What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Monday, November 30, 2015

Online-Wörterbuch zur Verwaltungssprache im griechischsprachigen Ägypten

Ein Team von Forschern und Informatikern der Universität Leipzig wird in den kommenden zwei Jahren in einem Pilotprojekt ein mehrsprachiges Online-Wörterbuch zum Fachwortschatz der Verwaltungssprache im griechisch-römisch-byzantinischen Ägypten erarbeiten. Es soll später das alte Lexikon des Kaiserlichen Telegraphendirektors aus dem Jahr 1915 ersetzen.
Die Forschungsarbeit des Teams aus Papyrologen und Informatikern unter der Leitung des Historikers Prof. Dr. Reinhold Scholl wird vom Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst gefördert. Das Projekt ist am Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte im Historischen Seminar angesiedelt und wird in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Universitätsrechenzentrum umgesetzt.
"Mit Verwaltung und ihrer bisweilen schwer bis gar nicht verständlichen Sprache haben wir alle zu tun. Verwaltung aber ist keine Erfindung der Neuzeit, sondern seit Anbeginn des menschlichen Zusammenlebens gibt es Verwaltung und ihre Kommunikationsformen. Gerade die vielen dokumentarischen Papyri in griechischer Sprache aus Ägypten beleuchten dieses Feld in einzigartiger Weise für die Antike", sagt Scholl. Seit der Erstellung des Vorgänger-Lexikons "Fachwörter des öffentlichen Verwaltungsdienstes Ägyptens" durch den Kaiserlichen Telegraphendirektor zu Straßburg im Elsaß Friedrich Preisigke vor 100 Jahren, sind ihm zufolge viele neue Funde hinzugekommen, und die Zahl der Texte hat sich rasant vermehrt. Zudem solle dieses neue Fachwörterbuch bei den alten und neu einzuarbeitenden Belegstellen sowohl Ort als auch Zeit erfassen und auf die Volltexte verlinken, die weiterführende Literatur zu den einzelnen Grundformen aktualisieren, die deutsche Übersetzung der griechischen Termini modernisieren und erstmalig weitere Übersetzungen in moderne Wissenschafts- und Kongresssprachen vornehmen.
"Es wird auch eine Suche von modernen Sprachen zu altgriechischen Fachwörtern möglich sein. Ebenfalls können Benutzer eigene Sachgruppen bilden. Das neue Fachwörterbuch wird systematisch um die Verwaltungssprache des byzantinischen Ägypten erweitert", erklärt Scholl. Die Mehrsprachigkeit des Wörterbuches trage der Multilingualität und Multikulturalität der Altertumswissenschaften Rechnung. Zugleich setze das Projekt auf bestehende digitale und online zugängliche und ihm als Projektleiter mitentwickelte und umgesetzte Verbundprojekte auf. Zu nennen wäre das von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) geförderte Verbundprojekt Halle-Jena-Leipzig, das die antiken Papyri, Ostraka, Pergamente und Papiere an diesen Standorten digital erschlossen hat und ebenso das in Leipzig konzipierte und erstellte sowie im Universitätsrechenzentrum installierte DFG-geförderte Papyrusportal, das alle in Deutschland digitalisierten Papyrussammlungen unter einem Dach nach einheitlichen Standards durchsuch- und anzeigbar macht.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

BASP 52 (2015)

In Memoriam Leslie S.B. MacCoull
Roger S. Bagnall and James G. Keenan     5

A Hexameter Fragment in the Beinecke Library
Mark de Kreij     7

Letter about pentarouroi machimoi (and Another Ptolemaic Text)
Nicola Reggiani     15

School and Documentary Texts from Kharga Oasis at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer     27

Papontos and the Hermaion Amphodon of Oxyrhynchus
Brice C. Jones     39

List of Payments (P.Mich. inv. 3935a)
Jaclyn Neel     45
(note that it should be διπλᾶ where it says διπλῆ)

A Labor Contract from the Dossier of Flavius Eulogius and His Descendants
C. Michael Sampson     59

A Byzantine Monastic Letter at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Michael Zellmann-Rohrer     69

Un contrat de prêt copte du monastère d’apa Apollô à Baouît conservé à la collection Palau-Ribes
María Jesús Albarrán Martínez et Alain Delattre     79

Papyri, Archaeology, and Modern History: A Contextual Study of the Beginnings of Papyrology and Egyptology
Paola Davoli     87

