Silke Trzcionka, Magic and the Supernatural in Fourth-century Syria

About the Title
Magic and the Supernatural in Fourth Century Syria presents an in-depth investigation of a variety of ‘magical’ practices with a focused study in the late antique Syria and Palestine.
Offering new research using both archaeological and literary sources, and blending Classical, Jewish, and Christian traditions from both regions, Silke Trzcionka examines a myriad of magical activities such as:curses, spells and amulets
accusations related to chariot races, love and livelihood methods involved in protection, healing, possession and exorcism.
The information is provided with clarity and theoretical sophistication which enables students to develop an understanding of these beliefs and their place within the social context of the time. Altogether, a useful, enlightening and enjoyable book which students studying religion and/or social history will find invaluable.
Table of Contents
Introduction Methodology Syria and Palestine Curses for Courses: Heavy Tactics in the Hippodrome Supernatural Sabotage: Ensuring a Successful Livelihood Demanding Desire: Rituals of Love and Lust Apotropaism: Protecting Good fortune Illness and Healing: Threats and Retaliation in a Discourse of Power Possession and Expulsion: Experiencing and Dispelling the Daimonic Ambiguous and Miscellaneous Conclusions: Ambitions, Desire, Fears and Insecurities
Sike Trzcionka's page at the The Centre for Early Christian Studies, Australian Catholic University
Source: worldcat
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