J.N. Birdsall, Collected papers in Greek and Georgian textual criticism

Contents: Textual criticism and New Testament studies -- A hundred years and more since Westcott and Hort: where have we got to in the textual criticism of the New Testament? -- The Western text in the Second Century -- The New Testament text known to Photius: a reconsideration -- The Bodmer Papyrus of the Gospel of John -- The text of Jude in Þ72 -- A further decipherment of Papyrus G2323 of the Papyrussammlung of the Oesterr. Nationalbibliothek-- The text and scholia of the Codex von der Goltz and its allies, and their bearing upon the text of the works of Origen, especially the Commentary on Romans -- Rational eclecticism and the oldest manuscripts: a comparative study of the Bodmer and the Chester Beatty Papyri of the Gospel of Luke -- Two lectionaries in Birmingham -- The geographical and cultural origin of Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis; a survey of the Status Quaestionis, mainly from the palaeographical standpoint -- A fresh examination of the fragments of the Gospel of St. Luke in MS 0171 and an attempted reconstruction with special reference to the recto -- John x.29 -- Presbytēs in Philemon 9: a study in conjectural emendation -- The Marcosians' text of Jesus' cry of jubilation (Matt. 11.26/ Lk. 10.21) -- The Georgian version of the Book of Revelation -- Diatessaric readings in 'The Martyrdom of St. Abo of Tiflis'? -- Gospel allusions in the Georgian martyrdom of St. Šušanik -- Georgian studies and the New Testament -- The Euthalian material and its Georgian versions -- The Old Syriac Gospels and the Georgian version: the question of relationship -- 'The Martyrdom of St. Eustathius of Mzketha' and the Diatessaron: an investigation -- The sources of the Pepysian Gospel harmony and its links with the Diatessaron Appendix: A complete bibliography of the papers of J.N. Birdsall.
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