Papyri, Ethics, and Economics: A Biography of P.Oxy. 15.1780 (𝔓39)
Roberta Mazza     113

A Michigan Musical Papyrus Revisited
Rebecca Ann Sears     143

P.Grenf. 1.5, Origen, and the Scriptorium of Caesarea
Francesca Schironi     181

Evaluating Scribal Freedom and Fidelity: Number-Writing Techniques in Codex Washingtonianus (W 032)
Zachary J. Cole     225

A Contribution to the Revenues of the Crocodile in the Imperial Fayum: The Temple Tax on Property Transfer Revisited
Andreas Winkler     239

The Woeful Adventures of a Small Greek Papyrus from Elephantine
Eddy Lanciers     265

The Prefecture of Caecilius Consultius
Caillan Davenport     275

Notes on Papyri
(Andrew Connor, Dieter Hagedorn, James G. Keenan, and Nikos Litinas) 283
Christian Inscriptions from Egypt and Nubia 2 (2014)
Alain Delattre, Jitse Dijkstra, and Jacques van der Vliet     297
Review Article
New Light on a Dark Corner of the Hermopolite Nome
Peter van Minnen     315
Sofía Torallas Tovar and Klaas A. Worp, with the collaboration of Alberto Nodar and María Victoria Spottorno, Greek Papyri from Montserrat
(Peter van Minnen)     325

Andrea Jördens (ed.), Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Ägypten, Achtundzwanzigster Band
(Arthur Verhoogt)     329

J.D. Ray, Demotic Ostraca and Other Inscriptions from the Sacred Animal Necropolis, North Saqqara
(Koen Donker van Heel)     331

Brian P. Muhs, Receipts, Scribes, and Collectors in Early Ptolemaic Thebes
(J.G. Manning)     335

Suzana Hodak, Tonio Sebastian Richter, and Frank Steinmann (eds.), Coptica. Koptische Ostraka und Papyri, koptische und griechische Grabstelen aus Ägypten und Nubien, spätantike Bauplastik, Textilien und Keramik
(Jennifer Cromwell)     337

G. Bastianini and A. Casanova (eds.), I Papiri di Eschilo e di Sofocle. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze 14-15 giugno 2012
(Francesca Schironi)     351

Voula Tsouna, Philodemus on Property Management
(Richard Janko)     355

Anne-Emmanuelle Veïsse and Stéphanie Wackenier (eds.), L’ armée en Égypte aux époques perse, ptolémaïque et romaine
(Arthur Verhoogt)     359

Kostas Buraselis, Mary Stefanou, and Dorothy J. Thompson (eds.), The Ptolemies, the Sea and the Nile: Studies in Waterborne Power
(Ian S. Moyer)     363

John Bauschatz, Law and Enforcement in Ptolemaic Egypt
(Ari Z. Bryen)     369

Philippa Lang, Medicine and Society in Ptolemaic Egypt
(Susan A. Stephens)     375 

Sabine R. Huebner, The Family in Roman Egypt: A Comparative Approach to Intergenerational Solidarity and Conflict
(Jennifer Sheridan Moss)     379
Books Received     381
American Studies in Papyrology     383

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Papyrology at the SBL

Christian Apocrypha; Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
Joint Session With: Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds, Christian Apocrypha
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: International 4 (International Level) - Marriott
Theme: Papyrus Fragments of Apocryphal Writings: How Were They Used?
Malcolm Choat, Macquarie University, Presiding (5 min)

Geoff S. Smith, University of Texas at Austin
Preliminary Report on the “Willoughby Papyrus” of the Gospel of John and an Unidentified Christian Text (25 min)

Kelley Coblentz Bautch, St. Edward's University
The Textual History of the Greek Book of the Watchers: Contextual Clues from Translation and the Value of Variant Readings (25 min)

Ross P. Ponder, University of Texas at Austin
A New Transcription of P. Oxy. 5072: Observations from a Recent Autopsy Analysis (25 min)

Thomas A. Wayment, Brigham Young University
The Interaction between Apocrypha and Canon: A Case Study of Oxyrhynchus (25 min)

AnneMarie Luijendijk, Princeton University, Respondent (25 min)
Discussion (20 min)

