What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Andrea Jördens, Statthalterliche Verwaltung in der roemischen Kaiserzeit. Studien zum praefectus Aegypti

Andrea Jördens, Statthalterliche Verwaltung in der roemischen Kaiserzeit. Studien zum praefectus Aegypti (Historia Einzelschriften 175),
Stuttgart 2009: Franz Steiner Verlag.
ISBN 978-3-515-09283-8,
86 Euro.

"Keine andere Provinz des Imperium Romanum kennen wir genauer als Ägypten, nirgends blieb reicheres Material über die Verwaltungstätigkeit eines römischen Statthalters erhalten als dort. Dennoch hat man den griechischen Papyri zumeist nur geringe Aussagekraft für die Provinzverwaltung im allgemeinen zugeschrie ben. Zu unrecht, wie gerade aus der vielfältigen Dokumentation erhellt, die im Rahmen der nur hier belegten Zuständigkeit des Statthalters für das Steuer- und Finanzwesen entstanden ist. Das unerwartete Licht, das aus diesen Texten des Verwaltungsalltags auf das Handeln römischer Funktionsträger und speziell des Statthalters in der Provinz fällt, erlaubt zugleich Rückschlüsse auf die Grundprinzipien des römischen Zugriffs auf unterworfenes Gebiet."

Table of Contents

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Adam Bülow-Jacobsen, Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina IV

Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina IV

The international excavations at Mons Claudianus (1987-1993) in the Eastern Desert with the collaboration of the IFAO produced over 9000, mostly Greek, ostraca. This fourth volume in the series contains texts that are directly concerned with the technicalities and the daily administration of the quarrying. All texts are from the second century of our era. There are lists of distribution of workers to individual quarries, letters and requisitions concerning tools, texts concerning the forges and the maintenance of tools. There is a series of drafts of letters to the procurator Caesaris concerning finished works, and a number of more private letters illustrating the life in the quarries.
At the end there are three appendices: a dictionary of termini technici, many of which are new, one concerning the number of people working in the quarries, and one concerning the transportation of the stone down to the Nile.
With few exceptions all the ostraca are illustrated.
The book illustrates work in the quarries as seen through the written documents, where D.P.S. Peacock, V.A. Maxfield Mons Claudianus, Survey and excavations I. Topography and Quarries have already told the story from an archaeological point of view.

Les fouilles internationales menées au Mons Claudianus avec la collaboration de l’Ifao (1987-1993) ont livré plus de 9000 ostraca, la plupart en grec. Les textes réunis dans ce quatrième volume de la série qui leur est consacrée datent tous du IIe siècle apr. J.-C. Ils concernent essentiellement les aspects techniques et l’administration quotidienne du travail dans les carrières: listes d’affectation des ouvriers aux différents chantiers, bordereaux de distribution du matériel, textes relatifs à l’entretien des outils par les forgerons, correspondance administrative où se remarque un petit lot de brouillons de lettres dans lesquelles la communauté des ouvriers indigènes notifie au procurator Caesaris l’achèvement de commandes impériales.
Trois annexes complètent l’édition des ostraca: un lexique des termes techniques (parmi lesquels on relève de nombreux hapax), une évaluation des effectifs à l’œuvre dans les carrières et une études sur le transport des blocs jusqu’à la vallée du Nil. Sauf exception, tous les ostraca sont reproduits.
Avec Mons Claudianus, Survey and Excavations I. Topography and Quarries, David Peacock et Valerie Maxfield avaient restitué le travail dans les carrières d’après les données de l’archéologie.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

ZPE 167 (2008)


Aounallah, S. – Maurin, L., Pagus et civitas Siviritani. Une nouvelle “commune double” dans la pertica de Carthage 227–250

Bartels, J., Was tat der praefectus saltus? Städtischer Grundbesitz und seine Verwaltung in der römischen Kolonie Oescus 276–282

Benefiel, R. L., Amianth, a Ball-Game, and Making one’s Mark. CIL IV 1936 and 1936a 193–200

Broekaert, W., “Bread Baskets on the Marketplace”? A Short Note on CIL IX 2854 (ILS 5591) 204–206

Bussi, S., Il prestito trangolare al Mons Claudianus ed il ruolo del kibariãthw 153–158

Clarysse, W., The Democratisation of Atticism: Θέλω and ἐθέλω in Papyri and Inscriptions 144–148

Daniel, R. W., Palaeography and Gerontology: The Subscriptions of Hermas Son of Ptolemaios 151–152

