What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Sunday, April 22, 2012

APF 57.1 (2011)

Ed. by Fournet, Jean-Luc / Kramer, Bärbel / Luppe, Wolfgang / Maehler, Herwig / McGing, Brian / Poethke, Günter / Reiter, Fabian / Richter, Tonio Sebastian

Issue 1 (August 2011), pp. 1 - 151

Deux inédits homériques de la Bibliothèque Municipale de Rouen
Chaufray, Marie-Pierre (Paris)
Publication of two Homeric papyrus fragments of Iliad 10.26–30 and Odyssey 22. 340–345

P.Köln III 127 and P.Oxy. XXX 2512: Two fragments, one manuscript, of a Homeric cento
Gonis, Nikolaos (London)
P.Oxy. XXX 2512, published as ‘Early Hexameters’, and P.Köln III 127, a Homeric cento, are fragments of one and the same manuscript.

Sappho fr. 58,23–26 und fr. 59 Voigt
Luppe, Wolfgang  (Halle/Saale)
After the end of Sappho's poem on age (fr. 58, 11-22 Voigt), P. Oxy. XV 1787 fr.1 preserves the end of four lines of another poem in the same metre (fr. 58, 23-26 Voigt). P. Oxy. XV 1787 fr. 2 (fr. 59, 2-4 Voight) seems to provide the beginning of lines 4-7 of this second poem. Line 4 can be restored from Athenaeus XV 687b, the meaning of which is discussed.

Zum Dictys-Cretensis-Papyrus P.Tebt. II 268
Luppe, Wolfgang (Halle/Saale)
In this article the text of two long columns of a heavily damaged papyrus is discussed; it forms part of a history of the Trojan war. Some of the better preserved lines are reconstructed on the basis of the known Latin translation. One theme is the murder of Achilles resulting from intrigue, another the deficient grief of the Greek soldiers about it.

BKT IX 64: Ein Bruchstück der Acta Alexandrinorum
Sarischouli, Panagiota (Komotini)
Re-edition of a badly damaged fragment with remains of two columns from the Acta Alexandrinorum. The fragment appears to tell the story of an Alexandrian Greek embassy facing the emperor Claudius in the aftermath of the Alexandrian riots in 41 CE

An early Ptolemaic bank register from the Arsinoite nome revised
Clarysse, Willy / Thompson, Dorothy J. / Capron, Laurent
New readings and a rearrangement of the fragments have led to this reedition of an Arsinoite bank register, first published two years ago (APF 55/2 [2009] 230–250). The register covers one month in year 12 (of Ptolemy III). A wide variety of taxes is recorded, paid by both civilian and military sectors at different local banks; details are here collected in a central register most probably from the nome capital. The surviving text records the final 5–6% of inpayments for the current year, followed by arrears going back year-by-year. Different agios are charged on different taxes. The large sums on the back are probably annual payments relating to the whole nome.

Considerazioni su PGM II 1–12
Monte, Anna (Berlino)
This article presents a reexamination of PGM II 1–12. A new high-definition scan of the papyrus shows an incorrect placing of two fragments, and enables improvements to the reading of the text.

Zur Wortgeschichte von Gummi
Kramer, Johannes (Trier)
One of the few Egyptian words occuring in most modern languages is ḳmj.t, Coptic ком(м)є or ком(м)ι, Greek κóμ(μ)ι. It is normally indeclinable, but in the papyri it has passed mostly to the consonantic declination (gen. κóμμεως). Latin evidence proves that the vulgar variant gumma (instead of gummi or cummi) is the etymon of Romance forms like Fr. gomme, which passed to other languages (English gum, German Gummi).

Das Orakel des Heiligen Severus
Schenke, Gesa (Leiden/Oxford)
This new Cologne papyrus attests a hitherto unknown practice of posing oracle questions to Saint Severus. The edition of the small papyrus scrap reveals an oracle inquiry into marriage matters.

Frange and Moses to Matthaios (O.Col. inv. 100): Another Piece of the Frange Dossier
Blouin, Katherine (Toronto)
This article presents an edition of O.Col. inv. 100, a letter addressed by Frange and Moses to Matthaios, asking him to leave everything behind and to come quickly northward to them. The ostracon, which belongs to the collection of Columbia University, offers a new and dramatic addition to the already rich Frange dossier.

Les ostraca grecs et coptes d'Edfou. À propos d'une publication récente
Delattre, Alain / Fournet, Jean-Luc
orrections and reeditions of Greek, Coptic and Graeco-Coptic ostraca from Edfu (Egypt) recently published by S. Bacot, Ostraca grecs et coptes de Tell Edfou, Le Caire, 2009 (O.Edfou Copte)

A propos de la «pauvreté» à Damas à l'époque ayyoubide: deux documents inédits
Mouton, Jean-Michel  / Sourdel, Dominique / Sourdel-Thomine, Janine (Paris)
Publication of two unpublished documents from the Ayyubid period where the term faqīr (pl. fuqarā') is used, describing religious men respected for their asceticism and practicing voluntary poverty, which seems to be their main characteristic. The first archival piece, dated 612/1215, is an official testimony of this quality of profound poverty. It was required to back the claim of being “poor among the Muslim poor”. The second is a request addressed to a master by a member of the pious community of fuqarā' who claims a remuneration in the form of alms (ṣadaqāt).

Darstellungen und Hilfsmittel

Urkundenreferat 2009 (1. Teil)
Kruse, Thomas (Wien)