What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bastianini -Casanova, ESIODO CENT'ANNI DI PAPIRI

Hesiod: 100 years of papyri

Atti del convegno internazionale di studi
Firenze, 7-8 giugno 2007,

a cura di Guido Bastianini e Angelo Casanova
(Studi e Testi di Papirologia, N.S. 10),
Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli",
Firenze 2008,
pp. 174 + 4 tavv. (euro 40)

ISBN 978 88 87829 36 5


via Benedetto da Maiano 3, I-50014 Fiesole (FI)

tel. 0039 055 50181
fax 0039 055 5018201

e-mail: gen@casalini.it

No info at Casalini Libri yet, but the participants at the conference were:

Graziano Arrighetti (Pisa)
Colin Austin (Cambridge)
Guido Bastianini (Firenze)
Angelo Casanova (Firenze)
Dino De Sanctis (Pisa-Napoli)
Martina Hirschberger (Düsseldorf)
Richard Hunter (Cambridge)
Enrico Livrea (Firenze)
Glenn Most (S.N.S. Pisa)
Patrizia Mureddu (Cagliari)
Marco Stroppa (Firenze)
Martin L. West (Oxford)

Source: Papy-L

Sunday, April 27, 2008

A. LUIJENDIJK, Greeting in the Lord: Early Christians in the Oxyrhynchus Papyri

available August 2008, worldcat notwithstanding

Early Christians in the Oxyrhynchus Papyri
Publisher's blub
This is the first book-length study on Christians in the ancient Egyptian city of Oxyrhynchus, the site where some of the most important and oldest fragments of early Christian books were unearthed.

Bringing the people in dry papyrus letters and documents back to life, the book reveals how Christians lived in this city in different contexts and situations. In the first part, the image of the city's marketplace functions to address questions of Christian identity in the public sphere. The second part features a man called Sotas, bishop of Oxyrhynchus in the third century, as he is busy networking with other Christian communities, involved in teaching, book production, and fund-raising. The third part, focusing on evidence of the persecution of Christians, reveals the far-reaching power and pervasiveness of Roman bureaucracy. We learn that Christians negotiated their identity through small acts of resistance against the imperial decrees.

The papyrus letters and documents discussed in this book offer sometimes surprising insights into the everyday lives of Christians in the third and early fourth century and nuance our understanding of Christianity in this period. It is the mundane aspects of everyday life that make these papyrus documents so fascinating.

Source: worldcat


Saturday, April 26, 2008

NYU's Archaeology and History Program in Egypt

New York University's Archaeology and History Program in Egypt

-Participate in excavations at Amheida (ancient Trimithis) in Dakhleh Oasis
-Study the culture of Pharaonic, Graeco-Roman, and Christian Egypt
-Travel throughout Egypt's oases and the Nile Valley
-Take informal lessons in colloquial Arabic

This is a 16-credit semester program offered each year from January to March for advanced

Time in Egypt is divided into three parts, each a course for credit: a seminar on the oases of Egypt, excavations at Amheida, and the seminar on the archaeology of the Nile Valley (in the Nile Valley!). The oases seminar (January, 4 credits) concentrates on the archaeology, society, economy and culture of the oases of the Western Desert of Egypt. The field school (February, 4 credits) is located at Amheida, once a bustling town at the edge of the Roman Empire. Our aim in this portion of the program is to give you direct experience with the methods employed in a scientific, state-of-the-art excavation. In March comes a broad exposure to the archaeology of Pre-Islamic Egypt through visits to sites and museums from Aswan to Alexandria, so that students are better able to place the oases in their greater Egyptian and Roman contexts. Finally, there is an independent research paper based on some aspect of archaeology of Amheida due at the end of the academic term in May (4 credits).

For more details on this program and information on how to apply, see:

more at NYU

Applications will be reviewed May 9, 2008

For questions concerning the program itself, contact Ellen Morris (efm2110 AT columbia.edu).
For logistical or administrative queries, contact Elizabeth Bulls (eb609 AT columbia.edu).

