Johnson, William A. and Holt N. Parker. Ancient literacies: the culture of reading in Greece and Rome. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2009

able of Contents
List of Illustrations
List of Contributors
1. Introduction
PART I Situating Literacies
2. Writing, Reading, Public and Private "Literacies": Functional Literacy and Democratic Literacy in Greece
3. Literacy or Literacies in Ancient Rome?
4. Reading, Hearing, and Looking at Ephesos
5. The Anecdote: Exploring the Boundaries between Oral and Literate Performance in the Second Sophistic
6. Situating Literacy at Rome
PART II Books and Texts
7. The Corrupted Boy and the Crowned Poet or the Material Reality and the Symbolic Status of the Literary Book at Rome
8. The Impermanent Text in Catullus and Other Roman Poets
9. Books and Reading Latin Poetry
PART III Institutions and Communities
10. Papyrological Evidence for Book Collections and Libraries in the Roman Empire
11. Bookshops in the Literary Culture of Rome
12. Literary Literacy in Roman Pompeii: the Case of Virgil's Aeneid
13. Constructing Elite Reading Communities in the High Empire
PART IV Bibliographical Essay
14. Literacy Studies in Classics: The Last Twenty Years
PART V Epilogue
15. Why Literacy Matters, Then and Now (May 30, 2006)
Index locorum
General Index
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