What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Monday, March 31, 2014

ZPE 190 (2014)

Ast, R., The Hand of P.Mich. III 165 and P.Bagnall 3 … 231

Begass, Ch., Ein Areobindas in einer neuen Inschrift aus Gortyn, Kreta (SEG 56, 1049) … 141

Belousov, A. – Fedoseev, N., A New Magical Inscription from Panticapaeum’s Necropolis … 145

Biagetti, C., Un sincronismo controverso: Filippo II in Propontide e l’ingannevole dispaccio ad Antipatro … 57

Buchholz, L., Re-edition of AE 1922, 126: The Earliest praefectus lege Petronia? … 257

Claytor, W. G., Heron, Son of Satyros: a Scribe in the grapheion of Karanis … 199

Dana, D., Notices épigraphiques et onomastiques II … 149

Dorandi, T., Un’opera di Clearco di Soli sui Sette sapienti? Rileggendo il PSI IX 1093 … 62

Faoro, D., Gli ornamenta triumphalia di L. Domitius Ahenobarbus e Augusto, imperator XV … 234

Gallimore, S., An Interpretation of the Chersonesos Ostraca, O.Cret.Chers.  … 203

Giovagnoli, M., Sull’origine di P. Memmio Regolo … 243

Graml, C., Eine neue Ehreninschrift der Thiasotai der Artemis Ἀρίστη καὶ Καλλίστη aus dem Athener Kerameikos … 116

Holder, P., Two Fragmentary Diplomas for Syria … 291

Jahn, K., Ritterliche quaestorii nach Sulla? … 239

Janko, R., The New Epitaph for the Fallen at Marathon (SEG 56.430) … 11

Jördens, A., Wasser für Pharos … 69

Kakoschke, A., Ammaca. Ein einheimischer Name aus Germania inferior … 287

Kantor, G., Roman Treaty with Lycia (SEG LV 1452) and the Date of Caesar’s Third Dictatorship … 135

Kuhn, C. T., Prosopographical Notes on Four Lead Tesserae from Roman Ephesos … 137

Limón Belén, M., Notas para una nueva edición de ICVR I, 4071 … 99

Lu Hsu, K., P. Mich. 6973: The Text of a Ptolemaic Fragment of Euripides’ Cresphontes … 13

Lu Hsu, K., P. Mich. 6973: An Interpretation of a Ptolemaic Fragment of Euripides’ Cresphontes … 31

Luppe, W., Ein weiterer Herstellungsversuch in der ∆ιονυσαλέξανδρος-Hypothesis … 10

Malouta, M., A New Camel Declaration from Soknopaiou Nesos … 215

Martín Hernández, R., Two More Verses for the Homeromanteion (PGM VII) … 97

Matei-Popescu, F., Zwei Militärdiplome hadrianischer Zeit … 297

Meccariello, Ch., The Opening of Euripides’ Phoenissae between Anecdotal
 and Textual Tradition … 49

Meliadò, C., Su alcuni frammenti di Dionisio epico … 76

Mugnai, N., A Military Diploma of Antoninus Pius for the Troops of Moesia inferior … 305

Nachtergaele, D., The Polite Phrases in the Letters of Apollonios dioiketes … 219

Nachtergaele, D., Remarks on the Variation in the Initial Health Wish in Hierokles’ Letters … 223

Németh, G., Ein Bleitäfelchen aus Apulum … 311

Nicolosi, A., In margine a P.Oxy. LXIX 4708 fr. 1 vv. 22–28 … 1

Pachowiak, N., Gaius/Appius Iunius Silanus und Camerinus Antistius Vetus … 247

Paganini, M. C. D., List of Payments of People Connected to an Estate (?) … 227

Peppard, M., Mosaics from a Church in the Diocese of Apamea, Syria (463 CE) … 168

Porena, P., Ancora sulla carriera di Flavius Ablabius, prefetto del pretorio di Constantino … 262

Rossignol, B., IGLS XIII/2, 9492: Claudius Severus, cos. II 173, honoré à Bostra? … 285

Rotstein, A., The Parian Marble and the Mnesiepes Inscription … 3

Ryholt, K., A Greek-Demotic Temple Archive from Edfu Dating to the Reign of Ptolemy VIII … 173