EpiDoc Summer School, July 14th-18th, 2008

EpiDoc Summer School, July 14th-18th, 2008
April 23rd, 2008 by Gabriel Bodard

The Centre for Computing in the Humanties, Kings College London, is again offering an EpiDoc Summer School, on July 14th-18th, 2008. The training is designed for epigraphers or papyrologists (or related text editors such as numismatists, sigillographers, etc.) who would like to learn the skills and tools required to mark up ancient documents for publication (online or on paper), and interchange with international academic standards.You can learn more about EpiDoc from the EpiDoc home page and the Introduction for Epigraphers; you wil find a recent and user-friendly article on the subject in the Digital Medievalist. (If you want to go further, you can learn about XML and about the principles of the TEI: Text Encoding Initiative.) The Summer School will not expect any technical expertise, and training in basic XML will be provided.

etc. at Stoa.org

REVIEW: Sergio Daris, Dizionario dei nomi geografici e topografici dell' Egitto greco-romano.

Sergio Daris, Dizionario dei nomi geografici e topografici dell' Egitto greco-romano. Supplemento 4 (2002-2005). Biblioteca degli "Studi di Egittologia e di Papirologia" - 5. Pisa-Roma: Fabrizio Serra, 2007. Pp. 147. ISBN 978-88-6227-004-5. €165.00 (pb).

Reviewed by Jean A. Straus, Université de Liège (jean.straus@ulg.ac.be)
Word count: 773 words

En 1935, Aristide Calderini lance la publication d'un dictionnaire des noms géographiques et topographiques de l'Egypte gréco-romaine. Deux fascicules paraissent sous son seul nom: Volume I. Parte 1: "A - Halikarnasseus" (Le Caire, Società reale di geografia d'Egitto, 1935) et Volume I. Parte 2: "Halikarnassos - Aolph[" (Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1966). Après le décès de Calderini, Sergio Daris s'attelle à la tâche et mène l'entreprise à son terme: de 1973 à 1987, il édite quatre volumes (II-V) en treize fascicules (Milan, Cisalpina-Goliardica). Mais il n'en reste pas là. Dès 1988, il publie un volume de suppléments qui couvre les années 1935-1986 (Milan, Cisalpino-Goliardica). Deux autres volumes de suppléments relatifs aux années 1987-1993 et 1994-2001 suivent (Bonn, Habelt, 1996 et Pise, Giardini, 2003). Tous ces ouvrages portent les noms d'Aristide Calderini et de Sergio Daris. Pour le quatrième volume de suppléments, le nom d'Aristide Calderini disparaît. Il ne s'agit en aucun cas d'une usurpation, mais d'une démarche amplement justifiée. En effet, plus les années passaient, moins l'influence de l'héritage de Calderini se faisait sentir: Sergio Daris portait seul la responsabilité de ce véritable travail de bénédictin.
etc. at BMCR

Saturday, April 19, 2008

REVIEW: Jaakko Frösén, Tiina Purola, Erja Salmenkivi, Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology Helsinki,

Jaakko Frösén, Tiina Purola, Erja Salmenkivi, Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology Helsinki, 1-7 August, 2004. 2 vols. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, 122. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica, 2007. Pp. 1075; pls. 34. ISBN 978-951-653-345-5.

Reviewed by Rodney Ast, Columbia University (rla2118@columbia.edu)
Word count: 1559 words

Of all ancillary disciplines that fall under the general rubric of Ancient Studies, papyrology probably exhibits the widest reach, contributing to literary and religious studies; economic, political and social history; linguistics; the histories of medicine and science, etc. Perhaps no other event highlights this extraordinary breadth more clearly than the triennial International Congress of Papyrology. The 24th Congress, which took place in Helsinki in the summer of 2004, was no exception, and the two-volume collection of proceedings that forms the subject of this review goes a long way in reflecting the broad interests of papyrologists, even if the great success of the event is muted to an extent by the quality of some contributions.