Provenance in an eBay World: Does the Provenance of Ancient Artifacts Matter?
1:00 PM to 3:30 PM
Room: 303 (Level 3) - Hilton
Theme: Hosted by the Student Advisory Board
From Gospel of John papyrus fragments appearing on eBay to debates surrounding the origins of modern fragments (e.g., the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife, or the new Sappho fragments), the provenance of antiquities has emerged as a challenging issue for scholars and students who work with material culture. This session aims to illuminate some of the stakes around the debate for graduate students. The panel will examine issues of working on materials kept in public and private collections, and highlight the individuals and institutions who are working to create policies and practices that address the issue of provenance. As of now, SBL has no formal policy on the provenance of antiquities, but is actively formulating one. It is the hope of the panel that graduate students will find this panel to be a networking opportunity and source of support for their future academic work.

Ross P. Ponder, University of Texas at Austin, Presiding
Malcolm Choat, Macquarie University, Panelist
Brice C. Jones, Concordia University - Université Concordia, Panelist
Robert Kraft, University of Pennsylvania, Panelist
Christine M. Thomas, University of California-Santa Barbara, Panelist
Sofia Torallas Tovar, University of Chicago, Panelist

Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
1:00 PM to 3:45 PM
Room: Inman (Atlanta Conference Level) - Hyatt

Theme: Miscellanea Papyrologica
Lincoln Blumell, Brigham Young University, Presiding

Michael Theophilos, Australian Catholic University
Marginalia in New Testament Greek Papyri: Implications for Scribal Practice and Textual Transmission (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)

AnneMarie Luijendijk, Princeton University
Demography, Onomastics, and the Christian Population of Oxyrhynchus in the Third and Fourth Centuries (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)

Hans Foerster, Universität Wien
The Semantic Web of sêmeion and Papyrology (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Break (5 min)

Wally V. Cirafesi, McMaster University
Rethinking P.Hev/Se 13 and P.Yadin 18 and the Social and Legal Contexts of Mark 10:12 (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)

Matthias H. O. Schulz, Universität Wien
Where Past and Present Meet: Papyri and Parchments Illuminating Coptic-Orthodox Liturgical Traditions (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)

4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: International 10 (International Level) - Marriott
Theme: The Hellenistic Context of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Hindy Najman, University of Oxford, Presiding
Benedikt Eckhardt, Universität Bremen
The “Semitic thiasos”: Reconsidering a Model (30 min)

Kimberley Czajkowski, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Literacy and Law in the Documentary Finds from the Judaean Desert (30 min)

Jonathan Ben-Dov, University of Haifa
Jerusalem and Alexandria: Greek Text Criticism and Judean Biblical Texts (30 min)

Armin Lange, Universität Wien
The Textual Standardization of the Hebrew Bible and Alexandrian Scholarship (30 min)

Pieter B. Hartog, KU Leuven
Pesher and Hypomnema: The Dead Sea Scrolls Commentaries in Their Hellenistic-Roman Context (30 min)

Digital Humanities in Biblical, Early Jewish, and Christian Studies; Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
Joint Session With: Digital Humanities in Biblical, Early Jewish, and Christian Studies, Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
9:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Room: International A (International Level) - Marriott
Theme: Papyrology and Digital Humanities
Caroline T. Schroeder, University of the Pacific, Presiding
Stephen J. Davis, Yale University
Manuscripts, Monks, and Mufattishin: Digital Access and Concerns of Cultural Heritage in the Yale Monastic Archaeology Project (30 min)

Roger T. Macfarlane, Brigham Young University
Damaged Papyri Rendered Accessible Through MultiSpectral Imaging: An Update and Prospectus (30 min)

Rodney Ast, University of Heidelberg
A Digital Corpus of Literary Papyri (30 min)

Claire Clivaz, Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
Does Any Fragment Count? Considering the Digital Culture from a Papyrological Point of View (30 min)

Laurie E. Pearce, University of California-Berkeley
Digital Tools Supporting Prosopographical Research in Texts and Manuscripts (30 min)
Book History and Biblical Literatures
4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
Room: M102 (Marquis Level) - Marriott
Theme: Paratexts
Eva Mroczek, University of California-Davis, Presiding

Liv I. Lied, Det Teologiske Menighetsfakultet
Do Paratexts Matter? Transmission, Re-Identification, and New Philology (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)

Francis Borchardt, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Hong Kong
The Prologue to Sirach and the "Book" of Sirach in a Chain of Text Traditions (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)

