What's New in Papyrology
Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
ZPE 166 (2008)
Abascal, J. M., Marti Augusto sacrum ex mandatu 303–305
Alpers, K., Beobachtungen zur Überlieferung und zum Text des Platonlexikons des Timaios 85–99
Azzarello, G., Tornano i conti ... (Ri)edizione di UC Inv. 31914: O.Crum 480 (= Mertens-Pack3 2309.5) e due frammenti inediti di divisioni 159–170
Benaissa, A., Two Bishops Named Senuthes: Prosopography and New Texts 179–194
Bernabé, A., Some Thoughts about the ‘New’ Gold Tablet from Pherai 53–58
Blumell, L., A Note on the Meaning of the Term μονοκτίστ(ης) 22
Corcoran, S., The Heading of Diocletian’s Prices Edict at Stratonicea 295–302
Curbera, J. – Jordan, D. R., A Lead Curse Tablet in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens 135–150
Cuvigny, H., Χίλωμα = musette 195–198
Delmaire, R., Flauius Aetius, delatorum inimicissimus, uindex libertatis, pudoris ultor (CIL VI 41389) 291–294
Eck, W., Die Benennung von römischen Amtsträgern und politisch-militärisch-administrativen Funktionen bei Flavius Iosephus – Probleme der korrekten Identifizierung 218–226
Die Bauinschrift der neronischen Thermen in Patara. Zur methodischen Auswertung einer partiell eradierten Inschrift 269–275
Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., „Vater, Mutter, Schwestern, Brüder ...“: 3. Akt 276–284
Eich, A., Überlegungen zur juristischen und sozialen Bewertung der Fälschung öffentlicher Urkunden während der späten Republik und der Kaiserzeit 227–246
Eilers, C., Forgery, Dishonesty, and Incompetence in Josephus’ Acta: The Decree of Athens (AJ 14. 149–155) 211–217
Epstein, S., Why Did Attic Building Projects Employ Free Laborers Rather than Slaves? 108–112
Ferri, R., New Evidence on the Meaning of ῥωμαιστής in IG XI.2 133: ‘Actor of Latin Comedies’? 155–158
Garulli, V., Frinico e l’epitafio di Aurelio Marciano (IGUR 411): un presunto hapax 80–82
Gonis, N., SB VI 8986 and Heraclius’ Sons 199–202 Notes on the Aristocracy of Byzantine Fayum 203–210 ‘Aurelius and Verus’: A Ghost Combination 268
Gonzales, M., New Observations on the Lindian Cult-Tax for Enyalios (SEG 4.171) 121–134
Hagedorn, D., Die Speicherquittungen von P.Cair. Preis. 29: Eine Neuedition 171–178
Heinrichs, J., Zwischen falsum und (laesa) maiestas: Münzdelikte im römischen Recht 247–260 Währungstechnische Regelungen im Amtsjahr des Prätors M. Marius Gratidianus (85/4 v. Chr.) 261–267
Horváth, L., Dating Hyperides’ Against Diondas 27–34
Hyperides’ Against Diondas (Addenda) 35–36
Janko, R., Reconstructing (again) the Opening of the Derveni Papyrus 37–51
Jones, C. P., The Neronian Inscription on the Lighthouse of Patara 153–154
Jordan, D. R. – Curbera, J., A Lead Curse Tablet in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens 135–150
Lelli, E. – Parlato, G., Le vittorie di Sosibio 59–65
López Cruces, J. L., Heracles on Oeta (TrGF Adesp. 653 Kn.–Sn.): Two Supplements 23–26
Lougovaya, J., Age of the Trierarchs in the Decree of Themistokles 113–114
Meadows, A., Fouilles d’Amyzon 6 Reconsidered: The Ptolemies at Amyzon 115–120
Mirkovi , M., Ein neues Diplom aus Pannonia Inferior und RMD V 401: Wo sind die übrigen fünf Kohorten geblieben? 285–290
Moyer, I. S., Notes on Re-Reading the Delian Aretalogy of Sarapis (IG XI.4 1299) 101–107
Pangerl, A. – Eck, W., „Vater, Mutter, Schwestern, Brüder ...“: 3. Akt 276–284
Parlato, G. – Lelli, E., Le vittorie di Sosibio 59–65
Petrain, D., Two Inscriptions from the Tabulae Iliacae. The Epic Canon of the Borgia Tablet (IG 14.1292.2) and the Roman Chronicle (SEG 33.802B) 83–84
Prioux, É., Le portrait perdu et retrouvé du poète Philitas de Cos: Posidippe 63 A.–B. et IG XIV, 2486 66–72
Puglia, E., P. Oxy. 2294 e la tradizione delle odi di Saffo 1–8
Santin, E., Nuova lettura dell’epigramma funerario per Diokleas (IG IX 2, 255, Agios Georgios Pharsalôn, Tessaglia 73–79
Sonnino, M., Per la ricostituzione di un corale dell’Eretteo di Euripide: PapSorb 2328 (= Eur. fr. 370 Kannicht), rr. 5–10 ed Eur. Erechth.