Schubert, P. – Tchernetska, N., A Greek Papyrus Letter in Keio University Library, Tokyo … 210

Staab, G., Der hymnische Nachruf des Proklos auf seinen Lehrer Syrianos (IG II/III2 13451) im Lichte des Athener Neuplatonismus … 81

Tantillo, I., Memmius Vitrasius Orfi tus: signo Honorius? … 271

Thompson, D. J. – Vandorpe, K., Prostima-Fines and Crop-Control under Ptolemy VIII. BGU VI 1420 Reconsidered in Light of the New Schubart-Column to P.Haun. inv 407 … 188

Toher, M., Herod, Athens and Augustus … 127

Tracy, St. V., Down Dating Some Athenian Decrees with Three-Bar Sigma:A Palaeographic Approach … 105

Witetschek, St., 23-mal Imperator? Die Weiheinschrift IvE 413 und die Zahl der imperatorischen Akklamationen für Kaiser Domitian … 251

Zoia, S., Una datazione consolare dipinta da Mediolanum … 279

Friday, March 28, 2014

Writing as Material Practice: Substance, surface and medium

Writing as Material Practice: Substance, surface and medium
Authors --- 
ISBN9781909188242 9781909188259 9781909188266 Year Pages342 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/bai Language: English
PublisherUbiquity Press ]u[
SubjectEthnology --- History --- Archaeology 

Writing as Material Practice grapples with the issue of writing as a form of material culture in its ancient and more recent manifestations, and in the contexts of production and consumption. Fifteen case studies explore the artefactual nature of writing — the ways in which materials, techniques, colour, scale, orientation and visibility inform the creation of inscribed objects and spaces, as well as structure subsequent engagement, perception and meaning making. Covering a temporal span of some 5000 years, from c.3200 BCE to the present day, and ranging in spatial context from the Americas to the Near East, the chapters in this volume bring a variety of perspectives which contribute to both specific and broader questions of writing materialities. The authors also aim to place past graphical systems in their social contexts so they can be understood in relation to the people who created and attributed meaning to writing and associated symbolic modes through a diverse array of individual and wider social practices.

About the Editors
Kathryn E. Piquette recently completed a Marie Curie COFUND Fellow at Freie Universität Berlin and is also a Research Associate at Universät zu Köln. She obtained her PhD in Egyptology from University College London. Her research focusses on the early Egyptian and Near Eastern writing and art and advanced digital imaging technologies for ancient documentary evidence.

Ruth D. Whitehouse is Emeritus Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. Her research interests have focussed on the prehistory of Italy and the West Mediterranean, concentrating on social archaeology, ritual and religion. Other research interests include gender archaeology and the early writing systems of Italy.
 Acknowledgements iii
Contributors v
Abstracts ix
Chapter 1. Introduction: Developing an approach to writing as material practice
(Kathryn E. Piquette and Ruth D. Whitehouse)… 1
Chapter 2. The Twisting Paths of Recall: Khipu (Andean cord notation) as artifact
(Frank Salomon) ...15
Chapter 3. Writing as Material Technology: Orientation within landscapes of the Classic
Maya world (Sarah E. Jackson) … 45
Chapter 4. Writing (and Reading) as Material Practice: The world of cuneiform culture
as an arena for investigation (Roger Matthews) … 65
Chapter 5. Re-writing the Script: Decoding the textual experience in the Bronze Age
Levant (c .2000–1150 bc) (Rachael Thyrza Sparks) … 75
Chapter 6. The Function and Meaning of Writing in the Prehistoric Aegean: Some
reflections on the social and symbolic significance of writing from a material
perspective (Helène Whittaker) … 105
Chapter 7. Form Follows Function: Writing and its supports in the Aegean Bronze Age
(Sarah Finlayson) … 123
Chapter 8. Materiality of Minoan Writing: Modes of display and perception
(Georgia Flouda) … 143
Chapter 9. Saving on Clay: The Linear B practice of cutting tablets (Helena Tomas) ...175
Chapter 10. Straight, Crooked and Joined-up Writing: An early Mediterranean view
(Alan Johnston) … 193
Chapter 11. “It Is Written”?: Making, remaking and unmaking early ‘writing’ in the lower
Nile Valley (Kathryn E. Piquette) … 213
Chapter 12. Written Greek but Drawn Egyptian: Script changes in a bilingual dream
papyrus (Stephen Kidd) … 239
ii Writing as Material Practice
 Chapter 13. The Other Writing: Iconic literacy and Situla Art in pre-Roman Veneto (Italy)
(Elisa Perego) … 253
Chapter 14. ‘Tombstones’ in the North Italian Iron Age: Careless writers or
athletic readers? (Ruth D. Whitehouse) … 271
Chapter 15. Different Times, Different Materials and Different Purposes: Writing on
objects at the Grand Arcade site in Cambridge (Craig Cessford) … 289
Chapter 16. Writing Conservation: The impact of text on conservation decisions
and practice (Elizabeth Pye) … 319
Chapter 17. Epilogue (John Bennet) … 335