Eric Scherbenske, Independent Scholar
“In Other Copies”: Transmitting and Negotiating Textual Variation on the Margins (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)

Gregory Fewster, University of Toronto
From Paul's Letter Collection to the Euthalian Apparatus: An Archival Perspective on Pauline Paratexts (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)

Malcolm Choat, Macquarie University
Text and Paratext in Documentary Papyri from Roman Egypt (20 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Discussion (25 min)

Papyrology and Early Christian Backgrounds
4:00 PM to 6:45 PM
Room: International 9 (International Level) - Marriott
Theme: Biblical and Early Christian Manuscripts
Peter Arzt-Grabner, Universität Salzburg, Presiding

Lincoln H. Blumell, Brigham Young University
A New New Testament Papyrus in the J. Rendel Harris Collection (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)

Brent Nongbri, Macquarie University
A Lost Leaf of P.Bodmer XIII and the Construction of the Bodmer "Composite" or "Miscellaneous" Codex (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)

Peter Malik, University of Cambridge
A Fresh Look at P.Beatty III (P47): Towards an Integrative Study of an Early Christian Codex (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)
Break (5 min)

Charles E. Hill, Reformed Theological Seminary
Textual Division in Early Gospel Manuscripts Part II: Matthew, Mark, and Luke, with Some Further

Reflections on the Numbering System in Vaticanus (25 min)
Discussion (5 min)

Don Barker, Macquarie University
P.Oxy. 7.1007 Christian or Jewish? (25 min)

Discussion (5 min)

Friday, November 13, 2015

D. Kehoe, D. Ratzan, U. Yftach, Law and Transaction Costs in the Ancient Economy

Law and Transaction Costs in the Ancient Economy

Dennis P. Kehoe, David M. Ratzan, and Uri Yiftach, editors
A critical element of economic performance from antiquity to the present

Product Details
6 x 9. 310pp. 9 tables, 3 illustrations.
Available for sale worldwide
Hardcover 2015 Available

Add Hardcover of 'Law and Transaction Costs in the Ancient Economy' to Cart
$90.00 U.S.
- See more at: https://www.press.umich.edu/7405925/law_and_transaction_costs_in_the_ancient_economy#sthash.DFPngjg1.dpuf

Series Law and Society in the Ancient World
Web Copy
Transaction costs (TC) are the “friction” in an economic system, and their analysis is vital to understanding institutional design and economic performance. Law and Transaction Costs in the Ancient Economy is the first volume to collect specific studies from a transaction cost perspective. The volume offers models of this new way of looking at ancient evidence, and suggests ways in which traditional subject areas might inform problems in contemporary economics and legal studies.

After the editors’ methodological introduction, the contributors investigate the roles and effects of transaction costs in fourth-century Athens, Ptolemaic Egypt, the Roman Empire, and late antiquity, on the basis of legal texts, papyri, and inscriptions. Collected here are some of the leading voices on TC analysis in ancient history, as well as established scholars, including several who do not usually publish in English: Alain Bresson, Giuseppe Dari-Mattiacci, Rudolf Haensch, Dennis Kehoe, François Lerouxel, J. G. Manning, Brian Muhs, Josiah Ober, David M. Ratzan, Gerhard Thür, and Uri Yiftach.

This volume will speak to those who identify with traditional subject areas, like epigraphy or Greek law, and will also demonstrate the value of experimenting with this new way of looking at ancient evidence.

Jacket illustration: Stele of a Banker. Image courtesy of the National Museum in Belgrade.

Dennis P. Kehoe is Professor of Classical Studies and Associate Faculty Member of the School of Law, Tulane University.

David M. Ratzan is Head Librarian at New York University’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.

