What's New in Papyrology

Recent publications of papyri & ostraca 4th BC-8th AD; conferences, lectures etc. from Papy-L and other sources as noted. PLEASE SEND SUGGESTIONS

Monday, July 28, 2008

Journal of Egyptian History (1) 2008

(all articles are available free as pdf files now)

Journal of Egyptian History

ISSN 1874-1657

Volume 1, Number 1, 2008


Journal of Egyptian History: Preface
pp. 1-2(2)
Author: Schneider, Thomas

Regarding the Eisagogeus (εισαγωευς) At Ptolemaic Law Courts
pp. 3-19(17)
Author: Allam, Schafik

Zur Reflexion Ptolemäischer Geschichte In Den ägyptischen Tempeln Aus Der Zeit Ptolemaios IX. Philometor II./Soter II. Und Ptolemaios X. Alexander I. (116-80 V. CHR.) Teil 1: Die Bau- Und Dekorationstätigkeit
pp. 21-77(57)
Authors: Caßor-Pfeiffer, Silke

Profit or Exploitation?
The Production of Private Ramesside Tombs Within the West Theban Funerary Economy
pp. 79-115(37)
Author: Cooney, Kathlyn M.

Function and Significance of the Ebers Calendar's Lone Feast-Hieroglyph (Gardiner Sign-List W3)
pp. 117-138(22)
Author: Depuydt, Leo

Some Remarks on the Foreign Policy of Psammetichus II in the Levant (595-589 B.C.)
pp. 139-157(19)
Author: Kahn, Dan'el

King Seneferka in the King-lists and His Position in the Early Dynastic Period
pp. 159-173(15)
Author: Ryholt, Kim
Method and Theory

Geschichtswissenschaft Am Beginn Des 21. Jahrhunderts: Themen, Methoden Und Tendenzen in Internationaler Perspektive
pp. 175-200(26)
Author: Raphael, Lutz

Notes for Contributors
pp. 201-205(5)

Friday, July 25, 2008

R. BAUMAN, Towards the Digital Squeeze: 3-D imaging of inscriptions and curse tablet

Towards the Digital Squeeze: 3-D imaging of inscriptions and curse tablets
Ryan Baumann (University of Kentucky)

Digital Classicist/ICS Work in Progress Seminar, Summer 2008

Friday 18th July at 16:30, in room STB9 (Stewart House), Senate House, Malet Street, London

Creating records of inscriptions often serves multiple purposes, such as aiding interpretation, preservation, or dissemination. Traditionally, squeezes, sketches, and photographs have been the methods by which these representations have been made. This talk will explore the possibilities for epigraphic study offered by non-contact 3D digitization, which enables the ability to capture, distribute, and visualize the full geometric properties of an inscription.

Audio file (mp3) of the talk

Slides (pdf file)

Codex Sinaiticus online

The Codex Sinaiticus Project
The Codex Sinaiticus Project is an international collaboration to reunite the entire manuscript in digital form and make it accessible to a global audience for the first time. Drawing on the expertise of leading scholars, conservators and curators, the Project gives everyone the opportunity to connect directly with this famous manuscript.
The Codex Sinaiticus Website

This is the first release of the Codex Sinaiticus Project website. This website will be substantially updated in November 2008 and in July 2009, by when the website will have been fully developed.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

New Greek Font: Renaissance Greek with Ligatures

Renaissance Greek with Ligatures (or, for short, RGreekL2) is a font that will allow anyone easily to write Greek in the style of the Renaissance. For example, an editor of Greek texts may use it to reproduce a ligatured word in the manuscript that could be interpreted in different ways. Since the first printers adopted this style of writing for their type, the font can also be used to represent, say, an incunabulum. Many ligatures and abbreviations remained in use up until the eighteenth century.

Does not appear to work with Macs, however.

Source: Digital Classicist discussion list and Usama Gad.

Stanford Papyri News Item

Stanford Report, July 23, 2008

New life given to ancient Egyptian texts stored at Stanford for decades


They're torn and faded and have the woven texture of a flattened Triscuit. At first glance, the ancient Egyptian texts look like scraps of garbage. And more than 2,000 years ago, that's exactly what they were—discarded documents, useless contracts and unwanted letters that were recycled into material needed to plaster over mummies, like some precursor to papier-mâché.

