What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Monday, March 31, 2014

ZPE 190 (2014)

Ast, R., The Hand of P.Mich. III 165 and P.Bagnall 3 … 231

Begass, Ch., Ein Areobindas in einer neuen Inschrift aus Gortyn, Kreta (SEG 56, 1049) … 141

Belousov, A. – Fedoseev, N., A New Magical Inscription from Panticapaeum’s Necropolis … 145

Biagetti, C., Un sincronismo controverso: Filippo II in Propontide e l’ingannevole dispaccio ad Antipatro … 57

Buchholz, L., Re-edition of AE 1922, 126: The Earliest praefectus lege Petronia? … 257

Claytor, W. G., Heron, Son of Satyros: a Scribe in the grapheion of Karanis … 199

Dana, D., Notices épigraphiques et onomastiques II … 149

Dorandi, T., Un’opera di Clearco di Soli sui Sette sapienti? Rileggendo il PSI IX 1093 … 62

Faoro, D., Gli ornamenta triumphalia di L. Domitius Ahenobarbus e Augusto, imperator XV … 234

Gallimore, S., An Interpretation of the Chersonesos Ostraca, O.Cret.Chers.  … 203

Giovagnoli, M., Sull’origine di P. Memmio Regolo … 243

Graml, C., Eine neue Ehreninschrift der Thiasotai der Artemis Ἀρίστη καὶ Καλλίστη aus dem Athener Kerameikos … 116

Holder, P., Two Fragmentary Diplomas for Syria … 291

Jahn, K., Ritterliche quaestorii nach Sulla? … 239

Janko, R., The New Epitaph for the Fallen at Marathon (SEG 56.430) … 11

Jördens, A., Wasser für Pharos … 69

Kakoschke, A., Ammaca. Ein einheimischer Name aus Germania inferior … 287

Kantor, G., Roman Treaty with Lycia (SEG LV 1452) and the Date of Caesar’s Third Dictatorship … 135

Kuhn, C. T., Prosopographical Notes on Four Lead Tesserae from Roman Ephesos … 137

Limón Belén, M., Notas para una nueva edición de ICVR I, 4071 … 99

Lu Hsu, K., P. Mich. 6973: The Text of a Ptolemaic Fragment of Euripides’ Cresphontes … 13

Lu Hsu, K., P. Mich. 6973: An Interpretation of a Ptolemaic Fragment of Euripides’ Cresphontes … 31

Luppe, W., Ein weiterer Herstellungsversuch in der ∆ιονυσαλέξανδρος-Hypothesis … 10

Malouta, M., A New Camel Declaration from Soknopaiou Nesos … 215

Martín Hernández, R., Two More Verses for the Homeromanteion (PGM VII) … 97

Matei-Popescu, F., Zwei Militärdiplome hadrianischer Zeit … 297

Meccariello, Ch., The Opening of Euripides’ Phoenissae between Anecdotal
 and Textual Tradition … 49

Meliadò, C., Su alcuni frammenti di Dionisio epico … 76

Mugnai, N., A Military Diploma of Antoninus Pius for the Troops of Moesia inferior … 305

Nachtergaele, D., The Polite Phrases in the Letters of Apollonios dioiketes … 219

Nachtergaele, D., Remarks on the Variation in the Initial Health Wish in Hierokles’ Letters … 223

Németh, G., Ein Bleitäfelchen aus Apulum … 311

Nicolosi, A., In margine a P.Oxy. LXIX 4708 fr. 1 vv. 22–28 … 1

Pachowiak, N., Gaius/Appius Iunius Silanus und Camerinus Antistius Vetus … 247

Paganini, M. C. D., List of Payments of People Connected to an Estate (?) … 227

Peppard, M., Mosaics from a Church in the Diocese of Apamea, Syria (463 CE) … 168

Porena, P., Ancora sulla carriera di Flavius Ablabius, prefetto del pretorio di Constantino … 262

Rossignol, B., IGLS XIII/2, 9492: Claudius Severus, cos. II 173, honoré à Bostra? … 285

Rotstein, A., The Parian Marble and the Mnesiepes Inscription … 3

Ryholt, K., A Greek-Demotic Temple Archive from Edfu Dating to the Reign of Ptolemy VIII … 173

Schubert, P. – Tchernetska, N., A Greek Papyrus Letter in Keio University Library, Tokyo … 210

Staab, G., Der hymnische Nachruf des Proklos auf seinen Lehrer Syrianos (IG II/III2 13451) im Lichte des Athener Neuplatonismus … 81

Tantillo, I., Memmius Vitrasius Orfi tus: signo Honorius? … 271

Thompson, D. J. – Vandorpe, K., Prostima-Fines and Crop-Control under Ptolemy VIII. BGU VI 1420 Reconsidered in Light of the New Schubart-Column to P.Haun. inv 407 … 188

Toher, M., Herod, Athens and Augustus … 127

Tracy, St. V., Down Dating Some Athenian Decrees with Three-Bar Sigma:A Palaeographic Approach … 105

Witetschek, St., 23-mal Imperator? Die Weiheinschrift IvE 413 und die Zahl der imperatorischen Akklamationen für Kaiser Domitian … 251

Zoia, S., Una datazione consolare dipinta da Mediolanum … 279