What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Journal of Coptic Studies 16 (2014)

ISSN : 1016-5584
E-ISSN : 1783-1512
categories : Oriental Studies, Patristics, Egyptology, Theology

Synopse des témoins coptes de Jonas
BOSSON, Nathalie ... 1-46

Pour une nouvelle histoire de la découverte et de l'état primitif du codex Bruce (1769-1794)
CRÉGHEUR, Eric ... 47-68

Left Behind
A Recent Discovery of Manuscript Fragments in the White Monastery Church
DAVIS, Stephen J., PYKE, Gillian, DAVIDSON, Elizabeth, FARAG, Mary, SCHRIEVER, Daniel, ...69-87

Sept reçus de taxe thébains du VIIIe siècle
DELATTRE, Alain, VANTHIEGHEM, Naïm, 89-102

Trois ostraca coptes de Hambourg
DELATTRE, Alain, VANTHIEGHEM, Naïm ... 103-113

The Use of the Title Apa for the Sender in an Opening Epistolary Formula
EISSA, Maher A., ... 115-124

Negative n- without an as a Late Survival in Coptic Egyptian
FUNK, Wolf-Peter,...125-138

Traditions of Selecting Coptic Patriarchs over Two Millennia
SAAD, Saad Michael, RIEGELS, Nardine Saad, WESTBROOK, Donald A., ...139-153

Circumstantial Vignettes
Reflections on Adnominal, Adverbial, Adnexal: The Coptic 'Circumstantial' Converb
SHISHA-HALEVY, Ariel, ... 155-193

Coptic Scribes and Manuscripts: Dated and Datable Codices from the Monastery of Apa Shenoute I
The Codices Inscribed by Victor, Son of Shenoute (First Half of the 12th Century)
SUCIU, Alin, ... 195-215

Note on the Dating of the British Library Sahidic Fragment of Ps.-Cyriacus of Behnesa's Lament of Mary
SUCIU, Alin, ... 217-218

Koptische Psalmentexte aus der Heidelberger Papyrussammlung
THEIS, Christoffer, ... 219-234

Patterns of Monastic Habitation on the East Bank of the Nile in Middle Egypt
Dayr al-Dik, Dayr Abū Ḥinnis, and al-Shaykh Sa'īd
VAN LOON, Gertrud J.M., DELATTRE, Alain,...235-278

Reviews...279 - 311

Short Notice...313 - 314