Daris, S., Appunti per SB XX 15175 159–161

Fernández Delgado, J. A. – Pordomingo, F., PMilVogl I 20: bocetos de progymnásmata 167–192

Garulli, V., La forte stirpe di Sarapione (SGO 05/01/52,6) 17–21

Giannobile, S., Una preghiera cristiana da Reggio Calabra contro l’emicrania, il mal di testa e l’oftalmia 135–143

Hagedorn, D., Sokrates und Asklepiades, Praktoren in Karanis 149–150

Harris, E. M., Two Notes on Legal Inscriptions 81–84

Heinrichs, J. – Müller, S., Ein persisches Statussymbol auf Münzen Alexanders I. von Makedonien 283–309

Holland, L., A Bronze Five-Pound Roman Weight 225–226

Kantiréa, M., Le culte impérial à Chypre: relecture des documents épigraphiques 91–112

Krasilnikoff, J. A., Attic φελλεύς. Some Observations on Marginal Land and Rural Strategies in the Classical Period 37–49

Łajtar, A., A Greek Epitaph from Hûrbat Summaqa (Northern Golan) 88–90

Lambert, St., Aglauros, the Euenoridai and the Autochthon of Atlantis 22–26

Luppe, W., Die Athener vor der Schlacht bei Plataiai (zu Simonides fr. 11 W.2) 4. Zwei Textvorschläge zu Hypereides’ Rede prÚw T¤mandron im neu entzifferten Palimpsest-Codex 5

Marangio, C., Nuovo patronus municipalis di Brindisi 201–203

Maurin, L. – Aounallah, S., Pagus et civitas Siviritani. Une nouvelle “commune double” dans la pertica de Carthage 227–250

Mello, F., ϝάτρα τοῖς ϝαλείοις. Rhetra e le wratrai olimpiche 50–66

Menci, G., PDura 7: Demosthenes, In Aristocratem (or. XXIII) 55 6–8

Müller, S. – Heinrichs, J., Ein persisches Statussymbol auf Münzen Alexanders I. von Makedonien 283–309

Muscolino, F., Giovanni di Giovanni, le epigrafi greche di Taormina e il carteggio con
Ludovico Antonio Muratori 119–134

Nielsen, Th. H., A Note on the Bronze Bull of Aleatis from Nemea (= SEG 11 292) 73–74

Oller Guzmán, M., Quelques remarques à propos de deux nouvelles dédicaces à Thétis et Achille trouvées à Apollonia d’Illyrie 75–80

Peppard, M., A Letter Between Two Women, With a Courier About to Depart 162–166

Persolja, F., L’espansionismo selinuntino del VI secolo alle luce delle testimonianze
epigrafiche e letterarie 113–118

Pordomingo, F. – Fernández Delgado, J. A., PMilVogl I 20: bocetos de progymnásmata 167–192

Römer, C. E., Zwei Wiener Komödienpapyri: Keine szenischen Bemerkungen und keine Randscholien, aber ein neuer Vers der Alten (?) Komödie 1–3

Roy, J., Homonoia in Inschriften von Olympia 260: the Problem of Dating Concord in Elis 67–72

Schubert, Ch., Die kaiserliche Agrargesetzgebung in Nordafrika von Trajan bis Justinian 251–275

Skempis, M., Athene und ihre Lieblinge: Kall. Hek. Fr. 40 H. und Odyssee 7 9–16

Tomlin, R. S. O., Paedagogium and septizonium: Two Roman Lead Tablets from Leicester 207–218

Special Delivery: A Graeco-Roman Gold Amulet for Healthy Childbirth 219–224

Tracy, St., The Statue Bases of Praxiteles Found in Athens 27–32

Williams, A., The Law Concerning the Little Panathenaia and the Leasing of the Nea κατὰ δκληρίαν 33–36

Zuchtriegel, G., Öffentliche Latrinen in der Astynomeninschrift von Pergamon 85–87

Corrigenda zu ZPE 159 (2007) 8

J-L. FOURNET ed., Les archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodité cent ans après leur découverte

Les archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodité cent ans après leur découverte. Histoire et culture dans l'Égypte byzantine. Actes du colloque de Strasbourg (8-10 décembre 2008) édités par J.-L. FOURNET avec la collaboration de C. MAGDELAINE, 384 p., XXXII pl., Paris, de Boccard, 2008 (630 g), ISBN 978-2-7018-0250-3, 32 €
L'ouvrage peut être commandé chez l'éditeur (http://www.deboccard.com/).