Now they are priceless clues to everyday life in the Ptolemaic Era, bits of history recently cleaned and sandwiched between pieces of glass so researchers at Stanford could begin translating the Greek writing and Egyptian script while studying the worn papyrus it is scribbled on. Etc at Stanford news

Thursday, July 17, 2008


VOL. 2, Caius Sallustius Crispus, a c. di RODOLFO FUNARI, Pisa-Roma 2008,
pp. 158.

publisher's blurb:

Delle opere di Sallustio si conservano, a noi noti, complessivamente sette frammenti di papiri antichi di provenienza egizia, alcuni dei quali composti di più parti. Di varia datazione e rinvenuti in luoghi diversi, essi testimoniano, nel loro insieme, lo studio e la diffusione del grande storico nell’Egitto romano, dalla prima età imperiale fino alla tarda antichità. Alcuni dei frammenti sono di dimensioni minime, in altri si leggono intere colonne o parti di fogli. Differisce anche lo stato di conservazione: alcuni sono quasi intatti, altri molto lacunosi. In genere il loro rinvenimento è avvenuto nel corso di missioni archeologiche e, considerato il numero complessivo abbastanza scarso degli esemplari superstiti di papiri letterari latini, si deve notare che quelli di Sallustio sono tra i più numerosi, a testimonianza del fatto che lo storico dovette essere, anche in Egitto, fra gli autori più letti e diffusi. Il curatore del presente volume, Rodolfo Funari, presenta il testo integrale contenuto nei papiri con la traduzione, un ricco apparato bibliografico ed un ampio commento in cui riporta sia le integrazioni congetturali sia quelle ottenute per collazione dei codici medioevali, comprese le più ovvie e probabili. Nell’intento di offrire un quadro quanto più possibile reale e preciso dello stato testuale dei papiri, dopo aver compiuto un esame autoptico di tutti i frammenti, Funari non ha ritenuto opportuno, nelle parti lacunose, stabilire una identità con manoscritti posteriori, preferendo indicare, sia con cifre sia con puntini sulla riga di scrittura, il numero delle lettere che si possono supporre cadute: scelta giustificata anche dal fatto che questi papiri si sono rivelati degni di nota come testimoni non solo autonomi, ma anche, molte volte, attendibili del testo di Sallustio.

Sommario: M. Capasso, prefazione; R. Funari, Premessa; Premessa al testo; Papiri e ricezione di Sallustio nell'Egitto romano; Abbreviazioni usate negli apparati; Sigle usate negli apparati; Avvertenza; Conspectus codicum Sallusti; Testimonia. Testimoniorum codices. POxy VI 884; PSI I 110; PRyl I 42 recto; PBerol Ms. lat. quart. 914; PAnt III 154; PVlndob L 117; PRyl III 473 + POxy 68 6B.20/L (10-13)A. Bibliografia e abbreviazioni.

Composto in carattere Dante Monotype.
Legatura in tela. Sovraccoperta in cartoncino Chagall camoscio con stampa a due colori.

ISBN 978-88-6227-081-6 (brossura)
ISBN 978-88-6227-047-2 (rilegato)
ISSN 1970-142X

Casella postale nr 1, succursale nr 8, I 56123 Pisa
Tel.: +39 050 542332; fax: +39 050 574888

Prezzo: euro 48,00

"Studi di Egittologia e di Papirologia" 4 (2007) & 5 (2008)

"Studi di Egittologia e di Papirologia" 4 (2007), Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra
Editore, 2008, pp. 119, con il seguente Sommario:
ANNA ANGELI, Aristone, Epistola sull¹alleggerirsi della superbia: le tecniche espositive della Kefalaivwsi" filodemea (Philod., Vit. X coll. X
30-XXIV 21) e le metodologie della trattatistica sui caratteri
FRANCESCA ANGIÒ, Il nuovo Posidippo (2006)
MARCO BERGAMASCO, Ancora sulla paramone di PTebt II 384
MARIO CAPASSO, TODD HICKEY, Un frammento delle Storie di Erodoto (I 59,6-60, 1; I 60, 4) in PCair JE 45623
MARCO FRESSURA, Note al Papiro greco Rylands 478 (PRyl 478)
RODOLFO FUNARI, Glosse greche di PSI I 110 e l¹antica traduzione dei Belladi Sallustio
MARIE-HÉLÈNE MARGANNE, Les titres de traités hippocratiques attestés dans lalittérature médicale papyrologique
Errata corrige "SEP" 3 (2006)

