1977, 564    301–302

Menci, G., Un amuleto “Bous” da Antinoe    249–252

Menci, G., PRein II 87: sillabario tachigrafico    253–255

Mitthof, F., Betrügerische Zollbeamte und der procurator usiacus. Bemerkungen zu P. Amh. II 77   256–260

Pangerl, A. – Eck, W., Eine Konstitution für die Hilfstruppen von Syria Palaestina vom 6. Februar 158 n. Chr.    283–290

Papazarkadas, N., Four Attic Deme Documents Revisited    155–177

Privitera, I., Nuove proposte di lettura e di integrazione nella seconda parte del PHerc. 1015/832 (Philod. Rhet. VIII), II, pp. 50–64 Sudhaus    81–85

Römer, C. E., Der Papyrus Bouriant 4: ein literarisches Bilderbuch    86–100

Sonnino, M., Per un’analisi del lessico medico nei frammenti della commedia: Eupoli Maricante P. Oxy. 2741 (= fr. 192 K.–A.) , rr. 7–12, 92–5    29–42

Thompson, D. J. – Clarysse, W., Two Greek Texts on Skin from Hellenistic Bactria    273–279

Traill, A., Notes on Menander, Perikeiromene 715–717 and Misoumenos 698–9    43–44

Wörrle, M. – Cotton, H. M., Seleukos IV to Heliodoros. A New Dossier of Royal Correspondence from Israel    191–205

Source ZPE page, Uni-Köln
Habelt Verlag order page

SARA GOLDBRUNNER, Der verblendete Gelehrte: Der erste Setna-Roman (P. Kairo 30646)


Der verblendete Gelehrte
Der erste Setna-Roman (P. Kairo 30646)
Umschrift, Übersetzung und Glossar

Demotische Studien Band 13, Sommerhausen 2006.
VII+106 Seiten, 7 doppelseitige Fototafeln. Ganzleinen, DIN A4, 700g, ISBN 978-3-924151-06-5.
Preis 49,00 EUR


Inhaber: Karl-Theodor Zauzich
Verlags-Nr. 924151 – Steuer-Nr. 257/292/20542 – USt-IdNr./VAT REG No.: DE 231713211 (neu)
Publisher's blurb and order form

Thursday, March 29, 2007

M. Depauw, The Demotic Letter. A Study of Epistolographic Scribal Traditions against their Intra- and Intercultural Background

M. Depauw, The Demotic Letter. A Study of Epistolographic Scribal
Traditions against their Intra- and Intercultural Background
(Demotische Studien 14), Gisela Zauzich Verlag, Sommerhausen 2006,
xxvi, 360 pp.
ISBN 978-3-924151-07-2

Table of Contents


Inhaber: Karl-Theodor Zauzich
Verlags-Nr. 924151 – Steuer-Nr. 257/292/20542 – USt-IdNr./VAT REG No.: DE 231713211 (neu)

verlag@zauzich.de, 96 EUR

Publisher's blurb and order form
Source: Papy-L,
Thanks to M. Depauw for sending me the Table of Contents, and the K.-Th. Zauzich for the blurb and order form.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

EXHIBITION in VIENNA: Zwischen Magie und Wissenschaft, Ärzte und Heilkunst in den Papyri aus Ägypten.

Gallery images
30. März – 31. Oktober 2007
Wie war es eigentlich, wenn ein Mensch in der Antike krank wurde? Welche Möglichkeiten der Heilung gab es für ihn? Was wussten die Ärzte in der Antike über Funktionen von Körperteilen und Organen? Diesen Fragen geht die neue Ausstellung im Papyrusmuseum nach.

Sie entwirft ein Bild von Kranksein und Heilen in Ägypten von der hellenistischen (4. – 1. Jh. v. Chr.) bis in die arabische Zeit (ab 7. Jh. n. Chr.). Dabei werden Zeugnisse der ägyptischen Heilkunst, wie ein medizinisches Handbuch, das wahrscheinlich aus einem Tempel stammt, griechischen und arabischen Texten gegenübergestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass Vorstellungen von den Möglichkeiten der Heilung in allen kulturellen Bereichen zwischen Magie und Wissenschaften schwanken. Manchmal waren es wohl dieselben Ärzte, die zu erprobten Rezepturen griffen, deren Wirkung auch heute noch nachgewiesen ist, und zugleich das Tragen eines Amuletts empfahlen.