Torjussen, S. S., An Inscribed Gold Olive Leaf from Daphniotissa, near Elis 151–152
Abascal, J. M., Marti Augusto sacrum ex mandatu 303–305
Alpers, K., Beobachtungen zur Überlieferung und zum Text des Platonlexikons des Timaios 85–99
Azzarello, G., Tornano i conti ... (Ri)edizione di UC Inv. 31914: O.Crum 480 (= Mertens-Pack3 2309.5) e due frammenti inediti di divisioni 159–170
Benaissa, A., Two Bishops Named Senuthes: Prosopography and New Texts 179–194
Bernabé, A., Some Thoughts about the ‘New’ Gold Tablet from Pherai 53–58
Blumell, L., A Note on the Meaning of the Term μονοκτίστ(ης) 22
Corcoran, S., The Heading of Diocletian’s Prices Edict at Stratonicea 295–302
Curbera, J. – Jordan, D. R., A Lead Curse Tablet in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens 135–150
Cuvigny, H., Χίλωμα = musette 195–198
Delmaire, R., Flauius Aetius, delatorum inimicissimus, uindex libertatis, pudoris ultor (CIL VI 41389) 291–294
Eck, W., Die Benennung von römischen Amtsträgern und politisch-militärisch-administrativen Funktionen bei Flavius Iosephus – Probleme der korrekten Identifizierung 218–226
Die Bauinschrift der neronischen Thermen in Patara. Zur methodischen Auswertung einer partiell eradierten Inschrift 269–275
Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., „Vater, Mutter, Schwestern, Brüder ...“: 3. Akt 276–284
Eich, A., Überlegungen zur juristischen und sozialen Bewertung der Fälschung öffentlicher Urkunden während der späten Republik und der Kaiserzeit 227–246
Eilers, C., Forgery, Dishonesty, and Incompetence in Josephus’ Acta: The Decree of Athens (AJ 14. 149–155) 211–217
Epstein, S., Why Did Attic Building Projects Employ Free Laborers Rather than Slaves? 108–112
Ferri, R., New Evidence on the Meaning of ῥωμαιστής in IG XI.2 133: ‘Actor of Latin Comedies’? 155–158
Garulli, V., Frinico e l’epitafio di Aurelio Marciano (IGUR 411): un presunto hapax 80–82
Gonis, N., SB VI 8986 and Heraclius’ Sons 199–202 Notes on the Aristocracy of Byzantine Fayum 203–210 ‘Aurelius and Verus’: A Ghost Combination 268
Gonzales, M., New Observations on the Lindian Cult-Tax for Enyalios (SEG 4.171) 121–134
Hagedorn, D., Die Speicherquittungen von P.Cair. Preis. 29: Eine Neuedition 171–178
Heinrichs, J., Zwischen falsum und (laesa) maiestas: Münzdelikte im römischen Recht 247–260 Währungstechnische Regelungen im Amtsjahr des Prätors M. Marius Gratidianus (85/4 v. Chr.) 261–267
Horváth, L., Dating Hyperides’ Against Diondas 27–34
Hyperides’ Against Diondas (Addenda) 35–36
Janko, R., Reconstructing (again) the Opening of the Derveni Papyrus 37–51
Jones, C. P., The Neronian Inscription on the Lighthouse of Patara 153–154
Jordan, D. R. – Curbera, J., A Lead Curse Tablet in the National Archaeological Museum, Athens 135–150
Lelli, E. – Parlato, G., Le vittorie di Sosibio 59–65
López Cruces, J. L., Heracles on Oeta (TrGF Adesp. 653 Kn.–Sn.): Two Supplements 23–26
Lougovaya, J., Age of the Trierarchs in the Decree of Themistokles 113–114
Meadows, A., Fouilles d’Amyzon 6 Reconsidered: The Ptolemies at Amyzon 115–120
Mirkovi , M., Ein neues Diplom aus Pannonia Inferior und RMD V 401: Wo sind die übrigen fünf Kohorten geblieben? 285–290
Moyer, I. S., Notes on Re-Reading the Delian Aretalogy of Sarapis (IG XI.4 1299) 101–107
Pangerl, A. – Eck, W., „Vater, Mutter, Schwestern, Brüder ...“: 3. Akt 276–284
Parlato, G. – Lelli, E., Le vittorie di Sosibio 59–65
Petrain, D., Two Inscriptions from the Tabulae Iliacae. The Epic Canon of the Borgia Tablet (IG 14.1292.2) and the Roman Chronicle (SEG 33.802B) 83–84
Prioux, É., Le portrait perdu et retrouvé du poète Philitas de Cos: Posidippe 63 A.–B. et IG XIV, 2486 66–72
Puglia, E., P. Oxy. 2294 e la tradizione delle odi di Saffo 1–8
Santin, E., Nuova lettura dell’epigramma funerario per Diokleas (IG IX 2, 255, Agios Georgios Pharsalôn, Tessaglia 73–79
Sonnino, M., Per la ricostituzione di un corale dell’Eretteo di Euripide: PapSorb 2328 (= Eur. fr. 370 Kannicht), rr. 5–10 ed Eur. Erechth.