Les archives de Dioscore d'Aphrodité cent ans après leur découverte. Histoire et culture dans l'Égypte byzantine. Actes du colloque de Strasbourg (8-10 décembre 2008) édités par FOURNET (J.-L.) avec la collaboration de MAGDELAINE (C.). 384 p., XXXII pl. photo., 2008, (630 g)

Les archives de Dioscore d’Aphrodité (VIe siècle après J.-C.) comptent parmi les ensembles papyrologiques les plus importants et les plus fameux jamais trouvés en Égypte. Découvertes pour une part en 1905 par Gustave Lefebvre, elles ont révélé au monde savant environ 650 papyrus couvrant les différents aspects de l’histoire et de la culture de l’Égypte protobyzantine. En même temps qu’elle livrait le premier exemplaire bien conservé de comédies de Ménandre, permettant la résurrection d’un des plus célèbres auteurs comiques athéniens, oublié par la tradition manuscrite, cette découverte mettait au jour des centaines de documents de tout genre illustrant toutes les facettes de l’histoire sociale, administrative, économique, culturelle et religieuse de cette province de l’Empire byzantin un siècle avant la conquête arabe de l’Égypte. Bien des synthèses sur l’histoire protobyzantine en général continuent à s’appuyer sur cet ensemble. Et pourtant, de nouveaux textes sont encore à éditer ; certains, déjà publiés, méritent d’être réédités ; plus généralement la matière historique et littéraire de cet ensemble est encore sous-exploitée. Ce colloque, le premier jamais organisé sur ces archives, un siècle après leur découverte, réunissait parmi les meilleurs spécialistes de l’histoire et de la littérature de l’Égypte de l’Antiquité tardive. Les contributions ici rassemblées, par la diversité de leurs questionnements et la nouveauté de leurs résultats, témoignent de l’immense richesse de cet ensemble et de son fort potentiel en matière de littérature, de philologie, de paléographie, de culture, d’histoire du droit, de la société, des institutions et du christianisme. Les contributions de ces actes sont dues à G. Agosti, R. S. Bagnall, A. Boud’hors, L. Del Corso, J.-L. Fournet, J. Gascou, J. G. Keenan, M. Mircović, F. Mitthof, F. Morelli, B. Palme, A. Papaconstantinou, G. Ruffini, G. Schwendner, J. Urbanik, E. Wipszycka et K. A. Worp


Jean-Luc FOURNET, Archive ou archives de Dioscore? Les dernières années des « archives de Dioscore »

Gianfranco AGOSTI, Il ruolo di Dioscoro nella storia della poesia tardoantica

Gregg SCHWENDNER, An Applied Linguistics Approach to Dioscorus’ Homeric Glossary & Poetic Corpus

Anne BOUD’HORS, Du copte dans les archives d’Apollôs

Arietta PAPACONSTANTINOU, Dioscore et la question du bilinguisme dans l’Egypte du VIe siècle

Lucio DEL CORSO, Le scritture di Dioscoro

Jakub URBANIK, Dioskoros and the Law (on Succession): Lex Falcidia Revisited

Klaas A. WORP, Witness Subscriptions in Documents from the Dioscorus Archive


Giovanni RUFFINI, Factions and Social Distance in Sixth-Century Aphrodito

James G. KEENAN, “Tormented Voices”: P.Cair.Masp. I 67002

Roger S. BAGNALL, Village landholding at Aphrodito in comparative perspective

Miroslava MIRKOVIĆ, Les ktêtores, les syntelestai et l’impôt

Bernhard PALME, Dioskoros und die staatlichen Autoritäten

Federico MORELLI, Zwischen Poesie und Geschichte: Die „flagornerie“ des Dioskoros und der dreifache Dux Athanasios

Fritz MITTHOF, Das Dioskoros-Archiv und die militärischen Reformen Justinians in der Thebais

Ewa WIPSZYCKA, Le monastère d’Apa Apollôs: un cas typique ou un cas exceptionnel?

Jean GASCOU, Les Pachômiens à Aphrodité


Jean-Luc FOURNET, Annexe 1. Les papyrus des archives de Dioscore à Strasbourg

Jean-Luc FOURNET, Annexe 2. Liste des papyrus édités de l’Aphrodité byzantine


Friday, March 13, 2009

Papyrus sale (more info)

As you may remember, the Board of Trustees at the United Theological Seminary (www.united.edu) is exploring the sale of its papyrus collection, most of which (8 of 9) are from the well documented Oxyrhynchus excavation. We recently sent you a summary on this collection. You can download the Offer Letter Instructions at the link below if you would like to submit an offer to purchase the collection or a portion of the collection.