12. Internationale Konferenz für demotische Studien


Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
1964 wurde Erich Lüddeckens zum ersten Professor für Ägyptologie an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg ernannt und begründete hier eine bis heute andauernde demotistische Tradition. Zur Feier des 50. Geburtstages der Würzburger Ägyptologie 2014 freuen wir uns, Sie zur 12. Internationalen Konferenz für demotische Studien nach Würzburg einladen zu können. Die Konferenz wird vom Sonntag, 31. August 2014, bis zum Donnerstag, 3. September 2014, im Toscanasaal der Würzburger Residenz stattfinden.
Wir laden Sie zu Vorträgen über alle Themen ein, die mit dem Demotischen zu tun haben. Die Referate können auf Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch oder Italienisch gehalten werden und sollen nicht länger als 20 Minuten dauern. Im Anschluß sind 10 Minuten für Fragen und Diskussionen zu jedem Vortrag vorgesehen.
Wenn Sie einen Vortrag halten möchten, senden Sie bitte einen Titel und eine  Zusammenfassung als Worddokument von nicht mehr als 200 Wörtern als E-Mail-Attachment an sabine.haensch@uni-wuerzburg.de. Geben Sie in der E-Mail auch an, ob sie eine besondere technische Ausstattung benötigen, die über ein Notebook mit Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 und einen Beamer hinausgeht. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit einer Posterpräsentation. Eine verlängerte Kaffeepause wird dafür vorgesehen sein, die Poster ansehen und mit den Autoren diskutieren zu können.
Die Konferenzgebühren belaufen sich auf
140 €  bis zum 30. April 2014, danach auf 170 €,
für Studenten ermäßigt 90 € bis zum 30. April 2014, danach 120 €
In der Gebühr sind alle Mittagessen und Kaffeepausen während der gesamten Konferenz eingeschlossen wie auch ein Empfang mit Kanapees am 1. September und eine Weinprobe mit Brotzeit im berühmten Weinberg Würzburger Stein am 3. September.
Wir planen außerdem eine Exkursion in das Fränkische Weinland. Diese kostet zusätzlich 40 € für Bus, Gästeführer und Abendessen.
Ein Anmeldeformular erhalten Sie bei Sabine Hänsch per E-Mail unter sabine.haensch@uni-wuerzburg.de.
Auf den folgenden Seiten finden Sie Informationen
zu Unterkünften,
zum Programm,
zu Teilnehmern,
zu Abstracts und
zu Würzburg und der geplanten Exkursion.
Wir freuen uns, Sie alle in Würzburg begrüßen zu dürfen.

