What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Friday, June 26, 2009

P.Oxy. Volume LXXIII

P.Oxy. Volume LXXIII

P.Oxy.LXXIII 4931
LXX, Psalm xc 3-8
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4932
Amulet: Psalm lxxii 21-3
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4933
Collection of Biblical Excerpts
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4934
First Letter of Peter i 23-ii 5, 7-12
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4935
Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 1043-51, 1202-10
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4936
Menander, Epitrepontes
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4937
New Comedy (? Menander, Georgos)
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4938
Empedocles, Physica
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4939
Imperial Hexameters: Ethopoea?
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4940
Historical Fragment (Timagenes?)
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4941
A Thrasyllan Interpretation of Plato's Theaetetus
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4942
Zenobius, Epitome of Didymus and Lucillus of Tarrhae, Book 1
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4943
Dictys Cretensis, Bellum Troianum ii 29-30
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4944
Dictys Cretensis, Bellum Troianum v 15-17
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4945
Lollianos, Phoinikika
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4946
Dionysius Halicarnassensis, Antiquitates Romanae iv 77-8
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4947
Strabo, Geographica v 4.12-13
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4948
Achilles Tatius, Leucippe and Clitophon ii 37.8-10, 38.4
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4949
Aelius Aristides, Panathenaicus 390, 392
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4950
Post Eventum Predictions for AD 69-70
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4951
Commentary on a Poetic Text
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4952
Commentary on Archilochus' Trimeters
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4953
Petition to Strategus Regarding Extortion
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4954 = 394
Petition Regarding Extortion
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4955
Military Roster
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4956
Census Declaration
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4957
Census Declaration
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4958
Application to Acting Strategos
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4959
Letter of Ammonius to his Parents
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4960
Letter to a Stolistes
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4961
Authenticated Copy of a Petition to the Prefect
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4962
Letter of Ammonius to Diodorus
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4963
Letter of Heraclas to Diogenes
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4964
List of Hamlets and Requisitioned Workers
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4965
Manichean Letter
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4966
Sale of Irrigation Implements
P.Oxy.LXXIII 4967
Work Contract of Public Herald