Torjussen, S. S., An Inscribed Gold Olive Leaf from Daphniotissa, near Elis 151–152
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Charta Borgiana (SB I 5124) restored
The restoration was performed by a team of restorers from University of Lecce, directed by Mario Capasso after an exhibition at the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Naples.
From an annoucnement on Papy-L by Prof. Capasso.
From an annoucnement on Papy-L by Prof. Capasso.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
SBL Boston 2008: Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Room: Meeting Room 209 - CC
Lincoln Blumell, University of Toronto
Is P.Oxy. 3057 the Earliest Christian Letter? (30 min)
When P.Oxy. 3057 was first published in 1974 the editor, Peter Parsons, tentatively raised the possibility that it may have been written by a Christian since it contained a number of peculiarities that could have derived from a Christian milieu. Due to the fact Parsons dated this letter to the late first century it initially attracted some interest. However, given that many of the apparently “Christian” features of the letter were later judged to be rather ambiguous, it did not receive much attention as a source for early Christianity in subsequent scholarship. Recently, interest in the letter has been renewed as attempts have been made to reopen the debate surrounding this letter as they have attempted to show that it contains a number of features that decidedly favor Christian authorship. This paper will therefore evaluate the validity of such arguments and will reconsider whether P.Oxy. 3057 could be the earliest extant Christian letter.
Peter M. Head, Tyndale House
A Letter from Tryphon to Asklepiades (BGU 1208 from 27–26 BCE) and the New Testament (30 min)
This letter (Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum P. 13143) has often been appealed to by New Testament scholars since it appears to have the only definitely pre-Christian occurrence of the verb αὐθεντεῖν (which also occurs in 1 Timothy 2.12). This paper offers a fresh reading of the text, a first complete English translation, and a general discussion of the letter as a whole (and in relation to the Asklepiades archive) in its relationship to the language and milieu of early Christianity, before discussing the use of au0qentei=n and its potential relevance to the interpretation of 1 Timothy.
Joel A. Weaver, Baylor University
House Ownership in Ancient Egypt: Evidence of Partial Ownership from the Census Declarations (30 min)
I plan to survey all of the census declarations from the documentary papyri in order to determine what percentage of house owners owned only a portion of a house. After ascertaining whether the majority of house owners owned their homes outright or shared ownership with others, I plan to introduce this data into the debate regarding the relative wealth of early Christians and their house churches.
Don Barker, Macquarie University-Sydney
The Treatment of Numerals in the Early New Testament Papyri (30 min)
According to C. H Roberts, Manuscripts, Society and Belief in Early Christian Egypt, Oxford University Press, 1979.12-22, early Christian books stand apart from secular books in that the copyists are more used to writing documents so that they write their numbers in figures rather than in words. K. Haines-Eitzen, Guardians of Letters, Literacy, Power and the Transmitters of Early Christian Literature, Oxford University Press, 2000, 66, continues this assertion by Roberts as do others. The situation however is far more complex than the one that has been indicated, firstly by Roberts, and then by others. This paper will explore this complexity and will seek to demonstrate from the way numbers are treated in the texts how they give us an insight into the differing abilities and backgrounds of the various scribes who copied them.
Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: Jefferson - HI
Michael Theophilos, University of Oxford
A New Fragment of James from Oxyrhynchus (30 min)
It is not insignificant that 42% of published New Testament papyri are from Oxyrhynchus, Egypt. Furthermore, of the fifty-eight NT papyri dated to the first half of the fourth century or earlier, Oxyrhynchus contributes to nearly 60% of the material, i.e. thirty four fragmentary papyri. Given Oxyrhynchus" prominence, prosperity and significant Christian influence this is somewhat understandable, even if it is equally as baffling as to why so much literature, both biblical and otherwise was "thrown out" en masse, only to be found centuries later by two Oxford graduates, B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt of Queen's College. The primary research that will be undertaken in this study concerns an assessment of a previously unknown New Testament papyrus fragment of the epistle of James from Oxyrhynchus (inventory number 51 4B.18/c [1-4]b). The significance of this study is to offer original and focused research into the history of the textual tradition of the New Testament. Discussion of the fragment will be divided into three sections. Firstly, an extended introduction which will note, among other things, the paleographic points of interest - roll/codex, recto/verso, date, lines/width/height of columns, estimated length of roll and significant reading marks (accents, breathings, quantity marks, punctuation). Secondly, an edited Greek text, both diplomatic and transcriptional (with a short description of how multi-spectral imaging aided in this process, and finally, a section devoted to issues which require further treatment, including exegetical comment, notable paleographic details and collation with other extant manuscripts. Images of the papyri will be included in the presentation.