The 12th Arabic Papyrology Webclass: Documents on Rural Egypt


The vaste majority of pre-modern Egypt was rural. Yet, literary evidence takes almost completely an urban point of view and has limited interest in rural conditions of life. Documentary evidence is slightly different: in this webclass, we will read tax registers of individual peasants and their crop, passports issued to local workmen, leases of different types of irrigated land, petitions to protect villages from tax farmers and their soldiers, etc.
We will try to understand the world of peasants as they had to cope with a harsh tax administration and were part of a complex economical framework.
This is an on-line webclass. We will mostly read published Arabic documents. A scan of the document to be discussed will be sent to you in advance. Estimated time for preparation: 1-2 hours/week.
Communication will be in English.
Professor Andreas Kaplony, Institute for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, LMU München.
Summer term 2014: 14 April - 7 July 2014 (classes). Monday, 4.00-6.00 pm (Central European Time).
Time might be changed upon request.
A certificate of participation will be given if the student has at least attended ten meetings and if he or she has met the expectances as defined at the beginning of the semester.
MA and PhD students in Arabic and Islamic studies, scholars interested in Arabic documents, persons in charge of Arabic manuscript collections, etc.
250 Euro or equivalent amount of working time. Fees are expected to be paid before the semester starts.
No fees for students of Near and Middle Eastern Studies at LMU München, or Arabic Studies, etc. at University of Zurich.
Technical issues
Students need a computer (download), internet access, and a headset. 
Technical problems showing up during the semester that prevent a student from attending the class are subject to his or her own responsibility; therefore, missed classes will not be substituted. However, if a technical event prevents all students from participating, the class will be substituted.
New participants will have a personal preparatory meeting, on Monday, 7 April 2014, to adjust book technical assets. Please, first register, than book your time slot through http://doodle.com/qhbk4b2dgb5bwdk9?locale=en.
Further Information and Registration
Professor Andreas Kaplony (andreas.kaplony at lmu.de). Registration is open until 5 April 2014.
First Reading: Arabic Papyrology
The Arabic Papyrology School: an Interactive Introduction to the Reading of Arabic Documents (www.ori.uzh.ch/aps)
Sijpesteijn, Petra M. 2009. "Arabic Papyri and Islamic Egypt". In: The Oxford Handbook of Papyrology, ed. Roger Bagnall. Oxford: 452-472 Chapter 19.
First Reading: Rural Egypt
Michel, Nicolas. 2000. "Devoirs fiscaux et droits confiers: la condition des fellah égyptiens (13e-16e siècles)". Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 43: 521-578.
Mouton, Jean-Michel. 2002. Un village copte du Fayyoum au XIe siècle, d'après la découverte d'un lot d'archives. Comptes-rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. Paris: 447-458.
Müller-Wodarg, Dieter. 1954. "Die Landwirtschaft Ägyptens in der frühen ‘Abbāsidenzeit (750-969 n.Chr. (132-358 d.H.)". In: Der Islam 31: 174-227; Tf.
Rapoport, Yossef. 2004. "Invisible Peasants, Marauding Nomads: Taxation, Tribalism, and Rebellion in Mamluk Egypt". In: Mamlūk Studies Review 8: 1 -22.
Rapoport, Yossef; Shahar, Ido. 2012. "Irrigation in the Medieval Islamic Fayyum: Local Control in a Large-Scale Hydraulic System". Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 55: 1 -31.
Richter, Tonio Sebastian. 2009. "The Cultivation of Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Some Evidence from Coptic Land Leases and Related Documents". In: Monastic Estates in Late Antique and Early Islamic Egypt: Ostraca, Papyri, and Essays in Memory of Sarah Clackson (P.Clackson), ed. Anne Boud'hors et al. Cincinnati: 205-215.
Sijpesteijn, Petra M. 2009. "Landholding Patterns in Early Islamic Egypt". In: Journal of Agrarian Change 8: 120-133.
Sijpesteijn, Petra M. 2013. Shaping a Muslim State: The world of a Mid-Eighth-Century Egyptian Official. Oxford Studies in Byzantium. Oxford: 15-48 (Chapter 1 "The Egyptian Context: Geography and History")
Earlier webclasses
1: Letters from Quṣayr (HS 2007)
2: Early Letters [from the Yale Collection] (FS 2008)
3: Arabic Contracts of Renting and Buying Real Estate (HS 2008)
4: Bilingual Greek and Arabic Documents, with Dr Raffaele Luiselli, Florence (FS 2009)
5: Petitions to and Letters from Mamluk Officials (HS 2009)
6: Authentification Procedures on Arabic Coins, Seals and Letters from Mamluk Officials, with Dr Lutz Ilisch, Tübingen (FS 2010)
7: Documentary Evidence on Childhood (HS 2010)
8: Lists, Registers, Accounts (SoSe 2011)
9: Documents from al-Andalus (WiSe 2011/12)
10: Documents from Edfu, WiSe 2012/13
11: Documents from the Berlin Collection (WiSe 2012/13)