Uri Yiftach is Senior Lecturer in the Department of Classical Studies at Tel Aviv University.
- See more at: https://www.press.umich.edu/7405925/law_and_transaction_costs_in_the_ancient_economy#sthash.DFPngjg1.dpuf

Lecture: Anna Boozer, The Urbanization of Egypt's Western Desert Under Roman Rule

Wadi Sarga at the British Museum

Jenny Cromwell, Monks, Camels, and Wine (blog)

Monks, Camels, and Wine

Since 2009/10, I have been studying the corpus of texts written at the monastery of Apa Thomas at Wadi Sarga, a valley ca. 25 km south of modern Asyut in central Egypt. In 2013, I held a British Museum Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, in order to study and photograph the published and unpublished items from the site that bear writing on them, whether in ink or incised, and whether labels or longer documents. From the beginning of 2015, I began a Fellowship at the University of Copenhagen. The main focus of my research here is the monastery at Wadi Sarga, about its history and its day-to-day life, including its organisation, administration, economy, and relationship with near and distant communities. My work is based on the written record that survives from the site, but work on other material from the monastery is currently being studied (as part of a larger project at the British Museum) and provides vital context for the textual evidence.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Von der Pharaonenzeit bis zur Spätantike

Akten der 5. Internationalen Fayum-Konferenz, 29. Mai bis 1. Juni 2013, Leipzig

The Invisible Library Can digital technology make the Herculaneum scrolls legible after two thousand years?

The Invisible Library Can digital technology make the Herculaneum scrolls legible after two thousand years?

ZPE 196 (2015)


 Andreu, J., Un homenaje a Tiberio y un subpraefectus cohortis al Norte de la Tarraconense (Los Bañales de Uncastillo, Zaragoza) 296 

 Avdokhin, A., A Dipinto from the So-Called “Chapel of St Paul” (Caesarea Maritima): a Reading and Interpretation 155 

 Bagnall, R. S. – Tallet, G., Ostraka from Hibis in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Archaeology of the City of Hibis 175 

 Balzat, J.-S., Notes on Inscriptions from Southern Anatolia: Names and Provenances 147 

 Brandt, H., M. Latinius Marsua – kein Selbstmörder 228 

 –, Konstantin, seine Söhne und die Basilica S. Petri in Rom 272 

 Cartlidge, B., Menander, Epitrepontes 581 63 

 Champlin, E., The Richest Man in Spain 277 

 Daguet-Gagey, A., L’affranchi C. Luxsius Euphemus, appariteur de magistrats romains 245 

 Dale, A., The Green Papyrus of Sappho (P.GC inv. 105) and the Order of Poems in the Alexandrian Edition 17 

 Di Stefano Manzella, I., La locatio operis fi gulini assegnata nomine domini et conductoris a Celer in Casilinum (228 d. C.) 261 

 Eck, W. – Pangerl, A., Neue Militärdiplome für Auxiliartruppen verschiedener Provinzen 199 

 ——, Bürgerrechtskonstitutionen für die equites singulares Augusti aus dem 2. und 3. Jahrhundert 211 –, Ein Auxiliar aus dem Stamm der Raeti unter Antoninus Pius 223 

Fassa, E., Claims to Autochthony and the Divine: the Mother Goddess of Leukopetra in Roman Macedonia 116

Furley, W., Textual Notes on Menander’s Misoumenos, Taking in the Most Recently Published Fragments 44 

Guerra Millán, S. – Saquete Chamizo, J. C., Una inscripción constructiva procedente de Metellinum (provincia Lusitania) 303 

 Henry, W. B., Notes on Menander’s Colax and Sicyonius 55 

 Jordan, B., The fasti consulares Capitolini and Caesar’s magistri equitum designati 231 Kruschwitz, P., Going out on the Tiles: RIB 2491.147 

Revisited 307 Lamont, J. L., A New Commercial Curse Tablet from Classical Athens 159 

Lougovaya, J., A Homeric Collage in Columbia University’s Rare Book and Manuscript Library 13

 Luciani, F., Un nuovo tribunus vigilum e quattuorvir iure dicundo dalla Regio X 257 

 Meliadò, C., Teocrito in POxy 1618: nuove letture, nuove lezioni 65 

 Radicke, J., Salböl, Kränze, Myrrhenwein, Kratere. Nochmals zum Grabluxus in den Zwölf Tafeln (tab. 10,6 Bruns) 72 

 Römer, C., News from Smikrines and Pamphile. Two New Fragments of Epitrepontes 786–803 and 812–820 Sandbach–Furley 49 

 Roscini, E., Onori ai Flavi dall’Umbria meridionale 240 Saquete Chamizo, J. C. 