Etc. at BMCR

Thursday, April 17, 2008

ZPE 163 (2008) im Druck


Reinhold Merkelbach – ein Leben für die Altertumswissenschaft 1

Manuwald, B., Grußwort des Vertreters der Fakultät 1–2

Koenen, L., Papyrologie als Spezialdisziplin der Altertumskunde in Reinhold Merkelbachs Forschung und Lehre 3–12

Petzl, G., Reinhold Merkelbach und die griechische Epigraphik 13–16

Henrichs, A., Reinhold Merkelbach über antike Religion, Literatur und Mysterien 17–24

Reinhold Merkelbach, Schriftenverzeichnis 1997–2005 25–26

Ast, R., Two Receipts of Artemidora 183–187

Bardani, V. – Tracy, St., A New List of Athenian Ephebes and a New Archon of Athens 75–80

Baz, F., Ein neues Ehrenmonument für Flavius Arrianus 123–127

Eine neue Statthalterinschrift aus Kappadokien 128–130

Bingen, J., Un anthroponyme fantôme: ῾Ηράκληος 188–190

Böhm, K. B., Ein neues Dokument zur Erhebung der Geldsteuern im Herakleopolites 205–214

Brockliss, W., A Letter to a Business Associate: P. CtYBR inv. 556 200–204

Catling, R. W. V. – Kanavou, N., The Gravestone of Meniketes Son of Menestheus: IPrusa 1028 and 1054 103–117

Dionysikles Son of Posideos from Teos 118–120

Christol, M., Consularis memoriae vir 276–280

Cowey, J. M. S. – Kah, D., Bemerkungen zu Texten aus BGU I–IV. Teil I: Zensusdeklarationen 147–182

Eck, W., Zwei lateinische Grabinschriften, wohl aus Ostia und Rom 252–254

Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., Neue Diplome für Flotten in Italien 217–232
Eine Konstitution für die Truppen der Provinz Dalmatien unter Nerva 233–238
Titus Flavius Norbanus, praefectus praetorio Domitians, als Statthalter Rätiens in einem neuen Militärdiplom 239–251

Fezzi, L., Una nuova tabula dei privilegi per i soldati e i veterani 269–275

Gärtner, Th., Elysische Schau oder unterirdische Grabwohnung? Ein neuer Rekonstruktionsversuch zu Poseidipp (?) epigr. 52 = col. VIII 25–30 37–39

Hagedorn, D., Beobachtungen zu zwei Texten christlich-literarischen Inhalts aus der Wiener Papyrussammlung 67–70

Harvey, F. D., ‘Help! I’m Dying Here’: A Letter from a Slave 49–50

de Hoz, Ma P., A New Set of simulacra gentium Identified by Greek Inscriptions in the so-called “House of Terpsichore” in Valentia (Spain) 131–146

Ivantchik, A. – Pogorelets, O. – Savvov, R., A New Roman Military Diploma from the Territory of the Ukraine 255–262

Jones, C. P., Gladiator Epigrams from Beroea and Stratonikeia (Caria) 45–48

Jördens, A., Noch einmal: Norbanus praefectus Aegypti? 195–199

Kah, D. – Cowey, J. M. S., Bemerkungen zu Texten aus BGU I–IV. Teil I: Zensusdeklarationen 147–182

Kanavou, N. – Catling, R. W. V., The Gravestone of Meniketes Son of Menestheus: IPrusa 1028 and 1054 103–117

Dionysikles Son of Posideos from Teos 118–120

Kassel, R., Das Opfer des Stratonikos 44

Litinas, N., P.Mich. inv. 1622 (= SB XVI 12589) + inv. 1580 191–194

Luppe, W., Würdigung des Polybios in P. Oxy. 4808 40

MacCoull, L. S. B., Kellia Inscription Q. Ereima 142 Revisited 215–216

Magnelli, E., Schema Ionicum in Dionisio di Magnesia (GVI 1871)? 41–43

Pangerl, A. – Eck, W., Neue Diplome für Flotten in Italien 217–232
Eine Konstitution für die Truppen der Provinz Dalmatien unter Nerva 233–238
Titus Flavius Norbanus, praefectus praetorio Domitians, als Statthalter Rätiens in einem neuen Militärdiplom 239–251

Papathomas, A., Ein übersehenes Zeugnis für die ps.-chrysostomische Homilie περὶ ἐλεημοσύνης (PG 60, S. 707–712).