Die Papyri geben einen Einblick in das Leben von Arzt und Patient in einer Vielfalt, die für kein Land außer Ägypten zur Zeit der Antike möglich ist. Das praktische Wirken der Ärzte wird in ihren amtlichen, von der Polizei angeordneten Berichten über Verletzte bei Überfällen oder Unfällen, und aus ihren privaten Briefen deutlich. Neben den Handbüchern mit Rezepten und Anweisungen zu magischem Schutz vor Krankheiten, die einst in der Ordination von Ärzten in Städten und Dörfern des Niltales zu finden waren, standen die Abhandlungen der großen griechischen Ärzte wie Hippokrates und dessen Nachfolger, die im 3. Jh. v. Chr. in Alexandria wirkten. Wie Hippokrates waren auch sie an den Vorgängen im Körperinneren interessiert und wussten erstaun-lich viel, wenn auch manch Entscheidendes nicht; eine in der Ausstellung gezeigte Schrift auf Papyrus geht der Frage nach, wie hohes Fieber entsteht. Die Antwort setzt die im 3. Jh. entwickelte Vorstellung voraus, dass sich in den Adern nur Luft befände, während alleine die Venen das Blut durch den Körper transportieren.

Ausgestellt werden außerdem Rezepturen, weitere medizinische Abhandlungen auf hohem Niveau, und Berichte über Verletzungen, dazu antike Instrumente und Bildnisse, die das Kranke ohne Hemmungen darstellen. Die sogenannten Groteskenfiguren aus Alexandria geben eine Idee davon, wie in der Antike Krankes und Missgebildetes von den Gesunden wahrgenommen wurde.

Im Mittelpunkt der Ausstellung steht eine Mumie aus dem 2. Jh. v. Chr., die für dieses Ereignis geröntgt und einer Computertomographie unterzogen wurde. Die Annäherung mit modernster medizinischer Technik an die vor über 2000 Jahren Verstorbene enthüllt das Geheimnis ihres Todes und verweist auf die rasante Entwicklung, die die Heilkunst seither genommen hat. Gleichzeitig zeigt sich aber bei der Lektüre einiger Texte, dass gewisse Praktiken kaum Veränderungen erfahren haben. Die Wirkung einiger in den Rezepturen genannter Heilkräuter sollte durchaus neu erprobt werden.

Dazu ist im Phoibos-Verlag ein Katalog mit folgendem Inhalt erschienen:

1. Greco-Roman Medicine and the Greek Papyri
Vivian Nutton, Wellcome Centre, University College London

Die Medizin der Griechen und Römer und die griechischen Papyri
Vivian Nutton, Wellcome Centre, University College London
(übersetzt von Cornelia Eva Römer)

2. Prescription and Practice in Greek Medical Papyri from Egypt
Isabella Andorlini, University of Parma

3. The Hippocratic Oath in Antiquity and on Papyrus
David Leith, Wellcome Centre, University College London

4. Heilkunde im Alten Ägypten
Hans-W. Fischer - Elfert, Universität Leipzig

5. Forensische Medizin im römischen Ägypten
Fritz Mitthof, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien

6. Medizin und Alltag in den arabischen Papyri
Lucian Reinfandt, Wien

7. Das Röntgenbild der Mumie (Kat. Nr. 46)
Michael Urban, Institut für Röntgendiagnostik, Donauspital, Wien

Harald Froschauer und Cornelia Eva Römer, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Wien

Zu bestellen ist der Katalog direkt bei der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek


oder beim Verlag

Catalogue info

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M. CAPASSO, ed., Hermae. Scholars and Scholarship in Papyrology