 Earlier webclasses
1: Letters from Quṣayr (HS 2007)
2: Early Letters [from the Yale Collection] (FS 2008)
3: Arabic Contracts of Renting and Buying Real Estate (HS 2008)
4: Bilingual Greek and Arabic Documents, with Dr Raffaele Luiselli, Florence (FS 2009)
5: Petitions to and Letters from Mamluk Officials (HS 2009)
6: Authentification Procedures on Arabic Coins, Seals and Letters from Mamluk Officials, with Dr Lutz Ilisch, Tübingen (FS 2010)
7: Documentary Evidence on Childhood (HS 2010)
8: Lists, Registers, Accounts (SoSe 2011)
9: Documents from al-Andalus (WiSe 2011/12)
10: Documents from Edfu, WiSe 2012/13
11: Documents from the Berlin Collection (WiSe 2012/13)

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Public Lecture: Fred Donner ─ An Enigmatic Arabic Papyrus from Early Islam

Watson Institute, Brown University 
Thursday, March 13, 2014
5 p.m.
Joukowsky Forum
Watch webcast

The origins of Islam have been the subject of intense debate for the past forty years, largely because of uncertainty about the reliability of the sources on which the traditional narrative of Islam's beginnings was based. The only way to resolve these debates is to examine closely every scrap of truly documentary evidence from the time of Islam's origins; but there is, unfortunately, only a very limited corpus of such documents. The talk begins by reviewing very briefly some of the diverse views that have been advanced about Islam's origins, and then moves on to examine a newly-identified early Arabic papyrus document and its implications for our understanding of the world in which Islam began and the nature of the earliest community.

Middle East Studies
Fred Donner’s early interest in the role of pastoral nomadic groups in Near Eastern societies led him to write a dissertation on the role of Arabian pastoral nomadic groups in the early Islamic conquest movement in Iraq in the seventh century C.E. His first book, The Early Islamic Conquests (Princeton University Press, 1981), examined this question in more detail, particularly the relationship between pastoral nomads and the state, as well as the more general processes of state-formation and state-expansion that, he thinks, were an integral part of the early conquest movement. He has also written several articles dealing with the question of pastoral nomads and their place in the history of the region.

Close work with the sources for this early period of Islamic history, and the profound questions about the reliability of these sources raised by revisionist scholarship that has appeared since 1977, led Donner to a long-term examination of those sources. This resulted in several shorter studies and culminated in his Narratives of Islamic Origins: the beginnings of Islamic historical writing (Darwin Press, 1998).

Donner’s interests then shifted to the intellectual or ideological factors that were at play in the early expansion of Islam, and to an effort to understand just what the movement was all about. The significance of militant piety, possibly rooted in an apocalyptic outlook, had already been suggested in Narratives of Islamic Origins. However, he also concluded that Islam’s roots lay in what can most properly be called the “Believers’ movement,” begun by Muhammad (d. 632 CE), which was a stringently monotheistic and pietistic reform movement that also included righteous Jews and Christians. It was only after about two generations, beginning about 680 CE, that the Qur’anic Believers (who came to call themselves “Muslims”) separated themselves from Christians and Jews as a separate confession, effectively defining Christians and Jews out of the movement, which now became the distinct confession we know as Islam. These ideas he developed in his article “From Believers to Muslims: Confessional Self-Identity in the Early Islamic Community,” Al-Abhath 50-51 (2002-2003), 9-53 (a pdf of this article is found below), and more fully in his monograph Muhammad and the Believers: at the origins of Islam (Harvard University Press, 2010).

Most recently, Donner has turned to the study of true documents for the first century of Islam (roughly the seventh century CE), particularly Arabic papyri. Thanks to a Guggenheim Fellowship he was able to take leave in 2007-2008 to examine Arabic papyri in Paris, Oxford, Heidelberg, and Vienna.

His teaching at the University of Chicago focuses on early Islamic history, Islamic social history, and aspects of Islamic law.