Link to Offer Letter Instructions

Offers are due by March 27, 2009. Please call or email me if you have any questions or concerns.

Yours truly,

James S. Hollander
Managing Director
Corporate Development Associates, Inc.
5335 Far Hills Ave. Ste. 304
Dayton, OH 45429
937.439.4227-Office 937.439.5593-Fax
Email: jimhollander@cda-inc.net

Monday, March 02, 2009

Ruffini, Giovanni. Social networks in Byzantine Egypt. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. x, 278 p. $110.00. ISBN 9780521895378.

Social Networks in Byzantine Egypt
Giovanni Roberto Ruffini
Fairfield University, Connecticut
Hardback (ISBN-13: 9780521895378)
Also available in eBook format
For price and ordering options, inspection copy requests, and reading lists please select:
Europe, Middle East and Africa | Americas | Asia | Australia and New Zealand
Social network analysis maps relationships and transactions between people and groups. This is the first book-length application of this method to the ancient world, using the abundant documentary evidence from sixth-century Oxyrhynchos and Aphrodito in Egypt. Professor Ruffini combines a prosopographical survey of both sites with computer analyses of the topographical and social networks in their papyri. He thereby uncovers hierarchical social structures in Oxyrhynchos not present in Aphrodito, and is able for the first time to trace the formation of the famous Apion estate. He can also use quantitative techniques to locate the central players in the Aphrodito social landscape, allowing us to see past the family of Dioskoros to discover the importance of otherwise unknown figures. He argues that the apparent social differences between Oxyrhynchos and Aphrodito in fact represent different levels of geographic scale, both present within the same social model.

• The first book on ancient history to use anthropological and sociological techniques of network analysis • The first full-length study of social structures in Byzantine Egypt • Relies on documentary evidence from ancient papyri generated by small-town peasants and landholders; this produces a book that zooms in on the daily lives of ordinary people much more closely than other books of late Roman history on the market


Introduction; 1. The centralized elite of Oxyrhynchos; 2. The growth of the Apions; 3. Aphrodito and the strong ties of village society; 4. Quantifying Aphrodito’s social network; Conclusion.

Johnson, William A. and Holt N. Parker. Ancient literacies: the culture of reading in Greece and Rome. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2009

able of Contents
List of Illustrations
List of Contributors
1. Introduction

PART I Situating Literacies
2. Writing, Reading, Public and Private "Literacies": Functional Literacy and Democratic Literacy in Greece
3. Literacy or Literacies in Ancient Rome?
4. Reading, Hearing, and Looking at Ephesos
5. The Anecdote: Exploring the Boundaries between Oral and Literate Performance in the Second Sophistic
6. Situating Literacy at Rome

PART II Books and Texts
7. The Corrupted Boy and the Crowned Poet or the Material Reality and the Symbolic Status of the Literary Book at Rome
8. The Impermanent Text in Catullus and Other Roman Poets
9. Books and Reading Latin Poetry

PART III Institutions and Communities
10. Papyrological Evidence for Book Collections and Libraries in the Roman Empire
11. Bookshops in the Literary Culture of Rome
12. Literary Literacy in Roman Pompeii: the Case of Virgil's Aeneid
13. Constructing Elite Reading Communities in the High Empire

PART IV Bibliographical Essay
14. Literacy Studies in Classics: The Last Twenty Years

PART V Epilogue
15. Why Literacy Matters, Then and Now (May 30, 2006)
Index locorum
General Index

Alston R., van Nijf O.M, Feeding the Ancient Greek City

Feeding the Ancient Greek City

Groningen-Royal Holloway Studies on the Greek City after the Classical Age, 1

Editors: Alston R., van Nijf O.M.

Year: 2008
ISBN: 978-90-429-2037-8
Pages: XII-207 p.
Price: 75 EURO

Add to cart
In ancient cities, 'daily bread' was a subject of prayer. Grain-harvests could be fickle, but a regular supply was a matter of survival. Food-shortage could lead to social unrest, and long-term solutions required all kinds of political an institutional resources from the authorities. Yet feeding the city was not just a problem. It was an opportunity for the political management of the poor, for competitive display among the elite, and for making money. The essays in this volume present cities and societies which responded to these challenges in very different ways, from the agro-towns in which the citizens commuted to their fields to the market-supplied towns in which an urban proletariat worked for their bread. The articles debate the food supply through all its aspects, economic, demographic, political and institutional to give a new perspective on this debate at the heart of our understandings of ancient society.