Identifizierung und Neuedition des Pergaments MPER N.S. IV 58 71–74

Parker, R., τὰ φυσικά in a Confession Inscription from Saittai 121–122

Pogorelets, O. – Ivantchik, A. – Savvov, R., A New Roman Military Diploma from the Territory of the Ukraine 255–262

Privitera, I., Platone, Aristotele, Teofrasto ed altre nuove letture ed integrazioni nel PHerc. 1004 (Philod. Rhet. Lib. Inc.) 51–66

Savvov, R. – Ivantchik, A. – Pogorelets, O., A New Roman Military Diploma from the Territory of the Ukraine 255–262

Schachter, A., Three Generations of Magistrates from Akraiphia 96–100

Schachter, A. – Slater, W. J., A Proxeny Decree from Koroneia, Boiotia, in Honour of Zotion Son of Zotion, of Ephesos 81–95

Slater, W. J. – Schachter, A., A Proxeny Decree from Koroneia, Boiotia, in Honour of Zotion Son of Zotion, of Ephesos 81–95

Solin, H., Zu Inschriften von Ikonion 266–268

Speidel, M. A., Rekruten für ferne Provinzen. Der Papyrus ChLA X 422 und die kaiserliche Rekrutierungszentrale 281–295
Außerhalb des Reiches? Zu neuen lateinischen Inschriften aus Saudi-Arabien und zur Ausdehnung der römischen Herrschaft am Roten Meer 296–306

Sverkos, E., Eine Grabinschrift aus Anthemous 101–102

Tracy, St. – Bardani, V., A New List of Athenian Ephebes and a New Archon of Athens 75–80

Tsantsanoglou, K., Callimachus Aetia fr. 1.7–12, Once Again 27–36

Weiß, P., Ein Militärdiplom Hadrians für Thracia 263–265

Ausstellung: Spätantike Bibliotheken. Leben und Lesen in den frühen Klöstern Ägyptens

"Spätantike Bibliotheken. Leben und Lesen in den frühen Klöstern Ägyptens" eröffnet.
An exhibition at the Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek.

Dazu ist ein Katalog mit folgendem Inhalt erschienen:

1.The library of the White Monastery in Upper Egypt ... 5
Stephen Emmel and Cornelia Eva Römer

Die Bibliothek des Weißen Klosters in Oberägypten ... 15
Stephen Emmel und Cornelia Eva Römer

2.Monastic book production in Christian Egypt ... 25
Anastasia Maravela-Solbakk

3.Bücher in den frühen Klöstern Ägyptens ... 39
Herwig Maehler

4.La vie quotidienne dans les monastères égyptiens ... 49

Alltag in den frühen Klöstern Ägyptens ... 59
Übersetzung von Herwig Maehler

5.Naqlun. Monastery never to be forgotten ... 71
Wlodzimierz Godlewski

6.Tempelbibliotheken im Alten Ägypten ... 81
Katharina Zinn

Katalog ... 92
Cornelia Eva Römer und Harald Froschauer

Farbabbildungen ... 151

Allen, die an diesem Band mitgewirkt haben, sei herzlicher Dank!

Das Buch kann direkt bei der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek
oder beim Phoibos Verlag (bauer@phoibos.at)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008



“Leggere Greco e Latino fuori dai confini nel Mondo Antico”

LECCE, 10-11 MAGGIO 2008



Sabato 10 Maggio

Ore 9,15 Saluto delle Autorità

Ore 9,25 DORA LIUZZI, Saluto della Delegazione AICC “Quinto Ennio” di Lecce

Ore 9,35 MARIO CAPASSO, Saluto del Presidente Nazionale dell’Associazione
Italiana di Cultura Classica

Ore 9,45 MARIO CAPASSO, Una biblioteca greca in Italia. I rotoli di
Ercolano: vicende di uomini, vicende di libri

Ore 10,15 MARIA CLARA CAVALIERI, I contenuti della biblioteca di Filodemo

Ore 10,45 Pausa

Ore 11,00 MARIA ROSARIA FALIVENE, Lettori di antologie greche nell’Egitto
Tolemaico. Riflessioni a partire da alcuni papiri di al-Hiba

Ore 11,30 NATASCIA PELLÉ, Chi, come e perché leggeva storiografia greca in

Ore 12,00 ONOFRIO VOX, Poesia greca a Roma nel II secolo d.C.