Centro di Studi Papirologici dell’Università degli Studi di Lecce

New Publication:
Hermae. Scholars and Scholarship in Papyrology

Edited by Mario Capasso

With the following General Index:
Giardini editori e stampatori in Pisa

Il presente volume, frutto della collaborazione internazionale e di quella amicitia papyrologorum che certamente rappresenta una delle principali risorse di quanti coltivano la disciplina fondata sulla decifrazione e lo studio dei testi pervenutici su papiro e altro materiale affine, ha tre scopi: vuole essere un omaggio, vuole costituire un bilancio storiografico e vuole favorire alcune riflessioni. Esso contiene 39 profili di studiosi che dalla fine del Settecento ai nostri giorni hanno variamente contribuito alla nascita e allo sviluppo della papirologia, munendo la strada a quanti sono venuti dopo di loro. Il volume è innanzitutto un omaggio a queste figure: veri e propri pionieri che operarono in condizioni per diversi motivi difficili; studiosi che successivamente, nel solco della scia da questi tracciata, hanno più nitidamente delineato gli àmbiti della disciplina e più concretamente organizzato i metodi di ricerca; esperti, infine, che hanno ulteriormente contribuito alla disciplina, inserendola a pieno titolo tra i fondamenti della storia del mondo antico, delle letterature, del libro e delle scritture prevalentemente dell'area mediterranea in epoca antica: uomini e donne che, con la loro applicazione, le loro intuizioni, le loro ambizioni, i loro sacrifici ed anche i loro errori, hanno fatto della ricerca papirologica una ragione di vita. L’opera ambisce ad essere, al tempo stesso, anche un approfondimento critico del valore scientifico del lavoro svolto da ciascuno di essi e, in quanto tale, vuole valutare l'apporto dato da questo stesso lavoro al consolidamento e allo sviluppo dei vari àmbiti della papirologia nei paesi dove essa è stata coltivata: in questo senso è storia di uomini e delle loro ricerche, ma anche storia delle istituzioni e delle collezioni che essi contribuirono a fondare, arricchire, valorizzare e, talora, storia dei loro più oscuri collaboratori che ne coadiuvarono l'attività. Infine il volume, nell'illustrarci lo sviluppo tumultuoso della ricerca papirologica, cosa di volta in volta essa è stata e come è stata considerata nel corso di circa 230 anni e cosa essa è diventata oggi, soprattutto in relazione alle altre discipline che studiano il mondo antico, vuole contribuire a meditare sull'itinerario futuro di questa disciplina, in una parola a favorire quella riflessività che Roger S. Bagnali pensa che la papirologia abbia avuta di rado, perché distratta dalle sue numerose ed impegnative esigenze tecniche


List of the reviews

MARIO CAPASSO, Niels Iversen Schow (1754-1830)

TIZIANO DORANDI, Theodor Gomperz (1832-1912)

MANFREDO MANFREDI, Girolamo Vitelli (1849-1935)

CORNELIA E. RÖMER, William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853-1942)

ANDREA JÖRDENS, Friedrich Preisigke (1856-1924)

HANS-ALBERT RUPPRECHT, Ludwig Mitteis (1859-1921)

HERMANN HARRAUER, Carl Wessely (1860-1931)

PAOLA PRUNETI, Ermenegildo Pistelli (1862-1927)

GÜNTER POETHKE, Ulrich Wilcken (1862-1944)

NATASCIA PELLÉ, Frederic George Kenyon (1863-1952)

PAOLA BUZI, Walter Ewing Crum (1865-1944)

LUIGI LEHNUS, Bernard Pyne Grenfell (1869-1926) e Arthur Surridge Hunt

GENEVIEVE HUSSON, Pierre Jouguet (1869-1949)

ISAAK F. FIKHMAN, Grigorij Filimonovic Cereteli (1870-1939?)

NATASCIA PELLÉ, Campbell Cowan Edgar (1870-1938)

KNUT KLEVE, Samson Eitrem (1872-1966)

GÜNTER POETHKE, Wilhelm Schubart (1873-1960)

GINO BANDELLI, Medea Norsa: gli anni giovanili (1877-1912)

MARIO CAPASSO, Medea Norsa: gli anni della maturità (1906-1952)

DANIEL DELATTRE, Paul (Vital, Ferdinand) Collart (1878-1946)

CLAUDIO GALLAZZI, Achille Vogliano (1881-1953)

SERGIO DARIS, Aristide Calderini (1883-1968)

BASIL G. MANDILARAS, George Petropoulos (1897-1964)

NATASCIA PELLÉ, Octave Guéraud (1901-1987)

BASIL G. MANDILARAS, John Kalleris (1901-1992)

ROGER S. BAGNALL, Charles Bradford Welles (1901-1969)