Ingrid Lilly, Emory University
Liturgical Function of p967: How Codicological Analysis Sheds Light on Textual Issues in Septuagint Ezekiel (30 min)
In this paper, I consider the role liturgical function played in Ezekiel's text tradition through study of the early 3rd century codex, p967. First, I conduct codicological analysis on p967 Ezekiel, arguing that the book functioned in a Christian liturgical setting. I examine p967's unique paragraphing, extra-textual marks, as well as a small number of Christian theological touches to the body of the text. Characteristics of neighboring Daniel and Esther support the conclusion that the codex was used in Christian liturgy. Second, I interrogate the textual history of p967 for liturgical function, agreeing with Thackeray"s early pronouncement that liturgy motivated late textual editing of the book.
John Granger Cook, LaGrange College
P50 and the Question of Its Function (30 min)
The purpose of P50, which comprises two selections from Acts (8:26-32, 10:26-31), has long been debated. The first editor, Carl Kraeling, believed that the text might have been for “missionary or homiletic purposes or both.” Subsequent scholars such as Joseph van Haelst and Kurt Aland have concluded that it was an amulet. The criteria used for evaluating texts as Christian amulets need to be reevaluated. One is left with the impression that some scholars after Kraeling have used the category “amulet” as a sort of panacea, when left in a quandary over what to do with texts such as P50. There are several indications that P50 may have had a function other than use as an amulet. One is the nature of folded documents in antiquity. The other is the use of the texts from Acts in ancient Christian literature.
Theodore de Bruyn, University of Ottawa
Criteria for Identifying Biblical Inscriptions as Amulets (30 min)
Scholars have differed in the criteria they employ to identify formularies and amulets containing Christian motifs. Van Haelst's catalogue of Jewish and Christian papyri included amulets consisting of prayers, acclamations, or citations from the Bible or the Christian liturgy (Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens, 1976, 414), whereas these were excluded from the more recent compilations of Brashear (ANRW II.18.5, 1995, 3492-3; cf. 3480 n. 486) and Daniel and Maltomini (Supplementum Magicum I, 1991, ix). Both approaches have their merits. While the latter focuses on the unique or specific features of magical texts, the former is more inclusive of the entire range of materials that were used as amulets. The more inclusive approach requires that one distinguish between inscriptions used as amulets and inscriptions used for some other private purpose. When the inscription consists only of a biblical passage, this judgment may be tentative or provisional. My paper will discuss criteria used to identify materials inscribed with one or more biblical passages as amulets, and will present a list of papyri, parchments, ostraca, and tablets from the 4th to the 8th century C.E inscribed with biblical passages in Greek and deemed to be amulet.
Dave Nielsen, Brigham Young University
The Question of Developing Canonicity: The Shepherd of Hermas as a Preliminary Case Study
The Shepherd of Hermas was the most popular noncanonical work in the first centuries of the Christian era. Indeed, only the Psalms and the Gospels of Matthew and John have more surviving manuscripts. It was widely quoted and accepted as scripture from Gaul to Egypt by Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and others. Recent studies such as Hurtado's “Earliest Christian Artifacts” have shown that there is a demonstrable difference between Christian and non-Christian texts. The purpose of this paper is to test the possibility of taking his paradigm one step further. In certain instances, we know what the Church thought of a text based on how they used and commented on it. The question is whether or not we can distinguish between canonical and apocryphal in the eyes of the first Christians based on the manuscripts themselves. Using the Shepherd of Hermas as a preliminary case study, I propose that we indeed can, based on analysis of the historical, codicological, and paleographical data of the Greek papyri from the first five centuries.
Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Room: Meeting Room 209 - CC
Lincoln Blumell, University of Toronto
Is P.Oxy. 3057 the Earliest Christian Letter? (30 min)
When P.Oxy. 3057 was first published in 1974 the editor, Peter Parsons, tentatively raised the possibility that it may have been written by a Christian since it contained a number of peculiarities that could have derived from a Christian milieu. Due to the fact Parsons dated this letter to the late first century it initially attracted some interest. However, given that many of the apparently “Christian” features of the letter were later judged to be rather ambiguous, it did not receive much attention as a source for early Christianity in subsequent scholarship. Recently, interest in the letter has been renewed as attempts have been made to reopen the debate surrounding this letter as they have attempted to show that it contains a number of features that decidedly favor Christian authorship. This paper will therefore evaluate the validity of such arguments and will reconsider whether P.Oxy. 3057 could be the earliest extant Christian letter.