Seminario: "Digital Humanities for Medieval Studies

Relazioni di Lucio Del Corso, Daniela Colomo, Massimiliano Bassetti, Mattia Cavagna. Discussioni coordinate da Lucio Del Corso e Francesco Santi.

Cassino, DipSUSS (via Mazzaroppi - II piano),
26 marzo, ore 11.00-17.00

Seminario: G. Agosti, "Le iscrizioni in versi: società e cultura nell'epigraphic habit tardoantico"

"Le iscrizioni in versi: società e cultura nell'epigraphic habit tardoantico"

Seminari del Laboratorio di ricerche storiche e archeologiche dell'antichità - Università di Cassino
DipSUSS - via Mazzaroppi (snc) - presso il Laboratorio (III piano)
Organizzazione: Ignazio Tantillo - Lucio Del Corso
(PRIN 2010: “Colonie e municipi dell'Italia romana nell'era digitale: fra storia locale e storia generale. L'apporto delle nuove tecnologie di archiviazione e gestione dei dati epigrafici allo studio delle città, intese come elemento fondante della civiltà romana”)

Études coptes XII (CBC 18)

Publisher: http://www.deboccard.com/fr/ (not yet listed)

Études coptes XII Quatorzième journée d’études (Rome, 11-13 juin 2009)
éditées par
Anne BOUD’HORS et Catherine LOUIS
Ouvrage publié avec le concours de l’Université de Strasbourg de l’UMR 7044 Étude des civilisations de l’Antiquité
et de l’Association francophone de coptologie

11, rue de Médicis – 75006 Paris 2013
ISSN : 1284-6325
ISBN : 978-2-7018-0344-9

© De Boccard – 2013 

Table des matières
Préface  … 7
Anne Boud’hors et Catherine Louis

Première partie Éditions de textes

Amulette magique copte d’un certain Naouthes  … 11
Nathalie Bosson

Une prière magique copte en dialecte akhmîmique  … 25
Catherine Louis

Rive gauche, rive droite : des éclaircissements sur un toponyme de l’Hermopolite. Autour de la stèle Louvre E 27221  … 37
Florence Calament

47 Nouveaux papyrus du monastère de Baouît 61
Trois ostraca supplémentaires de la main du prêtre Marc  … 77
Chantal Heurtel

Deuxième partie Monachisme et littérature

Moines et clergé entre le ive et le ve siècles : quelques cas d’interaction  … 87
Maria Chiara Giorda

Une introduction aux taxonomies monastiques : les quatre sens du mot « moine »  … 105

Marc Malevez

La perception du tempsdans l’hagiographie monastique copte :les Vies d’Aphou le bienheureux et d’apa Cyrus  … 121
Anton Vojtenko

Réactions coptes au défi de l’islam: l’homélie de Théophile d’Alexandrie en l’honneur de Saint Pierre et de Saint Paul 133
Jos van Lent

Troixième partie Archéologie et muséologie

Le bassin fatimide du Musée Copte, inv. 5919, et sa surprenante provenance de Baouit … 151
Dominique Bénazeth

La contrefaçon de tissus coptes … 169
Roberta Cortopassi

Réflexion sur l’apport de l’archéologie funéraire: l’exemple d’une nécropole de l’Antiquité tardive sur le site d’El-Deir dans l’oasis égyptienne de Kharga  … 177
Magali Coudert

Une sainte face copte serait-elle à l'origine des masques humains sur des antéfixes de la Gaule mérovingienne ?  … 191
Gilbert-Robert Delahaye

Paul Durand I : l’art chrétien d’Eure-et-Loir et d’Orient  … 201
Cédric Meurice

Gabriel et Michel, les deux archanges à Baouit  … 215
Marie-Hélène Rutschowscaya

Quatrième partie Miscellanea

La particule ⲏ (grec ἤ) en position initiale dans la Bible et dans le Canon 8 de Chénouté  … 225
Anne Boud’hors

À propos de l’Homme et du Fils de l’Homme dans l’Évangile selon Philippe (NH II,3)  … 241
Brigitte Gierth

Les archives de Pesynthios : nouvelles découvertes, nouvelles questions  … 263
Jacques van der Vliet

