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Monday, February 16, 2015

P.J. Parsons, Maeheler, H., Maltomini, F., The Vienna Epigrams Papyrus (G 40611) CPR XXXIII

Aims and Scope

This papyrus (3rd century BC) contains c. 200 incipits (first lines) of Greek epigrams with a numeral at the end of each line that gives the number of lines of the complete epigram; most of them had 4 lines. Of these, only one has been ascribed to a known poet (Asklepiades), but it is by no means clear that all of them were his. Their publication, greatly aided by multispectral photography, is a very welcome addition to Hellenistic poetry.
Corpus Papyrorum Raineri XXXIII

De Gruyter
vii, 153 pages
RRP € [D] 109.95
RRP for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 154.00*
Date of Publication:
March 2015