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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

E.M. Grob, A. Kaplony, Documentary Letters from the Middle East

Documentary Letters from the Middle East:
the Evidence in Greek, Coptic, South Arabian, Pehlevi, and Arabic (1st–15th c CE),
ed. by Eva Mira Grob and Andreas Kaplony,
Bern: Lang, 2008, 236 p., 33 pl.
= Asiatische Studien 62/2008, fasc. 3, p. 671-906. ISSN 0004-4717.

Eva Mira Grob, Andreas Kaplony: Introduction, 671-675
Raffaele Luiselli: Greek Letters on Papyrus First to Eighth Centuries: a Survey, 677-737
Tonio Sebastian Richter: Coptic Letters, 739-770
Peter Stein: Correspondence by Letter and Epistolary Formulae in Ancient South Arabia, 771-802
Dieter Weber: Sassanidische Briefe aus Ägypten, 803-826
Philippe Gignoux: Lettres privées et lettres d’affaires dans l’Iran du 7ème siècle, 827-842
Werner Diem: Arabic Letters in Pre-Modern Times: a Survey with Commented Selected Bibliographies, 843-883
Geoffrey Khan: Remarks on the Historical Background and Development of Early Arabic Documentary Formulae, 885-906