Planches  … 271

Sommerkurs Papyrologie 2014 Leipzig - Vorläufiges Programm

Thursday, March 06, 2014

ZPE 189 (2014)


Agut-Labordère, D. – Gorre, G. – Kossmann, P., Un ostracon démotique et deux ostraca grecs du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Lyon … 205

Alexandru, St., Some Textual Difficulties of Galen’s Treatise De praecognitione in the New Light of Codex Thessalonicensis Vlatadon 14  … 91

Aliquot, J. – Shdaifat, Y. – Weber, Th. M., New Byzantine Inscribed Tombstones from the Land of Moab  … 149

Backhuys, Th., Amtliche Mitteilung an Komanos  … 199

Boatwright, M. T., Agrippa’s Building Inscriptions  … 255

Bonnechere, P., «Gouverner en toute sécurité». L’oracle de Dodone et l’Athenaiôn politeia, 43, 4 …  83

Burris, S. – Fish, J., Sappho 16.13–14 and a Marginal Annotation Attributed in PSI 123 to Nicanor  … 29

Burris, S. – Fish, J. – Obbink, D., New Fragments of Book 1 of Sappho  … 1

Catling, R. – Marchand, F., Alternative Readings and Restorations of Personal Names in IKaunos and a Note on P.Cair.Zen. 59037  … 121

Christol, M., Valerius Diogenes à Antioche de Pisidie: les mots du pouvoir. Compléments au dossier épigraphique …  276

Driediger-Murphy, L. G., M. Valerius Messala to Teos (Syll.3 601) and the Theology of Rome’s War with Antiochus III  … 115

Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., Eine dritte Konstitution Traians für das Heer in Britannien vom 20. Februar 98  … 233

Eck, W. – Pangerl, A. – Weiß, P., Edikt Hadrians für Prätorianer mit unsicherem römischen Bürgerrecht  …  241

Finglass, P. J., A New Fragment of Euripides’ Ino  … 65

Gorostidi Pi, D., Sui consoli dell’anno 13 d.C.: Nuovi dati dai fasti consulares Tusculani  … 265

Gorre, G. – Agut-Labordère, D. – Kossmann, P., Un ostracon démotique et deux ostraca grecs du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Lyon  … 205

Hagedorn, D., Bemerkungen zu Urkunden  … 194

Hoffmann-Salz, J., Von Räuberhauptmännern zu guten Römern: Die lokalen Eliten des Hauran in der Kaiserzeit  … 293

Kassel, R., Grabinschrift aus Nikomedeia  … 90

Kossmann, P. – Agut-Labordère, D. – Gorre, G., Un ostracon démotique et deux ostraca grecs du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Lyon  … 205

Leith, D., Medical Doxography in P. Mil. Vogl. I 15  … 225

Leo, G. M., Bernand, Inscr. métr. 62.6 ἔδευσε πυρί  … 87

Lucarini, C. M., Zum neuen Tiberius Donatus  … 105

Luppe, W., Zu P.Oxy. 863 + 2806  … 110

Marchand, F. – Catling, R., Alternative Readings and Restorations of Personal Names in IKaunos and a Note on P.Cair.Zen. 59037  … 121

Martín Hernández, R. – Torallas Tovar, S., A Magical Spell on an Ostracon at the Abbey of Montserrat  … 175

Morelli, F., Le monete d’oro contanti di SPP X 62 raddoppiato. Un altro registro alfabetico (dell’archivio di Flavius Atias?)  … 218

Muratore, D., Su alcuni papiri contenenti Scholia Minora all’Iliade (P.Hamb. 736v, P.Osl. II 12, P.Oxy. 4631)  … 51

Obbink, D., Two New Poems by Sappho  … 32

Paganini, M. C. D., A Ptolemaic Inscription Rediscovered …  127

Prada, L., Translating Monkeys between Demotic and Greek, or Why a Lynx Is Not Always
 a Wildcat: (λυκο)λύγξ = (wnš-)kwf  … 111

Prignitz, S., Zur Identifi zierung des Heiligtums von Kalapodi  … 133

Rocchi, St., Naticosa. Bemerkungen über ein bislang unbelegtes Adjektiv auf -osus  … 107