Peter M. Head, Tyndale House
A Letter from Tryphon to Asklepiades (BGU 1208 from 27–26 BCE) and the New Testament (30 min)
This letter (Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum P. 13143) has often been appealed to by New Testament scholars since it appears to have the only definitely pre-Christian occurrence of the verb αὐθεντεῖν (which also occurs in 1 Timothy 2.12). This paper offers a fresh reading of the text, a first complete English translation, and a general discussion of the letter as a whole (and in relation to the Asklepiades archive) in its relationship to the language and milieu of early Christianity, before discussing the use of au0qentei=n and its potential relevance to the interpretation of 1 Timothy.
Joel A. Weaver, Baylor University
House Ownership in Ancient Egypt: Evidence of Partial Ownership from the Census Declarations (30 min)
I plan to survey all of the census declarations from the documentary papyri in order to determine what percentage of house owners owned only a portion of a house. After ascertaining whether the majority of house owners owned their homes outright or shared ownership with others, I plan to introduce this data into the debate regarding the relative wealth of early Christians and their house churches.
Don Barker, Macquarie University-Sydney
The Treatment of Numerals in the Early New Testament Papyri (30 min)
According to C. H Roberts, Manuscripts, Society and Belief in Early Christian Egypt, Oxford University Press, 1979.12-22, early Christian books stand apart from secular books in that the copyists are more used to writing documents so that they write their numbers in figures rather than in words. K. Haines-Eitzen, Guardians of Letters, Literacy, Power and the Transmitters of Early Christian Literature, Oxford University Press, 2000, 66, continues this assertion by Roberts as do others. The situation however is far more complex than the one that has been indicated, firstly by Roberts, and then by others. This paper will explore this complexity and will seek to demonstrate from the way numbers are treated in the texts how they give us an insight into the differing abilities and backgrounds of the various scribes who copied them.
Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: Jefferson - HI
Michael Theophilos, University of Oxford
A New Fragment of James from Oxyrhynchus (30 min)
It is not insignificant that 42% of published New Testament papyri are from Oxyrhynchus, Egypt. Furthermore, of the fifty-eight NT papyri dated to the first half of the fourth century or earlier, Oxyrhynchus contributes to nearly 60% of the material, i.e. thirty four fragmentary papyri. Given Oxyrhynchus" prominence, prosperity and significant Christian influence this is somewhat understandable, even if it is equally as baffling as to why so much literature, both biblical and otherwise was "thrown out" en masse, only to be found centuries later by two Oxford graduates, B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt of Queen's College. The primary research that will be undertaken in this study concerns an assessment of a previously unknown New Testament papyrus fragment of the epistle of James from Oxyrhynchus (inventory number 51 4B.18/c [1-4]b). The significance of this study is to offer original and focused research into the history of the textual tradition of the New Testament. Discussion of the fragment will be divided into three sections. Firstly, an extended introduction which will note, among other things, the paleographic points of interest - roll/codex, recto/verso, date, lines/width/height of columns, estimated length of roll and significant reading marks (accents, breathings, quantity marks, punctuation). Secondly, an edited Greek text, both diplomatic and transcriptional (with a short description of how multi-spectral imaging aided in this process, and finally, a section devoted to issues which require further treatment, including exegetical comment, notable paleographic details and collation with other extant manuscripts. Images of the papyri will be included in the presentation.
Ingrid Lilly, Emory University
Liturgical Function of p967: How Codicological Analysis Sheds Light on Textual Issues in Septuagint Ezekiel (30 min)
In this paper, I consider the role liturgical function played in Ezekiel's text tradition through study of the early 3rd century codex, p967. First, I conduct codicological analysis on p967 Ezekiel, arguing that the book functioned in a Christian liturgical setting. I examine p967's unique paragraphing, extra-textual marks, as well as a small number of Christian theological touches to the body of the text. Characteristics of neighboring Daniel and Esther support the conclusion that the codex was used in Christian liturgy. Second, I interrogate the textual history of p967 for liturgical function, agreeing with Thackeray"s early pronouncement that liturgy motivated late textual editing of the book.
John Granger Cook, LaGrange College
P50 and the Question of Its Function (30 min)
The purpose of P50, which comprises two selections from Acts (8:26-32, 10:26-31), has long been debated. The first editor, Carl Kraeling, believed that the text might have been for “missionary or homiletic purposes or both.” Subsequent scholars such as Joseph van Haelst and Kurt Aland have concluded that it was an amulet. The criteria used for evaluating texts as Christian amulets need to be reevaluated. One is left with the impression that some scholars after Kraeling have used the category “amulet” as a sort of panacea, when left in a quandary over what to do with texts such as P50. There are several indications that P50 may have had a function other than use as an amulet. One is the nature of folded documents in antiquity. The other is the use of the texts from Acts in ancient Christian literature.