NB .Chapter 5. Urbanisation and access to land in Roman Egypt ........ 85
Laurens E. Tacoma

Filologia, papirologia, storia dei testi. Giornate di studio in onore di Antonio Carlini (Udine, 9-10 dicembre 2005)

Filologia, papirologia, storia dei testi. Giornate di studio in onore di Antonio Carlini (Udine, 9-10 dicembre 2005)

Autore: Non Specificato
Editore: Fabrizio Serra Editore
Genere: storia del mondo antico. archeologia
Collana: Biblioteca di studi antichi
Pagine: 400
ISBN: 886227095X
ISBN-13: 9788862270953
Data pubblicazione: 2008
Prezzo: € 120,00

Quando Antonio Carlini ha lasciato l'insegnamento nell'Università di Pisa, in alcuni di coloro che gli sono stati colleghi, scolari ed amici è venuto naturale il pensiero di rendere testimonianza dei sentimenti di affetto e di amicizia che a lui li uniscono da molti anni, per alcuni da un'intera vita. Si è costituito così un Comitato Organizzatore che ha deciso di promuovere due giornate di studio in suo onore in occasione delle quali venissero trattati temi afferenti agli ambiti di ricerca che Antonio Carlini ha personalmente coltivato o che ha ispirato nel corso della sua intensa attività di maestro. La presenza di tre grandi tematiche (filologia, papirologia, storia dei testi), se da una parte rispecchia la vastità e varietà degli interessi di Antonio Carlini studioso, dall'altra, specularmente, corrisponde anche alla varietà dei campi d'indagine delle persone che nel suo magistero si riconoscono. Da qui la presenza tra i relatori, accanto a insigni studiosi italiani e stranieri, anche di almeno alcuni dei suoi più giovani allievi. I risultati del convegno sono rappresentati dai contributi raccolti in questo volume e trattano vari campi di ricerca, dalla tradizione del testo omerico nei papiri egizi a Platone e al Neoplatonismo, dalla retorica in Grecia e dalla storia degli studi di medicina nell'antichità alla storia della cultura classica a Bisanzio e nel Rinascimento.

Papyrus Collection Available

Papyrus Collection Available (Oxyrhynchus)

What's New in Papyrology wishes to inform the papyrologist community of a
unique papyrus collection that is being sold by a US seminary. Its Board of
Trustees is exploring the sale of its papyrus collection, most of which (8
of 9) are from the well documented Oxyrhynchus excavation. The most
interesting piece is a Fourth Century fragment of I Peter 5:6-12. It is
written in a hand closely resembling that of the famed Codex Sinaiticus.
Corporate Development Associates, Inc. (CDA) is assisting the board by
contacting prospective interested parties and has prepared overview of the
collection which you can be secured at
this link.

In the coming weeks, CDA plans to email Offer Letter Instructions to those
who might want to submit an offer to purchase this collection. CDA expects
the collection to sell in a $ range of low-to-mid six figures. There is a
possibility the fragments will sell separately, but they believe the
collection will be worth more together. If you or an organization you are
affiliated with would like the Offer Letter Instructions when CDA issues
them, please email Jim Hollander at CDA and request to be included on the
list - jimhollander@cda@inc.net.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

REVIEW of An International Journal of Codicology and Palaeography. Volume 1

Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.02.53

Mario Capasso, Francesco Magistrale (ed.), Scripta. An International Journal of Codicology and Palaeography. Volume 1 (2008). Pisa/Roma: Fabrizio Serra Editore, 2008. Pp. 173. ISBN 1971-9027. Subscription: Italy: €60.00 (individuals); €90.00 (institutions, with online edition); Abroad: €90.00 (individuals); €120.00 (institutions, with online edition); €140.00 (single issue).

Reviewed by Stefano Valente, University of Bologna (stefano.valente@unibo.it)
Word count: 1686 words

La nascita di una nuova rivista specializzata è un evento da salutare con favore, qualora si sia in presenza di un prodotto accurato, ricco di contributi stimolanti, vagliati e garantiti da un valido comitato scientifico. E tali requisiti si riscontrano in Scripta. An International Journal of Codicology and Palaeography.
Etc. at BMCR