P. Buzi & A. Camplani (eds.), Christianity in Egypt: Literary Production and Intellectual Trends in Late Antiquity. Studies in honor of Tito Orlandi,
20 gennaio 2012
"Christianity in Egypt: Literary Production and Intellectual Trends" collects papers offered to Tito Orlandi, in order to celebrate his long and fruitful academic and scientific life. Scholars of Coptic Egypt, who, in various ways, have interacted with him, offer a contribution on Christian Egypt and Coptic literary production. This volume has the ambition to be in line with Tito Orlandi's diverse efforts and includes the publication of partially or totally inedited texts, such as the new Ethiopic version of Traditio apostolica (A. Bausi), or the Allocutio ad monachos attributed to Athanasius (A. Boud'hors), the reconstruction of Coptic codices and texts with an analysis of related cultural and linguistic problems (B. Layton, E. Lucchesi, A. Suciu – E. Thomassen, S. Torallas-Tovar); considerations about the Coptic manuscript tradition (P. Buzi), the codicological method (S. Emmel), Coptic literature in relation with Greek patristic literature and Greek rhetoric (S. Voicu, M. Sheridan), as well as the presentation of new research studies in hagiography (H. Behlmer, D. Johnson) and liturgy in its connection with magic and apocryphal literature (J. van der Vliet). Some essays are tied to Tito Orlandi's traditional interest in Coptic history and historiography (Ph. Blaudeau, A. Camplani, J. den Heijer – P. Pilette, M. Simonetti, E. Wipszycka), others, on the base of his critical investigations and editorial activity on monastic and theological texts, deal with monastic exegesis and spirituality (Th. Baumeister, D. Bumazhnov, J.E. Goehring, J. Timbie) and Alexandrian hermeneutics and theology (E. Prinzivalli), while the contributions on Gnosticism are connected to his attention to Gnostic texts (C. Gianotto, G. Lettieri, J.D. Turner). At the end are to be mentioned the essays offered by eminent Egyptologists on Coptic papyri (S. Donadoni) classical Egyptology (S. Pernigotti), and archaeology (E. Bresciani).
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