Ewa WIPSZYCKA, Moines et communautés monastiques en Égypte, ive–viiie siècles
JJP Supplement volume 11
Ewa Wipszycka, Moines et communautés monastiques en Égypte, ive–viiie
siècles, Varsovie 2009, Hardcover, XX + 688 pages, 83 figures, ISBN
978-83-918250-9-9, price: 80 euro
For the few past decades Ewa Wipszycka has been working on the history of
monastic communities in Egypt in the Late Antiquity, addressing especially
their institutional, social and cultural aspects. The book presents the
results of her life-long research on the subject.
Thanks to Dr. Tomasz Markiewicz for this reference.
Labels: Moines
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