JEAN BINGEN, Claire Préaux (1904-1979)

LUDWIG KOENEN, Herbert Chayyim Youtie (1904-1980)

DOROTHY J. THOMPSON, Theodore Cressy Skeat (1907-2003)

NATASCIA PELLÉ, André Bataille (1908-1965)

JEAN GASCOU, Jean Scherer (1911-2001)

PETER J. PARSONS, Eric Gardner Turner (1911-1983)

GUIDO BASTIANINI, Vittorio Bartoletti (1912-1967)

ANNA PASSONI DELL’ACQUA, P. José O’Callaghan Martínez, S.J. (1922-2001)

FRANCESCA LONGO AURICCHIO, Marcello Gigante (1923-2001)

ALIA HANAFI, Abdallah Hassan el-Mosallamy (1934-1998)

HERWIG MAEHLER, William Matt Brashear (1946-2000)

PAOLA PRUNETI, Gli inizi della “Scuola Papirologica” fiorentina
Lorenzo Cammelli (1888-1956)
Teresa Lodi (1889-1971)
Matilde Sansoni (1891-1994)

PAOLO RADICIOTTI, Contributo alla storia dei rapporti fra papirologia e

Index of modern names

Size: cm 21x29,7; pp. 400

ISBN 88-427-1442-9 (paperback)
ISBN 88-427-1443-7 (hardback)

Paperback: euro 290,00
Hardback: euro 390,00

SOURCE: Papy-L, , Libraweb cataolgue


Friday, March 16, 2007

Colin ADAMS, Land transport in Roman Egypt : a study of economics and administration in a Roman province


* The first major treatment of this topic
* Enhances our understanding of a central feature of the ancient economy
* Uses the particular evidence of Greek papyri to explore themes of broad relevance to the study of the Roman empire

The papyri of Egypt offer a rich and complex picture of this important Roman province and provide an unparalleled insight into how a Roman province actually worked. They also afford a valuable window into ancient economic behaviour and everyday life. This study is the first systematic treatment of the role of land transport within the economic life of Roman Egypt, an everyday economic activity at the centre of the economy not only of Egypt but of the Roman world. Colin Adams studies the economics of animal ownership, the role of transport in the commercial and agricultural economies of Egypt, and how the Roman state used provincial resources to meet its own transport demands. He reveals a complex relationship between private individual and state in their use of transport resources, a dynamic and rational economy, and the economic and administrative behaviour imposed when an imperial power made demands upon a province.

Readership: Classicists and ancient historians, especially those interested in Graeco-Roman Egypt, the Roman Empire, or the ancient economy.

Authors, editors, and contributors

Colin Adams, Lecturer in Ancient History, University of Liverpool


Bingen, Hellenistic Egypt : monarchy, society, economy, culture

Selected Essays on Ptolemaic Egypt by the venerable Jean Bingen, with introductions by R.S. Bagnall
Hellenistic Egypt

Jean Bingen, Roger Bagnall (Ed.)


Scheduled for US Release by Univ. California Press in May
Hellenistic Egypt was a society created by Macedonian rule of the ancient civilisation of Egypt. It is framed by Alexander the Great at one end and Cleopatra VII at the other.

This book sums up a lifetime of Jean Bingen’s work on understanding how this state and its monarchy were created and sustained, how Greeks and Egyptians formed separate and yet connected parts of the society, and how the peculiar circumstances of the Ptolemaic kingdom created both opportunities and insoluble tensions. Like all of Bingen’s work, it is marked by the influence of cultural sociology but is rooted in a deep knowledge of the Greek world.

It is essential reading for students and accessible and fascinating reading for the general public interested in ancient history. It is introduced by Roger S. Bagnall and ends with a conclusion by Jean Bingen in which he reflects on the course of the history of Ptolemaic Egypt during the twentieth century.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Original Sources of Chapters