Casella postale n. 1, succursale n. 8, I 56123 Pisa
Tel. +39 050 542332 (r.a.)
Fax +39 050 574888

Abbonamenti (2007):
Italia: Euro 195,00 (privati); Euro 295,00 (enti, brossura con edizione
Online); Euro 445,00 (enti, rilegato con edizione Online)
Abroad: Euro 245,00 (Individuals); Euro 345,00 (Institutions, paperback with
Online Edition); Euro 545,00 (Institutions, hardback with Online Edition)
Fascicolo singolo: Euro 460,00 (brossura); Euro 690,00 (rilegato)

"Studi di Egittologia e di Papirologia" 5 (2008), Pisa-Roma, Fabrizio Serra
Editore, 2008, pp. 129, con il seguente Sommario:
FRANCESCO MEO, Tipologie ed uso funerario dei modelli di rotoli nel Nuovo
GABRIELLA MESSERI, ENZO PUGLIA, Ancora su PGettyMus ACC. 76.AI.57 (Lettera di accompagnamento a un libro di Epicuro)
MARIA IRIDE PASQUALI, Riflessioni su alcune colonne istoriate rinvenute in Nubia
NATASCIA PELLÉ, Rotoli e scribi in Grecia e a Roma. II.
SÉBASTIEN POLET, Généalogie et chronologie chez les nobles de Meir et de Koçeir à l¹Ancien Empire
AMARILLIS POMPEI, Considerazioni sulla composizione iconografica di alcune stele regali del periodo cushita napateo
AMARILLIS POMPEI, Sulla stele di ³incoronazione²di Pi(ankh)y (Khartum SNM 1851)
PAOLO RADICIOTTI, Una nuova proposta di datazione per il PSI 1400 con alcune osservazioni sulla maiuscola alessandrina

Casella postale n. 1, succursale n. 8, I 56123 Pisa
Tel. +39 050 542332 (r.a.)
Fax +39 050 574888

Abbonamenti (2008):
Italia: Euro 220,00 (privati); Euro 365,00 (enti, brossura con edizione
Online); Euro 730,00 (enti, rilegato con edizione Online)
Abroad: Euro 260,00 (Individuals); Euro 395,00 (Institutions, paperback with
Online Edition); Euro 790,00 (Institutions, hardback with Online Edition)
Fascicolo singolo: Euro 565,00 (brossura); Euro 1130,00 (rilegato)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

REVIEW: Itzhak F. Fikhman, Andrea Jördens, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im spätantiken Ägypten. Kleine Schriften.

Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.07.37
Itzhak F. Fikhman, Andrea Jördens, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft im spätantiken Ägypten. Kleine Schriften. Historia Einzelschriften 192. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006. Pp. xviii, 380. ISBN 3-515-08876-8. €72.00.

Reviewed by Karl Strobel, Alpen Adria Universität Klagenfurt (karl.strobel@uni-klu.ac.at)
Word count: 2493 words

This volume presents a series of important contributions by I. F. Fikhman which are focussed on the history of economy and society in late antique and early Byzantine Egypt until the middle 7th c. AD. A. Joerdens and G. Becht-Joerdens provide an introduction with a sketch of the life and the work of Fikhman under the difficult conditions of the communist Regime in the Soviet Union.1 Fikhman, who became a well-known papyrologist also in the West, left post-communist Russia in 1990 for Israel because of the omnipresent anti-Semitism. Born in a Jewish family in Kishinew in 1921, he lost most of his library when leaving Russia. A bibliography of Fikhmans's work (184 titles) is given on pp. 369-380. In this volume eight contributions are published for the first time in a western language, i.e. German, without any changes or annotations. The other articles were already published in Western languages in different collections and papyrological journals. They are often based on earlier contributions in Russian. All the articles in this book are published or reprinted without corrections or additions. It is a great pity that many of Fikhman's important contributions in Russian were not known in the West, especially his books on craftsmen and the conditions of their professions in late antique and early Byzantine Egypt and on Oxyrhynchos.2 The city of Oxyrhynchos, municipal offices, decuriones, great landownership, professional corporations and the conditions of crafts are the focus of his research based on the papyrological evidence and not on communist theory. Today, several new publications complementary to Fikhman's studies are still important for the current research.3 Fikhman's contributions are first of all devoted to the flourishing period of the early Byzantine cities and economy in the eastern Mediterranean during the 5th and early 6th c. AD. Infrastructure and far-reaching transport and exchange were still maintained, as well as the high standard of agriculture. Enormous building activities may be seen in the churches and monasteries of the 5th and 6th c. AD. Private trade and commerce on the local, regional, interregional and international level were still of great importance, the commercialization of agricultural production reached a new climax in the early 6th c. AD. The monetary system and the system of taxes were fixed conditions of everyday life and of the economy.

etc. at BMCR


Monday, July 14, 2008

Il papiro di Artemidoro : (P.Artemid.).

