T. DERDA, Nomos Arsinoites: Administration of the Fayum under the Roman Rule

Nomos Arsinoites: Administration of the Fayum under the Roman Rule
by Tomasz Derda
Contents include: The place of Nomos Arsinoites in the Egyptian administrative system under the Roman rule; Nomos Arsinoites - its nomarchai, strategoi and basilikoi grammateis. The Arsinoite merides; The Arsinoite toparchies; Komogrammateiai as administrative units. Village officials (komogrammateis, presbyteroi acting as komogrammateis, amphodokomogrammateis, komarchai); Pagi in the Arsinoite nome: Unification of the administrative structures. 363p (Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement 7, 2006)
Source: worldcat
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