– Guerra Millán, S., Una inscripción constructiva procedente de Metellinum (provincia Lusitania) 303 

 Sonnino, M., PSI 1463.4 (= Hom. Od. 22.423): δουλο]σύνης  πέχεσθαι o altro? Una lectio ‘eccentrica’ prearistarchea in un papiro perduto 1 

 Tallet, G. – Bagnall, R. S., Ostraka from Hibis in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Archaeology of the City of Hibis 175 

 Tchekhanovets, Y., A Stone Bowl with Greek and Armenian Inscriptions: Yet Another Old Forgery? 142 

 Thévenaz, O., Sappho’s Soft Heart and Kypris’ Light Wounds: the Restoration of the Helen Poem (Sa. 16, esp. l. 13–14) and Ovid’s Sappho Epistle 31 

 Thonemann, P., The Calendar of the Roman Province of Asia 123 

 Wesenberg, B., Peplos und Parthenoi. Zu einer Gruppe panathenäischer Inschriften 103 

 Wilkinson, K. W., More Evidence for the Date of Palladas 67 

 –, Πρύτανις and Cognates in Documentary Papyri and Greek Literature 88 

 –, A Greek Ancestor of the Sortes Sanctorum 94

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Seminar in Papyrus Conservation by Papyrology Collection of the University of Michigan Library

The Seminar: The Papyrology Collection of the University of Michigan Library will host a two-week seminar in papyrus conservation from Monday, 13 June to Friday 24 June 2016 directed by Conservation Librarian/Book Conservator Marieka Kaye. 
Participants will receive an in-depth, hands-on introduction to papyrus conservation. They will learn about the tools and materials used in papyrus conservation as well as the theory and methodology behind current conservation techniques. 
They will then utilize these techniques to perform a range of treatment on papyri from the University of Michigan’s Collection, including written documentation, digital photo-documentation, mechanical cleaning, damp treatments, reduction of folds, alignment of fibers, alignment of fragments, and methods of housing and storage. 
 Due to space constraints, the number of participants is strictly limited to six. Preference will be given to scholars and students who are directly involved with papyrus conservation, whether in papyrus collections or archaeological excavations. 
 There is no course fee for the seminar which is supported by the University of Michigan Papyrology Collection; participants are responsible for their own travel, lodging and meals. All required tools will be provided for use during the seminar and participants will have the option of purchasing them at cost at the conclusion of the seminar. 
All participants are required to offer a presentation on their home institution’s papyrus conservation issues, experiences, and concerns. A certificate of participation will be provided at the end of the seminar. 
 The Instructor: Marieka Kaye has been studying papyrus conservation with senior papyrus conservator Leyla Lau-Lamb for the past two years. She comes to U of M after serving as a book and paper conservator for 8 years at the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA. 
She received a Masters degree and Certificate of Advanced Study in Art Conservation from Buffalo State College and a Masters of Library and Information Science from San Jose State University. Marieka began to work in the field of library conservation as a Preservation Assistant at Brandeis University in 1998. She went on to work as Library Preservation Assistant at the Brooklyn Museum of Art and Conservation Assistant for Exhibitions and Loans at the New-York Historical Society. She also volunteered her time in the book lab at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and completed advanced internships at the New York City Municipal Archives, Syracuse University, Etherington Conservation Services, and the University of California Los Angeles. 
 To apply please send contact information, a statement summarizing relevant conservation or papyrological experience and responsibilities (maximum 600 words), and one letter of recommendation to: Please email all applications and letters of recommendation in PDF format to: Monica Tsuneishi, Papyrology Collection Manager monicats@umich.edu +1 734 764 9369 Deadline for applications is 1 December 2015.

Ancient World Digital Library (AWDL)

Dear Colleagues, I am very pleased to announce that ISAW through its Ancient World Digital Library (AWDL) has begun publishing the monographic backlist of the ASP. The DC3 team has already kindly linked the scanned books to the Checklist of Editions online. Please also that you may download the books as PDFs. Here is a blog post from the ISAW Library with all the relevant information: http://isaw.nyu.edu/library/blog/AWDL-ASP1. If you have any questions, or suggestions for other scholarly content we should consider including in AWDL (mindful of course of US copyright law), please email me directly at david.ratzan@nyu.edu. Yours, David M. Ratzan

Article about Papyrology

Neue Zürcher Zeitung Papyrus, 
Papyri und die Funde der Papyrologie Der Stoff, auf dem die Überlieferung lebt Die materielle Grundlage für die schriftliche Überlieferung bildete lange Zeit das Papyrus. Noch immer werden Papyri-Fragmente gefunden und entziffert, die unser Wissen bereichern.