Publisher's blurb
This important, finely produced work comprises the critical study of the papyrus of Artemidorus (fl. 100 B.C.), the Greek geographer born in Ephesus. The papyrus was first noted approximately 15 years ago when the news spread among papyrologists of a document with Greek text and many drawings owned by a private collector. It was finally acquired by the Fondazione per l’Arte della Compagnia di San Paolo in 2004 and exhibited publicly in Turin for the first time on the occasion of the Winter Olympics in 2006. Until then this outstanding papyrus was known only to a very limited number of scholars. The present work is fruit of intense studies and analysis over several years. In the opinion of the editors, these studies still do not exhaustively illustrate the vast patrimony of information contained in the papyrus. However, in view of the continuing academic interest in their research, they believe the publication of the results to date (with adequate reproductions of the original scroll, both in normal light and infra-red, in paper and digital form) will prove a stimulus to specialists of the various disciplines mentioned to dedicate further research to the specific aspects of the scroll which most interest them, thus extending the comprehensive value of the original studies. The work, which includes an extensive bibliography (p. 13-50), bibliographical notes and references, and indices, is articulated in six chapters as follows: Il rotolo; Il testo di Artemidoro – with diplomatic transcription, literary transcription and an apparatus; the Italian translation, and commentary; La carta; I disegni del Verso; I disegni del Recto; and finally Il contributo del papiro alla storia dell’arte antica. The accompanying volume, which opens with a list of plates and correspondencies, comprises 40 folded leaves of plates and is issued in a separate box with four loose folded leaves of plates and a DVD which comprises all the relative photographic material, both daylight and infra-red.

Not quite sure what a "vast patrimony of information" means.

Title: Il papiro di Artemidoro : (P.Artemid.).
Statement of responsibility: edito da Claudio Gallazzi, Bärbel Kramer, Salvatore Settis ; con la collaborazione di Gianfranco Adornato, Albio Cesare Cassio, Agostino Soldati
Place and publisher: Milano : LED
Year of publication: 2008
Format: 630 p : ill. (some col.) ; 36 cm + 1 v. (xl fold. l. of plates) + 4 loose fold. l. of plates + 1 DVD.
Notes: Half title: Fondazione per l'arte ... - Bibl. refs. - Also cont. ancient Greek text, with Italian transl. - Bound, issued in a case. - Artemidorus (fl. 100 B.C.).
Dewey D.C.: 091
LC Classification: PA
ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-7916-380-4
ISBN-13: 9788879163804
Price: 480,00 EUR (July 2008)

Source: Worldcat

Pdf file of introduction, and a few sample pages of the text, drawings etc. etc.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

NEW unicode Font: IFAO Greek & Coptic

Click on image to enlarge:

Téléchargements / Download here.