Theodore de Bruyn, University of Ottawa
Criteria for Identifying Biblical Inscriptions as Amulets (30 min)
Scholars have differed in the criteria they employ to identify formularies and amulets containing Christian motifs. Van Haelst's catalogue of Jewish and Christian papyri included amulets consisting of prayers, acclamations, or citations from the Bible or the Christian liturgy (Catalogue des papyrus littéraires juifs et chrétiens, 1976, 414), whereas these were excluded from the more recent compilations of Brashear (ANRW II.18.5, 1995, 3492-3; cf. 3480 n. 486) and Daniel and Maltomini (Supplementum Magicum I, 1991, ix). Both approaches have their merits. While the latter focuses on the unique or specific features of magical texts, the former is more inclusive of the entire range of materials that were used as amulets. The more inclusive approach requires that one distinguish between inscriptions used as amulets and inscriptions used for some other private purpose. When the inscription consists only of a biblical passage, this judgment may be tentative or provisional. My paper will discuss criteria used to identify materials inscribed with one or more biblical passages as amulets, and will present a list of papyri, parchments, ostraca, and tablets from the 4th to the 8th century C.E inscribed with biblical passages in Greek and deemed to be amulet.
Dave Nielsen, Brigham Young University
The Question of Developing Canonicity: The Shepherd of Hermas as a Preliminary Case Study
The Shepherd of Hermas was the most popular noncanonical work in the first centuries of the Christian era. Indeed, only the Psalms and the Gospels of Matthew and John have more surviving manuscripts. It was widely quoted and accepted as scripture from Gaul to Egypt by Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, and others. Recent studies such as Hurtado's “Earliest Christian Artifacts” have shown that there is a demonstrable difference between Christian and non-Christian texts. The purpose of this paper is to test the possibility of taking his paradigm one step further. In certain instances, we know what the Church thought of a text based on how they used and commented on it. The question is whether or not we can distinguish between canonical and apocryphal in the eyes of the first Christians based on the manuscripts themselves. Using the Shepherd of Hermas as a preliminary case study, I propose that we indeed can, based on analysis of the historical, codicological, and paleographical data of the Greek papyri from the first five centuries.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
REVIEW: Tomasz Derda, Arsinoites Nomos. Administration of the Fayum under Roman Rule

Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.11.10
Tomasz Derda, Arsinoites Nomos. Administration of the Fayum under Roman Rule. The Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement, 7. Warsaw: Institute of Archaeology, Warsaw University and Fundaja im. Rafala Taubenschlaga, 2006. Pp. xviii, 345; maps 4, tables 2. ISBN 978-83-918250-6-8. $79.00.
Reviewed by Peter Fibiger Bang, University of Copenhagen (PBang@hum.ku.dk)
Word count: 1251 words
In this useful and interesting study of provincial Egypt, Tomasz Derda has set himself the far from moderate task of disentangling the complex and fragmented papyrological evidence relating to the formal aspects of Roman administration in the Egyptian Fayum. The book grew out of his engagement with the project of Willy Clarysse on "Fayum villages in the Graeco-Roman Period" (p. XII) and as such reflects the classic concerns of papyrology. First and foremost, this is a study of the formalities of state administration; the emphasis is heavily on clarifying the use of administrative terms which scholars encounter in the numerous surviving documentary papyri in order to chart the nature of administrative units and offices. A more penetrating analysis of the relations of power underwriting Roman rule in Fayum society, on the other hand, is not really attempted, though Derda does occasionally offer some interesting observations on this topic too.
etc at BMCR
Monday, November 10, 2008
VIDEO: The Herculaneum Papyri and Brigham Young University
Gianluca del Mastro, associate of the Centro Internazionale per lo Studio dei Papiri Ercolanesi, University of Naples, Italy.
Thanks to Ioannis Kokkinidis for the reference.
Thanks to Ioannis Kokkinidis for the reference.
F.A.J. Hoogendijk and B.P. Muhs, Festschrift K.A. WORP: Sixty-Five Papyrological Texts

Sixty-Five Papyrological Texts
Presented to Klaas A. Worp on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday
Edited by F.A.J. Hoogendijk and B.P. Muhs
P.Lugd-Bat 33.
Series: Papyrologica Lugduno-Batava, 33
ISBN-13 (i): 978 90 04 16688 2
ISSN: 0169-9652
Cover: Hardback
Number of pages: xl, 418 pp.
List price: € 149.00 / US$ 238.00
This volume contains editions of sixty-five Greek, Demotic, Coptic and Arabic texts from Egypt, contributed as a token of friendship and respect by forty-six of Klaas Worp’s colleagues and co-authors upon his retirement from the Papyrological Institute of the University of Leiden in August 2008. The contents are as diverse as Klaas Worp’s own wide range of interests, and provide a vivid impression of life and culture in Graeco-Roman Egypt. The texts are written on papyrus, potsherds, parchment, paper and wood. They include both literary and documentary papyri and ostraca, and date from the third century BC to the eleventh century AD. They are published fully, most for the first time, with transcriptions and translations, and are accompanied by photographs.
