T. DERDA, T. MARKIEWICZ, E. WIPSZYCKA edd., Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom El-dikka and Late Antique Education

Alexandria: Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and Late Antique Education
by Tomasz Drda, Tomasz Markiewicz and Ewa Wipszycka
forthcoming (booksellers' indications to the contrary notwithstanding)
Proceedings of the conference held in spring 2005 presenting the complex of auditoria in the very centre of late antique Alexandria in its cultural and historical context. (Journal of Juristic Papyrology Supplement 8, 2007)
ISBN-13: 978-83-918250-7-5
ISBN-10: 83-918250-7-8
Hardback. Price US $107.00
From the Newletter of the POLISH CENTRE OF
Nr. 13 August 2005:
On March 16-17, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina was the site of an international colloquium
held by the Centre on “The auditoria of Kom el-Dikka in the cultural and educational life of
the late antique city”. The event, which was attended by over twenty leading authorities on
ancient education and intellectual life, was the idea of Professor Ewa Wipszycka from
Warsaw University and Professor Roger Bagnall from Columbia University. It was made
possible thanks to financial support from Professor Bagnall and a special contribution from
Warsaw University. The Société Archéologique d’Alexandrie and its President Professor
Mustafa al-Abbadi joined in the proceedings and offered a dinner party at the Pharos
University Club.
Listed as available by a number of online booksellers (Amazon, Oxbow, Blackwell ), but not on worldcat; online cv's of contributors list it as "forthcoming" e.g.
R. Cribiore, “Spaces for Teaching in Late Antiquity.” In The Auditoria at Kom el-Dikka, Journal of Juristic Papyrology, Supplement, forthcoming;
J-F Fournet , "L'enseignement des belles-lettres dans l'Alexandrie antique tardive" dans The Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka in the cultural and educational life of the late antique city: an international colloquium (sous presse)
K. Welch, "Some Architectural Prototypes for the (6th-7th c.) Auditoria of Kom el-Dikka and two earlier Comparanda from Aphrodisias in Caria" forthcoming Institute of Archaeology Warsaw University (2007)
and C. Haas "Kom el-Dikka in Context: The Auditoria and the History of Late Antique Alexandria" Journal of Juristic Papyrology (forthcoming, 2006).
Source Oxbow books;: Photo. M. Krawczyk (2004)
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