Source: J-F Fournet

Thursday, July 03, 2008

The EES on Facebook

The Society also has a News blog

Source: Andie Byrnes, Egyptology News

New Palaeography journal: SCRIPTA

An International Journal of Codicology and Palaeography
La Rivista «Scripta. An International Journal of Codicology and Palaeography» vuole contribuire ad alimentare una concezione della paleografia ispirata all’idea malloniana di scienza ‘totale’ della cultura scritta e pertanto aspira a proporsi quale luogo di incontro e di confronto tra esperienze di ricerca scientifica di diversa provenienza e formazione. È noto che la paleografia e la codicologia hanno dimostrato negli ultimi decenni di essere al centro delle riflessioni di metodo delle scienze umane ed hanno fornito importanti contributi allo studio della tradizione dei testi letterari e documentari del mondo antico e medievale. In questo senso la Rivista vuole aprirsi all’indagine su qualsiasi tipologia testuale e su un panorama linguistico assai ampio, che raccorda la tradizione greca e latina, quella del medioevo volgare ed il mondo grafico egizio, arabo, armeno, copto, ebraico, georgiano, persiano e slavo, favorendo la riflessione su tradizioni storiche diverse, che sono fondamento del mondo contemporaneo. In un orizzonte internazionale già ricco di importanti iniziative editoriali, essa è dedicata in particolar modo alla storia delle scritture manoscritte nelle civiltà europee e mediterranee, senza alcuna limitazione di cronologia, di tipologia (libraria, documentaria, epigrafica, pubblica, privata), di supporto e di tecniche scrittorie. In questa prospettiva un ruolo fondamentale ha anche la storia del libro intesa come archeologia dei manufatti, indagine sui processi di produzione e modi di fruizione, nonché sulla circolazione dei testi. La Rivista cerca di investigare tutti gli aspetti dell’universo scrittorio, compresi il mondo delle biblioteche pubbliche e private, il mondo della scuola, la cura ed il restauro del libro, la formazione ed il ruolo sociale degli scriventi. Oltre ad ospitare saggi sulle tematiche sin qui prospettate, «Scripta» accoglie contributi finalizzati ad approfondire questioni di storia degli studi e di metodologia della ricerca paleografica e propone recensioni a pubblicazioni del settore considerate rilevanti per novità di impostazione e risultati.


The Journal «Scripta. An International Journal of Codicology and Palaeography» presents a concept of palaeography inspired by Malloni’s idea of a ‘total’ science of written culture, and thus offers a meeting-place for comparing various experiences in scientific research of various origins and schools of thought. It is well-known that palaeography and codicology have been recently shown to be a focal point for methodological considerations in the humanities, providing important contributions to the study of the tradition of literary and documentary texts in the ancient and medieval world. Therefore the Journal welcomes studies of any type of text in a wide linguistic panorama that brings together the Greek and Latin, medieval vernacular, and the Egyptian, Arab, Armenian, Coptic, Jewish, Georgian, Persian and Slavic worlds, stimulating reflection on the sundry historical traditions that form the foundation of our contemporary world. In an international perspective rich in important editorial ventures, the journal is especially devoted to the history of written manuscripts in European and Mediterranean civilization, without limitation as to chronology, type (book-related, documentary, epigraphic, public, private), support and writing techniques. From this point of view, the history of the book considered as the archaeology of an artefact plays a fundamental role, exploring the means of production and enjoyment as well as the circulation of texts. The Journal seeks to investigate every aspect of writing, including the realm of public and private libraries, schools, the care and restoration of books, and the training and social role of writers. In addition to hosting essays on the aforementioned themes, «Scripta» welcomes articles exploring topics regarding the history of studies and methods of palaeographic research, and will review publications in this sector considered relevant due to their structure and results.

Vol. 1, 2008
M. Capasso, F. Magistrale, Presentazione;

C. Sirat, Hommage à Jean Irigoin;

M. Capasso, [Sìttuba] in una statua del museo greco-romano di Alessandria;

M. Capasso, N. Pellé, Frederic George Kenyon e la paleografia dei papiri ercolanesi;

M. D’Agostino, Uno sconosciuto frammento innografico di Terra d’Otranto;

F. De Rubeis, La capitale romanica e la gotica epigrafica: una relazione difficile;

A. Džurova, La décoration des manuscrits grecs et slaves (IX-XI siècles);

P. Fioretti, Composizione, edizione e diffusione delle opere di Gregorio Magno. In margine al Codex Trecensis;

M. R. Formentin, Uno scriptorium a Palazzo Farnese?;
J. Olszowy-Schlanger, P. Stirnemann, The twelfth-century trilingual Psalter in Leiden; M. Perani, Un atto di vendita di un manoscritto ebraico dei Profeti e degli Scritti stilato a Bologna l’8 febbraio 1485 nel frammento 5 dell’Archivio Capitolare di Modena;

P. Radiciotti, Romania e Germania a confronto: un codice di Leidrat e le origini medievali della minuscola carolina;

C. Sirat, F. Déroche, U. Ehrlich, A. Yardeni, Vingt manuscrits (hebreux, grec, latin-grec, grec-arabe, arabes) pour un seul palimpseste;

G. Shurgaia, La scrittura georgiana. Storia e nuove prospettive.

Students' views

A student blog from the ASP papyrolgy summer workshop now in progress at Stanford.

A reader's view of R.S. Bagnall's Reading Papyri, Writing Ancient History by a UCLA grad student.