Ore 12,30 Pausa pranzo

Ore 16,00 GIOVANNI LAUDIZI, Seneca e il greco: la terminologia filosofica

Ore 16,30 RODOLFO FUNARI, Leggere Sallustio in Egitto

Ore 17,00 DORA LIUZZI, La biblioteca greca di Manilio

Ore 17,30 GIOVANNI BENEDETTO, Atleti e agoni in carmi epigrafici greci
dell’Asia Minore di Età Imperiale

Ore 18,00 Pausa

Ore 18,15 PAOLO RADICIOTTI, Scrivere e leggere il greco fuori dai confini
temporali del mondo antico: il Medioevo latino

Ore 18,45 MARIACARLA DE GIORGI, La ricezione della cultura musicale greca
nel Rinascimento europeo

Ore 21,00 Spettacolo di danze e canti salentini

Domenica 11 maggio

Ore 9,15 PAOLA DAVOLI, Una scuola di greco del IV sec. d.C. a Trimithis
(Oasi di Dakhleh): il contesto archeologico

Ore 9,55 RAFFAELLA CRIBIORE, Una scuola di greco del IV sec. d.C. a
Trimithis (Oasi di Dakhleh): distici giambici dipinti sulle pareti

NB the correction to R, Cribiore's paper title
Source Papy-L, Archaeogate Papirologia

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Karanis and Dime Database online at Kelsey Museum

This Db includes information from the Record of Objects, with valuable details on the circumstances of each find.

Directions: from the above link (Kelsey Museum of Archaeology: Research) click on Kelsey FileMaker Online databases (log-in as "guest" leave password blank),
then click on Excavation records,
then Karanis.

To search click on magnifying glass icon (top left) - and set Site (also upper left) pulldown menu to Karanis (or Dime)
Can be searched by location ("level" - a pulldown menu in top-right) and unit: so the granary C123 is level C unit 123.
One can also search for types of objects using the Artifact Description field: e.g. wax tablet,
or else use the pull-down menu labelled "Object Type" to find "writing implement."

Thanks to Terry Wilfong showing me this.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Online access to CRUM, COPTIC MSS (1893)

Available in several formats (including pdf files) through Archive.org

Source ABZU

Convegno internazionale: 100 anni di istituzioni fiorentine per la papirologia

Convegno internazionale di studi
Firenze, 12-13 giugno 2008:

100 anni di istituzioni fiorentine per la papirologia
1908. Società Italiana per la ricerca di papiri
1928. Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli»

Giovedì 12 Giugno 2008

Ore 9.00 Saluto del Pro-Rettore
Prof. Sandro Rogari

Saluto della Preside della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Prof.ssa Franca Pecchioli Daddi

Ore 9.30 La Società Italiana
Presiede Manfredo Manfredi

Peter Van Minnen (Cincinnati):
Hermupolis and its papyri

Dominic Rathbone (London):
Il primo acquisto: l’archivio di Heroninos

Willy Clarysse (Leuven):
Excavating in the Zenon Archive

Revel A. Coles (Oxford):
Ossirinco, un angolo di un triangolo


Ore 15.30 L'Istituto Papirologico «G. Vitelli»
Presiede Franco Montanari (Genova)

Mario Amelotti (Genova):
L’Istituto Papirologico nei primi anni del dopoguerra

Jürgen Osing (Berlin) – Gloria Rosati (Firenze):
Tebtynis: i papiri ‘egiziani’

Todd Hickey (Berkeley):
Tebtunis on the Arno (and beyond). Two “Archives”

Rosario Pintaudi (Messina):
Antinoe: gli scavi

Jean-Luc Fournet (Paris):
I papiri di Antinoe


Venerdì 13 giugno 2008

9.30 L’apporto dei PSI alle varie discipline
Presiede Rosario Pintaudi (Messina)

Herwig Maehler (London):
La letteratura classica greca senza i PSI ?

Klaus A. Worp (Leiden):
A pivotal contribution to the study of Egypt’s past: the PSI

Hans-Albert Rupprecht (Marburg):
I papiri giuridici di Firenze


15.30 Prospettive per il III Millennio
Presiede Guido Bastianini

Colin Austin (Cambridge):
Presentazione del PSI XV

Franco Montanari (Genova):
Il CLGP e altre iniziative editoriali dell’Istituto

Alain Martin (Bruxelles):
La papirologia a Firenze e altrove: bilancio del secolo passato e prime prospettive per il secolo che verrà

Discussione e conclusione dei lavori

Source: Papy-L and Archaeogate