List of illustrations





Part I: The Monarchy

1. Ptolemy I and the quest for legitimacy

2. Ptolemy III and Philae: snapshot of a reign, a temple, and a cult

3. The dynastic politics of Cleopatra VII

4. Cleopatra VII Philopatris

5. Cleopatra, the diadem and the image

Part II: The Greeks

6. The Thracians in Ptolemaic Egypt

7. The Ptolemaic papyri and the Achaean diaspora

8. The Greek presence and the Ptolemaic rural setting

9. The urban milieu in the Egyptian countryside during the Ptolemaic period

10. Kerkeosiris and its Greeks in the second century

11. The cavalry settlers of the Herakleopolite in the first century

12. Two royal ordinances of the first century and the Alexandrians

Part III: The Royal Economy

13. The Revenue Laws Papyrus: Greek tradition and Hellenistic adaptation

14. The structural tensions of Ptolemaic society

15. The third-century land leases from Tholthis

Part IV: Greeks and Egyptians

16. Greek economy and Egyptian society in the third century

17. Greeks and Egyptians in PSI V 502

18. Graeco-Roman Egypt and the question of cultural interaction

19. Normality and distinctiveness in the epigraphy of Greek and Roman Egypt



General index and index of passages discussed


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Scheduled for release in June : Bagnall, ed. Egypt in the Byzantine world, 300-700

Papers from the 2004 Conference of the same name at Dumbarton Oaks

Source: worldcat

P.J. Parsons, City of the sharp-nosed fish: Greek lives in Roman Egypt

In 1897 two Oxford archaeologists began digging a low sand-covered mound a hundred miles south of Cairo. When they had finally finished, ten years later, they had uncovered 500,000 fragments of papyri. Shipped back to Oxford, the meticulous and scholarly work of deciphering these fragments began. It is still going on today. As well as Christian writings from totally unknown gospels and Greek poems not seen by human eyes since the fall of Rome, there are tax returns, petitions, private letters, sales documents, leases, wills and shopping lists. What they found was the entire life of a flourishing market-town - Oxyrhynchos ( the city of the sharp-nosed fish' ), on a side branch of the Nile - encapsulated in its waste paper. The total lack of rain in this part of Egypt had preserved the papyrus beneath the sand, as nowhere else in the Roman Empire. We hear the voices of barbers, bee-keepers and boat-makers, dyers and donkey-drivers, plasterers and poets, weavers and wine-merchants, set against the great events of late antiquity: the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and the coming of Christianity, as well as the all-important annual flooding of the Nile. The result is an extraordinary and unique picture of everyday life in the Nile Valley between Alexander the Great in 300 BC and the Arab conquest a thousand years later.
Link to the BBC4 notes from the 2002 programme of teh same name
Source: worldcat

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Hawara: Steve Pasek, Eine ägyptische Siedlung in hellenistischer Zeit

Steve Pasek
Hawara: Eine ägyptische Siedlung in hellenistischer Zeit
ISBN: 978-3-86596-092-4 / 9783865960924




























Zum Inhalt
Der Ort Hawara ordnet sich in geographischer wie verwaltungstechnischer Hinsicht in das Fajum ein. Die vorliegende Arbeit erschließt den Aufbau der Siedlung in groben Zügen. Die einzelnen Bewohner geben sich mit einer Vielzahl beruflicher Tätigkeiten zu erkennen, wobei die ortsansässigen Notare besonders zahlreich vertreten sind. Sowohl die religiösen Einrichtungen als auch deren Priester können nachvollzogen werden und die vorherrschenden Glaubensvorstellungen lassen sich teilweise erschließen. Die gutbezeugte Nekropole präsentiert sich in ihrem Aufbau und gibt die Herkunft der Verstorbenen preis. Die Nekropolenbediensteten treten ihrerseits in das Blickfeld: Hierbei kommt den Gottessieglern und Balsamierern eine besondere Rolle zu. Sie werden hinsichtlich ihrer sozialen Bindungen und ökonomischen Verhältnisse beleuchtet. Die weibliche Bevölkerung tritt in ihrer gesellschaftlichen wie rechtlichen Stellung hervor.

Zum Autor
Steve Pasek, Jahrgang 1975, beschloß 2002 das Studium der Geschichte, der Ägyptologie und der Gräzistik mit dem Grad eines Magister Artium. Ende 2005 erfolgte mit der vorliegenden Arbeit die Promotion im Fach Ägyptologie. Von 2002 bis 2005 war der Verfasser Stipendiat des Graduiertenkollegs "Wahrnehmung der Geschlechterdifferenz in religiösen Symbolsystemen".