Preface . . . v
Contents . . . vii
Table of Texts . . . ix
Acknowledgement of Plates. . . xi
Bibliography of Klaas A. Worp . . . xiii
Abbreviated Literature . . . xxxv
Editorial Notation . . . xl
C. GALLAZI, Plato, Epistulae VIII 356A, 6-8 (1) . . . 1
A. NODAR DOMÍNQUEZ — S. TORALLAS TOVAR, Demosthenes, Oratio 21, 62 (2) . . . 5
G. BASTIANINI, Apollonio Rodio II 589-601 (3) . . . 9
A. MARTIN, Hérodote I 178, 2-3 (4) . . . 13
I. GARDNER, A Codex Leaf from a Short Recension (Rec. D) of the Liber Bartholomaei (LB) (5) . . . 19
J. GASCOU, Justice d’Athéna en Égypte romaine (6-8) . . . 29
T. RENNER, A Prose Passage on the God Chnum (9) . . . 41
R. DANIEL, Applied Erotic Magic (10) . . . 47
D. FEISSEL, Deux modèles de cursive latine dans l’ordre alphabétique grec (11) . . . 53
R. J. DEMARÉE — B. MUHS, Grain Accounts from Gebelein in Nijmegen (12) . . . 65
B. KRAMER — D. HAGEDORN, Aus dem Archiv eines Pfandleihers (13-14) . . . 77
H. MELAERTS — C. SAERENS, Action en justice (15) . . . 91
G. MESSERI, Lettera riservata dal mondo delle miniere (16) . . . 103
P. HEILPORN, Un contrat thébain (17) . . . 111
R.P. SALOMONS, Agreement about a Dowry (18) . . . 119
J. D. THOMAS, Report on the ἐπίσκεψις of Land (19) . . . 131
M.J. BAKKER — A.V. BAKKERS, Lease of a House with Workshops (20) . . . 139
F. MORELLI, Verkauf einer Sklavin (21) . . . 151
B. NIELSEN, Register (22) . . .161
J.H.M. DE JONG, A Date Formula with a Flaw (23) . . . 171
M.S. FUNGHI, Lettera d’affari (2. . . 173
H. HARRAUER, Hyperechios und seine Familie (25) . . . 181
N. GONIS, πολιτευόμενοι and βουλευταί again (26) . . . 195
J.H.F. DIJKSTRA, A Bilingual Report of Proceedings with the First Consular Dating to 433 C.E. in the Papyri (27) . . . 203
R. PINTAUDI, Un cheirographon non del tutto chairo (28) . . . 217
B. PALME, Flavius Callinicus Iuvinianus (33-34) . . . 231
J.-L. FOURNET, P. Stras. V 318 complété: la grande philoponia d’Héracléopolis et les protocols en cursive inclinée . . . 243
A. PAPATHOMAS, Petition an den byzantinischen Kaiser (36) . . . 255
F. MITTHOF, Pacht von Getreideland und Neupflanzung von Wein (37) . . . 265
F.A.J. HOOGENDIJK, Twelve Greek Ostraca from Elephantine (38-49) . . . 279
A. BÜLOW-JACOBSEN, An Ostracon from the Quarry at Umm Balad (50) . . . 311
H. CUVIGNY, Recueil de cas d’irrégularités dans la transmission du courrier officiel (51) . . . 317
A. VERHOOGT, Letter about a Pig (52) . . . 325
R.S. BAGNALL — R. CRIBIORE — J.G. KEENAN, Ostraka from the Collection of Naphtali Lewis (53-60) . . . 329
T.M. HICKEY, A Late Antique Miscellany (61-62) . . . 343
H. FÖRSTER, Zahlungsanweisung zugunsten von Jannia (63) . . . 351
J. VAN DER VLIET, A Monk in the Metropolis (64) . . . 361
P.M. SIJPESTEIJN, A Seventh/Eighth-century List of Companions from Fusṭāṭ (65) . . . 369
Indexes . . . 379
Index of Greek Words . . . 381
Index of Demotic Words . . . 408
Index of Coptic Words . . . 410
Index of Arabic Words . . . 413
Corrections to Published Texts . . . 415
Thanks to Brian Muhs for the Table of Contents
Labels: P. Worp
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Porter- Porter, New Testament Greek Papyri and Parchments I.2

Stanley E. Porter and Wendy J. Porter, New Testament Greek Papyri and Parchments. New Editions 2 volumes. Vol. 1: Text; Vol. 2: Plates, Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek (MPER) XXX (Berlin; New York: de Gruyter, 2008).