Roscini, E., Nuove epigrafi da Carsulae (Regio VI – Umbria)  … 287

Sosin, J. D., Notes on Inscriptions  … 147

Spelman, H., Placing Aphrodite: Alcaeus fr. 296b and Horace C. 4.1  … 53

Stoop, J., Two Copies of a Royal Petition from Kerkeosiris, 163–146 BCE  … 185

West, St., P.Köln 511 and Warrior Women  … 50

Whitehead, D., The Epigraphical Transcripts and Travels of David Ross of Bladensburg  … 159

Addendum et Corrigendum ad ZPE 177, 2011, 27–29 64

Corrigendum ad ZPE 187, 2013, 72–76 64

Corrigendum ad ZPE 188, 2014, 275–283 254

Tyche Band 28 (2013)

Hrsg. Thomas Corsten | Fritz Mitthof | Bernhard Palme | Hans Taeuber

Tyche Band 28 (2013) 

368 Seiten mit 18 Tafeln | 24 x 17 cm | Softcover | EUR 95,-- | ISBN: 978-3-902976-09-3 | ISSN: 1010-9161 | Erscheinungsdatum: 1.3.2014


Franziska BEUTLER, Gabrielle KREMER, Domo Iudaeus – Zwei neue Grabinschriften aus Carnuntum

Lincoln H. BLUMELL, Mostafa F. HEMIEDA, The Curious Case of Kom Aushim Inv. no. 45: The Rediscovery of a Fragment from a Lost Inscription?

Dan DANA, Radu ZAGREANU, Deux dédicaces latines inédites de Porolissum (Dacie romaine)

Robert DANIEL, Testament of Solomon: Addendum to P.Rain.Cent. 39

Ulrike EHMIG, Entwaffnete Götter: Überlegungen zur Interpretation antiker Waffenweihungen

Kaja HARTER-UIBOPUU, Bestandsklauseln und Abänderungsverbote: Der Schutz zweckgebundener Gelder in der späthellenistischen und kaiserzeitlichen Polis

Adam ŁAJTAR, A Newly Discovered Greek Inscription at Novae (Moesia Inferior) Associated with pastus militum

María LIMÓN BELÉN, Towards a new interpretation of CLE 2288 through its ordination

Nikos LITINAS, Accounts Concerning Work of Weavers

Pantelis NIGDELIS, Elias Sverkos, Epidii: Die Geschichte einer römischen Gens aus Anlass einer neuen Inschrift aus Makedonien

Amphilochios PAPATHOMAS, Aikaterini Tsiousia, Ein spätantiker Papyrusbrief an den magnificentissimus comes Menas

Tadeusz SARNOWSKI, Accepta pariatoria und pastus militum: Eine neue Statuenbasis mit zwei Inschriften aus Novä

Peter SIEWERT, Archaische Bronzeplatte eines unteritalischen Proxenos der Eleer
Alexander THEIN, Rewards to Slaves in the Proscriptions of 82 B.C.

John TULLY, Samos, Hegemony, and the Nicuria Decree

Sophie WAEBENS, When Two Fragments Meet: A Funerary Stela for Two People from Roman Egypt (Nikopolis)

Igor WYPIJEWSKI, Wojciech Pietruszka, CIL XI 3254 (II.18) — C. Caristanius Fronto from Sutrium?

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Emergency Red List of Egyptian Cultural Objects at Risk


Careful examination of this list will show it does not include Roman period mummy cartonnage made from papyrus, as Douglas Boin falsely claimed in the NYT:
"Items to look out for? Mummies, mummy casings, and papyrus fragments."
Although mummies were looted at al-Hibeh, from previous reports.

Sunday, March 02, 2014

D. Boin, Papyrus, Provenance and Looting (NYT op-ed.)

"Last year, Dirk Obbink, an Oxford University papyrologist, received a call from a private collector who possessed a piece of papyrus, extracted from an Egyptian mummy casing, which had writing on it. Examining the markings, Mr. Obbink determined they were lines from two previously unknown poems by Sappho, the ancient Greek poem. The find, announced in January in The Guardian, caused a sensation. It made the rounds in newspapers and blogs; classics buffs published translations on Facebook." Article here:
The author's blog. He seems to have little previous knowledge of papyri or papyrology.