Source: worldcat

Demotic Dictionary (U Chicago),: letter H online now

The Demotic Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago
Janet H. Johnson, editor

The Oriental Institute, Chicago
©2001 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.
Published 2001. United States of America.
Introduction to the Chicago Demotic Dictionary

The Chicago Demotic Dictionary (CDD) is a lexicographic tool for reading texts written in a late stage of the ancient Egyptian language and in a highly cursive script known as Demotic. In use from ca. 650 B.C. until the middle of the fifth century A.D., Demotic served as the medium for a wide variety of text types. These include "documentary" texts, such as business and legal documents, private letters and administrative inscriptions, and "literary" texts, including not only works of literature per se, for example, narrative texts and pieces of wisdom literature, but also religious and magical texts and scientific texts dealing with topics such as astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. Demotic texts thus not only provide important witnesses for the development of ancient Egyptian linguistic and paleographical traditions but also constitute an indispensable source for reconstructing the social, political, and cultural life of ancient Egypt during a fascinating period of its history. more

Source: Chuck Jones, OI News

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Segno e testo. International Journal of Manuscripts and Text Trasmission"

"Segno e testo. International Journal of Manuscripts and Text Trasmission", 4 (2006); directors Edoardo Crisci and Oronzo Pecere; 432 pp., 62 tavv., 50 euros; ISBN 978-2-503-52519-8; published by Università degli Studi di Cassino.

Menico Caroli, La numerazione dei drammi greci nella tradizione manoscritta antica e medievale;
Pasquale Massimo Pinto, La biblioteca di Isocrate. Note sulla circolazione dei libri e sul lavoro intellettuale nel IV secolo a.C.;
Lucio Del Corso, Libro e lettura nell'arte ellenistica. Note storico-culturali;
Emanuela Elba, La decorazione dei codici in beneventana della Dalmazia tra XI e XIII secolo;
Daniele Arnesano, Aristotele in Terra d'Otranto. I manoscritti fra XIII e XIV secolo;
David Speranzi, Tra Creta e Firenze. Aristobulo Apostolis, Marco Musuro e il Riccardiano 77;
Marilena Maniaci, Problemi di mise en page dei manoscritti con commento a cornice. L'esempio di alcuni testimoni dell'Iliade;
Patrick Andrist, La descrizione scientifica dei manoscritti complessi: fra teoria e pratica;
Jacqueline Hamesse, Les recueils de textes universitaires à l'époque médiévale;
Luisa Miglio – Marco Palma, Presenze dimenticate (II);

To order, please contact:
Brepols Publishers
Begijnhof 67, B-2300 Turnhout, Belgium
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Friday, March 09, 2007

Current Epigraphy

A new weblog for Epigraphy

14 February, 2007

Current Epigraphy reports news and events in Greek and Latin epigraphy.

CE publishes workshop and conference announcements; notices of discoveries, publications and reviews; project reports; and descriptive links to digital epigraphic projects. We owe our inspiration partly to Gregg Schwendner, who single-handedly maintains the What’s New in Papyrology blog. Our goal is to provide a similar service to the epigraphic community, but to do so in a broadly collaborative way that invites contribution from a wide group of scholars and enthusiasts.

* Gabriel Bodard (King’s College London)
* Tom Elliott (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
* Francisca Feraudi-Gruénais (University of Heidelberg)
* Julia Lougovaya (Columbia University, New York)
* Charlotte Tupman (King’s College London)

Citing Current Epigraphy:

To cite the entire publication in the manner of the Chicago Manual of Style, use the following format:

* Current Epigraphy. London: Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King’s College, 2007-. http://www.currentepigraphy.org. ISSN 1754-0909 (Online).

To cite a single article (post) in CE, use the following format:

* Bodard, Gabriel. “New Inscriptions from Argos.” Current Epigraphy, March 6, 2007, http://www.currentepigraphy.org/2007/03/06/new-inscriptions-from-argos/.

To cite a comment on an article (post) in CE, use the following format:

* Tupman, Charlotte. Comment 2 on “Practical Epigraphy Workshop: Programme.” Current Epigraphy, comment posted 7 March, 2007, http://www.currentepigraphy.org/2007/03/06/practical-epigraphy-workshop-programme/#comments

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