The Greek papyri and parchments of the Vienna collection have been published over the last one-hundred twenty-five years – from the advent of papyrology to the present. This collection of new editions of the New Testament Greek papyri and parchments includes all of the known and identified manuscripts, as well as four important lectionary texts and an apocryphal gospel (the so-called Fayyum fragment). All of these editions are newly made from examination of the manuscripts themselves. Without detracting in any way from the work of such previous scholars as Wessely and Sanz, these editions provide new readings and reconstructions, and correct previous mistakes. Each text is discussed as an artifact in its own right, with all of its individual and particular characteristics. All of the editions are presented with introductions, diplomatic and reading texts, and comments. Included are such phenomena as ekphonetic notation used for liturgical purposes.
Reviewed by D Jongkind at Evangelical Tetual Criticism
Thursday, November 06, 2008
JJP 37 (2007)

From the Editors....................................................................................................... 7
In memoriam Tomasz Mikocki (1954–2007) ........................................................... 9
Amin Benaissa
Two Notes on Demosiois Documents .................................................................... 15
Mark Depauw
The Use of Mothers’ Names in Ptolemaic Documents.
A Case of Greek-Egyptian Influence ..................................................................... 21
Gertrud Dietze-Mager
Der Erwerb der Römischen Bürgerrechts in Ägypten
Legionare und Veteranen........................................................................................ 31
Nikolaos Gonis
Recent News from Flavius Magistor & Sons....................................................... 125
New Finds of Funerary Inscriptions in Banganarti
(Christian Nubia) ................................................................................................... 135
Adam Łajtar
Epigraphic Notes and Records ............................................................................... 153
Adam Łukaszewicz
Orestes in a Temple ................................................................................................ 165
Gesa Schenke
Kinderschenkungen an das Kloster des Apa Thoma(s)? ...................................... 177
Jacques van der Vliet
Exit Tamer, Bishop of Faras (SB v 8728) ............................................................ 185
Joachim Hengstl
Literaturübersicht 2002–2004 (Teil i) ................................................................. 193
Review of a Book ....................................................................................................... 295
Hélène CUVIGNY, Ostraca de Krokodilô. La correspondance militaire et sa circulation. O. Krok. 1–151. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice, II (= Institut français d ’archéologie orientale. Fouilles de l ’IFAO 51), Le Caire 2005 [Tadeusz Sarnowski]
The Journal of Juristic Papyrology and Its Supplements .................................. 301
Thanks again to Tomasz Markiewicz
T. Derda, P.Naqlun II

JJP Supplement volume 9
Tomasz Derda, Deir el-Naqlun: The Greek Papyri, volume ii, Warsaw 2008 (hard cover, maps, plates and monochromatic photographs), ISBN 978-83-918250-8-2, 45 euro
The volume contains some twenty Greek texts on papyrus and ostraca, both theological and documentary, found during the excavation carried out by the Polish Archaeological Mission (directed by prof. Wlodzimierz Godlewski) at Deir el-Naqlun, a monastic complex at the Fayum, Egypt. Among them, there are: seven leaves from a finely decorated codex of Psalms (P. Naqlun inv. 34/88); two ostraka (O. Naqlun inv. 64/86 and 53/88) containing contiguous fragments of the Gospel according to Mathew; a small archive (from hermitage no. 89 of the Naqlun laura) made up of three notarial documents dated to ad 585–593; a dozen of fragmentarily preserved letters. Volume one of P. Naqlun was published by the same author in 1994.
Thanks to Tomasz Markiewicz.
Labels: P. Naqlun 2
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
H. Verreth, A survey of toponyms in Egypt in the Graeco-Roman period

From the introduction:
The Trismegistos database (www.trismegistos.org) has a geographical section that centres around the file called 'Places'. This file, which contains both ancient and modern toponyms, has been built up from two different angles. It lists, in the first place, every toponym in Egypt where a document incorporated in the database has been found or written. It used to contain, in the second place, all the toponyms from the Arsinoites that where studied in the Fayum Project , and all the toponyms with ethnics that were gathered for the publication of Csaba La'da, Prosopographia Ptolemaica X. Foreign ethnics in Hellenistic Egypt, 2002. Since so much material had already been gathered, we decided to extend the file and to start listing every toponym related to
Monday, November 03, 2008
UCLA Field school at Karanis

An excerpt:
Just two weeks into the dig, the field school has made some new discoveries.
"Based on dates in Greek papyri previously found at Karanis, the city was thought to have been abandoned in the fourth century … but the section we are working on dates from the fourth to the sixth centuries, which expands the occupation of Karanis by approximately two centuries," Wendrich said. "It certainly was rural, but it was also a large town, in which the inhabitants, mostly small landowners, created a comfortable life for themselves."